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HomeFoodHow Much Should I Feed My 10 Week Old Golden Retriever Puppy

How Much Should I Feed My 10 Week Old Golden Retriever Puppy

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How Much Should I Feed My Puppy A Complete Puppy Feeding Guide With Chart

The decisions you make about your puppy’s nutrition will affect his growth, development and even his behavior.

Feeding your puppy a high-quality, complete and balanced puppy food helps set him up for a long and healthy life as an adult dog. This raises a lot of questions for first-time puppy owners, though.

How much should you feed your puppy and when? When should you stop feeding puppy food?

Get answers to these questions and more in our complete puppy feeding guide below. Our experts answer your questions and offer advice to help set you and your puppy up for success.


Will Neutering Or Spaying My Golden Retriever Affect His Or Her Growth

Yes, fixing a dog before they reach sexual maturity generally causes your dog to grow bigger. This is because sex hormones suppress growth hormones.

Without growth inhibition, your Golden will continue to grow.

Aside from joint problems, there are also a few issues connected to spaying or neutering. They can become more prone to some forms of cancer.

It might also cause “spay incontinence” in females when they are older.

Some dogs also experience a change in behavior after the operation. The lack of estrogen can make female dogs more aggressive. Male dogs may also experience an increase in fearfulness.

Sexual maturity usually occurs in Golden around 8 to 12 months. This gives you ample time to decide whether to sterilize or not.

Feeding Your Puppy Optimally Is Necessary To Avoid Rapid Weight Gain

Although chubby puppies may look really cute, it is better to avoid too much weight gain. Overweight puppies are more likely to develop bone or orthopedic problems.


You can easily check if your puppy is overweight with two simple tests. You should touch the puppy’s ribcage lightly. If you are able to feel the ribs then the puppy is not overweight. But if you cannot feel the ribs then your puppy is overweight.


You should also stand up and look down directly at your puppy while it is standing. If the abdomen is well defined then the puppy is not overweight. But if the abdomen is bulging or rounded, then your puppy is overweight.


You should also take your puppy on regular visits to the veterinarian to keep track of its weight and overall health.


It is important to keep your golden retriever puppy’s weight in the right range because this will prevent the occurrence of certain medical conditions to which golden retrievers are susceptible. If you can maintain the right weight, then there is a better chance for your pup to avoid problems faced by golden retrievers such as elbow and hip dysplasia, cancer, eye problems and cardiac conditions.


On the other hand, if your pup is not gaining waiting even though you are feeding it the right amount of food, you should then take it to the veterinarian. Lack of weight gain could be a sign of parasites, congenital problems or some other health issue.


Proper Nutrition And The Danger Associated With Growing Too Quickly

Dog growth occurs in spurts and depends on the individual—no dog will exactly match the averages in the following charts. However, in general, you are looking for slow growth. There are dangers associated with your dog growing too quickly. These risks include bone disease and arthritis and occur more often in large breeds such as Golden Retrievers.

Growing too quickly is caused by overfeeding and low-quality food. When you read the ingredients on your puppy’s dog food, the first ingredient should be an animal protein. If your puppy looks like it is gaining fat, cut back on the food.

In the following growth charts, the smallest and largest puppy weights are there to illustrate the wide range of Golden Retriever sizes. However, remember, bigger is not always better! Aim to keep your dog looking healthy and fit.

This article is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge. It is not meant to substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, or formal and individualized advice from a veterinary medical professional. Animals exhibiting signs and symptoms of distress should be seen by a veterinarian immediately.

How Do I Know Which Food Is The Best For My Golden Retriever Puppy

Golden Retriever Junior Dog Food

So, how exactly do you choose the appropriate food for your puppy? Here are a couple of pointers to ensure that you are feeding the right nutrients to your pup:

1. Your puppy’s age

A puppy has a different need for nutrition depending on its age. During their serious growth months, they might need just a little bit more calories than usual, especially if they are often running around, whether indoors or outdoors.

For reference, check our feeding schedule or our growth chart on how much your pup should weigh according to their age.

2. Your puppy’s activity levels

Is your puppy more active at playtime or are they often staying at home and resting? Consider changing your puppy’s dietary needs based on their playing habits. A more active puppy will need more calories while a pup that often rests indoors needs to cut down on the fats and carbs.

