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HomeHealthWhat Is The Average Age For A Golden Retriever To Get Cancer

What Is The Average Age For A Golden Retriever To Get Cancer

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Fact #4: 3000 Golden Retrievers Are Participating In A Study To Help Increase Golden Retriever Health

The Morris Animal Foundation launched the Golden Retriever Lifetime Study in 2012.

Together with veterinarians and the participating golden retrievers and their owners, they’re collecting data about their health, environment, and behavior to find potential risk factors for cancer and other diseases.

Why Do So Many Golden Retrievers Get Cancer Massive Study Hopes To Find Out

March 22, 2018 / 6:56 PM / CBS News

Cancer research for golden retrievers02:35

SPRINGFIELD, Va. — The sweet and playful golden retriever is one of the most popular dog breeds in America, with a special talent for getting even so-called grown-ups to join in the fun. But, as Kris Campesi has learned through painful experience, they also rate high on another scale.

“Goldens have a high probability for cancer,” she explained.

That rate is about 60 percent, one of the highest in the dog world. Campesi recently lost one golden to cancer and now 7-year-old Malachi has a brain tumor.

“They’re such a part of your life, and when it’s time for them to go it’s hard,” Campesi said.

Looking for answers, she entered 3-year-old Nicodemus, who’s perfectly healthy, into a national study of nearly 3,000 golden retrievers. The goal is to understand why the cancer rate is so high.

“I have to keep track of everything they eat, the water they drink, the chemicals I use around the house,” Campesi said.

Nicodemus even has something called a “whistle” that stays with him all the time so it can record his activity and sleep.

Veterinarian Laney Rhymes takes samples of his hair and nails during frequent medical exams.

“They’re looking for environmental stuff that the dogs might be exposed to that would concentrate in the nails,” Rhymes said.

What Happens If A Golden Retriever Does Not Grow Much Or Grows Too Quickly

Sometimes Golden Retrievers may grow at a different pace and not all be the same size. As a dog owner, this is not something to be majorly concerned about. However, if yours is not growing quickly or growing too quickly, it may be a cause for concern.

This may be a sign of malnourishment or an underlying medical condition. Similarly, they can have medical issues when they grow older, causing their immune system to be compromised, their bones and muscles to become weaker.

On the contrary, a Golden Retriever growing too quickly could be due to overfeeding. This is a serious health concern as Golden Retrievers can quickly gain weight and put their skeleton at risk.

Scientists Studying Why Golden Retrievers Are Dying Sooner Getting Cancer

If a golden retriever gives birth, gets stung by a bee or sprayed by a skunk, veterinarians want to know.

Scientists are studying the popular breed to find out why their lifespans have gotten shorter over the years and why cancer is so prevalent.

The Colorado-based Morris Animal Foundation recently got the first lifetime study of 3,000 purebred golden retrievers up and running after signing up the first dogs in 2012. The nonprofit says the review of health conditions and environmental factors facing goldens across the U.S. can help other breeds and even people, because humans carry 95 percent of the same DNA.

“Canine cancer has become a dog owner’s greatest fear,” said Dr. David Haworth, president and CEO of the foundation, which invested $25 million in the study. “You don’t see dogs running loose that much anymore, we don’t see a lot of infectious diseases, and the vaccines we have today are very good, so our concerns are warranted.”

The vets haven’t learned enough yet to improve or prolong the retrievers’ lives, but key factors could lie anywhere, said Dr. Michael Lappin, who has 19 patients from Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts, in the study. When he graduated from veterinary school in 1972, golden retrievers lived 16 or 17 years. Today, it’s nine or 10 years.

Golden retrievers die of bone cancer, lymphoma and a cancer of the blood vessels more than any other breed in the country.

How Long Do Golden Retrievers Live Your Golden Retriever Lifespan Guide

Study about why Golden retrievers are dying of cancers ...

June 8, 2021mary

If you’re reading this article, it’s likely that you either own a golden retriever or are thinking about getting one, and for good reason! Golden Retrievers are incredible dogs that are loyal, friendly, devoted, and intelligent which makes them great family dogs. They are the third most popular dog in the United States, behind only the Labrador Retriever and the German Shepherd.

