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HomeWhelping Box For Golden Retriever

Whelping Box For Golden Retriever

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Ezwhelps Fab System Whelping Box

Golden Retriever pups – 17 days old

EZwhelps Fab System Whelping Box is a premium box designed with the professional in mind. The system is fully expandable with multiple accessory options. A machine-washable fabric lining wraps over a steel mesh wireframe housing. The box is plenty spacious and sturdy enough for large breeds.

This purchase is for the main whelping box only. It includes the steel frame with wire mesh, the nylon liner, one pad, and a corrugated plastic packing sheet that can be used as a sub-floor. Wall height = 21.4 inches. Rails, accessories, and add-on rooms are sold separately.

Following The Litter’s Delivery

Once all of the puppies are born, clean up the whelping box and add fresh towels to it. You want to keep the room warm, to prevent chilled puppies. Puppies cannot regulate their temperatures at this age, and rely on warmth from each other and their mother as well as the ambient temperature. I try to keep the room temperature between 82 and 85 degrees with a space heater. Some people use heat lamps over one area of the whelping box, so that puppies can warm under the lamp as they require.

How Soon Should A Puppy Be Born After It Starts Emerging From The Birth Canal

“In a normal delivery, a few contractions will produce the puppy.”

In a normal delivery, a few contractions will produce the puppy. Ten to fifteen minutes is reasonable. Following delivery, the mother will lick and chew at the puppy and often appears to be treating it quite roughly. This is normal behavior and stimulates the puppy to start breathing. During the chewing and licking, she tears open the birth sac and exposes the mouth and nose so that the puppy can breathe. You will realize all is well if the puppy starts to whimper or cry within a minute or so after birth.

Sometimes the placenta or afterbirth is delivered immediately after the puppy and is attached by the umbilical cord. The mother normally chews on the umbilical cord and breaks it about an inch from the puppy, consuming the placenta at the same time. In some dogs, the mother seems to become over enthusiastic and may lick and chew at the puppy until she injures it. Therefore, it is advisable to observe the dog as she cares for her newborn puppies, particularly if it is her first litter.

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How To Make A Whelping Box Out Of A Plastic Swimming Pool

The plastic swimming pool is a favorite for those with limited funds, and it’s my personal option. They are easy to clean and have raised areasoften shaped like little fishthat help the puppies get a grip as they motor around the whelping pool. Plastic swimming pools four feet in diameter can be found at Lowes or Walmart in the summer for less than five dollars.

The problem I have with the swimming pool is puppies climbing up on the mother’s side and then escaping over the edge of the pool by accident. I therefore need an exercise pen to keep them from ending up somewhere where I can’t reach them.

Best Ideas Whelping Box For Golden Retriever

Whelping Boxes For Golden Retriever Puppies

Plain white whelping box

This elegant-looking white whelping because is worth drawing an inspiration. Its a standard box design with four corners plus pig rails for controlled space for your female golden retriever and also for the puppys protection. The measurement is somewhat ideal for 1 or 2 golden puppies including the female mother.

But it can be expanded if you want more space and convenience. Theres also a pad to protect the floor from being scratched and damaged. This is entirely made up of wood which is sturdy and durable. The only downside is its not movable.

The place is in a perfect location. No dark areas and its not hard to reach. Its easy to access for you and also for the dog. You can just tweak a little bit of design and the structure that matches your own preference.

Simple nesting box

Another white finished made from a wood material nesting box. The location is perfect because its in the corner with no darkness. That said, this is great to keep the temperature warm, add a little lamp for more warmth.

Theres no ostentatious and complex design with this whelping box, but this will do very well and for pragmatic purposes. The measurement of this is approximately 13 to 19 inches. The door has a latch feature for an easy yet secure locking system. The mini door design is brilliant which makes an easy entry point for the dog.

Plywood nesting box

Varnished finished nesting box

Fortress style whelping box

Fence looking whelping box

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Take Them To The Vet When Needed

During the pregnancy, youll be taking your dog to the vet at least once before the birth. At this appointment, the vet will be able to check for any infections or diseases, or any physical abnormalities with the puppies.

  • Your vet will be able to perform x-rays to find out how many puppies the mother is carrying.
  • If the mother has any signs of illness or experiences vaginal bleeding before the birth, make sure to bring her to the vet asap.
  • Talk to your vet about getting your dog spayed after giving birth if the pregnancy was accidental.
  • Ask your vet about what to do in case of emergencies. Sometimes complications can happen with the pregnancy or birth, and its always good to know what to do in case something unexpected happens.

