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Golden Retriever Puppy Vaccination Schedule

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Why Is Vaccinating Your Puppy Important

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Vaccines are meant to keep your puppy from catching a specific disease. Just like children are vaccinated against measles or chicken pox, puppies are vaccinated against rabies, distemper and other common but dangerous diseases.

When your puppy is vaccinated, antigens in the vaccine toggle your puppys immune system to produce antibodies that can fight off an infection. This is why vaccinations work: If your puppy gets infected after the vaccine, then he or she can fight it off as the immune system already knows that disease.

What Are Multivalent Vaccines For Puppies

A multivalent vaccination contains different vaccine antigens in a single dose, which means it will vaccinate against more than one microorganism or two or more strains of the same microorganism, Vogelsang says.

Multivalent vaccinations are given for convenience, so that your puppy doesnt need to be poked repeatedly, and are used by a majority of vets. A common multivalent vaccine that is recommended by the AAHA is DA2P, which vaccinates for canine distemper, adenovirus 2 , and canine parvovirus. This vaccination may also be given as DA2PP, which vaccinates for all of the above in addition to parainfluenza, according to Emmy Award-winning veterinarian Dr. Jeff Werber.

Some of these combination-vaccines can include L for leptospirosis, which is a non-core vaccine, according to the AAHA, and should be administered based on the risk of exposure in each dog, says AAHA senior communications manager Kate Wessels. Canine coronavirus also used to be part of some combination-vaccines, but veterinarians no longer recommend it. Multivalent products are safe when produced by a manufacturer, but multiple vaccines shouldnt be mixed in one syringe unless specified on the label, Wessels adds.

Immunization Schedule Keeps Track Of Vaccinations For Dogs

If you have more than one dog in your home, its important to give them all the same protection. You can do this by establishing a household pet vaccination schedule.

This avoids the possibility of allowing infectious dog diseases to spread within your canine clan.

If youre introducing a new dog into your furry family, you can vaccinate some of your dogs early to match the vaccine schedule of your newer dog.

Then everybodys shots will be due at the same time.

That makes it a cinch to set up a synchronized dog vaccination schedule, providing the whole pack with the same amount of active immunity at all times.

This “matching method” worked well for us when we welcomed Molly, our Husky mix, into the family .

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How Are Vaccines Given

Most vaccines are given as injections. These are given either under the skin or into the muscle.

However, some vaccines, such as those against kennel cough, work better when given as a spray up your puppys nose.

Most vets offer a combined injection so your puppy doesnt need to have numerous jabs.

This will protect against the core diseases, plus a number of others, depending on the vets advice.

Most combination injections protect against distemper, leptospirosis, hepatitis, parainfluenza, coronavirus and parvovirus.

When Should Puppies Be Vaccinated

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Puppies are typically vaccinated at eight and ten weeks with the second dose usually being given two to four weeks later. Speak to your vet about the best timings.

Your puppy will then require a booster vaccination at 6 or 12 months. As your puppy grows into an adult dog it’s important to ensure you visit the vet and keep your dog’s vaccinations up to date.

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What Are Dog Vaccines And Why Are They Important

Vaccines help prepare a dog’s immune system to defend itself from any invasion of disease-causing organisms. Vaccines contain antigens, which mimic disease-causing organisms in a dog’s immune system, but don’t actually cause disease. The purpose of puppy vaccines and dog vaccines is to mildly stimulate the immune system by having it recognize the antigens present. This way, if a dog becomes exposed to the real disease, it’s immune system will recognize it, and therefore be prepared to fight it off, or at the least reduce its effects.

Dog Vaccinations 101 Guide And Why It Is An Essential Procedure

Timely Dog Vaccinations for puppies guarantee protection against deadly diseases that your pet dog may otherwise be vulnerable to. It is important for the pet owner to know about two broad categories of the dog vaccines namely- Core vaccines and Non-Core vaccines that together not only offer protection to the canine companion but also indirectly to its human family as the pet may transmit a disease to its two legged companions.Comprehensive approach to understanding vaccination

Vaccines are crucial to maintain a healthy and lengthy pet existence. They build a healthy immune system by introducing antigens in the pets body. Antigens resemble the disease causative agents such as a virus, bacterium or fungus etc and stimulate the production of anti-bodies. Therefore any future attack by a real disease is effectively tackled by the pets immune system.

Appropriate Vaccination schedule:

Puppy vaccination procedure usually begins at the age of five to six weeks especially if the mother is inoculated else it may begin at four weeks. A mothers milk is enriched with the requisite anti-bodies that take care of the pup in its initial days. However after the first couple of weeks de-worming the puppy is important to free it of hook worms that attach to the gut-wall and round worms that infest the intestines.

Between 8 to 9 weeks a combination vaccine is given to the pet dog that includes Parvovirus, Leptospirosis, Adenovirus & hepatitis, Parainfluenza, Bordetella, and Coronavirus.

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Why Do Dogs Need Vaccinations

Vaccinations play an important role in protecting your dog from dangerous and potentially fatal diseases like parvovirus, canine hepatitis and kennel cough.

