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HomeMust ReadHow Do I Train My Golden Retriever Puppy

How Do I Train My Golden Retriever Puppy

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What Are The Biggest Worries And Concerns When Training A Golden Retriever

1. Golden Retrievers Can Be MischievousGolden retriever pups have a real mischievous side, so it is important to stay on top of their behavior. Golden retrievers are so intelligent but can become easily bored; especially if there is not enough mental stimulation. Typically a Golden Retriever needs up to two hours of exercise every day, and which includes mental exercises.

2. Golden Retrievers Have A Short Attention SpanRather than long training sessions once a week, your Golden Retriever will respond much better to daily short training sessions; 10 minutes at a time. It is important to provide a variety of activities to burn off that Golden Retriever energy.

3. Golden Retrievers Are Social DogsAlong with the one-to-one training, your Golden Retriever must also be socialized well, with people and animals outside of the immediate family. A puppy kindergarten class is an amazing way to start socialization while making training fun.

Recall How To Teach Our Golden Retriever Puppy To Come Back When Called

Your puppy already knows their name at this point, so this should be a walk in the park. But if it isn’t, remember that it’s alright. 

‘Safety first’ should always be words you live by when you’re doing anything with your puppy – but in this case, you should keep them in mind even more. 

How to do it

  • Treats and a cheerful voice will be what works here. 
  • When they look at you, drop the treat on the ground near you  
  • TIPS

    • You don’t need to reach out or grab your puppy when they come to you just yet – you’re just teaching your puppy to ‘hang out near you’ – where all the good stuff happens like treats dropping on the floor. 
    • Do these exercises before meal times so your puppy is more motivated.
    • Practice this 5 times a day and in 3 different places in your house and garden to get them used to coming to you in all settings. 

    So What Age Should Or Can You Start Training Your Golden Retriever Puppy

    For a variety of reasons, the best age to start training your Golden puppy is as soon as you get them at 8 weeks of age.

    • Puppies soak up knowledge and skills like sponges in their first few months, why not take advantage to teach essential life skills as soon as possible?
    • If you wish to take your puppy everywhere you go, friends and shop owners will want you to have a modicum of control over your puppy while in their premises. You’ll need your puppy to know and be able to follow commands to achieve this.
    • Behaviors are being developed all the time in your puppy so you should try to influence good ones and prevent bad ones. It’s easier to prevent than to cure bad habits.
    • It’s good to get into a training routine and form a habit of it as early as possible, for both you and your puppy, so you can carry it on through life.
    • Training is quality time you and your pup spend together, forming a bond and strengthening your relationship which is good for everyone involved.

    Modern training techniques like and are very positive and fun ways to train that will cause no stress to your puppy and can achieve great results.

    There’s no need for being physical in training anymore so there’s no need to wait for your puppy to grow so they can handle it better.

    Love On Your Puppy From Day One If You Want A Dog That Likes To Cuddle

    As you all know, I love to cuddle with my girls. When Sullie was a puppy I received advice to hold her belly up to teach her a) that I was the alpha/one in charge and b) to trust me and relax and it worked so well. To this day she loves to be held belly up and she’s also an excellent spooner. I did this with Zoey as well and although she’s an independent wild child , she loves quiet cuddles. We have family cuddle parties every morning and at night before bed. ?

    Write A Puppy Socialisation Checklist For Your Golden Retriever Puppy

    Pin by dog_lover on Golden Retriever

    Yes, there is a checklist and it’s a long one. But you can download it here, or read our full article about it here. It’s an enlightening read, honestly. They’ll give you the best ideas of things to do with your puppy to help them learn that the outside world is a positive place they’ll be happy to live in. 

    How To Set Your Golden Retriever Up For Success With Crate Training

    Have you ever drank a lot of water right before you go to bed?

    Two hours later you wake up to pee and ask yourself, “Why did I do that?”

    The same thing can happen to puppies.

    If they drink water and then go to sleep in the crate, chances are pretty good that they’ll wake up soon having to go!

    Putting your puppy in the crate with a full bladder is one way you can set them up to fail.

    Here are four ways most puppy parents set their pups up for failure in crate training:

  • Putting them in the crate with a full bladder
  • Putting them in the crate when they’re full of energy
  • Putting them in the crate when they’re hungry
  • Putting them in the crate when they’re thirsty
  • Of course, if you want to set your puppy up for success, just do the opposite of these mistakes.

    Make sure they’re tired, aren’t starving or parched, and have just used the restroom.

    Also, frozen kongs or chew toys with peanut butter work great for easing your puppy into getting comfortable in their crate by themselves.

    So What Is The Right Age To Start Training A Golden Retriever Puppy

    The choice of when to start training your Golden Retriever puppy is entirely up to you. But for the reasons above, the ideal age is as soon as you get them home at 8 weeks.

