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HomeMust ReadAre Golden Retrievers Easy To Potty Train

Are Golden Retrievers Easy To Potty Train

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And What Should I Do If My Golden Retriever Has An Accident And Goes Potty Inside The House

What should be done if your Golden Retriever has an accident and goes potty inside the house is nothing other than a clear reminder of where they are to go potty.  A simple we go out to use the bathroom, or something else, without treats and extra physical attention, can send the puppy a signal that this is NOT the place to go potty.

Without the positive reward of a treat and some words of praise, the puppy will associate the negative behavior with the negative response.  With time they will understand and know that they don’t want that response.  They like the treats and kind, loving words of praise, so they will do what brings that reward.

What Should I Do During The Night When I Am Training My Golden Retriever Puppy To Go Potty

What you should do at night when you are potty training your Golden Retriever puppy to put them in a crate or section off an area using a play yard or something else.

Do expect that you will be waking up periodically throughout the night to take them out to the bathroom and expect accidents. Nighttime potty training is the last step they succeed at, just like with human babies.  Going to the bathroom every half hour or hour will not work for a pet parent or puppy unless no one wants to sleep.

Don’t be surprised or upset by accidents because there will be many, most at night, some during the day.  It is all a part of the normal process of potty training a Golden Retriever puppy.

What Are The Biggest Worries And Concerns When Training A Golden Retriever

What Should I Do During The Night When I Am Training My Golden Retriever Puppy To Go Potty

What you should do at night when you are potty training your Golden Retriever puppy to put them in a crate or section off an area using a play yard or something else.

Do expect that you will be waking up periodically throughout the night to take them out to the bathroom and expect accidents. Nighttime potty training is the last step they succeed at, just like with human babies.  Going to the bathroom every half hour or hour will not work for a pet parent or puppy unless no one wants to sleep.

Don’t be surprised or upset by accidents because there will be many, most at night, some during the day.  It is all a part of the normal process of potty training a Golden Retriever puppy.

What Are The Biggest Worries And Concerns When Training A Golden Retriever

1. Golden Retrievers Can Be MischievousGolden retriever pups have a real mischievous side, so it is important to stay on top of their behavior. Golden retrievers are so intelligent but can become easily bored; especially if there is not enough mental stimulation. Typically a Golden Retriever needs up to two hours of exercise every day, and which includes mental exercises.

2. Golden Retrievers Have A Short Attention SpanRather than long training sessions once a week, your Golden Retriever will respond much better to daily short training sessions; 10 minutes at a time. It is important to provide a variety of activities to burn off that Golden Retriever energy.

3. Golden Retrievers Are Social DogsAlong with the one-to-one training, your Golden Retriever must also be socialized well, with people and animals outside of the immediate family. A puppy kindergarten class is an amazing way to start socialization while making training fun.

Learn To Recognize What Your Golden Retriever Puppy Is Trying To Tell You

Accidents can be prevented and stopped once you, as an owner, have clear idea what your puppy is trying to tell you through its behavior.

As time goes by and you get accustomed to each other you will start noticing sings your puppy needs to go.

Here are few common ones:

  • Circling
  • Sniffing the ground more than normal
  • Barking, or biting, asking for attention more than normal
  • Sitting at the front door

It is also important that you know times when your puppy typicaly needs to go out:

  • First thing in the morning
  • After eating
  • As soon as puppy comes out of the crate
  • After drinking

What Are The Essential Equipment Needed To Train A Golden Retriever Puppy

Are Golden Retrievers Easy to Potty Train?

According to the different methods of potty training, the equipment used may also vary. But, the most common ones used for potty training the puppies are:

  • Leash and Collar
  • Poop Bags
  • Cleaning products

We have come a long way discussing the training period, equipment, and the best age to start the training. So, let us move further and know how to train a Golden Retriever puppy in detail.

Related Sources How Long Does It Take To Potty Train A Golden Retriever

In general, to properly train your puppy you will need: Leash and Collar Crate Puppy Gates or Pet Barriers Puppy Training Pads or News Papers Poop Bags Pooper Scooper Treats Cleaning Products There are four methods that are commonly used to potty train a puppy, and many pet owners use a combination of these potty training methods. 

Pros This is the easiest potty training method for puppies Your puppy will have a place to potty at all times and accidents will be few If you live in a cold area or on an upper level, your dog has the option of going to the bathroom inside Cons If you want your puppy to learn to go outside, paper training will take the longest time of the methods mentioned You will have messes and papers to clean up Any papers that you leave on the floor are a potential bathroom for your puppy Leash Training Explained Leash training is a puppy training method that is very similar to constant supervision. 

Potty-training frustrations have formed more than a few wedges between new pet parents and their fur babies. 