Vaccines work by giving your dog a small amount of the bacteria or virus to be vaccinated against this is usually a modified or dead strain, which is completely harmless.

Doing this exposes their immune system to the virus or bacteria and trains their system to recognise and attack it. This means, should they ever encounter it in the future, your dogs immune system will be able to successfully fight it off, keeping them safe and healthy.

Vaccinations also help protect the wider dog community, as they reduce the risk of infection for all dogs in the area.

Read more about advice on being a responsible dog owner.

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Joey needed surgery at just 7 months. Bow Wow Meow removed the financial stress so that Penny could concentrate on Joeys rehabilitation. Penny says that Joeys life would be dramatically different if he had no cover. He is now 6 years old and loves running around her property!

Joey needed surgery at just 7 months. Bow Wow Meow removed the financial stress so that Penny could concentrate on Joeys rehabilitation. Penny says that Joeys life would be dramatically different if he had no cover. He is now 6 years old and loves running around her property!

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Vaccination Schedules For Puppies And Dogs

The following dog vaccination schedule is recommended by the Australian Veterinary Association . However, your local vet will advise on the appropriate dog vaccination schedule for your individual dog.

Puppy Vaccination Schedule

  • 1st puppy vaccination: C3 at 6 to 8 weeks
  • 2nd puppy vaccination: C5 at 12 weeks
  • 3rd puppy vaccination: C3 booster at 16 weeks
  • 1st annual dog vaccination at 15 months
  • C3 vaccination every 3 years
  • Your vet may also recommend an annual C5 booster vaccination

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His dad, Pip Allen, took him to a number of vets who advised that he needed surgery. Since then he has had a fair bit of work, and Pip is thankful that Bow Wow Meow helped look after everything. He is grateful to the Bow Wow team for going above and beyond, and helping Odin get the specialist support he needed. Odin is now, thankfully, back to being an unstoppable crazy monster!

His dad, Pip Allen, took him to a number of vets who advised that he needed surgery. Since then he has had a fair bit of work, and Pip is thankful that Bow Wow Meow helped look after everything. He is grateful to the Bow Wow team for going above and beyond, and helping Odin get the specialist support he needed. Odin is now, thankfully, back to being an unstoppable crazy monster!

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What Is Titre Testing

If your dog has previously had vaccinations, an alternative to certain booster injections is titre testing. This involves measuring the markers of immunity in the blood via an annual blood test and can give you an idea of how well protected your dog still is. If the levels fall below a certain level, your dog will need another vaccination.

Note, however, that the cost of titre testing can be higher than vaccinating and the test is not possible for leptospirosis so your dog will still need an annual booster injection. Some kennels and insurers will also not accept a titre test result in place of a vaccine.

How Much Do Dog Vaccinations Cost

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Vaccines are recommended by veterinarians based on a pups breed, age, health, lifestyle and medical history, as well as whether your dog lives or travels to states known for specific diseases. The price of inoculations will, therefore, depend on which core and non-core shots are required.

Most shelter and rescue groups include vaccinations in their adoption fee so that a newly adopted dog or puppy is ready to get off to a healthy start in their new home. Below is an estimate of dog vaccination costs to give you an idea of what to expect when discussing your puppy shot schedule with your veterinarian.

  • Vaccines and routine care 1st year: $100-$350 | Annual cost: $80-$250
  • Heartworm tests 1st year: $0-$35 | Annual cost: $0-$35
  • Heartworm prevention 1st year: $24-$120 | Annual cost: $36-$132
  • Flea and tick prevention 1st year: $40-$200 | Annual cost: $40-$200
  • Distemper vaccination 1st year: $20-$30 | Annual cost: $40-$60
  • Rabies vaccination 1st year: $15-$25
  • Deworming 1st year: $20-$50 | Annual cost: $80-$200
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    Frequency Of Vaccinations For Dogs

    Many dog vaccines were once routinely given annually.

    Now, most of them are formulated to provide protection from disease much longer than one year.

    In fact, most vaccinations for dogs last at least three years.

    Some even provide lifelong protection.

    The rabies vaccine may be effective for either one or three years, depending on the type of vaccine used.

    Your veterinarian keeps up with the latest information on vaccines for dogs. He’ll make sure your pooch gets the right shots at the right time.

    Side Effects And Risks Associated With Dog Vaccinations

    The benefits of vaccinations far outweigh any risks. Adverse reactions to dog vaccines are rare. However, as with any medication or immunization protocol, puppy vaccinations and dog vaccinations can cause some side effects. We do recommend that you have your puppy or dog vaccinated at time when when you can monitor them after the vaccination.

    If your dog does experience any reaction to vaccinations, symptoms may include:

    • Fever
    • Facial or paw swelling and/or hives
    • Vomiting
    • Pain or swelling around the injection site
    • Collapse, difficulty breathing, and seizures

    Just as with human vaccines, mild symptoms can be ignored. The majority of reactions are mild and short lived. If you suspect a more severe reaction to puppy vaccines or dog vaccines, such as facial swelling, vomiting or lethargy, you should contact your veterinarian immediately.

