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How Long Do English Golden Retrievers Live

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How Long Do Golden Retrievers Live

Corey RawlinsBreed Information

We all want our Golden Retrievers to live a long, healthy life. But how long should we expect our Goldens to live on average? Here we discuss the average life expectancy, and what you can do to help your dog increase their odds of a long life.

Golden Retrievers are one of the most loved dogs in the United States. The breed is a medium-large type dog which is lovable, goofy, sociable and affectionate. When you have a Golden Retriever, you would want to try to keep them alive and healthy as long as you can.

Table of Contents

  • Some Facts About The Lifespan Of Golden Retriever

    After detailed information about the lifespan of Golden Retriever, here are some interesting facts about this beautiful dog.:

    • The average lifespan of a Golden Retriever is 10-12 years.
    • The oldest Golden Retriever is 21 years old.
    • 60% of Golden Retrievers die due to cancer.
    • Golden Retriever Lifetime Study conducted a study to promote the health condition of these breeds in 2012. And it involved 3000 Golden Retrievers.
    • The health issues in Golden Retrievers are hemangiosarcoma, skin problems, , ,  , dysplasia.
    • Golden Retrievers remains playful throughout their life.
    • After the age of two, Golden Retriever starts graying. And its hair becomes white.

    Were you familiar with these facts?

    Further, it is your responsibility to love, care and groom your Golden Retriever. I know you want to live a longer life with your lovely pet. And for this, you should be cautious in want you feed and how you care for your pet.

    Yes, it is not sure that these ideas will be helpful. Yet, there are higher possibilities that the lifespan of Golden Retriever can increase through proper care. How do you think has Augie lived for 20 years?

    Therefore, it is you who can help your pet live for longer life. I hope you make lots and lots of memories with your pal before his final goodbye.

    Do you think the above ways will be helpful for your Golden Retriever?

    If you have any suggestions, please write them in the comment box.


    What Should My Bathing Schedule Be

    Well, the best thing is to wash at least two times in a month if the weather is significantly hotter and it is likely that our dog needs a bath. If you are living in colder weather, then I suggest once in the month is more than a month or 90 days gap is recommended. Moreover, it all depends more on the environment your dog spends his daily activities, is it clean or dirty, is it healthy or harmful, depending on such conditions can lead to more baths in a month than just one time in a month. Of course, the Golden retrievers love to be clean, tidy and sophisticated.


    Study: Golden Retrievers Lifespan Dropped In 35 Years


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  • Back in the 1970s, Golden Retrievers routinely lived until 16 and 17 years old. Golden Retrievers are now living from 10 to 14 years old.

    Golden Retrievers die mostly of bone cancer, lymphoma and a cancer of the blood vessels more than any other breed in the country. Scientists from the Colorado-based Morris Animal Foundation picked up on this observation and are studying the popular Golden Retriever dog breed to find out why their lifespan has gotten shorter over the years and why cancer is so prevalent within this specific breed.

    The foundation recently invested $25 million in the to launch the very first lifetime study of over 3,000 purebred Golden Retrievers after signing up the first dogs back in 2012. The nonprofit organization has explained that reviewing the health conditions and environmental factors faced by Golden Retrievers all over the United States should also benefit other breeds and even humans, as 95 percent of the same DNA is shared between us, and dogs.

    This study is a groundbreaking endeavor to learn how to prevent cancer and other diseases, more efficiently, in dogs. It is the longest and largest observational study ever undertaken for the canine species, enrolling 3,000 Golden Retrievers and lasting anywhere from 10 to 15 years.

    Hero #2085

    Common Goldendoodles Health Issues

    The Truth About English Cream (White) Golden Retrievers ...

    Goldendoodles may live longer than their purebred counterparts. They may benefit from hybrid vigor or having better form or function due to crossbreeding. But that does not mean they are not at risk of any diseases because it is possible for them to inherit the problems often seen in their parents. These are common health issues of Goldendoodles:

    Progressive Retinal Atrophy – this clinical condition refers to the deterioration of the eyes’ retinal cells. On the onset of the disease, a dog will find it difficult to see clearly at night. As PRA progresses, the dog will also lose its vision during daytime. In humans, this is quite similar to retinitis pigmentosa that occurs because of the breakdown of cells in the retina. In most dogs, particularly Golden Retrievers, clinical symptoms often show at around 4 to 5 years of age.

