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HomeHealthHow Do I Keep My Golden Retriever From Getting Cancer

How Do I Keep My Golden Retriever From Getting Cancer

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Cancer Is A Common Disease In Dogs But Heres How You Can Significantly Reduce Your Companions Risk Of Becoming Another Statistic

Did you know your dog is more likely to get cancer than you are? Cancer has become the leading cause of death among canines in the U.S., Europe and Japan. It’s pervasive and often diagnosed too late. These factors, coupled with the risks, heartache and expense associated with aggressive traditional treatments, have many people searching for ways to help their dogs avoid getting ill in the first place.

Although the causes of cancer in dogs are not well understood, there are a number of things you can do to give your companion the best possible chance of avoiding the disease.

Fact #4: 3000 Golden Retrievers Are Participating In A Study To Help Increase Golden Retriever Health

The Morris Animal Foundation launched the Golden Retriever Lifetime Study in 2012.

Together with veterinarians and the participating golden retrievers and their owners, they’re collecting data about their health, environment, and behavior to find potential risk factors for cancer and other diseases.

What Other Areas Of My Golden Retrievers Body Can Suffer An Overgrowth Of Bacteria Or Yeast

Other areas on the Golden Retrievers body that might suffer an overgrowth of bacteria or yeast include the mouth, under the tail, and skin folds, depending on the dog.  Moisture is usually more of an issue in these areas.

The mouth is a darker recess of the dog’s body like the ears that have skin and can easily harbor excess yeast and bacteria from the foods they eat and undetected or treated health issues.

It can be a bit moister under the dog’s tail than other body parts due to the tail and all the fur covering it.  This can also be a breeding ground for yeast overgrowth and possible infections, whether bacterial or yeast infections.

Skin folds on the dog’s body can be a perfect breeding spot for bacteria and yeast to grow as they are more moist and dark than their face or back.  Some dogs will have more folds than others, which can, of course, increase the likelihood of an infection or problem with yeast overgrowth.

How Do I Keep My Golden Retrievers Body Clean And Healthy To Prevent Yeast Overgrowth

The best way to keep your Golden Retrievers body clean and healthy to prevent yeast overgrowth is to clean them each time they come in from the outside.

This can seem like an exhausting process to do every time they take a trip outdoors but only needs to be done when they are outside for more than a few minutes at a time.

The pet parent can reduce the chance that dirt and debris will build up and cause problems because they are removed right away.  Each time it should only take a few minutes, but it can be helpful to be patient and offer treats at the beginning of the process as they learn to accept it as part of their stay healthy routine.

Another area that needs to be addressed is their grooming habits.  Preventing ear infections and the overgrowth of yeast and bacteria on their body can be done by inspecting their fur and skin often and brushing, grooming, and bathing them as need be to keep them clean.  This will keep their skin healthy and wash away the overgrowth of oils that their body can sometimes produce.

Shine On Project Brings Hope Of Treating Hemangiosarcoma Cancer In Golden Retrievers

Dog reacts to her Cancer test results.

A year into the Shine On Project, research of canine hemangiosarcoma is making significant progress to better understand the cancer that kills an estimated one in five Golden Retrievers.

From the collaborative spirit that successfully raised funding to support the research to the impassioned determination of hundreds of people who lost dogs to this challenging cancer, Shine On represents a game-changing approach to developing relevant canine research. The grassroots effort behind Shine On started with a donation in memory of a Golden Retriever named “Shine,” who died days before turning 9 years old and 15 months after being diagnosed with hemangiosarcoma.

Razzle Golden Retriever breeder Cathy Meddaugh of Arlington, Texas, remembers vividly the morning her retired show dog laid lethargically on the kitchen floor, droopiness drowning his usual comical, happy personality. Meddaugh hand-picked Shine from a litter sired by “Harley” , a Special she campaigned, and then she raised Shine from a puppy.

Having owned Golden Retrievers since 1988, Meddaugh wasn’t overly concerned about Shine’s behavior, but she felt it warranted an examination by his veterinarian at Josey Ranch Pet Hospital in Carrollton, Texas. Shine’s pale gums and lethargy prompted the veterinarian to perform an ultrasound of the dog’s heart and abdomen, which showed pericardial effusion, or blood around the heart, stemming from a mass near the right atrium that had bled out.