Moreover, protein is also a good muscle builder if your pup tends to be the sporty type .

3. Health history

Some puppies have a certain health history that makes them allergic to certain food types. In some cases, they may also lack nutrition since they are prone to certain illnesses.

To know more about your puppy’s health history, you can talk to the breeder about it. Moreover, many breeders may even show you health screening certificates to assure transparency for you and your puppy.

4. Ingredients of the food

5. Food packaging

Maintaining A Healthy Puppy Weight Of Your Golden Retriever Puppy

A puppy grows faster, no doubt! But nobody loves an overweight or underweight puppy so make sure that your feeding schedule is proper and you have to monitor your pooch’s weight on a regular basis when your Golden Retriever is in the puppy phase!

Overweigh can develop health and orthopedic problems in your Golden!

Monitoring your pup’s weight is really important, and make sure you don’t ignore that! Monitoring and adjusting the diet accordingly, you should be able to feel but not see your pup’s ribs!

If your puppy is obesethen make sure you check out this article which I wrote a month back! Best Weight Loss Dog Food For Golden Retrievers

Also, you can define your pup is overweight or not by letting your Golden Stand and you just need to observe the abdomen, if the abdomen is round and bulgy then your puppy isoverweight and if the back is all good no bulginess then its good.

Regular visits to your vet is recommended!

What Happens If Your Golden Retriever Doesnt Get Enough Exercise

Whenever Oliver doesn’t get enough exercise, he lets us know by standing by his toy bin and staring at us, or sitting in front of us panting when we’re trying to relax.

Then, as we get up to go somewhere, he usually thinks we’re getting up to go play fetch with him, so he’ll run in circles or leap up in the air.

So if your golden isn’t getting enough exercise, they will let you know!

Here are some other signs that your golden has extra energy:

  • Biting more than normal
  • Running around the house or having zoomies
  • Destructively chewing things like shoes or furniture
  • Jumping

You probably noticed that all of the things above are unwanted behaviors.

“Cuddle with mom” or, “take a nap and look cute” aren’t on this list, which supports the old saying that “a tired dog is a good dog.”

So if you want your golden to stop doing some of the bad behaviors above, then exercise them!

In addition to unwanted behaviors, golden retrievers are very prone to obesity, which is another potential problem if you don’t exercise them enough.

This can lead to heart problems, joint problems, and other potential health problems.

So if you don’t want your golden to become overweight and suffer through potential health problems, exercise them!

Which leads us into the next section…

How Much Exercise Is Too Much For Your Golden Retriever Puppy

Have you ever been around a toddler that’s overdue for their nap?

Watch out!

When kids get overtired, they get cranky, and it’s the same thing with puppies.

If a puppy gets overtired, you may notice that they may be more destructive, or bite more than normal.

So young puppies require shorter, more frequent play sessions, with lots of naps in between.

As puppies get older, they can play for longer durations, and require less nap time during the day.

With golden retrievers, since they’re larger dogs, you also want to be careful of their growing joints, especially their hips and elbows.

A two-mile hike, for example, would be inappropriate for a puppy just a few months old with developing bones, as well as jumping off high objects like beds and couches.

Be sure to talk to your vet about appropriate types and duration of exercise for them.

Golden Retriever Growth And Weight Chart The Complete Guide

Golden Retriever Puppy Growth Week By Week Pictures ...

If you already have a Golden Retriever puppy, keeping an eye on its milestones is an excellent way of ensuring that her growth is on track.

Those dogs that experience malnutrition and overfeeding, or growing slowly or too quickly, can have long-term effects on their health and life. So how do you know if your pup is on track?

You’re in the right place if you want your questions answered!

Feeding A Golden Retriever Puppy: Your Goldie Feeding Guide

If you have questions about feeding a golden retriever puppy, you are in the right place.

In this article, you will find answers to so many important Golden Retriever puppy feeding questions, including how much to feed, what to feed, how often to feed and more.

  • Dry or moistened kibble
  • A combination of dry and wet puppy food
  • A biologically appropriate raw food diet
  • A homemade dog food diet

And if you are looking for a golden retriever puppy feeding guide or a golden retriever puppy feeding schedule, we have those for you too.