    Training is fun and completely stress free using modern techniques so you have nothing to fear concerning how it will affect your puppy.

    As long as you take things slowly, never punish or correct them, keep training sessions short and make sure it’s rewarding and fun for them, training your puppy from 8 weeks of age is nothing but beneficial.

    And you’ll be impressing your friends with your little puppy’s neat tricks in no time ?


    Why Would Somebody Want To Wait For Their Puppy To Be 6 Months Old

    This advice traditionally came from the trainers of working dogs who quite rightly felt it best to leave a puppy to be a puppy, let it grow some and become stronger before starting formal training.

    I say ‘quite rightly’ because up until the last couple of decades, working dog training was quite hard on a dog. It was very physical with the use of corrections and physical punishments and aversives very common. The accepted idea was that it was cruel to be so physical with a very young puppy and so training was delayed until 6 months old or so.

    But there are so many gentle, positive reward based training methods today that physical corrections and aversives are almost completely unnecessary. So waiting for 6 months to start training is no longer essential.

    What Is The Right Age To Start Training A Golden Retriever Puppy

    The answer to this depends on what kind of environment your Golden Retriever will be living in, the type of training you’re considering and ultimately your own preferences.

    Some say not to start training until they’re 6 or 7 months old, others say to start training the instant you get them home at 8 weeks.

    So which is best? What is the right age to start training a Golden Retriever puppy?

    Start Teaching Your Puppy Basic Dog Commands: Sit Stay Down Come

    a) How To Teach Your Puppy To SITTraining your puppy how to sit is a very important basic dog command to learn. Using a lure method , your dog will learn the desired dog command.To teach your dog to sit, stand in front of your dog and hold a tasty treat by your dog’s nose. Keeping the treat close to your dog’s nose, slowly lift your hand from your dog’s nose towards his/her forehead. As your dog raises his/her head to follow the treat, his/her bottom will go on the floor. As soon as your dog sits, praise and give him/her the treat. When your dog will sit easily for the lure, it is time to add the verbal cue of the “sit” command.

    b) How To Teach Your Puppy To StayUsing the verbal cue and hand signal for the stay command, the goal is for your puppy to remain sitting.Ask your puppy to sit. Place your hand out, with your palm facing forward and in front of the dog’s face while saying ‘stay. Keep your hand out and keep saying ‘stay’ while taking one or several steps back. After 3-5 seconds, go back to your puppy and then reward him/her for staying sitted. Once your puppy mastered the stay command, increase the number of steps and seconds. As soon as your puppy lie down, praise and give him/her the treat. When your puppy will lie down easily for the lure, it is time to add the verbal cue of the “down” command.

    Repetition is key to mastering any dog command. Be consistent, patient, practice, and praise your dog for good behavior.

    How To Start Training A Golden Retriever Puppy: Tips And Advice

    Yes, they’re irresistibly cute. But that’s not the only reason you see Golden Retriever puppies on dozens of TV commercials. Golden Retrievers are a famously people-friendly breed. They also famously have a lot of energy. However, puppy training a Golden Retriever may not always go off without a hitch. 

    Though Golden Retrievers are relatively easy to train, it helps to have a plan.1 You can teach a new dog new tricks — but you may have to learn some tricks yourself first. Read on to discover ways you can make training your Golden Retriever pup a little easier. 

    How To Train Your Golden Retriever To Stop Pulling At The Leash

    If you have a golden retriever, then you know that going on a walk often means the dog is walking you! Golden retrievers are friendly, happy dogs, who want to greet and play with everyone they meet out walking. This leads to leash pulling, and it can happen in puppies as well as adult dogs. It can start to feel like there is nothing you can do to stop your dog from pulling at the leash, except go along with it, or reduce the number of walks. We’re here to help. Let’s look at some tips to stop your golden retriever from pulling at his leash.

    What Is The First Thing You Should Train Your Golden Retriever

    Do you love dogs?? Check out the story of how I finally ...

    1. To acclimate your Golden Retriever puppy at home, potty training is vital.2. Crate Training is helpful with your at-home training. Your Golden Retriever puppy must seek the crate as a safe comfortable place.3. Teaching your puppy basic dog commands: Sit, Stay, Down, Come are essential in helping your dog to adapt his/her behavior to any social situation and make your dog live happily.


    To acclimate your Golden Retriever puppy at home, potty training is vital.

    a) Learn The Puppy Potty SignsBe prepared to let your puppy out when you notice:– a sudden change of behavior– scratching or pawing or barking at the door– sniffing around

    b) Create A Regular Routine To Take Your Puppy OutTake your young puppy out often to avoid accidents at home.

    c) Establish A Potty SpotUse a verbal potty command such as “go potty” which means “let’s go to your potty area.

    d) Praise Your Puppy: Praising your Golden Retriever puppy will encourage more good behaviors and help strengthen your bond.