That said,there is one reason why families sometimes reconsider adding a Golden Retrieverto their family – their lifespan. In general, Retrievers have a reputation forhaving a shorter lifespan than some other large breeds but what is thisreputation based on? Is it true or have Retrievers just received a badreputation based on a few owners’ experiences? We’re going to take a closerlook at the Golden Retriever’s lifespan and what you may be able to do toextend it. Before adopting any pet, it’s important to remember that you aregoing to be responsible for it for the rest of its life, including longtermcare.


Will Neutering Or Spaying My Golden Retriever Affect His Or Her Growth

Yes, fixing a dog before they reach sexual maturity generally causes your dog to grow bigger. This is because sex hormones suppress growth hormones.

Without growth inhibition, your Golden will continue to grow.

Aside from joint problems, there are also a few issues connected to spaying or neutering. They can become more prone to some forms of cancer.

It might also cause “spay incontinence” in females when they are older.

Some dogs also experience a change in behavior after the operation. The lack of estrogen can make female dogs more aggressive. Male dogs may also experience an increase in fearfulness.

Sexual maturity usually occurs in Golden around 8 to 12 months. This gives you ample time to decide whether to sterilize or not.

Golden Retriever Lifespan Expectancy: How Long Will Your Golden Live Lindsay

Golden Retrievers are playful, friendly, and loyal dogs.  The hardest thing about being the owner of one is to know that your dog won’t be around for as long as you will be. The lifespan of dogs including Golden Retriever is much less than human beings. While you may not like to face the fact that your Golden will not be around forever, it helps to know its average lifespan and the steps you can take to extend your time with your precious pet.


Heartbreak For Dog Owners: Popular Breed More Prone Now To Cancer Jim Morelli, Boston 25 News

HUDSON, Mass. — The American Kennel Club lists golden retrievers as the third most popular breed in the United States, just behind Labrador retrievers and German shepherds.

“Golden retrievers naturally love people,” said Pauline Hoegler, owner of Golden Opportunities for Independence in Walpole, which raises the breed to serve as help dogs.

And the feeling is apparently mutual.

“I think what attracts most people to goldens is their sweet personality,” said Alysson MacKenna, executive director of Yankee Golden Retriever Rescue in Hudson. “They just really, really want to make that connection with people. In my opinion, there is no sweeter breed.”

But it appears there is a genetic flip-side to that sweet disposition.

“Goldens are one of the breeds that we see that get a lot of cancer,” said Dr. Cheryl London, a veterinary oncologist and director of the clinical trials office at Tufts University’s Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine in Grafton. “For a period of time, there was a lot of interbreeding to create the golden retriever and all the other breeds. When you do that you create issues in the genes that predispose you to a variety of different things and one of them is cancer.”

In fact, several studies — both in Europe and North America — have shown golden retrievers develop cancer at far higher rates than most other dog breeds.

Cancer in dogs can be treated — sometimes with good results.

Cancer dogs

Life Expectancy Of Golden Retrievers Plus Common Health Issues

Golden Retrievers And Lifetime Cancer Study — Hope For A ...

Once you get a golden retriever pup, the first thing that goes to mind is how long they live. While we wish our dogs can stay with us forever, they have a shorter lifespan than ours. It’s unfortunate but it gives us all the more reason to give them all they need. With that said, what is a Golden Retriever’s lifespan?

It’s also important for us to know what they can possibly deal with health-wise. This article also tackles the most common health issues golden retrievers get.

  • Genetic Diseases Reduce The Lifespan Of The Golden Retriever:

    There are many different factors that play a role in the development of cancer in golden retrievers, including genetics where Dr. Jeffrey Levy, a veterinarian in New York City: “Some dogs often get cancer, but golden retrievers are less likely to develop cancer than other dog breeds but they are more susceptible to lymphoma.

    Of course, there are many other factors that also contribute to the Golden Retriever lifespan.

    Dont Want Your Golden Retriever To Get Cancer Dont Neuter It Lesley Ciarula Taylortimer

    Neutering dogs can double or triple their risk of cancer or joint disorders, a controversial new study reveals.

    In fact, the risk of lymphatic cancer was three times more common in early neutered males than non-neutered males. And cancer of the blood vessel walls was quadrupled in late-neutered females than non-neutered.

    The study also found neutering male and female golden retrievers produced weak protection against mammary or prostate cancer, contrary to popular belief.

    Researchers at the University of California Davis studied 759 golden retrievers registered at their Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital.

    Golden retrievers are popular and common but also more vulnerable to certain cancers and joint disorders than other breeds, the study pointed out.

