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HomeMust ReadHow To Train A Golden Retriever To Stay

How To Train A Golden Retriever To Stay

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Will Your Dog Be Able To Handle A Sudden Change In Temperature Or Weather On His Own

I know that the weatherman where you live is probably never wrong. Where I live, however, it seems like I have a better chance in Vegas than the weatherman getting the weather right on any given day.

As you take a look at your Golden’s situation. What will he do if it turns cold? What if it starts raining? Does your dog have a place to go to get out of these unforeseen turns in temperatures?

Your dog needs an insulated dog house or a doggy door into your garage. That way, if the weather takes a turn for the worse while your dog is alone, you don’t have to rush home.

Too hot or too cold can be too dangerous for your dog. If you ever wondered what is too hot or too cold, then you need to check out these articles. I explain what temperatures are dangerous for your Retriever and why they can or cannot take the different degrees.

What Are The Biggest Worries And Concerns When Training A Golden Retriever

1. Golden Retrievers Can Be MischievousGolden retriever pups have a real mischievous side, so it is important to stay on top of their behavior. Golden retrievers are so intelligent but can become easily bored; especially if there is not enough mental stimulation. Typically a Golden Retriever needs up to two hours of exercise every day, and which includes mental exercises.

2. Golden Retrievers Have A Short Attention SpanRather than long training sessions once a week, your Golden Retriever will respond much better to daily short training sessions; 10 minutes at a time. It is important to provide a variety of activities to burn off that Golden Retriever energy.

3. Golden Retrievers Are Social DogsAlong with the one-to-one training, your Golden Retriever must also be socialized well, with people and animals outside of the immediate family. A puppy kindergarten class is an amazing way to start socialization while making training fun.

Recall How To Teach Our Golden Retriever Puppy To Come Back When Called

Your puppy already knows their name at this point, so this should be a walk in the park. But if it isn’t, remember that it’s alright. 

‘Safety first’ should always be words you live by when you’re doing anything with your puppy – but in this case, you should keep them in mind even more. 

How to do it

  • Treats and a cheerful voice will be what works here. 
  • When they look at you, drop the treat on the ground near you  
  • TIPS

    Toilet And House Training Suitable For Training Golden Retriever Puppies

    Puppies have little control over their bladder until about 5 months of age and it is unfair to expect them to be house trained before this age. The two key elements when potty training Golden retrievers is confinement and timing. During confinement, you put your dog in its crate. Your puppy will attempt to come out if they have to go, as dogs will not relieve themselves in their den. This is where timing plays a key role. You need to be on stand-by to lead the your Golden Retriever puppy to the right toilet spot and let it do its thing. Order and routine make this training much easier.

    Recall How To Teach Our Golden Retriever Puppy To Come Back When Called

    Your puppy already knows their name at this point, so this should be a walk in the park. But if it isn’t, remember that it’s alright. 

    ‘Safety first’ should always be words you live by when you’re doing anything with your puppy – but in this case, you should keep them in mind even more. 

    How to do it

  • Treats and a cheerful voice will be what works here. 
  • When they look at you, drop the treat on the ground near you  
  • TIPS

    • You don’t need to reach out or grab your puppy when they come to you just yet – you’re just teaching your puppy to ‘hang out near you’ – where all the good stuff happens like treats dropping on the floor. 
    • Do these exercises before meal times so your puppy is more motivated.
    • Practice this 5 times a day and in 3 different places in your house and garden to get them used to coming to you in all settings. 

    Golden Retriever Training Is Very Important For The Following 5 Reasons:

    5 Steps To Train Your Golden Retriever Puppy To Sit & Stay ...

    # 1 – Both you and your dog will be more happy and content. Golden retriever training helps you to bond with your dog.

    # 2 – You will understand and communicate with your dog more effectively.

    # 3 – It may save your dog’s life! Having voice control over your dog is important in situations where they may run away, especially if there is traffic around.