Know How To Tell If A Golden Retriever Is At A Healthy Size

The greatest lesson we can teach you is to learn what a healthy SIZE looks and feels like for your Golden Retriever. Notice that I don’t say “Weight.”“Weight” is deceiving. It can change. As a puppy grows it changes all the time. You must be able to feel a dog’s side to determine if your dog is at a healthy size or not. You have to look THROUGH their coat and feel the actual fat that they have. Your dog could look great to you, but after further investigation could be too thin or too fat.

Here’s the key….Feel the skin located on the rib cage/side of your Golden Retriever. How thick is that skin/fat? Your goal is for that skin to be as thick as a sweater. If it feels like a t-shirt then your Golden Retriever is too skinny. If it feels like 2 sweaters then your Golden Retriever is too fat. You may say, “But my Golden Retriever only weighs 67 lbs!” The actual weight means little…how fat is your Golden Retriever? You do not want your Golden overweight because, as mentioned before, it leads to many problems like dysplasia, heart issues and even cancer. It also voids our warranty if a Golden Retriever is found to be overweight.

Review the picture to the right. Most people would say the Golden in the top photo is too skinny, but the truth is that the top Golden Retriever is at a healthy weight.

Should I Feed Dry Or Wet Food To My Golden Retriever Puppy

Another question which is asked quite often by pet owners is: “what are the pros and cons of feeding dry food vs. wet food to my puppy?”


Wet food is typically more expensive and it comes in single serving packets, pouches or cans. Dogs often find that wet food is tastier than dry food.


Dry food is often relatively cheaper and it is also known as kibble. You can scoop it out of its packet and serve it directly to the dog. In the case of a puppy, you’ll want to add some water to make it a little moist and soft so that it is more appealing.


When you are weaning your puppy you should make sure that you are giving it wet food. This is often the best option. If you serve dry food, then you should soften it by adding a little water.


You should be a little bit more careful with dry kibble since it can be calorie dense and it can make your pup overweight if you are not watchful.


The Ultimate Golden Retriever Puppy Growth Chart By Weight

6 week old golden retriever, IAMMRFOSTER.COM

One of the reasons you should monitor your Golden Retriever puppy’s growth is to make sure that she is healthy.

Female puppies grow faster or get bigger in the first few months, then males catch up and reach a higher overall weight.

We have a growth chart below but bear in mind that it shouldn’t be treated as gospel. 1 or 2 lbs, either way, shouldn’t matter.

If you find that your pup is not gaining or is losing weight, you should consult your vet.

You can see your puppy’s projected growth below and predict how heavy she would be when she’s fully grown.

Interested In Training Your Golden Retriever The Right Way

If you haven’t trained your golden retriever properly, then this is the perfect time to start. Whatever bad behavior your shepherd has, whether it’s barking at night or other bad behaviors, using the right training program is the key to having an obedient and happy pup.

The training program I love and highly recommend is Brain Training For Dogs.

With Brain Training For Dogs you’ll save yourself a ton of time and effort. Instead of banging your head against the wall trying to figure out why your dog won’t listen, you’ll follow a path that has been tried, tested, and most importantly, that’s given proven results. Not to mention the fact, you’ll be able to fit the course around your schedule, not fit your schedule around a trainer or obedience class.

So instead of worrying about whether they’re going to be well-behaved or not, you’ll only have to worry about how much fun you’ll have with them!

And in most cases it’s still going to be:

  • Cheaper than hiring a professional.
  • Cheaper than replacing everything they might break.
  • And definitely cheaper than a lawsuit against you, if they decide to bite someone.

Just imagine how great it will feel to finally be able to trust your border collie completely and never worry whether they’ll be naughty or not. Instead, you’ll have the peace of mind that you have a well-behaved pup, and the boundaries you set for them, will always be there, EVEN IF YOU’RE NOT. 

Lets Talk Dog Nutrition Six Essential Nutrients Dogs Need

Here is a link to an article regarding Dog nutrition, originally published in Dogster Magazine in 2017. You can also link to the article by clicking on the picture below.

