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HomeReaders ChoiceHot Spots Golden Retriever Home Remedies

Hot Spots Golden Retriever Home Remedies

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What Causes Hot Spots On Golden Retrievers

Best Dog Hot Spot Home Remedy

Hot spots are often triggered by self-trauma, when a dog scratches an itchy spot vigorously he creates an open wound which can result in inflammation and secondary bacterial infections.

Unfortunately, this self-trauma only makes the infected area itchier, which causes more itching followed by more licking, biting, and scratching. This unfortunate cycle is the main cause of the self-trauma that creates hot spots. Thus, any condition that causes your dog to feel itchy has the potential to result in a hot spot on Golden Retriever. Here are some Common reasons that cause hot spots on golden retrievers

  • Coat that is dirty or matted
  • Contact irritants
  • Moisture trapped

Many of these conditions are chronic problems that can lead to recurring hot spots if they are not appropriately treated. In a very short period of time, hot spots can dramatically increase in size, so if you ignored a pinpoint area of redness on your beloved dog, be sure that at the end of the day you will find that pinpoint area of redness triple the size so by addressing and identifying what causes hot spots on golden retrievers you will be preventing any future skin problems.

Oral Steroids Or Antibiotics

Using conventional medications, such as oral antibiotics, is not a good idea. It can even be harmful over the long term.

Skin conditions like hot spots are never just skin conditions. They always have an underlying cause. The hot spot is nothing but a symptom of that underlying disorder. Thats why its important to address the cause of the hot spot otherwise, itll just keep coming back.

Conventional medicines almost always work by suppressing symptoms. In this case, the hot spot is the symptom. Thats why so many conventional medicines start with anti medications There are antifungals, anti-inflammatories and in this case, antibiotics. All work to manage the signs of the disease but they do nothing to stop your dog from getting sick again.

Remember you can get through this without antibiotics or conventional drugs. And you need to try hard to do this.

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Symptoms Of Hot Spots

Hot Spots are usually found on your goldens head, limbs or hips, but they can occur anywhere. Many skin conditions have similar symptoms so it is important to visit your vet if you have any concerns. Symptoms of a hot spot may include one or more of the following:

  • Itchy, painful skin area

  • Continuous chewing or licking of skin area

  • Inflammation of skin area

  • Crusted scabs in skin area

  • Oozing Sores pus or fluid

  • Moist, Matted Hair around lesions

  • Foul odor from lesion

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What Are Hot Spots On Dogs

Hot spots, also known as acute moist dermatitis, are painful, red areas of infected skin that appear to be irritated and are sometimes raised.

Hot spots on dogs can occur anywhere on the body, but they are commonly found on the face, neck, limbs or hips. The size and appearance of the lesions can vary slightly in each location, but most will look similar regardless of where they are.

These spots can appear quickly, usually with some degree of hair loss, and they become much larger in a matter of days.

Hot spots on dogs can be relatively minor and heal quickly, but they do have the potential to cause more serious issues, such as widespread infection or deeper skin ulcerations.

Signs & Symptoms Of Canine Hot Spots

Hot spots on dogs: Causes, treatments and home remedies

Signs of hot spots on dogs may include redness, swelling, and hair loss. The hot spots are typically moist and may discharge pus or fluids that can dry to create crusting and matting of hair. Generally, hot spots are found on the hips, limbs, and head but they can occur anywhere on a dogs body. Due to bacteria that builds up in the hot spots, they can quickly spread to other parts of the dogs body. These affected areas will be painful and result in your dog itching and licking the area. Many of these symptoms overlap with other skin conditions so its important you contact your veterinarian right away.

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Home Remedy #: Comfrey

Comfrey is a natural treatment that may not be as well-known as other home remedies on this list. Comfrey is best described as a shrub. Its leaves and roots have been used in traditional medicine for a long time. The plant has been used for reducing pain and inflammation, particularly in reducing the appearance of redness.

Along with rosacea, comfrey is a good treatment for burns, bruises, muscle sprains, and joint inflammation. You can find this home remedy as an ingredient in local health stores, available in salves, lotions, and creams. Look for natural comfrey allantoin on the ingredients list.

What Causes A Hot Spot

Hot spots are usually caused by self-trauma when a dog scratches an itchy spot so vigorously that he creates an open wound. Dogs scratch for many reasons but regardless of the cause, hot spots are bothersome. When a dog licks the sore spot, he irritates superficial nerve endings in the skin which stimulates more itching followed by more licking, biting, and scratching. This lick-itch-lick cycle is the basis for the self-trauma that causes hot spots. Hot spots can dramatically increase in size in a very short period of time. Pet owners may go to work after noticing a pin-point area of redness and come home at the end of the day to find a raw lesion the size of a pancake.

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Causes Of Hot Spots On Dogs

Dog hot spots develop when the first layer of skin breaks and harmful bacteria enters the wound. An imbalance of bacteria on the skin also causes hot spots. More often than not, dogs cause their own hot spots by biting, licking, and scratching their skin too much.