Related Sources How Long Does It Take To Potty Train A Golden Retriever

In general, to properly train your puppy you will need: Leash and Collar Crate Puppy Gates or Pet Barriers Puppy Training Pads or News Papers Poop Bags Pooper Scooper Treats Cleaning Products There are four methods that are commonly used to potty train a puppy, and many pet owners use a combination of these potty training methods. 

Pros This is the easiest potty training method for puppies Your puppy will have a place to potty at all times and accidents will be few If you live in a cold area or on an upper level, your dog has the option of going to the bathroom inside Cons If you want your puppy to learn to go outside, paper training will take the longest time of the methods mentioned You will have messes and papers to clean up Any papers that you leave on the floor are a potential bathroom for your puppy Leash Training Explained Leash training is a puppy training method that is very similar to constant supervision. 

Outdoor potty training eliminates the risk of future accidents and prevents your living space from being tarnished with poop everywhere. 

Potty-training frustrations have formed more than a few wedges between new pet parents and their fur babies. 

How long does it take to potty train a Golden Retriever?

How to crate train your puppy A big crate can seem like a good idea for a dog that can grow to weigh 75 pounds, but if your puppy is given too much room, they may feel that they can eliminate in their crate and still have their own space. 

The Importance Of Using Positive Reinforcement When Training Your Dog

Your dog does not understand at first that relieving itself indoors is unacceptable. Rubbing your dog’s face in its urine or feces is not going to potty train the dog. This only makes the dog afraid of you.

Dogs don’t understand cause and effect the way we do. When you are cruel to your dog, you only teach him or her that you are not to be trusted.

This also applies to yell at your dog.

When potty training your dog, positive reinforcement is going to be your best friend, in this case, positive reinforcement would be praising your dog and giving them a treat when they go to the bathroom outside.

Negative reinforcement would be yelling at your dog or rubbing their face in their urine or feces if they have an accident.

If you were at work and your boss decided that the report you turned in was not good enough, would you prefer that they yell at you or give you feedback on how to fix the report? Wouldn’t you feel much better if they thanked you for your hard work when it was corrected?

The ultimate goal of potty training is to prevent accidents indoors and reward your dog with positive reinforcement when they go to the bathroom outdoors.

What Is The Best Age To Begin The Potty Training For Golden Retriever

You can begin the potty training of your Golden Retriever soon after birth. But, since the puppies have very little bladder control up until 8 -1O months, training them rigorously during this period is more effective.

If you are entirely new to this, you can either seek help from the Vet or use Puppy training pads.

The Importance Of Using Positive Reinforcement When Training Your Dog

Your dog does not understand at first that relieving itself indoors is unacceptable. Rubbing your dog’s face in its urine or feces is not going to potty train the dog. This only makes the dog afraid of you.

Dogs don’t understand cause and effect the way we do. When you are cruel to your dog, you only teach him or her that you are not to be trusted.

This also applies to yell at your dog.

When potty training your dog, positive reinforcement is going to be your best friend, in this case, positive reinforcement would be praising your dog and giving them a treat when they go to the bathroom outside.

Negative reinforcement would be yelling at your dog or rubbing their face in their urine or feces if they have an accident.

If you were at work and your boss decided that the report you turned in was not good enough, would you prefer that they yell at you or give you feedback on how to fix the report? Wouldn’t you feel much better if they thanked you for your hard work when it was corrected?

How To Transition Potty Training From Recherche Kennels To Your Home




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How Often Should I Take My Golden Retriever Puppy Outside To Go Potty

Plan to take your Golden Retriever out to go potty every 30 minutes. This timing will vary depending on your unique puppy, their age, health, and who they are as a dog, so look for non-verbal clues from your dogs behavior.

This process is one of learning about your puppy and who they are physically, mentally, and emotionally takes time.

A good place to start, is taking them outside every thirty minutes and seeing what happens after.  If they have no accidents, decreasing it to every forty-five minutes.  If they do have an accident, increasing it to a potty break every fifteen minutes can work.

Eventually, the right spot will be found where the pet parent gets the puppy out before they need to go, but not so soon that they don’t have to go.

This, however, can change as they grow or when certain situations arise, like when they get scared or excited.  Every puppy and pet parent pair are as unique as is their lifestyle.

If success isn’t achieved right away, the process continues for as long as necessary until the Golden Retriever puppy gets it right.  Time patience and understanding are required for this process to be successful.

One important thing to remember is they should always have adequate food and water.  Some pet parents may be under the impression that limiting food or water at certain times will help them learn potty training.  Unfortunately, this method can be dangerous for the Golden Retriever puppy and their health and should never be used.