A Promise to ‘Shine On’

What Other Ear Symptoms Will My Golden Retriever Show If He Has An Ear Infection

If your Golden Retriever is suffering from an ear infection, they will stink, but it is also possible that they will also have redness of the skin and scratching, and signs of dirt around the areas.

Redness of the skin is always a pretty good indication that a Golden Retriever suffers from an infection.  If this is noticed on the Golden Retrievers’ ears, it is best to consult with their veterinarian as they will likely need medication to feel better.

Scratching of the ears won’t always signal an ear infection, as we all sometimes need to scratch an itch. Still, if scratching is excessive or repeatedly in the same area, aka their ears, it probably means they have an infection or at the very least an overgrowth of yeast.  Inspecting their ears, cleaning if necessary, and contacting their veterinarian may be required.

Dirt around the ears can signal an ear infection, but it can also indicate that the pet parents haven’t been cleaning their dogs’ ears as efficiently as they should be, which can lead to an infection if left unattended.  Cleaning their ears is a must, as is inspecting for issues like redness and possibly consulting their veterinarian may be required.

Dogs that suffer repeated or ongoing infections, whether in the ear or other parts of their body, should be cause for concern.

Excess of infections throughout the body is usually a sign of undetected health issues and should be addressed with the Golden Retrievers veterinarian for proper evaluation.

Why Do So Many Golden Retrievers Get Cancer Massive Study Hopes To Find Out

March 22, 2018 / 6:56 PM / CBS News

Cancer research for golden retrievers02:35

SPRINGFIELD, Va. — The sweet and playful golden retriever is one of the most popular dog breeds in America, with a special talent for getting even so-called grown-ups to join in the fun. But, as Kris Campesi has learned through painful experience, they also rate high on another scale.

“Goldens have a high probability for cancer,” she explained.

That rate is about 60 percent, one of the highest in the dog world. Campesi recently lost one golden to cancer and now 7-year-old Malachi has a brain tumor.

“They’re such a part of your life, and when it’s time for them to go it’s hard,” Campesi said.

Looking for answers, she entered 3-year-old Nicodemus, who’s perfectly healthy, into a national study of nearly 3,000 golden retrievers. The goal is to understand why the cancer rate is so high.

“I have to keep track of everything they eat, the water they drink, the chemicals I use around the house,” Campesi said.

Nicodemus even has something called a “whistle” that stays with him all the time so it can record his activity and sleep.

Veterinarian Laney Rhymes takes samples of his hair and nails during frequent medical exams.

“They’re looking for environmental stuff that the dogs might be exposed to that would concentrate in the nails,” Rhymes said.

These Are The 10 Things You Should Know Before Getting A Golden Retriever

1. They Shed

Golden Retrievers have a long, thick double coat that sheds a lot. When we say a lot, we really mean it. Their coat sheds throughout the entire year, but the shedding intensifies during the spring and the fall. 

If you want to own a Golden, be prepared for lots of fur around your house. Also, plan on buying a quality vacuum cleaner and a brush as you will regularly vacuum your house and brush your dog.

2. Prone To Waxy Ears

Golden Retrievers have long, bulky ears. This means that the air circulation is poor in their ears, which causes a variety of problems. Most notably – waxy ears. It is important that you keep your Golden’s ears clean and moisture-free since they are the perfect habitat for the development of bacteria, yeast, or mites. 

3. They Have Lots Of Energy

Let’s make one thing clear if you are a couch potato Golden Retriever is not the right dog for you. Goldens are an energetic breed that needs a lot of exercises and outdoor activity. They were originally bred to be working, field dogs and the need for physical activity is in their nature. Lack of exercise can cause serious physical and mental issues that will substantially decrease the quality of Golden’s life. Therefore, if you are not an energetic, outgoing type, you should not buy a Golden Retriever.

4. Golden Retrievers Are Expensive To Keep

5. Goldens Are Intelligent

6. They Are Crazy About Water

7. They Are Prone To Orthopedic Issues And Cancer

8. Goldens Are Family

10. Goldens Are Not Watchdogs

Veterinary Oncology At Carolina Veterinary Specialists In Huntersville

[Help] Best age to spay a golden retriever : dogs

At Carolina Veterinary Specialists in Huntersville, we refer cancer patients to our Matthews location. There, they use advanced diagnostics and treatments to provide the best possible care to pets with cancer. If your pet has been diagnosed with cancer, ask your primary care veterinarian for a referral to see a veterinary oncologist.