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    What Are The Core Dog Vaccinations

    Core puppy vaccinations and dog vaccinations are considered vital to all canines based on a universal risk of exposure, the severity of disease, and the risk of transmission to other dogs, as well as other animal species including human beings.

    The American Animal Hospital Association’s Canine Task Force considers the following dog vaccinations to be core:

    • Canine Parvovirus
    • Canine Influenza
    • Lyme vaccine

    Although these vaccines are not considered Core, they are very important for most dogs who may be exposed to these infectious diseases. At your dog’s next appointment, we will be happy to review which of the above make the most sense for your dog and make the appropriate recommendations.

    Rabies vaccinations are required by law in most states, including NC. Owners must periodically have their dogs and puppies vaccinated against rabies, but the specific time frames for puppy vaccinations and dog vaccinations vary by state. In NC, puppy rabies vaccine is generally given at 16 weeks , and the rabies vaccination is good for one year. For adult dogs, the rabies vaccination is good for three years and should be addressed at the time of the first visit for new patients. For example, a puppy would receive the rabies vaccine at 16 weeks, 1 year and then again at age 4.

    Average Dog Vaccination Costs

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    • Dog vaccination costs can vary considerably, however the following prices are indicative: C3 vaccination costs around $100 to $150, C5 is around S100 to $150 and C7 is approximately $200 . Prices can vary greatly between locations, so always check with your local clinic for specific charges.
    • Find out from your pet insurance provider if they cover some of the costs of your dogs vaccinations. Bow Wow Meow can help you with the Routine Care cover to cover some of these costs. .
    • Parvovirus is a potentially life threatening illness. If your dog needs to be hospitalised and treated for Parvo virus, costs can easily exceed thousands of dollars. Getting your puppy vaccinated will not just save money, it could also save your pups life.

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    What If My Puppy Misses A Vaccine In The Series

    The manufacturer’s recommendation says it should be given within a certain period of time. So if it’s been a long time, your veterinarian will determine the age and week when the dog received each of the vaccines and they will then determine the new series for your dog. For example, if your dog had its first vaccine at 8 weeks and then there was no proof of a vaccine after 8 weeks and your puppy is now 15 weeks, the vet will give one right away, and then another vaccine in 3-4 weeks when your puppy is about 18 weeks. It is best for your dog to adhere to the vaccine schedule to guarantee 100 percent efficacy.

    Are There Any Side Effects To Dog Vaccinations

    Vaccinations are rarely associated with severe side effects, but your dog may experience some common mild side effects such as:

    • Lethargy
    • Fever
    • Mild swelling around the vaccine site

    Less common side effects include twitching, vomiting, diarrhoea and itchy skin. In very rare circumstances, your pet could experience an allergic reaction such as breathing difficulty, a pounding heart beat and seizures.

    If youre at all concerned about side effects, its important to call your vet for advice as soon as possible. If your dog is having an allergic reaction, phone your vet immediately.

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    When Should My Dog Be Vaccinated

    Your puppy will need to receive its first set of vaccinations once it is six to eight weeks old. Two to four weeks later, it will need a second set, while some high-risk puppies may even need a third set.

    Its best to check with your breeder or rehoming centre whether your puppys vaccination schedule has already started before you book a vaccination appointment. If youre not sure, you can bring the paperwork to your local vet who will be able to check whether your puppy has already had any vaccinations.

    Crucially, your pet must not mix with other dogs or go outside until they have been vaccinated.

    Puppy Shots And Vaccination Schedule

    Dog Vaccination Schedule And Costs

    By PuppySpot Team January 5, 2019

    PuppySpot team of professionals contribute to everything Puppy. Years of puppy owning experience and know how, these authors provide details on everything from ownership to training to grooming.

    Every dog lover knows the feeling of having a new puppy in the house: a complicated feeling, puppies need attention, love, and safety. The fact is, while fun to play with, train, and have in the house, puppies can be complicated and hard to take care of. Everything in their life is dictated by their owner, you, from where they sleep to how they will be safe each day.Perhaps one of the more important safety decisions will be the shots you have to give them. Of course, going to a vet is always the best option to ensure you are getting the best care for your new dog or puppy. However, it can help to understand what the vet will be talking about ahead of time.Today, we’ve gone into what vaccinations that your new puppy will need as well as what bacteria and viruses will be prevented by these shots. After that, we’ve talked about why getting your puppy vaccinated is not vital just because of the previous list but to keep safe him, you, and those around you. Finally, we’ve created a list that you can use to understand what to expect in your puppy’s first year as well as to use to talk to a vet about your specific needs.

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    Protecting An Unvaccinated Puppy/dog

    If your puppy/dog is unvaccinated, overdue a vaccine, or if they havent finished their primary vaccination course you will need to keep them safe by:

    • Keeping them away from other unvaccinated dogs
    • Dont let them walk on the ground in public spaces
    • Avoiding high risk areas where there could have been rats, cows, foxes or other unvaccinated dogs
    • Only allowing them in your garden if its secure from foxes and other unvaccinated dogs

    Its very important for puppy to start their socialisation as early as possible.

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