    Hip dysplasia– a problem common in both parent breeds, hip dysplasia happens when the joint’s ball and socket do not fit well. Canines with hip dysplasia have joints grinding against each other rather than sliding into place. The pain that comes with it makes pets reluctant to move or do their usual physical activities.

    Degenerative Myelopathy – this type of progressive disease normally begins during old age. More often than not, dogs will start showing signs at around 8 years of age although some can be affected by it once they reached 14 years.

    #2 Keep Your Golden Retriever A Healthy Weight

    Obesity causes many of the same problems for dogs that it does for people such as diabetes, heart problems, cancer, high blood pressure, arthritis, and other health problems.

    In fact, obesity can shorten a dog’s life by as much as 2 years!

    How can you tell if your Golden Retriever is a healthy weight?

    When your dog is standing up, you should be able to feel their ribs.

    If you can’t feel your dog’s ribs, they need to lose some weight. Talk to your vet about the ideal weight for your golden and how you can safely help them lose the excess weight and gain months or years to their lifespan.

    They Are Not Healthier Than Golden Retrievers

    Some breeders will try and advertise these canines as “healthier” because of their cream color coat.

    However, there is no evidence to support this.

    English Cream Golden Retrievers are prone to the same health conditions seen in darker coated Golden siblings.

    Although it is thought to be less common in this breed hip and elbow dysplasia are frequently seen in this pooch.

    As with other large dog breeds, hip dysplasia is a developmental condition caused by incorrect formation of the hip joint.

    Generally speaking, the condition is genetic, but can also be triggered by obesity at a young age.

    In most cases the condition can be managed with pain medication, but in more severe cases hip dysplasia may require surgery to correct.

    They are also prone to Osteochondritis Dissecans. This is a condition whereby the cartilage separates from the bone.

    It can occur anywhere within the body but is most commonly seen in the elbow, knee, shoulder or hip joints.

    Retrievers are also known to have ongoing problems with their eyes and heart.

    Conditions such as cataracts are often commonplace in the English Cream Golden Retriever, and although uncommon, it is not unheard of for this breed to develop heart issues such as Cardiomyopathy.

    A survey completed in 2004 found that the three most common causes of death for the Golden Retriever were: various types of cancer, heart issues and old age.

    How Can You Help Your Dog Live Longer

    We all want to know how to help our pets stay with us longer. While genetic diseases certainly play a factor, and Goldens are prone to health problems, it’s difficult to fight against nature’s genetic make up.

    All we can do is take action to bring their health and vitality to the highest level to fight against any DNA weaknesses.

    Let’s focus on a few actions you can take to better your odds that your Golden will be with you into their teen years.

    Resist Those Puppy Eyes

    There is no “tendency to getting fat” in the breed as many people mistakenly believe. There is only a “tendency to eat a lot and be very good at persuading people to provide food”. You have the keys to the food cupboard and you need to resist your dog’s charms.

    Keeping your dog slim can help him live a long and comfortable life. It can defer the onset of, and reduce the impact of, conditions like arthritis in older dogs. Elderly dogs that retain their youthful waistline have a more active and happy retirement.

    Being firm about the quantity of food that your dog eats each day will also help to ensure you have the benefits of his company for the longest time.

    Do Purebred Labs Live Longer

    How long do Labradors live if they’re purebred? The outer limits of your dog’s potential life are also limited to a certain extent simply by the fact he is a pedigree dog. A study published in The Veterinary Journal in 2013 showed that mongrels live on average 1.2 years longer than purebred dogs. This doesn’t mean that your Boxador will definitely outlive your neighbor’s pedigree Lab. It’s all about averages.

    If you are unsure whether your Labrador is purebred or a pedigree dog, check out this article.