    # 4 – Your Golden will be welcome in public areas and have more freedom.

    # 5 – Your Golden will have a low chance of developing behavioral problems.

    Write A Puppy Socialisation Checklist For Your Golden Retriever Puppy

    Yes, there is a checklist and it’s a long one. But you can download it here, or read our full article about it here. It’s an enlightening read, honestly. They’ll give you the best ideas of things to do with your puppy to help them learn that the outside world is a positive place they’ll be happy to live in. 

    Start Teaching Your Puppy Basic Dog Commands: Sit Stay Down Come

    a) How To Teach Your Puppy To SITTraining your puppy how to sit is a very important basic dog command to learn. Using a lure method , your dog will learn the desired dog command.To teach your dog to sit, stand in front of your dog and hold a tasty treat by your dog’s nose. Keeping the treat close to your dog’s nose, slowly lift your hand from your dog’s nose towards his/her forehead. As your dog raises his/her head to follow the treat, his/her bottom will go on the floor. As soon as your dog sits, praise and give him/her the treat. When your dog will sit easily for the lure, it is time to add the verbal cue of the “sit” command.

    b) How To Teach Your Puppy To StayUsing the verbal cue and hand signal for the stay command, the goal is for your puppy to remain sitting.Ask your puppy to sit. Place your hand out, with your palm facing forward and in front of the dog’s face while saying ‘stay. Keep your hand out and keep saying ‘stay’ while taking one or several steps back. After 3-5 seconds, go back to your puppy and then reward him/her for staying sitted. Once your puppy mastered the stay command, increase the number of steps and seconds. As soon as your puppy lie down, praise and give him/her the treat. When your puppy will lie down easily for the lure, it is time to add the verbal cue of the “down” command.

    Repetition is key to mastering any dog command. Be consistent, patient, practice, and praise your dog for good behavior.

    The Benefits Of Sit Command Where Can You Get Benefit Out Of It

    • You can train your golden retriever to sit when greeting other people, so he or she don’t jump up on them.
    • You can train your golden retriever to sit and wait with patience before crossing a road.
    • You can train your dog to sit and wait with patience before getting any treats or food.
    • You can also train your dog to sit and leave some place for people to go through any door or stairs.
    • Training your dog to sit when he is off leash helps a lot in managing your dog in hard situations.
    • The power of being able to stop your dog and stay at one spot with just a command can never be overstated, and it will serve both your dog and you significantly throughout yours and your dog’s life.

    How To Train Your Golden Retriever To Stop Pulling At The Leash

    If you have a golden retriever, then you know that going on a walk often means the dog is walking you! Golden retrievers are friendly, happy dogs, who want to greet and play with everyone they meet out walking. This leads to leash pulling, and it can happen in puppies as well as adult dogs. It can start to feel like there is nothing you can do to stop your dog from pulling at the leash, except go along with it, or reduce the number of walks. We’re here to help. Let’s look at some tips to stop your golden retriever from pulling at his leash.

    General Rules And Tips To Follow When Training The Sit Command

    For the first few training sessions with any new command, make it as easy as possible for your puppy to concentrate and succeed.

    Start alone at home in a familiar room, with no distracting pets, people or noises of any kind.

    Once mastered in this simple setting only then should you generalize and proof the command by training in different environments and adding in distractions.

    To prevent boredom and your puppy losing interest, Keep your training sessions short. For a very young puppy, just 3 to 5 minutes a few times per day. Once your puppy has matured, you can increase this to 10 to 15 minute sessions 2 to 3 times per day.

    Always speak your cues and commands in a quiet, warm but firm tone of voice. A dogs hearing is vastly superior to ours, so there’s no need to shout.

    Speak firm so it puts across authority, don’t make it sound like a question. You want to say ‘SIT!’, not ‘Sit??’. But although firm, keep your voice warm and in a medium pitch. Don’t go low and loud as this can sound threatening.

    Try to keep the training fun, with lots of praise and reward. It shouldn’t feel like hard work for either of you.

    Always finish before your puppy gets bored and stops responding, or fails to successfully earn their praise and reward.

