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Average Price Of Golden Retriever Puppies

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The Cost Of Buying A Puppy Vs An Older Dog

Golden Retriever Dog Price in India 2022 (Monthly Expenses Included)

Age is certainly a factor in your decision. With adult dogs, you dont have to do the work of raising them. The downside is that it can be harder for them to overcome previous habits and learn new ones. Older dogs tend to be more set in their ways in terms of behavior and personality.

With puppies, it does take more responsibility and effort to raise them correctly, but the rewards are like nothing else. Because you and your family are in complete control of shaping their behavior and personality, you can raise your golden retriever puppy to be the perfect companion. There are also other things you can teach your new puppy like the boundaries of your home . That way, as they grow up, your puppy will truly become a member of your family.

Furthermore It Is Always Wise To Go Through Reputable Breeders Or Rescue Shelters You Trust

The great news is that not all breeders cost an arm and a leg. If you really want to save some money but still find a healthy puppy, rescuing a dog is a wonderful option.

Of course, if you have your heart set on a puppy, you have a better chance of finding one through a breeder.

And while breeders usually do cost more than shelters, you still may be able to find some that are in your price range.

How Much Do Golden Retrievers Cost

We surveyed 762 members of our Golden Retriever community to find out how much it cost them to acquire and care for a golden retriever for a year. Heres what we discovered about the price of golden retrievers:

The cost of a golden retriever depends on whether you plan to buy one or adopt one. The cost has gone up due to the current inflation. Now it will cost you approximately $250 to adopt and about $1,200-$3,500 for a golden retriever puppy. Then theres another $2,500 per year for expenses like food, veterinary care, toys, and grooming. So the total cost, on average, for the first year is around $4,850, and an average of about $2,500 annually for consecutive years.

One big mistake we see with first-time dog owners is that they only inquire about the cost of purchasing a golden retriever and never look at the accumulative cost of maintaining one over the course of the golden retrievers life span.

Golden retrievers are active dogs and require a lot of exercise. If you live in an apartment or a place where you cant exercise them, then consider the expense of a dog treadmill or bike harness, or the cost of gas to travel to a park. This small thing impacts the overall cost of owning a golden retriever.

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Who Is It Not For

While the Golden Retriever is certainly a great dog to have, it is not suitable for everyone. Your lifestyle is a primary factor when deciding whether or not you can have this dog breed as your pet.

Golden Retrievers do not like to be left alone. If your lifestyle demands long hours of work and you cant give enough time to your dog, you are better off without having this dog breed.

How Much Does A Golden Retriever Cost Initial & Yearly Cost

How Much Does It Cost For A Golden Retriever Puppy

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Golden retrievers are one of the most popular dog breeds in the United States! Because of the breeds popularity, its safe to assume a lot of potential new owners are wondering what the average golden retriever price is.

Whether you are looking to purchase a golden retriever puppy or adopt an adult or senior golden retriever, money is often one of the first things that come to mind. Due to the huge demand for this particular breed, golden retrievers tend to cost a pretty penny.

For example, a purebred, show-quality golden retriever can cost up to $5,000, and thats just the initial cost of a single puppy! Lets not forget about the costs of essential supplies like food, toys, crates, beds, grooming supplies, leashes, harnesses, and so much more!

Truth be told, goldens are expensive, but they are also worth every penny! If you are looking to purchase a purebred golden retriever, you should know what to expect when it comes to the price of one of these dogs. This way, you wont be tricked or ripped off by shoddy breeders looking for a quick buck. Read on to learn more!

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Price Of Golden Retriever Puppy That Comes With A Health Guarantee

The average price of a Golden Retriever puppy that comes with a health guarantee is $1990, while the average price of a Golden Retriever puppy that does not come with a health guarantee is $1660.

We obtained this information from our detailed review of 1674 Golden Retriever puppies that come with health guarantees that were listed for sale and 994 Golden Retriever puppies that do not have health guarantees that were listed for sale.

Factors Affecting The Price Of Puppies

Breeder Quality

Breeder quality is one of the most significant influences on puppy price. A responsible breeder will screen their dogs for health problems and only breed the healthiest. This means that they are more likely to breed healthy litters. This incurs extra costs for them which need to be covered by you. But it is definitely worth the additional expense as it means a happy and healthy pup.

If you choose to spend less on your pup by working with a poor-quality breeder, sure, youll save a few hundred dollars. But this could equate to thousands of dollars in the future on both vet and training bills. Not only are irresponsible breeders more likely to breed unhealthy pups, but they are also more likely to create unsocialized and behavior-challenged puppies. It is not worth the risk!


Some reputable breeders focus their efforts solely on breeding the crème of the crop. They will use award-winning dogs who produce the best-looking and retrieving specimens. Although it doesnt guarantee youll buy a winning pooch, it increases the chances massively. It also raises the price. But if you are looking to show your dog in the show or performance ring, this is something to consider.