    How Far Can Golden Retrievers Run & How To Increase Their Endurance

    Goldens are energetic, athletic dogs that excel in all kinds of sports and physical activities. If you like running and are wondering if a golden retriever is the right dog for you, he is.

    But exactly how far and how fast can golden retrievers run? Well, an adult golden retriever can run an average of 3-4 miles with a maximum distance of 6-8 miles . They are fast runners and can run with speeds up to 35 mph .However, it’s important to train them when they’re young and to never force them, and work with them instead.

    There is actually quite a lot to learn about running with your golden retriever, so if you are serious about taking them jogging or running, keep reading .

    Golden Retriever Information: Temperament And Health

    • They need a lot of exercise—a couple of walks a day at the very least. They love outdoor activities, especially swimming.
    • While active outdoors, they are also calm indoors, making them ideal family pets.
    • They are easy to train. They are people pleasers and are extremely intelligent.
    • They are one of the best dogs for kids.
    • They are even-tempered, well-behaved, and extremely faithful.
    • They are social animals. They can develop separation anxiety if left alone for long periods of time.
    • They shed profusely, especially in the fall and spring. You must regularly brush them .
    • They will need 3 meals a day as a puppy and 2 meals a day as an adult. Each meal should be around 1/3 to 1/2 of a cup of dry food.
    • Golden retrievers are prone to cancer, hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, cataracts, and hypothyroidism.
    • Before you get a Golden Retriever, make sure you are aware of the above traits and the care that Golden Retrievers specifically need.


    English Cream Golden Retriever Puppies

    Yorkshire terriers are a little breed of

    English cream puppies are sweet and engaging. One thing that many owners notice is that golden retriever puppies tend to darken in color as they get older; even if you choose a puppy with a particularly light coat, you may find that they are no longer a true English cream when they are full grown. Because of this, you should select a dog with a loving personality, and let genetics decide what color they end up.

    Do Bigger Golden Retrievers Have Shorter Lifespan

    Though most people assume that the bigger Golden Retrievers live a shorter life than the smaller ones, it is still anonymous. And researchers are continuously searching the links and reasons for the change in expectancy due to size.

    And a research-why do the bigger Golden Retriever die young somehow tried to clarify the relationship between lifespan and size of Golden Retriever. Yet, I think there is a lot to know in this matter. And this concept is still a mystery.

    If the size does affect the lifespan of the dogs, do not you think Golden Doodles would live a longer life than all other types of Golden Retrievers. When we compare the American and English Golden Retrievers, the larger size of the American breeds decreases the lifespan their lifespan by two years. Is it a coincidence?

    What do you think? Does size affect the life expectancy of a Golden Retriever?

    How To Keep Your Golden Retriever Healthy Into Their Senior Years

    Based on the above, there are things you can do to try to keep your golden retriever as healthy as possible. 

    • Look for signs of ear infections. If it happens that your golden retriever’s ears smell bad or he is always scratching his ears, it’s worth checking in with your vet as those can be signs that an infection is settling in.
    • Give your golden retriever a weekly check-up. Search his or her coat and skin for any unusual lumps and bumps. Make sure you check for signs of illnesses in their behavior, such as lethargy that could point to a heart or thyroid problem. Being proactive will help you to spot any potential health issues before they become serious. 
    • Brush your dog regularly. is great to reduce shedding, but it also ensures the natural oils in your dog’s fur can keep it looking healthy and glossy. By removing dander and debris, you will also ensure your dog’s coat and skin remain healthy. 
    • Prevent allergens in the home. Since golden retrievers are a dog breed that are prone to allergies, you should ensure that you only use natural and organic and hygiene products on your dog. Also be mindful not to use chemical detergents around the home, especially on your dog’s . 

    It Will Never Be Boring

    Being the owner of a Golden Retriever means that your day will never be boring. Never being bored may sound like a good thing, but at times you will pray for boring.

    Goldens have a way of easily getting themselves into trouble and keeping you on your toes.

    You may find yourself chasing them around the house for those clean socks they stole out of the laundry, or stopping them from eating food off of your plate, or trying to stop them from digging in the backyard. No matter what, they will always find a way to make you laugh.