    Finally, finish on a high note so your puppy looks forward to the next session and doesn’t leave with a bad taste in their mouth from the training experience.

    What Is The First Thing You Should Train Your Golden Retriever



    How to do it

    What Is The First Thing You Should Train Your Golden Retriever

    1. To acclimate your Golden Retriever puppy at home, potty training is vital.2. Crate Training is helpful with your at-home training. Your Golden Retriever puppy must seek the crate as a safe comfortable place.3. Teaching your puppy basic dog commands: Sit, Stay, Down, Come are essential in helping your dog to adapt his/her behavior to any social situation and make your dog live happily.


    To acclimate your Golden Retriever puppy at home, potty training is vital.

    a) Learn The Puppy Potty SignsBe prepared to let your puppy out when you notice:– a sudden change of behavior– scratching or pawing or barking at the door– sniffing around

    b) Create A Regular Routine To Take Your Puppy OutTake your young puppy out often to avoid accidents at home.

    c) Establish A Potty SpotUse a verbal potty command such as “go potty” which means “let’s go to your potty area.

    d) Praise Your Puppy: Praising your Golden Retriever puppy will encourage more good behaviors and help strengthen your bond.


    Crate Training Suitable For Training Golden Retriever Puppies

    Dogs are descendants of wolves and these animals are creatures that live in a den. Golden Retrievers need their own personal space and training them to stay in there is crucial to the success of your dog training. They naturally feel safe in a confined environment so you need to put in a little investment when buying a crate. Crate training Golden Retriever puppies can help to prevent them from turning your house into shambles when you are away! However do not abuse the crate as a form of punishment. The crate should be a place your puppy loves.

    Check out this Golden Retriever training video about using  the crate:

    Meeting Another Dog: How To Introduce Your Puppy To A New Dog

    5 Steps To Train Your Golden Retriever Puppy To Sit & Stay ...

    It’s important to socialise puppies when they’re still young to really make sure they’re at their friendliest and kindest with other dogs as adults. In humans’ or dogs’ worlds, everybody likes a friendly guy. 

    A good way to do this is by organising a visit from one of your friend’s dogs.

    PRO TIP: The other dog should be friendly with puppies, and up to date with their vaccinations! 

    How to do it

  • With your friend’s dog on the lead, bring your puppy into your garden, or a friend’s garden if you don’t have one. .
  • Sit quietly with your friend and their dog.
  • Let your puppy decide when they want to say hello to the other dog. At this stage they might be a bit wary, or they might be partying their heads off. Either is fine! 
  • PRO TIP: Just remember there’s no need to force your puppy to come say hello…letting them take control of how they want the interaction to go will make them feel much more confident. 
  • Give your puppy a treat while your friend gives their dog a treat – gotta make it a nice experience for both doggies.
  • Repeat giving them treats around 5 times during the visit.

    We know that all you may want is to let loose in some off lead play. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves, keep the adult dog on lead for now; there will be plenty of time to play later on. Don’t worry you’re not being a Debbie Downer, you’re just making sure your puppy is safe, and is able to go one step at a time!

    How To Train Your Golden Retriever Puppy To Bark At Strangers

    As the very name suggests, Goldens Retrievers are medium sized gun-dogs bred in the 19th century to retrieve game birds like ducks and fowls during hunting and shooting parties. Exceptionally intelligent dogs ranked fourth in the list of 79 intelligent dogs by neuropsychologist Stanley Coren, they can be suited to live in any environment be it urban apartments or country farms or even cold moor lands.

    That said Goldens have a reputation of being great family dogs but poor watch dogs because of their extremely friendly nature and their forever need to please and befriend humans. Being gentle by way of their genes and aristocratic lineage, it can be safely assumed that a bark of a golden is more in the lines of a ‘how do you do’ and ‘lets play’ woof and rarely a ‘beware of me stranger’ bark.

    But by training it from an early age in various ways of commands, signs and treats we can train our golden to bark at strangers if not more( they are not meant to be made watchdogs. Trying to make them one will lead to unnecessary investment of time and energy on either side with not so promising results.