Location & Time Of Year


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Golden Retriever Health Problems

Although Goldens are quite a healthy breed, there are several hereditary conditions theyre prone to. The Kennel Club provides information for dog owners on breed-specific health concerns to be aware of.

They list Golden Retrievers as a Category Two breed. This means they have visual points of concern that can cause pain or discomfort to the breed.

Golden Retrievers have short legs in proportion to the rest of their body and have a tendency to become overweight. Managing their diet appropriately and not overfeeding is important.

Golden Retrievers along with other larger breeds are prone to hip dysplasia.

Hip dysplasia is where the ball and socket dont fit or develop properly. They rub and grind instead of sliding smoothly and the joint starts to deteriorate and lose function.

We paid 72 hip dysplasia claims for Golden Retrievers in 2021 at an average cost of £1,109.24. Hip dysplasia is sometimes treated with pain relief but can cost upwards of £5,000 per hip if surgery’s needed.

The same condition can also affect the elbow joint and this is known as elbow dysplasia. Both hip and elbow dysplasia can lead to arthritis.

Other conditions affecting Golden Retrievers include certain eye and ear conditions and they are prone to particular digestive problems such as acute gastroenteritis.

Gastroenteritis, vomiting and diarrhoea were some of the most common claims we saw for Golden Retrievers in 2021. The average gastroenteritis claim cost £524.61.

Ongoing Golden Retriever Costs

How Much does a Golden Retriever cost? Complete Buyers Guide

You should expect to pay anywhere from $700 to $2,200 to buy a Golden Retriever. But, you may be wondering what contributes to the ongoing costs of owning a Golden Retriever?

Just like their price, there are many factors that can increase the cost of ownership.

A few expenses that many people do not realize they might encounter as a Golden Retriever owner include: licensing fees, boarding fees, microchipping, treats, heartworm preventatives, and flea and tick preventatives.

Training, feeding, grooming, veterinary care, supplies, and pet insurance make up the major costs.

In fact, each year you should expect to spend $2,500 on your Golden Retriever:

  • Veterinary Bills: $625

Pet insurance is a product that some owners choose to buy because of the high cancer rates in Golden Retrievers. Coverage plans can be accident-only or accident plus illness. Comprehensive accident and illness coverage costs between $39 to $86 per month for Golden Retrievers.

This price may change with your dogâs age. It will be highest for older dogs.

Golden Retrievers are lower maintenance compared to some breeds like Poodles, but need more grooming than some breeds like Labrador Retrievers.

A Golden Retrieverâs coat can be medium to long in length, making it prone to tangling and forming matts. So, they will require daily brushing. Some owners choose to take their Golden to a groomer every six weeks to get the coat trimmed. On average, grooming may run to $480 per year.

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Is The Golden Retriever Really Worth It Experts Weigh In

Are Golden Retrievers worth it? Owners and experts say a resounding YES!

Golden Retrievers are family favorites for a reason. They make excellent companions to a variety of owners and give back more than they ever take financially.

Pros of Owning A Golden Retriever:

  • Golden Retrievers are highly intelligent and eager to please
  • They get along well with most everyone
  • Golden Retrievers are easy to train
  • They are quiet and do well in a number of home types
  • Golden Retrievers can be trained early to perform chores around the home
  • They adapt easily and become bonded with their people
  • They are the 3rd most popular dog, according to the American Kennel Club
  • Goldens are great dogs for those who want to compete in dog shows or dog sports
  • They are both adoring and adorable

Cons of Owning A Golden Retriever:

  • They are large dogs that can be costly to keep up
  • Golden Retrievers shed heavily
  • They may be prone to a number of costly health issues
  • The Golden Retriever price can vary greatly and depend on a variety of factors

Is it all worth it?

While the Golden Retriever price can vary, its up to you on just how much you can spend on this breed initially, and its up to you on how to budget and save. At the end of the day, the average Golden Retriever price is actually slightly lower than that of the average price of raising a dog in general, which is around $23,410, according to the American Kennel Club.

So, is the Golden Retriever worth it? We would have to say YES!

Should You Buy A Golden Puppy Or An Older Dog

If you think Golden Retriever puppies and adults cost the same, think again.

Younger Goldens almost always come with a heftier initial price. This tends to be the case whether you adopt or go through a breeder.

In addition to being cheaper upfront, older Golden Retrievers tend to cost less than puppies over their lifetime.

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How To Find Golden Retriever Puppies

You should find a reputable breeder when adopting a puppy. You should always see your puppy with its mother and siblings before choosing.

The Kennel Club have a contact list of Assured Breeders. Each breeder on the list has agreed to follow good breeding practices and are inspected by The Kennel Club.

There are also lots of reputable breeders outside the Kennel Clubs Assured Breeders list. Always do your research, and speak with family, friends, local vets, and breed clubs.