    My Ellie tries to outsmart us, and oftentimes she does. For instance when we go walking she knows that she gets a treat every time she pees, and she has tried to do a fake pee in order to get a treat.

    Another example is when she will just stop and sit and not walk anymore until she gets a treat, we call it her “stop and go” trick.

    Why Are Golden Retrievers Prone To Cancer

    So, why are Golden Retrievers prone to all these differenttypes of cancer? There are several reasons for this question. Studies are beingdone on the actual question as this article is being written. However, we dohave to wait for years before the data can truly tell us all the answers.


    One way that Golden Retrievers get cancer is genetic. Golden Retrievers have genetic issues that stem from breeding and their genes being passed down from generation to generation.

    Due to those already pre-existing conditions being bred into the Golden Retriever, they are prone to cancer at a much high rate. Their other complications makes them more vulnerable as well.


    Another way that Golden Retrievers are more prone to cancer is because of the environment in which we live. Some things can not only give Golden Retrievers cancer, but can also cause us cancer as well. Some of these environmental causes are the sun, environmental toxins, or radiation.

    Some believe that animals risk of cancer goes up tremendously once their reproductive years are complete. Some call this natural selection.

    How Much Does An English Cream Golden Retriever Cost

    The cost of English Cream Golden Retrievers or any Golden Retriever can range from $500 to $2,500.

    It depends on the breeder’s reputation, location and whether the pup descends from champion lines.

    A healthy puppy from a trustworthy breeder may cost between $1,500 and $2,500. Pups descending from champion lines will be more expensive.

    If you go to a pet store, the price range can be from $500 to $1000. The cost depends on how well the pup has been bred and how trustworthy the pet store is.

    READ – Facts About Scorkie Dog Breed

    If you adopt an English Cream Golden Retriever with no lineage documents or health clearances, you may pay about $500 or less.

    If you’re being charged more than this range, you should turn away and look for another source because that’s a rip-off.

    The breeder should prioritize the dog’s health. A reputable breeder will have extensive health records and ensure that the dog receives all the , medical screenings, and nutrition it needs.

    He will also want to communicate with you. A good breeder will care more about securing a good home for the dog.

    He should also have ample knowledge about English Cream Golden Retrievers and the ancestry of their litter.

    He should have plenty of information about the pup’s parents and answer your questions correctly. Look for testimonials about the breeder. Ask for recommendations from your friends.

    Brief History Of American Golden Retrievers

    All golden retrievers, whether they are American, Canadian, or English, originated in Scotland in 1868 where they were used as superior hunting dogs by sportsmen. The first goldens were registered with the British Kennel Club in 1903. Back then, they were listed as flat-coat goldens. The breed didn’t become popular in the U.S. until the 1920s when anything British was cherished, including dog breeds. In 1932, the American Kennel Club officially recognized the breed.

    How Long Does X Type Of Goldendoodle Live

    You can infer the lifespan and how long different types of Goldendoodles live by looking to the genetic percentages.

    The general expectation of life expectancy needs to be framed around the data that shows 10-15 years is the life expectancy of how long a Goldendoodle lives.

  • Poodles live longer, so the greater the Poodle % of genetics the higher end of the range
  • Smaller dogs tend to live longer
  • Multigenerational dogs do not experience a change in how long a Goldendoodles will live. This is provided that the base genetic percentage does not change.
  • Type of Goldendoodle
  • Mental Wellbeing
  • Teeth
  • When Did The English Golden Come Around


    The original first golden retriever was founded by in 1865. It was because of him finding the great hunting skills in the yellow retriever.

    Which then caused him to breed it with the now extinct Tweed water spaniel. The breeding dead resulted in 4 bitches of where all our Golden retrievers of today are direct descendants from.

    Golden Retriever Life Expectancy And Cancer

    Golden Retrievers die from bone cancer, lymphoma, and blood cancer more than any other breed.

    And no one knows why.

    Golden Retrievers are also more prone to other types of cancer, even at an early age.