Diana Laverdure-Dunetz, M.S., is a canine nutritionist and co-author, with M. Jean Dodds, D.V.M., of two books including Canine Nutrigenomics: The New Science of Feeding Your Dog for Optimum Health. Their online course, Complete Canine Nutrition can be found at

How Much To Feed A Golden Retriever Puppy A Perfect Guide Lily Scott

I know that you are a bit confused with a few questions that are hitting your head as now you have got a new best friend home. I was the same as you when I adopted Max a year back, with a bunch of queries and was totally confused with the feeding chart, what to feed, feeding schedule, how much to feed, and many more!

Well, this guide that I’ve written is quite helpful and when you’ll read till the last section all your thoughts that you are carrying now will vanish!

Like one of your chief doubts would be ‘How much to feed a Golden Retriever puppy?’ Yes, it’s obvious like no matter how much food you serve your Golden, he would definitely eat all you serve , so you need to give him the proper amount of food, diet, and feeding if you want to grow your Golden Retriever Puppy in a healthy way. You should not overfeed your Golden as it can result in health consequences.

You should know that when to feed your Golden Retriever, how much to feed because it is essential for your puppy’s health. Goldens are prone to many health problems and the solution for this is to feed your pup with a perfect plan!

Well, I will take you from the beginning, it’s not rocket science! And follow the right feeding guide and there you are!

So, let’s start from a clean slate!

If you are in a hurry have a look at this ‘Table of Contents’ section this would help you to reach directly at the particular topic you desire.

  • Recommended Read
  • How Much To Feed A Golden Retriever Puppy: A Daily Guide

    5 month old golden retriever mishkanet com MISHKANET.COM” alt=”5 month old golden retriever > MISHKANET.COM”>

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    Not much is more exciting than bringing home a new furry bundle of joy. And Golden Retriever puppies are just about the cutest thing ever!

    You want to give your puppy the best start to life. Now, you have a bunch of questions about raising a Golden Retriever puppy.

    At the top of your list is how much to feed a Golden Retriever puppy.

    We want to help, so here’s a comprehensive guide with everything you need to know about feeding your Golden puppy.

    Problems Related To Feeding Your Golden Retriever Puppy

    Owners should be prepared to face some feeding problems with their golden retriever puppy during the initial stages. Some of these are as follows:

    • Puppy not eating – It might be feeling unwell or have digestion problems. It might not like the kibble you are offering. Or it might simply want to skip a meal. If the problem persists, it is better to consult a vet.
    • Allergic reaction – Sometimes puppies might experience an allergic reaction to certain foods. It is essential to change the offending food immediately. Consult a vet as needed.
    • Bloating – A very common problem with puppies is bloating. Eating very fast is one of the traits of little puppies, especially golden retrievers. This condition can turn serious and needs immediate attention.
    • Change of brand – Sometimes it might be necessary to change the brand of puppy food. Whatever be the reason, this change must never be abrupt. It has to be done in increments in order to allow the puppy to adjust.

    Wrapping Up: How Much Food For A Golden Retriever Puppy

    Unfortunately, “How much should a Golden Retriever puppy eat” doesn’t have a simple answer. Hopefully, though, we’ve provided you with enough information to set your puppy up for a lifetime of success.

    There are a lot of things to worry about when you’re raising a puppy. How much to feed a Golden Retriever puppy shouldn’t be one of them!

    The Verdict: Normal Growth Is Not The Same For Each Pup

    Every Golden is different and will grow at their own rate. The key is to ensure they aren’t growing too quickly or too slowly –steady growth is ideal.

    Aside from other factors we mentioned, a nutritious diet and an active lifestyle will help keep your Golden healthy and happy.

    Remember, their final size will vary from one another, depending on variation and pedigree.

    Puppy Feeding Chart: How Much To Feed A Puppy By Weight

    Runny Poop suddenly!

    Curious to know “how much should I feed my puppy”? How much food to feed a puppy depends on his age and weight. Most dog and puppy food packages have a feeding chart on the label, similar to our chart below. Be sure to check your puppy’s specific food bag for the label, so you know how much to feed him. While this chart is a good baseline, we recommend double-checking with your vet as all dogs’ dietary needs are unique.

    How Much Exercise Does Your Adult Golden Retriever Need

    Since they were bred to hunt in the fields and marshes for hours at a time, golden retrievers are high energy dogs that need about an hour of hard exercise each day.