Its easy to overlook symptoms of illness in a dog since they usually get better within a day, but its especially important to be vigilant during their pregnancy. Any sort of infection, injury, or disease can be life-threatening to the puppies and the mother.

What’s The Point Of A Whelping Box

A whelping box or whelping bed is a secure zone for your dog to give birth. It is a safe and ideal place for your pregnant dog to give birth. From reusable plastic whelping boxes to cardboard options, there are lots to choose from. You will also need to keep the box warm, so it’s advised to choose bedding materials that are soft, warm, have good traction, and are easily cleaned and disinfected. Avoid hay, straw or shavings that can cause eye and skin irritations.

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Puppy Stuck In The Birth Canal

Sometimes a puppy gets stuck the mother may be straining hard with her contractions, but no puppy presents or the puppy might be hanging part way out of the vulva, but is large and stuck. The first recourse is to get the mother up and walking around. This allows an internally stuck puppy to readjust and represent itself. I have seen a puppy that was stuck halfway out get pulled back into the birth canal, and then delivery normally 2 minutes later.

For a puppy stuck halfway out, you can try to assist by gently pulling the puppy in a downward arc from the vulva. KY jelly can also be used to help break any suction that is holding the puppy in place. Be sure your hands are sterile first smear a liberal amount of KY jelly around the pup, and gentle slide some in between the wall of the birth canal and the puppy. Do not break the amniotic sac before the puppy is delivered.

Ensure That Each Puppy Nurses

Golden Retriever Puppy Birth (whelping) (The Holiday Litter 12/14/2021)

Once mom is satisfied that her puppy is clean, you want to be sure it nurses shortly after arrival. The colostrum in the mother’s first milk will provide many of the antibodies your puppy will need to stay healthy in its new environment.

Place the puppy near a teat, holding its head gently between your thumb and index finger. Then gently but firmly press the puppy’s mouth against the teat, supporting the head with your hand. Some puppies take to it immediately, other struggle to get away. I am somewhat aggressive, and if they don’t take to it, I will try to express some milk to encourage them to have their first meal. Nursing will stimulate contractions for the next puppy’s delivery.

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Is It Possible To Keep The Puppies Too Warm

The puppies have been living in a temperature of 101.5°F which is pretty warm by human standards. Immediately after birth, puppies are unable to control their own body temperature and are dependent upon external warmth.

“Newborn puppies lack the strength to move away from a heat source and can easily become overheated.”

Newborn puppies lack the strength to move away from a heat source and can easily become overheated. If you are using heat lamps, be sure to monitor the temperature with a thermometer. Keep the ambient temperature in the whelping box at around 85-90ºF during the first few days. For more details, see handout “Breeding for Dog Owners – Caring for Newborn Puppies”.

Whats A Whelping Box And Why Should You Use It

First of all, a whelping box or also known as a nesting box is a place where you can place your dog who is in labor which eventually a place where she will deliver her puppies and raise them for about six weeks or so. Its actually the puppys first place where there is comfort and safety together with her mother.

However, its sometimes tricky to let your female dog get accustomed to a whelping box. Sometimes they will find some other place where they think its a much better place than your whelping box.

With regards to its design and structure, every nesting box should have four sides and have a bottom. Normally the measurements of the sides are approximately 12 to 18 inches tall, with an opening or an entrance at the front serving as the female dogs point of entry.

The standard whelping box normally has a pig rail or an inner rail around the structure that is about 4 to 6 inches above the bottom box. The importance of this is to prevent any accidents like pinning a newborn puppy or accidentally roll over her puppies.

Secondly, you should use a whelping box or a nesting box for your female golden retriever because its ideal protection for the mother dog and also for her puppies.

Its more secure and hassle-free so the mother wouldnt constantly catch her missing puppies while on the run. At least in an enclosed space, theres a boundary where the puppies wouldnt roam around freely but with only with restricted boundary.

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Problems To Watch For

Usually whelping puppies goes off without a hitch.

There are some times though, that problems can arise and you need to be prepared for them.

Golden Retrievers are notorious for taking forever to finish delivering their puppies! Dog whelping may take anywhere from 2 to 20 hours to complete.

One of my Goldens took 14 hours to deliver 9 puppies! And of course, she started labor in the evening, which meant, I was begging for mercy and sleep by the time she was finished!

©Photo Courtesy of “ZD”

Judging whether or not your Golden Retriever needs to be seen by a vet, is not based on how long it takes your dog for whelping, but what type of labor she is in.

Dogs giving birth often take an hour or two break in between whelping puppies. This is normal as long as your female is comfortable and not in obvious hard labor.

If she is having active and hard contractions for more than 30 minutes, you need to call your vet and see if he wants you to come in.