    Let’s know some ways in which we can train our golden to bark:

    Some Tips And Rules To Follow When Training The Down Command

    For the first few sessions when the down command is new to your dog, hold the training at home in a familiar room with no distractions to make it easy as possible for them to succeed.

    Because a dog’s hearing is so more sensitive than our own, speak your commands in a quiet, warm but firm tone of voice. Sound friendly yet authoritative, not frightening.

    For the best results, train the down command after your Golden has enjoyed some exercise and before their dinner. If they’re full of energy it will be harder to relax and lie down, and if they’re hungry they will be more willing to work for the tasty treat rewards.

    You should train a release command.‘Down’ should mean lie down and stay until I say you can get up, not just lie down and get up when you want to. So train a release command, otherwise there’s no way for your Golden to know they’re done and can get up again. You can use ‘OK‘, or ‘Up now!’ as a release.

    ‘Down’ and ‘go to bed’ or ‘go to your crate’ are different commands. Please use different commands for each behavior, otherwise it can cause confusion, make them harder to learn and be less effective.

    Always be upbeat and happy when training, keeping it fun. And finish before your puppy gets bored so they enjoy the experience and look forward to your training sessions together. Just 5 or so minutes, 2 or 3 times per day is plenty for a puppy and you can increase the number of sessions and duration as they grow.

    What Will Your Golden Retriever Do For Fun While He Is Alone

    There are several different scenarios that might keep your dog mentally stimulated throughout the day. For example, take a KONG toy and fill it with water-soaked dog food. Then hang it from a string.

    The more of these kinds of things you have around your house, the longer your Retriever will be okay on his own.

    How To Train A Golden Retriever To Lie Down Using Capturing

    One of the easiest ways to train a behavior is to wait for your Golden to offer it anyway, then reward them for it. All dogs will lie down at some point eventually, all you have to do is be there and watching to capture it.

    So if you’re not having any success with luring, try the following method:

    Step 1

    First of all, take your dog out for some exercise to tire them out a little. Then shut yourself and your dog in a quiet room where there’s no distractions and nothing to do. Remove all toys and anything of interest to encourage boredom and for your dog to lie down.

    Now you just wait.

    Step 2

    With nothing exciting happening and nothing else to do, eventually your dog will lie down. As soon as they do, mark the behavior and throw them a treat. You throw it so that they have to get up, so they’re in the correct position to offer the down behavior again.

    Step 3

    Your dog is now likely to offer different behaviors, attempting to get another reward. Just ignore them completely until they offer a down again. As soon as they do, mark the behavior again and throw another treat.

    Play this game for a while, until they’ve given a down 5 to 10 times, and repeat this for 4 or more sessions over a couple of days. It won’t take long for them catch on and start offering the down regularly to get the reward.

    Step 4

    When they are offering the down regularly, you can start adding a cue. When they begin to drop, say ‘Down!’ and reward them once their elbows and bum are on the floor.

    Whats A Good Training Treat For A Golden Retriever Puppy Of

    What’s a good training treat for a Golden Retriever puppy of, say, 8 weeks to 12 weeks old? Small commercial treats, or something homemade? 11 Answers.21 answers  ·  2 votes: Ideal training treats should be tiny …

    English Cream Golden Puppies Newborn to 8 Weeks – Puppy In Training Golden Retriever puppies week by week growth and pictures starting with the first just $5 a month, and watch your pup grow from an eight-week-old bundle of joy to.…

    Whether you begin with an 8-week-old puppy, an adolescent rescue or a senior dog, these tips can help your new Golden Retriever understand what to do in his …

    Mar 2, 2018 — That lovely Golden Retriever puppy is going to make a great new particularly if they are older and aren’t familiar with potty training, We just got an 8-week golden retriever and it’s been really tough training him in the crate.…

    Three Techniques For Training Your Golden Retriever To Sit

    Not all techniques work for all dogs. Therefore I’m going to describe three techniques that you can use.