    If they don’t get enough exercise, they may become destructive and hard to manage.

    Younger adults might need more than an hour, and older adults might need less than an hour.

    Of course, it also depends on the individual dog and the type of exercise.

    Some goldens naturally have more energy than others, so they would need more exercise than others.

    And an hour of fetch is not equal to an hour of leisurely walking through the neighborhood.

    What Is The Best Age To Spay/neuter A Golden Retriever

    You can spay puppies as early as 8 weeks old, but any time before they reach sexual maturity is preferred, which is around one year old.

    This will prevent undesirable behaviors such as marking, territorial behavior, or a fixation with toys. All of which are hard to correct when they manifest.

    For breeds that are predisposed to hip dysplasia, vets recommend spaying around the 6-month mark.

    Growing From The Puppy Phase Calorie Needs To Decrease

    When your Golden Retriever Puppy turns one year old, their growing phase has just been done. Now, it’s time to switch to adult dog food that is less calorie dense compared to puppy food!

    It’s hard to transition the food that you are feeding him since last year, so for Transitioning to a New Food I have added another section below which will help you in changing the food!

    As you pup grows into a adult dog his needs change to match your dogs need, you should switch from puppy to adult dog food.

    Make sure you don’t overfeed I’ve already mentioned a lot of health diseases that can be caused by overfeeding.

    Welcome A New Companion From Golden Meadows Retrievers

    Puppy belly! 10 week old Cooper

    Your golden retriever must start life with a quality diet to keep it healthy and strong. At Golden Meadows Retrievers, we have been breeding golden retrievers for over 25 years and take great care to carefully screen applicants and offer our puppies a quality diet from the start. Even after you find your perfect match, we’ll make sure you know how much to feed a golden retriever puppy now and as it grows.

    Common Problems With Feeding A Golden Retriever Puppy

    Dog parents may encounter a number of problems while attempting to feed the puppy. This may include allergic reactions to the foods they are given and puppies not liking their food. It may be that your puppy doesn’t like their kibble.

    Remember that cooked bones are not good to give your dog because they may splinter. Whenever your puppy is not eating, it is likely that there is some problem with the food or their health. At this point, you should pay a visit to your vet to ensure that everything is ok.

    Common Problems With Feeding Golden Retriever Puppies

    It is better to offer three or meals per day in order to avoid potentially life-threatening gastric problems. Unfortunately, many Golden Retriever owners don’t realize that their breed is susceptible to gastric problems that can require emergency care.


    Gastric dilatation or volvulus is a common problem in larger dog breeds. While it is not understood exactly what causes the problem, it is well known that breeds with deep-chest are more susceptible and golden retrievers are one of them.


    Volvulus or gastric dilatation can occur when there is a large buildup of gas due to large meals. The stomach will dilate due to an accumulation of food and gas and a point may be reached when the excessive food and gas cannot get expelled. The stomach may get distended until it eventually twists and ruptures. The ability to breath is negatively affected since the pressure on the diaphragm may not permit the lungs to expand adequately. There will also be decreased blood flow to the stomach.


    If your pup is suffering from volvulus or gastric dilatation, it might show the following symptoms:

    • Stretching awkwardly
    • Fainting


    If you see these symptoms you need to rush your golden retriever pup to the veterinarian and provide it emergency care.


    In order to reduce the chances of gastric dilatation, you should feed your puppy at least three meals per day. It is better not to feed older puppies two meals each day so that the chances of gastric dilatation are minimized.



    Do Golden Retriever Types Have Different Growth Rates

    The British, American, and Canadian Golden Retrievers do not have a significant difference in growth. Show dogs are often heavier than working dogs.

    Don’t be alarmed if your working dog is slightly smaller than the projected growth. As long as she’s gaining weight steadily, there’s no cause for concern.

    Also, look at your pup’s parents, if they are smaller than average, your Golden will most likely be on the small side, and the opposite is true, as well.

    Dont Feed These Things To Your Golden Retriever Puppy


    Some foods that we human beings eat are harmful for your Golden, so you have to be aware of it and have not to serve these things to your Golden Retriever puppy!

    Before going to the main list where I’ve mentioned that what not to feed your Golden Retriever, you must check this short YouTube Video which explains to you 11 Dangerous Foods that your dog should never eat.