    Meeting Another Dog: How To Introduce Your Puppy To A New Dog

    It’s important to socialise puppies when they’re still young to really make sure they’re at their friendliest and kindest with other dogs as adults. In humans’ or dogs’ worlds, everybody likes a friendly guy. 

    A good way to do this is by organising a visit from one of your friend’s dogs.

    PRO TIP: The other dog should be friendly with puppies, and up to date with their vaccinations! 

    How to do it

  • With your friend’s dog on the lead, bring your puppy into your garden, or a friend’s garden if you don’t have one. .
  • Sit quietly with your friend and their dog.
  • Let your puppy decide when they want to say hello to the other dog. At this stage they might be a bit wary, or they might be partying their heads off. Either is fine! 
  • PRO TIP: Just remember there’s no need to force your puppy to come say hello…letting them take control of how they want the interaction to go will make them feel much more confident. 
  • Give your puppy a treat while your friend gives their dog a treat – gotta make it a nice experience for both doggies.
  • Repeat giving them treats around 5 times during the visit.

    We know that all you may want is to let loose in some off lead play. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves, keep the adult dog on lead for now; there will be plenty of time to play later on. Don’t worry you’re not being a Debbie Downer, you’re just making sure your puppy is safe, and is able to go one step at a time!

    How Long Does It Take To Potty Train A Golden Retriever Puppy

    So if you do all of the steps above, how long should it take for your puppy to be potty trained?

    All puppies are different, but it can take two weeks to a few months for your golden retriever puppy to be potty trained.

    This can depend on factors such as:

    • how many accidents they have in the house
    • whether or not they’re rewarded for going outside
    • if you took them to the same spot every time
    • how well you clean up accidents in the house.

    Of course, if you never give your puppy an opportunity to go in the house and you reward them when they go where they’re supposed to go, potty training will be much faster for you.

    A Few Simple Rules To Follow When Training A Very Young Puppy

    When training a young Golden Retriever puppy, there’s a few rules you should follow to get the best results and not cause your puppy any undue stress:

    • Never correct your puppy! Until they’re a few months old, they’re just too young to understand. They don’t have a developed enough brain or enough self-control to do any better. So do not correct them if they do wrong in training, it simply wouldn’t be fair.
    • Keep training sessions very short, just 2 or 3 minutes long a few times per day. Their attention spans will be incredibly short and you do not want them getting bored and starting to dislike training. 2 or 3 minutes is fun and stress free.
    • Don’t expect too much too soon. Only train simple commands and try to set them up to win and do things correctly. Frequent failure will cause your puppy to start dreading training instead of enjoying it. So keep it simple.

    Key Tips To Follow When Training Your Golden Retriever Puppy

    In order to successfully train your golden pup and teach him or her all the basics, there are a few tricks and tips you must follow during the training process.

    • Plan ahead and decide what skills you want to teach your pup. Goldens are very moldable, so it is best to teach them all you want during their initial puppy years.
    • Teach one skill at a time with consistency and patience so as to not overwhelm or confuse your pup.
    • Choose your preferred training methods and stick to them at all times.
    • Keep training sessions short and simple because golden retrievers have a very short attention span. The best way is to do multiple short sessions throughout the day, giving your pup little breaks in between to play and have fun.
    • Develop a training routine because golden pups prefer having a certain level of structure in their lives. They enjoy being on a particular routine.
    • Employ positive reinforcement as that is one of the best ways to teach your puppy new skills.


    Offer A Variety Of Appropriate Things For Your Puppy To Chew

    Puppies are going to chew, period and the end. It’s important to give them lots of options for appropriate things to chew so that they’re not chewing your furniture. Every dog is different so offer different textures, shapes and sizes and be sure to follow the age guidelines listed by the manufacturer. Related to the idea of loving them from day one if you want a cuddler, if you want a dog that loves to play with toys and balls, offer them early so they get in the habit.

    I’ll do another post about our favorite toys, bones, accessories, etc.

    Give Your Golden Retriever Puppy Attention When They Behave

    If you want to focus on reward-based training, you should give your Golden Retriever attention when they don’t bite you. You can pet your dog to reward them for not getting mouthy with your hand or fingers while playing. It can take a while to get to this stage, so be patient.

    When, your dog gets through an entire play session without biting, that deserves some extra love. Now, you have to be careful not to give too much attention when your dog does bite.

    If your Golden Retriever reverts to biting out of excitement or nervousness, immediately stop giving them attention. Turn away and ignore your dog like what you did before. Hopefully, they will get the message more quickly, so you can go back to playing without them biting.