Note:The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet’s condition, please make an appointment with your vet.

Allow Your Dog To Remain Intact Until At Least 18 To 24 Months Of Age

Numerous studies now show a clear link between spaying/neutering and increased cancer rates in dogs, especially large breeds. A 2002 study established an increased risk of osteosarcoma in both male and female Rottweilers who were neutered or spayed before the age of one year.

Another study showed that the risk of bone cancer in neutered or spayed large purebred dogs was twice that of intact dogs.

A further study, published last year by the University of California, Davis, suggests that spayed female golden retrievers have three to four times the cancer rates of intact females.

If you apply these five suggestions in caring for your dog throughout his life, you’ll be offering him a real fighting chance against cancer. You’ll also know you’re doing everything possible to help him enjoy a healthy, high quality life.

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Heartbreak For Dog Owners: Popular Breed More Prone Now To Cancer Jim Morelli, Boston 25 News

HUDSON, Mass. — The American Kennel Club lists golden retrievers as the third most popular breed in the United States, just behind Labrador retrievers and German shepherds.

“Golden retrievers naturally love people,” said Pauline Hoegler, owner of Golden Opportunities for Independence in Walpole, which raises the breed to serve as help dogs.

And the feeling is apparently mutual.

“I think what attracts most people to goldens is their sweet personality,” said Alysson MacKenna, executive director of Yankee Golden Retriever Rescue in Hudson. “They just really, really want to make that connection with people. In my opinion, there is no sweeter breed.”

But it appears there is a genetic flip-side to that sweet disposition.

“Goldens are one of the breeds that we see that get a lot of cancer,” said Dr. Cheryl London, a veterinary oncologist and director of the clinical trials office at Tufts University’s Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine in Grafton. “For a period of time, there was a lot of interbreeding to create the golden retriever and all the other breeds. When you do that you create issues in the genes that predispose you to a variety of different things and one of them is cancer.”

In fact, several studies — both in Europe and North America — have shown golden retrievers develop cancer at far higher rates than most other dog breeds.

Cancer in dogs can be treated — sometimes with good results.

Cancer dogs

Exposure To Carcinogens Cause Cancer In Your Golden Retriever

Since the Golden Retriever is a family dog, it has access to various household things that induce cancer. And continuous exposure to such carcinogen items leads to cancer. However, the cancer-causing agents present in the house are:

  • Household cleaners
  • Pesticides
  • Herbicides

Besides this, if you are a smoker, smoking can have a second-hand effect on your pet. Thus, it induces cancer in your Golden Retriever.

However, after you are familiar with the causes of cancer in your pet, I guess it is easier to prevent.

Do you know how to prevent your pet from cancer?

Genetic Diseases Reduce The Lifespan Of The Golden Retriever:

Do golden retrievers drool?

There are many different factors that play a role in the development of cancer in golden retrievers, including genetics where Dr. Jeffrey Levy, a veterinarian in New York City: “Some dogs often get cancer, but golden retrievers are less likely to develop cancer than other dog breeds but they are more susceptible to lymphoma.

Of course, there are many other factors that also contribute to the Golden Retriever lifespan.

What Are The Treatments For The Golden Retriever With Cancer

The above ways can help to prevent cancer in your Golden Retriever. But do you know what you should if your pet is suffering from cancer?

Firstly, you must visit the professional because earlier treatment is proportional to successful treatment. And the Vet may diagnose the disease through various techniques of heath testing. After this, he will analyze the following things:

  • Stage of the cancer
  • Health condition of the Golden Retriever
  • Age of the pet

The Vet thoroughly will examine the stage, type of tumor, age, and health condition of your pet. Finally, he will prescribe appropriate treatment for your Golden Retriever. And the treatments may be either one or more of the following:

  • Surgery
  • Herbal medicines
  • Radiotherapy

Although these treatments do not ensure the complete cure of cancer in your Golden Retriever, they are helpful to increase the lifespan of your pet.

Since a Golden Retriever is naturally susceptible to health issues, you cannot control it. However, you can provide the pet with adequate care and attention to ensure a healthier life.

Which of the above cause do you think leads to more cancer cases?

Do you think all the preventive measures were effective?

Do you have any suggestions about this article?

Please share them in the comment box.