The guideline is generally if she is pushing for close to an hour, but if one of mine actively pushes for 35 minutes, I give the vet a call to see how long he wants me to wait.

©Photo Courtesy of Denise Oechsler

Also, if she takes more than a 4 hour break in between delivering puppies, you should consult your vet.

Prolonged hard labor or an over extended break, can indicate a problem, such as a stuck puppy or uterine inertia.

If your Golden is obviously in a great deal of pain, or seems weak and nervous, again your vet should be called.

Is It Important That I Count The Afterbirths

Diy Whelping Box For Golden Retriever

It may be difficult to obtain an accurate count of the number of afterbirths since most dogs will eat them quickly. If the afterbirth is not passed, it usually disintegrates and passes out of the uterus within twenty-four to forty-eight hours. This usually happens when the dog defecates.

If the mother develops a bloody or smelly vaginal discharge twenty-four to forty-eight hours after delivery, veterinary help should be sought.

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Pet Nap Plastic Reusable Dog Puppy Whelping Box

The Whelping Box is made from one piece of flexible molded plastic strong and robust. The boxes are designed to be used over and over again and are very easy to clean and disinfect between litters.

The product includes 3 puppy rails, made from 21mm wooden dowel, coated in an outer plastic coating. The rails are designed to reduce the risk of the pups being rolled on by the mum as they offer a safe haven for the pups to wriggle to.

Four Steps To Building A Whelping Box

Step 1Measure and cut all the lengths that you need. On one of the sides, cut out an entrance/exit the size of this will depend on the breed of the Mother .

Step 2If using plastic, use the 90° L-Shape trim to glue the sides together. Glue along the inside of the trim and attach one side to each length of the trim .

Step 3Attach the base again using the trim if using plastic you could glue the trim on the inside or the outside of the box to suit you. Nail the sides to base if using wood.

Step 4Attach the rail if using plastic, glue one side of the plastic trim to the side of the whelping box around 4 inches from the base. If using wood, glue the wooden railing to the sides of the box around 4 inches from the base. Dont worry about attaching the rail to the side where you have the entrance/exit.

You can also watch this video guide.

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How Are Puppies Normally Born Do They Usually Come Out Backwards

Puppies are usually born headfirst with the forelegs extended, called an anterior presentation. Posterior presentation, in which the puppy is born with tail and hindlegs emerging first, is also normal for dogs. This is not a breech presentation. A breech presentation is one in which the hindlegs are extended forward and the tail and bottom are presented first. This is abnormal and may require a Caesarean section or veterinary assistance to deliver the puppy. Some breech presentations can result in a normal delivery. If a puppy’s tail is seen hanging from the vulva or there is a lump just behind the vulvar lips and your pet is straining, contact your veterinarian immediately.

The Mother’s Water Breaks

Golden retriever giving birth. Dog whelping. Newborn puppies

When the water breaks depending on the size of your dog, you can expect about 1/2-1 cup of pale tea colored liquid in the whelping box. . Check the time when you see her water break or first contractions begin. If she has not delivered after 1.5-2 hours, you will want to begin making arrangements to see your vet.

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What Happens If The Puppy Is Visible But My Dog Can’t Deliver It

Speed is of the essence in such situations, especially if it is a posterior or breech presentation. If the puppy is coming headfirst make sure that the fetal membranes covering the visible part of the mouth and face are removed so that it can breathe. If the puppy is coming backwards, speed is important otherwise the puppy will suffocate.

Whats Important To Have In A Whelping Box

A box needs to have sides. It is important to keep the puppies as close to their mother and not crawling blindly away. The number of sides is not important but generally most boxes are four sides. The box will need to be cleaned quite often to prevent parasites. My preference is to have a box made of PVC or FDA approved plastics that is easily cleanable. I also feel it needs to be raised so that the puppies are not experiencing cool air from underneath such as what will happen when the pen is placed on tile. Puppies need to be kept warm. I personally like to have mine be able to broken down. I dont have them up when I dont have a litter. Something easily stored is a must for me.

The box should also have bumpers. Mothers often sit toward the sides of the box and sometimes a pup will get stuck and can be crushed. The bumpers help give them space to move and wiggle free. Ive seen puppies die from getting sat on in the corners. Do yourself a favor by getting a box with bumpers, or at least create bumpers if yours does not have them.

I also feel it is essential to have the right size. For golden retrievers I prefer the size of 48×48. Its not too big and not too small. A mom can alternate sides of the pen with ease. However, its not too big where a puppy gets too lost on the other side of the pen. If you have a smaller dog you will want to go with a smaller size. Additionally if you have a larger dog like a Great Dane you will want something bigger.

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