    For example, one Golden Retriever was diagnosed with uterine carcinoma, or cancer of the uterus, at only 10 months old!

    This is the youngest instance of this type of cancer every reported.

    Some factors have been tied to this increased cancer risk.

    According to one study, the early neutering of Golden Retrievers led to an increased occurrence of certain cancers and hip problems.

    However, research on the factors that contribute to Golden Retriever’s short lifespan is early and inconclusive.

    We don’t know exactly why Golden Retrievers are suddenly dying earlier than they were only decades ago.

    There is a study though, that is seeking to change that.

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    #4: European Golden Retrievers Are Less Likely To Die From Cancer Than American Golden Retrievers

    According to this , 40% of golden retrievers from Europe will die from cancer, while 60% of golden retrievers in America will die from cancer.

    Here’s a quote in Vet Street about why this is the case:

    “When studied in a laboratory, the genes of American and U.K. Goldens are significantly different, suggesting that the risk of hemangiosarcoma is related to a relatively recent genetic alteration.”

    English Cream Golden Retriever Full Grown

    The English Cream Golden Retriever is a medium to the large-sized dog when fully grown. A male dog ranges between 22? and 24? in height.

    A female ranges between 20? and 22? in height. This breed has a blockier and broader head than the American Golden Retriever.

    English Cream Golden Retrievers can weigh between 55 and 75 pounds.

    The main defining characteristic of this breed is its light-colored coat. It also has a thick, feathery tail and slightly arched broadhead without prominent occipital or frontal bones.

    English Cream Golden Retrievers have a powerful, symmetrical, strong, and balanced build as well as a gentle, soft mouth that can carry eggs and game without damaging the item.

    They are also alert and confident. This breed has soft expressions and kind eyes.

    What Else You Can Do To Make Your Golden Retriever Live Longer When Its Old

    As your dog ages, you can make small but significantchanges around the home to make life a little easier for them:

    • Changing their bed for an orthopedic memory foam one will make for more comfortable sleep, as well as prevent joint issues from worsening or flaring up.
    • Get some ramps for getting into the car/home staircase more easily.
    • Elevated food bowls will reduce the stress and strain on their backs and forelimbs when they eat.
    • Cover sharp corners in the home that could cause injury as your golden’s eyesight diminishes.
    • Frequent regular grooming will relieve stress and pressure from aging joints, as well as give you more opportunities to spot any lumps and bumps under their skin that may need medical attention.
    • Keep them on their toes! Lastly, help prolong their playful spirit for as long as you can by playing with them. Even when they don’t feel up to walks and play time, interactive food toys are a great way of keeping them mentally sharp and ensures they have fun too.

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    Are There Genetic Health

    According to studies white goldens and traditional goldens can differ from bone structure and length of fur. I have written a complete post in detail comparing the different colors of a golden retriever. 

    There’s no difference in age or how long a golden can live based on color. Size color or gender does not play any kind of role in health-related problems. Every canine has the potential to fall sick just as equally as the other.

    English Or British Golden Retrievers

    The English golden retrievers can live up to 12 years on the average. These English golden retrievers are usually found in Australia and in Europe and are characterized by a balanced muzzle and a more muscle built compared to American golden retrievers . They also tend to be heavier and their coats are usually thicker, so they can be harder to manage, but they are less susceptible to the cold weather.

    Considerations Before Going For A Run With Your Golden Retriever

    Golden retrievers are natural runners and enjoy physical activity. Going on runs in public spaces is, however, quite a different story. So before going on that run, here are some factors that you need to consider:

    • Select a running space that has limited disturbance such as noises, strangers, and other animals. Where possible, use an open yard or a wide road. Interference and distractions can affect your dog’s mood and, in some instances, make them nervous.
    • Get your dog accustomed to a collar for their first couple of runs. Or better yet, instead of a collar use a like this popular one on amazon.
    • Make sure your pet is in good health condition. If possible, consult your vet for an expert opinion on their fitness levels.
    • Socialization and early obedience training are a must before going on a run. Here is the best training method I’ve found to have more fun and create a better bond with your pooch.

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