What Are The Common Types Of Cancer In The Golden Retriever

According to the veterinary clinical trials program at the University of London, the Golden Retriever is more prone to four types of cancer. Further, the cases of cancer rise at the age of 6 and maximize at the age of 10 to 12. But after 12 years of age, these cases decline gradually.

However, there are four types of cancer most common in the Golden Retriever. And they are:

Golden Retriever Lifespan: 9 Great Tips To Prolong Its Life 4How can I make my golden retriever live longer?

It is known that Golden Retriever dogs are very popular, as they rank third most popular in the USA, according to the latest statistics conducted by the Kennel Club of America. So, when we consider adopting a new dog like Golden Retriever, the first question we ask is “how long the golden retriever lifespan?”, in order to determine the cost of maintenance.

The popularity of Golden Retriever dogs is due to their very friendly and loyal nature and the suitability of their pets for home breeding. But from the beginning, we need to know their average age, to avoid being shocked when we say goodbye to our faithful dog shortly after breeding, especially since not all dog breeds live like humans. Golden retrievers are no exception to this painful fact.

In this article, we will discover the average life expectancy of a golden retriever as well as the factors that can affect its life in order to help it live happily for as long as possible. But before that, let’s take a look at the history of the most ancient dogs in the world and the oldest golden retriever.

Reduce Or Eliminate His Exposure To Cancer Causing Toxins

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Harmful toxins include chemical pesticides like flea and tick preventives, lawn chemicals, tobacco smoke, flame retardants, and household cleaners .

A study conducted over a six-year period by the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University showed that exposure to lawn pesticides, specifically those applied by professional lawn care companies, raised the risk of canine malignant lymphoma by as much as 70%!

Another study conducted at Purdue University indicates that exposure to herbicide-treated lawns is associated with a significantly higher risk of bladder cancer in dogs. The chemicals in question are common herbicides containing 2,4-D, 4-chloro-2-methylphenoxypropionic acid , and/or dicamba.

It’s also important to remember that most conventional flea and tick preventives are actually pesticides, regardless of what form they come in – spot-on treatments, pills, dips, solutions, shampoos or collars. Chemical spot-on products attracted the attention of the EPA in 2009 after reports surfaced of over 40,000 adverse events the previous year, including 600 animal deaths. Just because a compound is applied to or worn on your dog’s coat doesn’t mean it’s safe. What goes on your dog goes in your dog, via absorption through the skin or ingestion during grooming.

Golden Retrievers Have One Of The Highest Rates Of Cancer

Cancer is a huge concern among all dog owners because it is the leading cause of death among dogs over the age of 2. Nearly half of all dogs will be diagnosed with some form of cancer over the age of 10.

Unfortunately, the incidence of cancer is slightly higher in Golden Retrievers. About 61% of Golden Retrievers in the US will die from cancer according to a study done by Purdue University along with the Golden Retriever Club of America in 1998.

A survey done by the UK Kennel Club in 2004 indicates that about 38% of European Golden Retrievers die from cancer. European Golden Retrievers develop cancer at a lower rate because their genes are different.

A few decades ago Golden Retrievers did not have such a high rate of cancer. The lifespan of a Golden Retriever was 15-17 years old in the mid-1900s to the early 2000s. Today their lifespan is 10-12 years according to Wikipedia.

What Are The Signs That My Dog May Have A Mast Cell Tumor

Mast cell tumors of the skin can occur anywhere on the body and vary in appearance. They can be a raised lump or bump on or just under the skin, and may be red, ulcerated, or swollen. While some may be present for many months without growing much, others can appear suddenly and grow very quickly. Sometimes they can suddenly grow quickly after months of no change. They may appear to fluctuate in size, getting larger or smaller even on a daily basis. This can occur spontaneously or with agitation of the tumor, which causes degranulation and subsequent swelling of the surrounding tissue.

When mast cell degranulation occurs, some chemicals and compounds can go into the bloodstream and cause problems elsewhere. Ulcers may form in the stomach or intestines, and cause vomiting, loss of appetite, lethargy, and melena . Less commonly, these chemicals and compounds can cause anaphylaxis, a serious, life-threatening allergic reaction. Although very uncommon, MCTs of the skin can spread to the internal organs, causing enlarged lymph nodes, spleen, and liver, sometimes with fluid build-up in the abdomen, causing the belly to appear rounded or swollen.

Do You Know The Status Of Cancer In The Golden Retriever

Since the Golden Retrievers originated from interbreeding, they have a high risk of cancer. And to prove this fact, Europe and the US did several studies on the Golden Retriever and risk for cancer.