Intense licking and grooming are typically why the skin becomes compromised in the first place. However, there is always a reason behind your dogs excessive grooming. If you notice your dog grooming themselves like they have a compulsive disorder, its time to investigate the root cause. Here are some of the most common causes of hot spots:

Why Are Golden Retrievers Prone To Hot Spots


Goldens are water-loving, curious, long-haired bundles of fun! And that is precisely why theyre prone to hot spots especially during the summer months! Heres an example.

Being a water dog, your Golden decides to cool down on a hot day by going for a swim in a dirty pond or creek. He gets out, rolls around in the grass and dirt, and has a nap. His warm, soggy, dirty fur and skin instantly become the perfect place for bacteria to grow quickly.

If your dogs immune system is unable to control the overgrowth of harmful bacteria, this can set off an immune response that often ends up in hot spots.

Are Certain Types of Golden Retrievers Healthier than Others?

Some dog owners ask if certain types of Goldens may have an edge on health conditions like environmental allergies or flea allergies that can lead to hot spots.

Golden Retrievers fall into one of three categories:

Most differences are minor and based on body build, shape of head and eyes and the colour and length of hair.

There is some research suggesting that English Golden Retrievers are marginally healthier than their North American counterparts, particularly regarding cancer rates. Some also speculate that Goldens with dark skin have a slight edge on good health however this is just anecdotal. In fact, in some cases, dark skin can be a sign of health concerns.

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Are Hot Spots Likely To Recur

Unfortunately, dogs that get hot spots are prone to getting them again. Taking preventive measures such as proper grooming and bathing as well as flea control can help reduce the risk of hot spots recurring on dogs. If your dog experiences chronic hot spots, we suggest talking with your veterinarian about getting your dog tested for hypothyroidism, skin and food allergies, and joint problems.

Supplement With Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA, which are most commonly sourced from fish oil, have effective properties that keep the skin healthy. Hemp seed oil is also a great source of omega 3 fatty acids. These acids also restore the skins natural protective barrier, which makes it harder for allergens and harmful bacteria to inflict damage on your dogs skin.

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What Is A Hot Spot

Canine hot spots are red, inflamed skin lesions also known as pyotraumatic dermatitis or acute moist dermatitis. These names accurately describe the inflammatory skin lesions exacerbated by scratching that appear quickly, ooze, and may contain pus. Hot spots can be found anywhere on a dogs body, but the most common sites are head, legs, and hips. These painful, smelly sores may be very obvious or may be hidden beneath matted fur.

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Coffee Scrub For Loose Skin

Home Treatments For Moist Dermatitis in DogsHot Spots

Take the coffee out of your mug to your stomach. Beyond waking you up on a slow day, coffee is also rich in antioxidants and serves as an exfoliant. Using the beverage in your skincare routine slows down aging and also removes fat deposits in your cells.

To make this home remedy, combine 1/4 cup each of coffee grounds and brown sugar with 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon. Finish by mixing thoroughly with two spoons of coconut oil in a bowl. Using your fingers, apply the paste to your belly and scrub in circular motions for three to five minutes. Rinse the mixture with warm water and repeat once or twice weekly.

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When Should I Take My Dog To The Vet For Hot Spots

Most of the time, hot spots will not require a visit to the vet, so long as they are being given the proper treatment. Still, if the skin looks infected in any way pus, significant bleeding, increased/darker redness, then we recommend you seek veterinary advice. We also recommend seeing the vet if there are no improvements following the home remedies you decide to use. Your doctor will likely prescribe an antibiotic cream or painkillers to help deal with the infection.

When Should You Go To The Veterinarian

Its important to go to the vet if you dont see improvement or if your dog has a fever or acts lethargic. A veterinarian can help determine the source of your dogs hot spots, whether its allergies, insect bites or otherwise.

You should see a doctor if there is bleeding, pus or excessive moisture if the symptoms dont improve within a day or two, adds Bern. Anything more than a small area of reddened skin should be looked at.

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How Do I Treat Hot Spots On Dogs

According to Rebello, the best treatment plan for hot spots takes a multi-step approach:

  • First, your vet will likely trim or shave the surrounding hair. This helps give a better view of the lesions, allows lesions to dry out, and promotes healing.
  • Next, shell clean the affected area with an antibacterial solution and water.
  • Then, your vet will likely prescribe antibioticsoral, topical, or both.
  • Anti-itch medication is also helpful to ease your dogs discomfort and prevent further scratching
  • Finally, an e-collar might be necessary to prevent continued licking and biting and give the hot spots time to heal properly.

It might be tempting to try hot spot home remedies for dogs, but Rebello doesnt recommend them. While I dont think home remedies are as effective as veterinary-directed care, if you are unable to seek medical attention, I would recommend cleaning the area with mild soap and water and purchasing an e-collar to leave on until you can get to the vet, she says.

Many over-the-counter products are available, including ointments and hot spot spray for dogs, but its best to consult your veterinarian for a comprehensive treatment plan.