    The results can only be extrapolated to other breeds to a certain extent, lead researcher Dr. Benjamin Hart told the Toronto Star.

    What’s a dog owner to do?

    “Two things. Certainly avoid early neutering, before a year. This takes away the developmental effect of gonal hormones,” said Hart, a veterinary professor and animal behaviourist at UCD.

    “A golden retriever is not much of a behaviour dog. Why not just not neuter unless you have to? There is nothing to be gained by neutering a male early.”

    “If it’s females, don’t spay too early. Wait until she’s a year or 13 months so you can get past the knee and elbow and hip dysplasia problems. That’s early enough in goldens.”

    Other Factors Involved In The Longevity Of Golden Retrievers

    In addition to the increased cancer risk, there are other factors that are involved in the dog life expectancy of golden retrievers. This breed of dog is more prone to joint and hip issues. While these issues might not cause your golden retriever to pass away, they certainly will reduce the quality of life they have.

    With this in mind, it is important to know that keeping your dog at a healthy golden retriever weight is one way to reduce their risk of hip and joint issues. There are also ways to increase your pet’s longevity.

    Golden Retriever Growth And Weight Chart The Complete Guide

    49 Golden Retriever Facts

    If you already have a Golden Retriever puppy, keeping an eye on its milestones is an excellent way of ensuring that her growth is on track.

    Those dogs that experience malnutrition and overfeeding, or growing slowly or too quickly, can have long-term effects on their health and life. So how do you know if your pup is on track?

    You’re in the right place if you want your questions answered!

    Golden Retriever Lifespan: 9 Great Tips To Prolong Its Life 4How can I make my golden retriever live longer?

    It is known that Golden Retriever dogs are very popular, as they rank third most popular in the USA, according to the latest statistics conducted by the Kennel Club of America. So, when we consider adopting a new dog like Golden Retriever, the first question we ask is “how long the golden retriever lifespan?”, in order to determine the cost of maintenance.

    The popularity of Golden Retriever dogs is due to their very friendly and loyal nature and the suitability of their pets for home breeding. But from the beginning, we need to know their average age, to avoid being shocked when we say goodbye to our faithful dog shortly after breeding, especially since not all dog breeds live like humans. Golden retrievers are no exception to this painful fact.

    In this article, we will discover the average life expectancy of a golden retriever as well as the factors that can affect its life in order to help it live happily for as long as possible. But before that, let’s take a look at the history of the most ancient dogs in the world and the oldest golden retriever.

    Other Contributing Factors To The Goldenretrievers Lifespan

    While cancer is responsible for 60% of deaths when it comes to the Golden Retriever, it is not the only health problem that Goldens may have. When it comes to cancer and other health issues, genetics influences the likelihood that they will develop it. If you are purchasing your Golden Retriever from a breeder, asking questions about their lineage helps identify whether or not your Retriever has healthy genes. Although it may not directly contribute to their lifespan, Golden Retrievers are also prone to joint and hip problems. This can cause inflammation and reduce their quality of life significantly. Having bad joints and hips can also be a genetic condition so asking questions about the puppy’s parents in regards to these types of issues is important as well.

    How The Golden Retriever Lifespan Compares To Other Breeds

    The Golden Retriever’s lifespan is roughly the same as other large breeds. Labradors also live for about 10 to 12 years, while German Shepherds and Great Danes have a life expectancy of between 7 and 10 years. 

    Typically larger dogs don’t live as long as smaller dog breeds, with scientists saying that a dog’s lifespan is reduced by one month for every 4.4 pounds of body weight. For example, the tiny Yorkshire Terrier has a life expectancy of around 11 to 15 years. 

    However, this is not always the case as is the example of the Border Collie who at half the weight of a Golden Retriever also has a life expectancy of between 10 and 12 years. 

    Golden Retriever Lifespan: Early Examinations Give Insight

    Study to tackle why so many golden retrievers get cancer

    The study, although initiated five years ago, has not given any clear results yet, mainly because the 3,000 dogs have been signed only in March 2015. However, early examinations appear to show that 33 percent of the dogs, which are 1 to 5 years old, were victims of skin disease or ear infections. Furthermore, 17 percent had gastrointestinal illnesses, and 11 percent had a urinary disease. To conduct the study properly, dogs are medically treated, as usual, so the results do not get skewed.