Step 3: Condition Your Dog To Stay In The Crate For Longer Hours

Once your pup is used to eating his food in the crate, gradually increase the amount of time he stays inside. You can do so by giving your pup a treat once he is inside the crate. Give him positive reinforcement and then shut the door.


Stay by your dog for approximately 10 minutes, and then you can go to some other room. Come back to your dog after five minutes or so; wait some more time before letting him out. Continue doing so every day, and with each recurrence, increase the duration that your pet stays inside the crate.


Start Teaching Your Puppy Basic Dog Commands: Sit Stay Down Come

a) How To Teach Your Puppy To SITTraining your puppy how to sit is a very important basic dog command to learn. Using a lure method , your dog will learn the desired dog command.To teach your dog to sit, stand in front of your dog and hold a tasty treat by your dog’s nose. Keeping the treat close to your dog’s nose, slowly lift your hand from your dog’s nose towards his/her forehead. As your dog raises his/her head to follow the treat, his/her bottom will go on the floor. As soon as your dog sits, praise and give him/her the treat. When your dog will sit easily for the lure, it is time to add the verbal cue of the “sit” command.

b) How To Teach Your Puppy To StayUsing the verbal cue and hand signal for the stay command, the goal is for your puppy to remain sitting.Ask your puppy to sit. Place your hand out, with your palm facing forward and in front of the dog’s face while saying ‘stay. Keep your hand out and keep saying ‘stay’ while taking one or several steps back. After 3-5 seconds, go back to your puppy and then reward him/her for staying sitted. Once your puppy mastered the stay command, increase the number of steps and seconds. As soon as your puppy lie down, praise and give him/her the treat. When your puppy will lie down easily for the lure, it is time to add the verbal cue of the “down” command.

Repetition is key to mastering any dog command. Be consistent, patient, practice, and praise your dog for good behavior.

What Should I Do If My Golden Retriever Puppy Goes Potty Outside

How to potty train your Golden retriever and the most ...

If your Golden Retriever puppy goes potty outside, it is a good idea to offer praise in the form of words and affection as well as some treats at that moment since they may forget what they did right.  These are all positive reinforcement for the correct behavior.

With time the Golden Retriever puppy will associate the reward with the behavior.  This can increase the likelihood that they will succeed because they want the reward for their efforts.  The important thing to remember is to reward and praise immediately so they understand what they did right.

Start Teaching Your Puppy Basic Dog Commands: Sit Stay Down Come

a) How To Teach Your Puppy To SITTraining your puppy how to sit is a very important basic dog command to learn. Using a lure method , your dog will learn the desired dog command.To teach your dog to sit, stand in front of your dog and hold a tasty treat by your dog’s nose. Keeping the treat close to your dog’s nose, slowly lift your hand from your dog’s nose towards his/her forehead. As your dog raises his/her head to follow the treat, his/her bottom will go on the floor. As soon as your dog sits, praise and give him/her the treat. When your dog will sit easily for the lure, it is time to add the verbal cue of the “sit” command.

Repetition is key to mastering any dog command. Be consistent, patient, practice, and praise your dog for good behavior.

What Is The First Thing You Should Train Your Golden Retriever



This can depend on factors such as:

How Long Does It Take To Potty Train A Labrador Retriever Puppy

Just like Golden Retrievers we have a lot of experience with Labrador Retrievers. Over the years we’ve raised several Labs to be service dogs.

Unfortunately, we did not keep exact potty training records with our early pups, but we do know how long it took to potty train our most recent puppy, Elsa.

Also, we have 2 friends who recently got Lab puppies and we’ll be reporting when their pups are potty trained.

Moving forward we’ll keep records here for future Lab pups and approximately what age they were potty trained.

Puppy Name

*One note about our Lab and Golden puppy potty training tables. Deciding when a puppy is potty trained is somewhat subjective. Is your puppy potty trained when she is 80%, 90%, or 100%? That brings us to our next question…

What Is The First Thing You Should Train Your Golden Retriever

1. To acclimate your Golden Retriever puppy at home, potty training is vital.2. Crate Training is helpful with your at-home training. Your Golden Retriever puppy must seek the crate as a safe comfortable place.3. Teaching your puppy basic dog commands: Sit, Stay, Down, Come are essential in helping your dog to adapt his/her behavior to any social situation and make your dog live happily.


To acclimate your Golden Retriever puppy at home, potty training is vital.

a) Learn The Puppy Potty SignsBe prepared to let your puppy out when you notice:– a sudden change of behavior– scratching or pawing or barking at the door– sniffing around

b) Create A Regular Routine To Take Your Puppy OutTake your young puppy out often to avoid accidents at home.

c) Establish A Potty SpotUse a verbal potty command such as “go potty” which means “let’s go to your potty area.

d) Praise Your Puppy: Praising your Golden Retriever puppy will encourage more good behaviors and help strengthen your bond.