Moreover, the Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, published in 2011, stated that out of 82 other dog breeds, the Golden Retriever is more likely to die from cancer. Furthermore, the BMC Veterinary Research in 2018 also confirmed that their puppies are more susceptible to tumor cell development than any other dogs.

Along with this, the Golden Retriever Lifetime Study is a yearly comprehensive health study of dogs in the USA that identifies the effect of nutrition, lifestyle, environment, and genetics in cancer. And according to a recent study, about 60 % of the Golden Retrievers are cancer victims.

And as time passes, the risk of Golden Retriever is also increasing at a high rate. As a result, the lifespan of the Golden Retriever declined to 10-12 years from 15-17 years over one century.

But what might be the reason behind the increasing cases of cancer in the Golden Retriever?

I will give a brief description of all the causes further in the article. Before that, do you know the symptoms of cancer?

Environmental Conditions Induces Golden Retriever Cancer

Field Golden Retriever vs Show Golden Retriever ...

Due to the recklessness of humans with the increasing access to technology, the environment is deteriorating. As a result, the Golden Retriever gets cancer due to smog and air pollution. Besides this, the Golden Retriever prefers moderate environmental conditions.

When the Golden Retriever is in an extreme environment, it may suffer from various skin disorders. Further, these disorders damage the skin tissue of your pet. And eventually, your pet may get cancer.

The More Serious Signs Of Aging In Your Golden Retriever

Older dogs are defined as being senior as well as geriatric, and often times people think of these terms as meaning the same. This is not the case.

Golden Retrievers are considered seniors at the age of 7.5 to 10 years old, right about the time when age-related issues start to become noticeable. Geriatric dogs are at the older age of the spectrum and they experience more health issues. A Golden Retriever is considered geriatric at the age of 10 and up.

Some more serious health problems that can affect your golden include:


Golden Retrievers are more likely to develop certain types of cancer than any other breed. Unfortunately, cancer is the number one cause of death in goldens, studies show that 60% of goldens will die from cancer. Males have a higher rate of 66% and females slightly lower at 57%.

The 2 most common cancers found in Goldens are hemangiosarcoma and lymphosarcoma. We’ll briefly discuss them below as well as other cancers goldens may get.

Why do Golden Retrievers get cancer?  To find out,


As goldens age, they may develop arthritis in their bones. Walking will become difficult and painful for them, as well as getting up and moving around. It is best to keep the walks short and more frequent to prevent your golden from getting stiff joints.


Hypothyroidism can occur in any breed, but it is most common in medium to large breed dogs like Golden Retrievers. It usually occurs when a dog is middle-aged between 4-10 years.



Tip #1: To Have A Healthy Dog Start With Healthy Parents

The best way for you to get a healthy dog is to purchase one from a good breeder.

Yes, you may pay more for a high-quality puppy, but it will be worth it.

Do your research on breeders, ask about their dogs’ health histories, their temperaments, and what they’re bred for.

Unfortunately, many people are breeding dogs with money as their #1 priority, not their puppies’ health.

Tip #5: Keep Your Golden Retrievers Weight Under Control

Golden retrievers love to eat, so they do have a tendency to become overweight if they’re overfed.

Since they’re already susceptible to joint and heart issues, you definitely don’t want them to gain too much weight.

To keep their weight under control make sure that they get enough exercise and are fed the proper amount.

For males, golden retrievers should weigh between 65-75 pounds, and for females, they should weigh between 55-65 pounds.

What Are The Symptoms Of Cancer In The Golden Retriever

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Since the Golden Retrievers cannot speak, they give several signs to indicate their illness. Though most symptoms of cancer may contradict the other diseases. Yet, the most common signs that indicate your pet is having health issues are.:

  • Change in bowel habits

Thus, you should be cautious and seek help from professionals immediately.

Unhealthy Food Habits Induces Golden Retriever Cancer

Since Golden Retrievers are fond of food, they love eating. Any and every meal enlightens their moods. Therefore, this dog breed has a higher chance of being obese.

And with obesity, the dogs are prone to various other diseases like diabetes, heart disease, thyroid disorder, hip dysplasia, joint disorders, etc. Furthermore, an overweight female Golden Retriever has a higher risk of mammary cancer.