    Breeders, handlers and pet owners are asked to log everything, from a move across the country or across town, a change in the diet, climate or time zone, the arrival of a new baby at home, or the apparition of new behavioral changes.

    Visits to veterinary practices occur regularly so vets can collect blood and nail samples, hair, feces, and anything else that would matter to scientifically understand what is happening within the breed, especially when the dogs get sick. The objective with scientific data is to uncover a common thread or lay bare early warning signs among dogs that develop cancer and other diseases. More than samples, vets hold a journal checking for changes in blood pressure, sleeping patterns, diet, temperature and any detail that may explain illness.

    Up until now, seven Golden retrievers who took place in this study have died of medical conditions such as cancer and gastrointestinal problems. One golden was hit by a car, and another one dropped out after its owner died.

    The Ultimate Golden Retriever Puppy Growth Chart By Weight

    One of the reasons you should monitor your Golden Retriever puppy’s growth is to make sure that she is healthy.

    Female puppies grow faster or get bigger in the first few months, then males catch up and reach a higher overall weight.

    We have a growth chart below but bear in mind that it shouldn’t be treated as gospel. 1 or 2 lbs, either way, shouldn’t matter.

    If you find that your pup is not gaining or is losing weight, you should consult your vet.

    You can see your puppy’s projected growth below and predict how heavy she would be when she’s fully grown.

    Golden Retrievers Have One Of The Highest Rates Of Cancer

    Cancer is a huge concern among all dog owners because it is the leading cause of death among dogs over the age of 2. Nearly half of all dogs will be diagnosed with some form of cancer over the age of 10.

    Unfortunately, the incidence of cancer is slightly higher in Golden Retrievers. About 61% of Golden Retrievers in the US will die from cancer according to a study done by Purdue University along with the Golden Retriever Club of America in 1998.

    A survey done by the UK Kennel Club in 2004 indicates that about 38% of European Golden Retrievers die from cancer. European Golden Retrievers develop cancer at a lower rate because their genes are different.

    A few decades ago Golden Retrievers did not have such a high rate of cancer. The lifespan of a Golden Retriever was 15-17 years old in the mid-1900s to the early 2000s. Today their lifespan is 10-12 years according to Wikipedia.

    What Is The Average Life Expectancy Of A Golden Retriever AnnieTheGolden

    People choose their pets for various reasons.  It could be the breed they always wanted, it could be the breed’s looks, temperament, or price may even be a factor. 

    Not often do prospective owners really consider how long that pet will be a part of their family before they cross the rainbow bridge. It probably doesn’t even cross their minds when they see that adorable little golden face.

    They do say that smaller dogs tend to live longer and the opposite is true for larger dogs. So, how long does a golden retriever live and what can we do to keep them with us longer?

    Tip #1: To Have A Healthy Dog Start With Healthy Parents

    Available Puppies – Sturdy Golden Retrievers

    The best way for you to get a healthy dog is to purchase one from a good breeder.

    Yes, you may pay more for a high-quality puppy, but it will be worth it.

    Do your research on breeders, ask about their dogs’ health histories, their temperaments, and what they’re bred for.

    Unfortunately, many people are breeding dogs with money as their #1 priority, not their puppies’ health.

    Tip #5: Keep Your Golden Retrievers Weight Under Control

    Golden retrievers love to eat, so they do have a tendency to become overweight if they’re overfed.

    Since they’re already susceptible to joint and heart issues, you definitely don’t want them to gain too much weight.

    To keep their weight under control make sure that they get enough exercise and are fed the proper amount.

    For males, golden retrievers should weigh between 65-75 pounds, and for females, they should weigh between 55-65 pounds.

    How Long Dogs Live Spaying Golden Retrievers And Cancer

    What is the connection between spaying golden retrievers and cancer? One study suggested that sterilization procedures significantly impact the survival of dogs. On average, intact dogs will die by 7.9 years of age, and sterilized dogs will live longer at 9.4 years.

    Dogs that have undergone either spaying or neutering will have a longer life expectancy, with males at 13.8% in females a 26.3%.

    It is less likely for sterilized dogs to die of serious infectious diseases such as trauma, heart diseases, and degenerative disease.

    However, there is dramatic evidence that sterilized dogs are likelier to die of cancer and immune-related diseases.

    Sterilization can result in a higher risk of death from cancer, but it did not increase the risk for every type of cancer.