    These things are dangerous and harmful for your Golden, so avoid giving these below-listed things to your pooch!

    • Alcohol
    • Raw or Undercooked Meat and Eggs
    • Bones
    • Milk & Other Dairy Products
    • Salty Food

    And the food chemicals which are mentioned below, if these are in your dog food’s formula that you are feeding your pup, these chemicals can harm your Golden Retriever’s health.

  • Ethoxyquin , This is a chemical used for pesticides and you don’t want to feed pesticides to your doggy so make sure this chemical is not included in your dog’s food. Ethoxyquin is already banned in Australia and in the European Union. It is also used in pet foods to preservations, and EMQ’s commercial name is “Stop-Scald”.
  • Propylene Glycol is used in some dog food to preserve moisture. FDA has banned this substance in cat food as it causes anemia in felines.
  • BHT & BHA that is Butylated Hydroxytoluene and Butylated Hydroxytoluene respectively. These chemicals are carcinogenic according to the WHO.
  • I hope that you are now quite aware of what to feed and what not to feed your Golden! 

    Moving on…

    How Much To Feed A Lab Puppy 2021 Labrador Food Guide Learn more

    Your lovable Labrador retriever is America’s sweetheart, continuously ranking as the AKC’s most-popular breed.

    The high-spirited sidekicks can range from 65-80 pounds and 55-70 pounds and stand between 21.5-24.5 inches tall.

    With lots of love and care, your medium-to-large-sized dog will be a family companion for approximately 10-12 years.

    As a new lab owner you might be asking – how much to feed a lab puppy?In general, your labrador will do well on an age-appropriate, high grade dog food, which can be store-bought or home-prepared with your veterinarian’s approval.

    Puppies, adults and senior dogs all have different dietary needs.And labradors love people food, too – so it’s best to watch out for what human foods are safe or not. Labradors can gain weight easily and seem to always be hungry.

    So, even though they’re an active breed, it’s not hard for them to fall into the overweight category – which is usually in direct result to overfeeding.Watching your lab’s quality and quantity of food intake from the puppy stage on is very important so he or she can be as healthy as possible and that’s why we put together this Labrador food guide – just for YOU!

    American Journey Large Breed Chicken And Sweet Potato


    Large Breed Chicken and Sweet Potato is one of 14 dry recipes evaluated in our review of the American Journey product line.

    • First 5 ingredients: Deboned chicken, chicken meal , turkey meal, peas, chickpeas
    • Type: Grain-free
    • Profile: All life stages
    • Best for:Golden retriever adults and puppies

    American Journey Large Breed Chicken acquires the majority of its meat protein from poultry. Dry matter label analysis reveals the recipe contains 33% protein, 13% fat and 45% estimated carbs… which yields a fat-to-protein ratio of about 40%.

    This large breed formula also contains a prebiotic. Prebiotics can help support the growth of healthy bacteria in the large intestine for better digestion. An exceptional, budget-friendly option. Easily recommended.

    Sample buyer review…“I have four furry children from small to extra large, all picky in their own way : Treats, bones, & obviously food. All four of em’ absolutely loved this brand! They’ve been on it for only a week, & I can already tell how healthier their coats look, & a bit of needed weight loss.”

    How Many Calories Does A Golden Retriever Puppy Need

    Even though Golden Retrievers are known to be active dogs, they can gain weight quite easily if their diet is not correct. To make the decision about how many calories you should be feeding your golden retriever, you need to look at his weight, age, and level of activity.

    • When he is two months old, you should give him 1 ½ cups of food daily
    • When he is seven months old, give him 3 to 4 cups of food daily
    • Adult Golden Retrievers that are active, require about 1,300 to 1,700 calories daily
    • Senior Golden retrievers require about 900 calories daily

    Please consider these to be a guide and consult your veterinarian if you are unsure about anything.

    Another method you can use to find the right amount of food to feed your golden retriever is the RER method.  This is the resting energy requirements of your dog, found by multiplying his weight in kilograms to the power of ¾ by 70.

    For instance, if you have a puppy that weighs 10 kg all you need to do is multiply this amount by the power of ¾  by 70. You should get an RER of 70 X 10kgs ¾ = 400 calories per day.

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