    The best, easiest and most efficient technique to use is ‘luring’ with a treat. If for some reason this fails, there is the technique of ‘capturing’. Finally, if all else fails you can use a little physical coercion as a last resort.

    Let’s go through each method one by one.

    When Should You Start Training Your Golden Retriever Puppy

    Puppies are surprisingly smart and you can start training them as soon as you bring them home.

    Let’s get into the training strategies now.

    Why You Should Train Your Golden Retriever Not To Run Away

    There are a number of benefits to training your Golden Retriever to not run away that I’ll mention below.

    Helps keep it safe

    As you would expect, by being able to prevent your Golden Retriever from running away you’ll be able to keep it safe more easily.

    This is especially the case when it comes to opening the door. Many dogs die each year due to getting hit by a car after running out an open door. Being able to get your Golden Retriever to stay in this situation will help you to avoid it getting injured.

    It will be easier to walk it

    The reason for that is that you’ll have an easier time with it off the leash and you’ll also be able to get it to stay still when you’re picking up its poop.

    Reduces your own stress

    It can be quite stressful when Golden Retrievers run away or when they try to. By being able to get your Golden Retriever not to do it you will be able to avoid that stress.

    Makes socializing easier

    You’ll also be able to keep your Golden Retriever more well behaved when you have people over. This is because you’ll be able to get it to stay still and to stop jumping when it starts to get excited.

    You’ll have an easier time at the vets

    It will also be helpful when you’re at the vets where you’ll be able to get your Golden Retriever to stay still more easily. This will help to make it a less stressful experience for your Golden Retriever.

    It will be more responsive to you when you need it to be

    You can prevent bad behavior

    When Should You Start Training Your Golden Retriever Puppy

    Puppies are surprisingly smart and you can start training them as soon as you bring them home.

    In fact, it’s encouraged to start training them as soon as you bring them home.

    For one, it will help build communication and a bond between you two.

    It will also help build their confidence as they’re challenged and they overcome those challenges.

    Plus, it’s great to start training them before bad habits start.

    If your puppy learns that jumping up on people gets him pets and attention, it’s going to be very hard to train her not to do it.

    And if your puppy learns that crying in the crate gets them out of it, it’s going to be very hard to teach him not to do that.

    So now that you know puppies are easy to train, and you know you need to start training them asap, how do you actually train them?

    Let’s get into the training strategies now.

    Three Techniques For Training Your Golden Retriever To Sit

    How to Train a Golden Retriever Puppy to Stay

    Not all techniques work for all dogs. Therefore I’m going to describe three techniques that you can use.

    The best, easiest and most efficient technique to use is ‘luring’ with a treat. If for some reason this fails, there is the technique of ‘capturing’. Finally, if all else fails you can use a little physical coercion as a last resort.

    Let’s go through each method one by one.

    What Makes The Down Command So Useful When Can It Be Used

    There are many situations in every day life when you can use obedience commands and the down is possibly the most useful. It’s an excellent way to control your dog and keep them in check.

    Here are just a few of the reasons for which the down command is so useful:

    • Massive safety benefits to nail them to the spot if a dangerous situation is forming. For instance if your dog is on the other side of a road, about to cross and a car is coming you can command a down until safe and then call or go to get them.
    • It’s more reliable than a sit to stop an impulsive dog. For instance if your Golden is the type to chase a motorbike or squirrel, when in a sit they can explosively bolt in an instant. But they are calmer in a down, less poised for action and so it takes more to go from a down to a run, giving you greater opportunity to interrupt and correct them.
    • A down is more relaxed than a sit and dogs will find it easier to hold a down for far longer than a sit. So if you need your dog to stay in one spot for any length of time, the down is the perfect command to use when you need them to stay put.
    • Because a down is such a relaxed position, it’s very useful to calm an over-excited dog. If your Golden is getting too boisterous around children or other dogs, ask for a down and it will calm them and take the edge off their boisterous energy.

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