    What is the connection between spaying golden retrievers and cancer? In this study, females who have been sterilized were less likely to develop mammary cancer. However, the risk increases for certain cancers, such as cell carcinoma and mast cell tumors. However, there is no dramatic effect for developing melanoma. Male dogs are less likely to develop prostate cancer.

    However, this study did not cite age in relation to spaying and neutering. It should also be noted that these cases were undertaken in teaching hospitals, which may be different from the general dog population. There is an overall shorter lifespan with these dogs compared to those that are examined in private practice.

    Socio economic status

    Joint problems

    How Long Will My Dog Be In Pain After A Fixing Operation

    Your dog should only feel discomfort for a few days after a spaying or neutering operation, and shouldn’t be showing symptoms of distress for more than a week. That is except the discomfort of wearing a cone and not being able to jump around. They should be prevented from damaging their stitches for at least two weeks after the operations.

    Things You Can To Help Your Golden Retriever Live Longer

    When Do Puppies Lose The Baby Teeth

    No one likes to part ways with their beloved pet. Genetic diseases play a major factor in a Golden Retriever’s lifespan and these dogs are prone to health issues. Fighting against the genetic make-up of nature is difficult. All you can do is try to keep your Golden Retriever healthy to the highest level so that they can fight against DNA weaknesses and live as long as possible.


    Here are a few things that you can do to increase your Golden Retriever’s lifespan and make them stick around a little longer.


    The Verdict: Normal Growth Is Not The Same For Each Pup

    Every Golden is different and will grow at their own rate. The key is to ensure they aren’t growing too quickly or too slowly –steady growth is ideal.

    Aside from other factors we mentioned, a nutritious diet and an active lifestyle will help keep your Golden healthy and happy.

    Remember, their final size will vary from one another, depending on variation and pedigree.

    What Is The Best Age To Spay/neuter A Golden Retriever

    You can spay puppies as early as 8 weeks old, but any time before they reach sexual maturity is preferred, which is around one year old.

    This will prevent undesirable behaviors such as marking, territorial behavior, or a fixation with toys. All of which are hard to correct when they manifest.

    For breeds that are predisposed to hip dysplasia, vets recommend spaying around the 6-month mark.

    Golden Retriever Weight And Growth: Our Complete Guide Alexandra Wrigley

    Do you own one of the world’s most popular breeds? Perhaps you’re thinking about owning one?

    This beautiful, friendly, and lion like dog is a sight for sore eyes. It’s not aggressive and is the perfect dog for children, families, and even the elderly!

    However, other than its amazing personality, it is a big dog! It can grow on average for a female up to 51cm-56cm/20-22 inches and weigh between 25-32kg/55-71lbs. On the contrary, a male can reach between 56cm-61cm/22-24 inches in height and weigh between 30-34kg/66-74lbs.

    But, those figures are just a baseline for when they grow older. You don’t want to wait till they get older though, it’s an exciting time owning a Golden Retriever enjoying their stages as they grow from puppy to an adult.

    To help you, we’re going to give you a complete breakdown today and even a Golden Retriever Growth chart.


    Study: Golden Retrievers Lifespan Dropped In 35 Years

    New Study Looks To Explain Higher Cancer Risk in Golden ...


  • How To Increase My Labrador’s Lifespan?
  • Back in the 1970s, Golden Retrievers routinely lived until 16 and 17 years old. Golden Retrievers are now living from 10 to 14 years old.

    Golden Retrievers die mostly of bone cancer, lymphoma and a cancer of the blood vessels more than any other breed in the country. Scientists from the Colorado-based Morris Animal Foundation picked up on this observation and are studying the popular Golden Retriever dog breed to find out why their lifespan has gotten shorter over the years and why cancer is so prevalent within this specific breed.

    The foundation recently invested $25 million in the study to launch the very first lifetime study of over 3,000 purebred Golden Retrievers after signing up the first dogs back in 2012. The nonprofit organization has explained that reviewing the health conditions and environmental factors faced by Golden Retrievers all over the United States should also benefit other breeds and even humans, as 95 percent of the same DNA is shared between us, and dogs.

    This study is a groundbreaking endeavor to learn how to prevent cancer and other diseases, more efficiently, in dogs. It is the longest and largest observational study ever undertaken for the canine species, enrolling 3,000 Golden Retrievers and lasting anywhere from 10 to 15 years.