At What Age Is A Golden Retriever Considered A Senior

Golden Retrievers are larger dogs so that automatically shortens their lifespan. Larger dogs age faster than smaller dogs, the reason why is still a mystery but scientists believe that it’s simply because large dogs grow faster. Growing faster can lead to an earlier incidence of tumours and other abnormal tissue developments including cancer.

The lifespan of a Golden Retriever is 10-12 years on average. Decades ago Golden Retrievers lived to be 16-17 years old. The reason for their reduced lifespan now is believed to be because this breed is more prone to certain types of cancer than any other breed.

A Golden Retriever is considered a senior at the age of 7.5-10 years old.

Many people believe that 1 human year is equivalent to 7 dog years, but this is not the case and it all depends on the size of the dog. Scientists have come to the conclusion that for every 4.4 pounds of body mass a dog has, their life expectancy is reduced by one month.

To find out how old your dog is in human years you can check out this chart.

How To Keep Your Golden Retriever Dog Healthy & Happy

Owning a pet is an amazing thing, especially when it is happy and entirely healthy. While some consider pets as a mere property, others consider pet, as it is, a living being that needs to be nurtured, trained, taken care of and should be made happy. One of the most popular household pets is a domestic dog. Dogs have different breeds with varying sizes depending on the age and specie. One of the most popular breed of dogs is the golden retriever.

Golden retriever dogs are happy domestic dogs. Apart from the fact that they serve as faithful companions, they fun filled and are considered as one of the most interesting breeds of dogs. Dogs are as living beings as humans and so the need to keep them healthy and happy. The healthier the dogs are, the happy and friendlier they act.

This breed of dogs is generally fragile and highly susceptible to various diseases, hence the need to specially take care of them. The Golden Retriever breed highly is susceptible to different kinds of diseases including some types of cancer, eye defects, joints and bone diseases and heart issues. This is mainly due to poor breeding practices especially when the breed of the dog became a well-known family dog. These days, the Golden Retriever dog has become one of the riskiest and most fragile breeds to own in regard to general genetic health issues.

In this article, we will discuss reasons why you should own a golden retriever dog and the ways to keep the dog happy and healthy.

How To Effectively Take Care Of Golden Retriever Dogs

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It is not just enough to own a golden retriever, ensuring the dog stays fit and healthy is the main deal. Alongside training the dog, there are necessary precautions and things to do to make sure the pet dog stays completely healthy.

Here, we will consider necessary steps you have to take to ensure your pet dog lives in complete health and stay absolutely happy. We will dwell on some certain aspects and consider some criteria to ensure your dog stays happy and healthy.

  • Feeding: The first thing to consider is how and what to feed your golden retriever dog. It is one of the most important factors when it comes to making sure your dog stays healthy. Like humans, what you feed your golden retriever matters. Depending on how big or small your dog is, you are supposed to feed your dogs based on their special digestive requirements. Generally, golden retriever dogs have a lifespan between 12 to 14 years. You can decide to feed your dog whatever you like but it is advisable to always consult a veterinarian to determine what is best for your retriever which will be based on the age and size of the dog. Also, note that there should always be the availability of very clean water for the dog.




Training a golden retriever is easy because of its loyal and eagerness to please nature. It is important to keep your pet dog healthy and happy. The tips given above should adequately ensure that.

Breed Specific Cancers: The Beloved Golden Retriever

The golden retriever is one of the most popular breeds in the world. In the United States the golden’s popularity is evident; it seems that they are everywhere from the local dog parks to your neighbor’s backyard and even in several television commercials. If you’re lucky you have one in your own family. Golden retrievers are nearly the perfect family member with their desire to please personality, their high intelligence and obedient nature, and their friendly and playful ways. They tend to get along well with all other dogs, people, and even cats.

The golden retriever was originally developed in Scotland as a gundog, with its soft mouth it was the perfect dog for carrying waterfowl. Although this breed is still an excellent hunting companion most goldens are primarily devoted family dogs and because of their trainability they are used as service dogs and search and rescue dogs.

Lymphoma is also a cancer that affects approximately one in eight golden retrievers during their middle age or old age, but can strike younger dogs as well. If left untreated a dogs survival rate may be as low as just a couple of months left in life, but with chemotherapy a dog with lymphoma may live another year. Research has shown that goldens that receive regular flea and tick preventative have reduced incidences of this cancer due to the thought that lymphoma in dogs may be triggered by bacteria carried by fleas and ticks.

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