A breeder should be able to provide you with all the genuine paperwork and certificates for vaccinations, microchipping, worming and any other health test results.

Reputable breeds often have a long waiting list for adopting Golden Retrievers, so if youve set your heart on this breed, prepare to be patient.

Prices for Golden Retrievers can vary depending on which part of the UK you live in. Some of the most expensive Golden Retrievers can cost up £3,000 but on average you should expect to pay somewhere between £1,500-£2,500.

Expense #: Supplies For Your Golden

Average Cost Of Golden Retriever Puppy

Pre-puppy shopping sprees are among the many joys of pet parenthood. Theyre also among the most expensive.

For new dog owners or first-time large breed owners, youll have to stock up on supplies before you bring your Golden home. Must-haves include:

  • Collars, harnesses, and leashes: $10 to $30+
  • Dog tags: $5 to $10
  • Food and water dishes: $5 to $25
  • Dog Crates: $20 to $80+
  • Grooming brushes and tools: $10+
  • Total: $50 to $155+

Of course, this list doesnt include extras you may want, like dog bedding, training supplies, or stain remover for those puppy mishaps.

If you plan to add these items to your arsenal, increase your budget accordingly.

Resist the urge to buy all of this at once, though. Golden Retrievers will just as happily eat out of stained Tupperware as they will out of a $50 designer doggie bowl.

Get the most important items first, then splurge when you can.

Along those lines, you can start with 2-3 toys of different types while you figure out your Golden pups preferences.

As you accumulate these canine treasures, keep a few tucked away out of your Goldens reach. Every few weeks, rotate the toys.

Your Goldens toys will never lose their novelty, and youll save a boatload of cash in the process.

You can toss Fido a few hand-me-downs, too. Old shoes and washcloths can keep him busy for hours.

And if your Golden does that thing where they rip open a toy and shake so ferociously, cotton stuffing rains down upon your living room?

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Expense #: The Surprises

Sure, youve set aside funds for Goldens new dog bed. But have you thought about your canine rainy day fund?

Picture this: youre running for a big promotion at work, and final interviews are at a branch out of state. Suddenly, youre scrambling to find an affordable boarding kennel.

Or maybe Spots a little more headstrong than you thought. Now youre forking over $100+ for puppy kindergarten.

Every owners surprise expenses will vary. Here are some of the most common additional expenses for your Goldie.

  • Travel expenses: sitters, overnight boarding, airline or hotel pet fees, travel to and from your pups breeder or veterinarian
  • Unplanned medical care due to accidents or neglect
  • Training and socialization: playdates, obedience classes, private training
  • Apartment fees: pet deposits or fees, monthly pet rent

Miscellaneous expenses for your Golden like these can eat away at your bank account, so its best to be prepared for them well in advance.

To Summarize The Basic Costs Of Golden Retriever Ownership

The cost of a Golden Retriever each year can vary based on how much you choose to spend on training and board and grooming and how much you want to spend on basic care. The basic breakdown of the costs of owning a Golden Retriever is listed below. Always make sure that you have a solid budget in mind before you get any pet. Being able to care for your pet is important, and no one wants to get a dog and then have to find a new home for them due to unexpected costs.

Remember that your dog will cost more as they age, and do not be surprised if you have to add about $500 to your annual budget each year after your dog is about 8 years of age. Older dogs can cost more money, but we as owners owe them the care they deserve for all the love that they have given us over the years they have shared with us. This is a very healthy breed overall, and you should not have to worry too much about surprise health scares when you pick a Golden Retriever for your family.

Cost to Get Dog From Breeder $1,000-$3,500

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How Much Do Golden Retrievers Cost Complete Buyers Guide

Golden retrievers have quickly become one of the most beloved dog breeds in the world.

These affectionate dogs are considered the ideal family dog and have been eagerly welcomed into thousands of homes.

Because of their popularity these perfect pups can often be expensive.

Not only do they cost a lot to purchase, these dogs requires plenty of money spent on food, grooming and medical care.

In this article we will discuss how much you can expect to pay for your golden retriever upfront, in addition to all the other expenses that your dog may accumulate over their life

Golden Retriever Price Everything You Need To Know

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Retrievers cost can vary depending on the location and type of breeder you purchase it from. A Golden Retriever puppy is a very popular dog which is why you may expect to pay a higher initial price if youre looking to purchase one from reputable breeders. In some cases, purebred Golden Retrievers cost may be up to £2000. Also due to high demand if youre looking for a Golden retriever Puppy you may have to wait months before something comes up, however, there is always the option of putting yourself on waiting lists at different breeders this way when one does come up you will be notified immediately!

You should avoid the cheaper prices you may find from backyard breeders or puppy mills as poor breeding can lead to health issues meaning more money spent in the log run on costs like veterinary care.

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