    When Should You Start Training Your Golden Retriever Puppy

    Puppies are surprisingly smart and you can start training them as soon as you bring them home.

    In fact, it’s encouraged to start training them as soon as you bring them home.

    For one, it will help build communication and a bond between you two.

    It will also help build their confidence as they’re challenged and they overcome those challenges.

    Plus, it’s great to start training them before bad habits start.

    If your puppy learns that up on people gets him pets and attention, it’s going to be very hard to train her not to do it.

    And if your puppy learns that crying in the crate gets them out of it, it’s going to be very hard to teach him not to do that.

    So now that you know puppies are easy to train, and you know you need to start training them asap, how do you actually train them?

    Let’s get into the training strategies now.

    Dont Be Afraid To Cancel A Walk If Your Dog Is Too Excited

    Golden Retriever puppy mastered the look I didn

    Good manners on a leash starts in the home.

    If your dog jumps, barks, whines or otherwise shows too much energy when you’re ready to go out for a walk, don’t clip the leash on, ask for a sit and do not do anything until you see a calm, relaxed dog.

    To train your dog to not get excited before a walk, simply ask for a sit, reach out to clip the leash to the collar…but do not do it until your dog is calmly sitting. If they go ballistic with excitement, stand upright, holding your arms crossed and the leash out of their reach and wait until they calm down. Then try again.

    If they pick up with exuberant energy again before you finish clipping on the leash on, take the leash away and start over.

    Only clip the leash on when your dog is completely chill. It may take a while, but over time and if you do this every time, they will learn what’s expected and it will truly be worth the effort!

    House Training Your Golden Retriever The Right Dig Doggy

    In general, most puppies begin potty training at 8 weeks with 30-minute increments. At 10 weeks you can expand the time between breaks to 45 minutes. At 12 

    Mar 2, 2018 — The best way to get started on potty training your pup is to start from the moment you bring him home. Get him out of the car, put him on a leash, 

    To keep your golden’s potty schedule consistent, feed your little golden at the same times each day so that he is prompted to go potty consistently. In this way, you 

    How Long & How Often To Train Your Golden Retriever Puppy

    Life is hectic with a new puppy, but here’s the good news: you can have a well-behaved puppy and train them in as little as five minutes a day.

    Puppies don’t have long attention spans, so it’s actually unproductive to try to train them for more than five or ten minutes at a time.

    In fact, when your puppy is young, it’s better to keep training sessions as short as two to five minutes.

    This way, your puppy has fun the entire time and keeps a positive association with training sessions.

    As far as how often to train them, having three to five of these short training sessions is recommended.

    Now, you might be thinking, how am I going to train this wild puppy with such little training time?

    Well, in reality, every moment with them is a teaching moment.

    You spend the “formal” training sessions teaching them the basics, and then take advantage of little moments here and there to practice.

    For example, let’s say you’re taking your puppy on a walk and you’ve been working on “come” and “sit”.

    When you walk up the door you can ask your puppy to come, and then before you put the leash on, ask them to sit.

    Then, when you get back inside, you ask them to sit while you take the leash off.

    This isn’t adding any real extra training time, but practicing behaviors as part of your everyday routine will help your puppy learn fast.

    Find Ways To Tire Out Your Dog Before Going Out On A Walk

    Pulling on a leash generally happens because your dog is so excited, and it’s especially common in high-energy breeds such as Golden Retrievers. Try tiring out your dog before you go on a walk and see if it makes a difference. In most cases, it will!

    Play fetch in your backyard and make them chase their toy over and over. Use caution if it’s hot outside, provide fresh water and change your mind on a walk if your dog seems too exhausted or disinterested in the end.

    If you don’t have a yard that’s suitable, you can also have your dog run from one end of the home to another. Recruit another family member to help you with tag-teaming, and take turns calling your dog’s name.

    If you have a treadmill, it’s worth exploring the idea of exercising your dog on it before a walk. However, be very careful with the speed of the treadmill and don’t force your dog to go on it if they seem fearful or nervous.

    Is It Bad To Wait A Few Weeks Or Months To Start Training

    There’s lots of evidence that proves a puppy who starts training at 6 months can very quickly catch up to and equal the skills of a puppy that started training at 8 weeks.

    So waiting a while, perhaps a few months, and just letting your puppy be a puppy won’t necessarily cause any long-term harm to your training goals.

    But you will have a puppy that doesn’t know any commands so you can’t ask them to sit, stay, drop or do as you ask.

    If living out in the country and your dog spends all their time kenneled outside and do not venture into town or perhaps inside friends homes and business premises, then maybe this doesn’t matter.

    But if they live indoors with you and your family, are taken through town and into other peoples buildings, then you will definitely want to be able to keep them under control. So starting training early is pretty much essential and will be a massive help to you.

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