McKenna says its not just what you treat dog hot spots with but how. The most important thing is keeping the area clean and dry, she says. As tempting as it is to cover up these ugly lesions, refrain from placing bandages or other coverings, which will just trap in the moisture and delay healing.

Golden Retriever Skin Issues Made Easy


So there you have it! Now that you know these common golden retriever skin issues, you know what to look out for.

Thick undercoats make golden retrievers very vulnerable to skin issues. Especially if they remain wet. Trapped moisture and a natural disposition for skin issues can be a disaster. The key is to be vigilant and make sure youre checking your dog on a regular basis.

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Where Can I Find High

It is important to find a CBD oil such as Lolahemp thats made from organic hemp and formulated specifically for our pets.

CBD oil is currently experiencing a massive boom. Its in demand thanks to a proliferation in scientific research demonstrating a host of potential therapeutic benefits and the discovery of the bodys endocannabinoid system and its many regulatory functions. Since demand is high, there are plenty of companies selling products made from low-quality ingredients or containing less CBD than advertised. In some cases, none at all!

Here at Lolahemp, we provide third-party lab testing for our products so that you can verify the quality before you buy. We were inspired to make the highest quality CBD Oil for dogs by our own loving dog, Lola. And, we donate a portion of proceeds to local shelters and rescues through our community giveback program.

Gently Clean The Spot

Using cool water, a mild skin cleanser, and a soft sponge or rag, clean the hot spot. One way you can do this is by wetting a rag or sponge and gently wiping over the spot. After the first wipe, wet the rag/sponge with soapy water and wipe the spot again. Finally, wipe the spot a third time with plain water and dry with a separate towel.

Make sure the spot is completely dry before you finish you dont want the spot to stay moist. Clean the spot every day you can even clean twice a day during the first few days of infection.

You can also clean the area with a mild antiseptic solution made for dogs, like chlorhexidine. This agent will kill some of the bacteria on the hot spot. Chlorhexidine is available in plenty of over-the-counter brand washes like DOUXO, Davis, and Durvet. Be sure to follow the directions on the product to ensure you are using it safely.

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Tips For Preventing Hot Spots On Dogs

  • One of the things that canât be stressed enough is appropriate flea control! Good flea control is important for any itchy pet and is the foundation of âitch prevention.â

  • In hot, humid weather, always thoroughly dry your heavy-coated dog after bathing or swimming.

  • Make sure your dog is groomed on a regular basis.

  • Keep boredom and stress at bay â provide adequate exercise and opportunities for mental stimulation and play.

  • Introduce essential fatty acids to your petâs diet to help keep a healthy coat.

What Causes Hot Spots On Golden Retriever

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Hot Spots on dogs are usually caused by an underlying condition that causes excessive licking or itchiness. They will excessively scratch or lick inflamed or painful parts of their skin to ease the discomfort. This can be a vicious circle as they will further spread the infection and make it worse.

The most common causes of Hot Spots are:

  • Excessive chewing, scratching, or licking of skin area
  • Matted and moisty hair around lesions
  • Treatment for Hot Spots

When you start suspecting your Golden Retriever might have a Hot Spot, act quickly and decisively. Any delay will cause worsening of the problem and will cause considerable discomfort and pain to your dog.

The first thing you need to do is to visit your vet. He will then perform an extensive physical examination to determine an underlying cause. Once the main culprit has been found, your vet will prescribe appropriate treatment. In most cases, the dogs condition will improve rapidly. Typically it takes 3-7 days from the start of the treatment to resolve the Hot Spots.

Few steps will help treat, ease, and prevent the spreading of the Hot Spots on your Golden Retriever.

  • Clean the infected area with antiseptic
  • Apply an Elizabethan collar to prevent further scratching and licking
  • Clip the hair around lesions to prevent matting
  • Use Antibiotics and steroids to treat and control secondary bacterial infections and inflammation

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Natural Remedies For Hot Spots On Dogs

If you have worked with your vet to make sure there are no underlying issues and youre still left with a dog that gets a mild hot spot a few times a year, then youre in luck. Mild cases can often be treated from home.

Here are some ways to identify and treat hot spots from home:

  • Keep a close eye on excessive scratching or itching to catch developing hot spots as fast as possible.
  • If you spot one in the early stage, carefully trim the fur around the area to help it stay dry and promote healing.
  • Wash the area very gently a few times a day using a mild detergent or an antibacterial soap specially formulated for dogs. Rinse with a clean cloth and pat dry thoroughly.
  • Applying a cool compress to the area several times a day can help reduce the inflammation and give your pet some relief. Just be sure that the area gets dry after applying any cold therapy.
  • Prevent your dog from licking the area using a special collar for that purpose if necessary.
  • Contact your veterinarian immediately if the sore does not begin to dry up and resolve within 48 hours, or if it begins to spread or worsen in intensity. They have the most effective knowledge on how to treat dog hot spots.

By helping to soothe itchy skin and boost skin health, a CBD balm made from full-spectrum hemp oil can promote the healing of dry areas. In turn, this can help prevent your canine companion from damaging the area with excessive itching or licking which can be a major cause of hot spots in many dogs.

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