How Long Does It Take To Potty Train A Golden Retriever Puppy

So if you do all of the steps above, how long should it take for your puppy to be potty trained?

All puppies are different, but it can take two weeks to a few months for your golden retriever puppy to be potty trained.

This can depend on factors such as:

  • how many accidents they have in the house
  • whether or not they’re rewarded for going outside
  • if you took them to the same spot every time
  • how well you clean up accidents in the house.

Of course, if you never give your puppy an opportunity to go in the house and you reward them when they go where they’re supposed to go, potty training will be much faster for you.

Are Golden Retrievers Easy To Train 7 Must Have Training Tips


Thinking about adding a puppy to the family, are you looking for the perfect dog that is also easy to train? So are golden retrievers easy to train?

The Answer is Yes. Golden Retrievers are easy to train. They are gentle, smart, and have a wonderful temperament. They are also eager to please and will likely enjoy a training session. Golden Retrievers are highly trainable dogs that are often trained as assistance and search and rescue dogs.

Lets learn a little more about training a golden retriever.

Praise Your Puppy And Give Them Treats After Job Well Done

It is of utmost importance that you praise your puppy every time it goes outside and potty.

It is also preferable that you award it with treats as it will soon start to associate that kind of behavior with reward.

Common mistake people do in this situation and you need to be aware of:

You might be too excited your puppy started to potty outside and you start praising it too soon. Remember, do not praise your puppy until it has finished.

You will startle it and draw its attention which will result in another accident when you come back inside your house.

Instead, calmly praise your puppy as it is going, and when it’s done throw in a proper praise party and let your puppy know it did fantastic job.

How To Potty Train A Golden Retriever Ultimate Guide 2021

Want to know how to fast potty train your golden retriever? Pet owners who have carpet will know that it is frustrating to have to clean up their dog’s urine multiple times per day.

If your puppy is constantly peeing in their home, it can make it seem like they will never learn how to get outside.

This guide will help you teach your golden retriever how to potty train them in just a few weeks. You can have accidents with your puppy inside. It doesn’t mean you’re a bad dog parent.

Imagine this…

You are traveling to another country and don’t know any local languages. You need to use the toilet , but don’t know how you can communicate with the locals. It’s also awkward because you don’t even know the people.You wouldn’t be able to recognize a toilet if you didn’t see it back home because they aren’t the same.

What are your plans?

You will eventually need to choose a spot and just go!

This is what it’s like to have a new puppy in the home.

The 25 Dog Breeds That Are Hardest To Potty Train Newsweek

Mar 30, 2021 — Potty training will never be the easiest process to go through—even dogs “It typically takes 4-6 months for a puppy to be fully house trained, but some small bladders that can’t hold it for long, it makes training even harder.…

Oct 1, 2020 — Training your new pup to do their business at the right time and the right to be fully house trained; however, some golden retrievers may take up to If your pet is hesitant to approach his food at this far corner, keep the meal …

How Long Does It Take To Potty Train A Puppy Puppy In Training Source: Your golden retriever puppy is the cutest, sweetest little girl.?until …

How To Potty Train A Golden Retriever Ultimate Guide 2021

Want to know how to fast potty train your golden retriever? Pet owners who have carpet will know that it is frustrating to have to clean up their dog’s urine multiple times per day.

If your puppy is constantly peeing in their home, it can make it seem like they will never learn how to get outside.

This guide will help you teach your golden retriever how to potty train them in just a few weeks. You can have accidents with your puppy inside. It doesn’t mean you’re a bad dog parent.

Imagine this…

What are your plans?

You will eventually need to choose a spot and just go!

This is what it’s like to have a new puppy in the home.

Praise Your Puppy And Give Them Treats After Job Well Done

It is of utmost importance that you praise your puppy every time it goes outside and potty.

How Long Does It Take To Potty Train A Puppy Using A Crate

How to Potty train a Golden Retriever puppy? Effective yet ...

QUESTION: How long does it take to potty train a puppy using a crate?

ANSWER: 4-8 weeks.

Since we crate train all of our puppies our answer to this question is the same as our original answer.

Of course our answer is not without a little insight.

I suspect new puppy owners who use a their crate properly to potty train their puppies are accident free sooner then those who do not use a crate.


The key to potty training is to prevent your puppy from having accidents in the house. The crate is a great tool to help prevent accidents in the house.

A properly crate trained puppy will not pee or poop in the crate. Therefore when you go to bed at night you should not have to worry about accidents in the house.

During the day when you need a puppy break you can crate your pup and not worry about accidents during your puppy break.

Check out our blog post about how to crate train a puppy for more information on crate training.

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