    Hero #2085

    Do Golden Retriever Types Have Different Growth Rates

    The British, American, and Canadian Golden Retrievers do not have a significant difference in growth. Show dogs are often heavier than working dogs.

    Don’t be alarmed if your working dog is slightly smaller than the projected growth. As long as she’s gaining weight steadily, there’s no cause for concern.

    Also, look at your pup’s parents, if they are smaller than average, your Golden will most likely be on the small side, and the opposite is true, as well.

    Breed Specific Cancers: The Beloved Golden Retriever

    The golden retriever is one of the most popular breeds in the world. In the United States the golden’s popularity is evident; it seems that they are everywhere from the local dog parks to your neighbor’s backyard and even in several television commercials. If you’re lucky you have one in your own family. Golden retrievers are nearly the perfect family member with their desire to please personality, their high intelligence and obedient nature, and their friendly and playful ways. They tend to get along well with all other dogs, people, and even cats.

    The golden retriever was originally developed in Scotland as a gundog, with its soft mouth it was the perfect dog for carrying waterfowl. Although this breed is still an excellent hunting companion most goldens are primarily devoted family dogs and because of their trainability they are used as service dogs and search and rescue dogs.

    Lymphoma is also a cancer that affects approximately one in eight golden retrievers during their middle age or old age, but can strike younger dogs as well. If left untreated a dogs survival rate may be as low as just a couple of months left in life, but with chemotherapy a dog with lymphoma may live another year. Research has shown that goldens that receive regular flea and tick preventative have reduced incidences of this cancer due to the thought that lymphoma in dogs may be triggered by bacteria carried by fleas and ticks.

    Do Dogs Get Depressed After Being Spayed Or Neutered

    You should expect changes in behavior when your dog returns home from fixing surgery, both resulting from the trauma of the surgery and the changes in their hormone levels. Exactly how their behavior will be different varies greatly. You can expect aggression, or anxiety and clinginess. But this should only last for a few weeks as they adjust.

    Overview: A Few Fun Facts About The Golden Retriever

    So you want a Golden Retriever

    Golden Retrievers are medium to large dogs that are characterized by their friendliness and golden coat.

    Did you know that this popular family dog comes in three types? There’s the American Golden, Canadian Golden, and British Golden.

    This purebred also comes in a show dog and a working-class variety.

    When Is A Female Golden Retrievers First Heat Cycle

    This will vary, depending on if they are a small, medium, or large breed dog. For Golden Retrievers, this typically occurs before they are one year of age.

    Most veterinarians recommended spaying before your pup is 6 months of age. However, for Golden Retrievers, this recommendation has now changed to 18 months.

    Doggy Health: Are Golden Retrievers Prone To Cancer

    Cancer is one of the worst diseases that affect dogs and humans alike.

    Because of the smaller genetic pool, some pure dog breeds are prone to getting certain types of cancers, and the Golden Retriever is no exception. The Goldy is one of the most popular dog breeds—the dog is intelligent and has an excellent sense of humor.

    According to a study conducted by the Purdue University, 61% of Golden Retrievers die from cancer.

    That’s a large number, right?

    In this blog post, I will answer the question “Are Golden Retrievers prone to cancer?” in as much detail as I can, and share a few more important things with you.

    Let’s begin.

    Genetics Play A Role In Golden Retrievers Longevity

    Genetics will also play a role in a golden retriever’s longevity. Depending on their family history, where they were bred, and how many litters the parents had previously, the longevity of your specific golden retriever can vary. This is why you should always check on the breeders before you buy from them.

    Why Do Golden Retrievers Get Cancer Final Thoughts

    Study: Neutering/Spaying dogs increases the incidence of ...

    As we have learned in this article, Golden Retrievers have a high rate of cancer because it is in their genes. A cancer-causing gene is passed down from generation to generation, and because the gene pool is small in purebred dogs, this cancer gene does not go away.

    Along with genetics, a combination of old age and environmental factors could also contribute to cancer. However, the true causes of cancer in Golden Retrievers are not specifically known.

    Cancer research in both human and veterinary medicine is ongoing, and great strides have been made, but we have yet to find a cure for cancer.

    The study that is currently going on by the Morris Animal Foundation involving Golden Retrievers will hopefully give us some answers and bring us closer to a cure each year.

    It is imperative to always be aware of any changes in your dog’s physical and behavioural state.  Catching this disease early will make all the difference in your Golden’s prognosis.

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