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HomeHealthWhy Did My Golden Retriever Get Cancer

Why Did My Golden Retriever Get Cancer

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Shine On Project Brings Hope Of Treating Hemangiosarcoma Cancer In Golden Retrievers

A year into the Shine On Project, research of canine hemangiosarcoma is making significant progress to better understand the cancer that kills an estimated one in five Golden Retrievers.

From the collaborative spirit that successfully raised funding to support the research to the impassioned determination of hundreds of people who lost dogs to this challenging cancer, Shine On represents a game-changing approach to developing relevant canine research. The grassroots effort behind Shine On started with a donation in memory of a Golden Retriever named “Shine,” who died days before turning 9 years old and 15 months after being diagnosed with hemangiosarcoma.

Razzle Golden Retriever breeder Cathy Meddaugh of Arlington, Texas, remembers vividly the morning her retired show dog laid lethargically on the kitchen floor, droopiness drowning his usual comical, happy personality. Meddaugh hand-picked Shine from a litter sired by “Harley” , a Special she campaigned, and then she raised Shine from a puppy.

Having owned Golden Retrievers since 1988, Meddaugh wasn’t overly concerned about Shine’s behavior, but she felt it warranted an examination by his veterinarian at Josey Ranch Pet Hospital in Carrollton, Texas. Shine’s pale gums and lethargy prompted the veterinarian to perform an ultrasound of the dog’s heart and abdomen, which showed pericardial effusion, or blood around the heart, stemming from a mass near the right atrium that had bled out.

A Promise to ‘Shine On’

Why Do So Many Golden Retrievers Get Cancer Massive Study Hopes To Find Out

March 22, 2018 / 6:56 PM / CBS News

Cancer research for golden retrievers02:35

SPRINGFIELD, Va. — The sweet and playful golden retriever is one of the most popular dog breeds in America, with a special talent for getting even so-called grown-ups to join in the fun. But, as Kris Campesi has learned through painful experience, they also rate high on another scale.

“Goldens have a high probability for cancer,” she explained.

That rate is about 60 percent, one of the highest in the dog world. Campesi recently lost one golden to cancer and now 7-year-old Malachi has a brain tumor.

“They’re such a part of your life, and when it’s time for them to go it’s hard,” Campesi said.

Looking for answers, she entered 3-year-old Nicodemus, who’s perfectly healthy, into a national study of nearly 3,000 golden retrievers. The goal is to understand why the cancer rate is so high.

“I have to keep track of everything they eat, the water they drink, the chemicals I use around the house,” Campesi said.

Nicodemus even has something called a “whistle” that stays with him all the time so it can record his activity and sleep.

Veterinarian Laney Rhymes takes samples of his hair and nails during frequent medical exams.

“They’re looking for environmental stuff that the dogs might be exposed to that would concentrate in the nails,” Rhymes said.

What Are The Possible Reasons For Your Golden Retrievers Face Turning White

You need to fully understand the various reasons why your Golden Retriever’s face could be turning white! Understanding the different possibilities and assessing your Golden Retriever will enable you to detect any possible threat to your Golden Retriever’s health and spare your dog further suffering. 

Scientists Studying Why Golden Retrievers Are Dying Sooner Getting Cancer

If a golden retriever gives birth, gets stung by a bee or sprayed by a skunk, veterinarians want to know.

Scientists are studying the popular breed to find out why their lifespans have gotten shorter over the years and why cancer is so prevalent.

The Colorado-based Morris Animal Foundation recently got the first lifetime study of 3,000 purebred golden retrievers up and running after signing up the first dogs in 2012. The nonprofit says the review of health conditions and environmental factors facing goldens across the U.S. can help other breeds and even people, because humans carry 95 percent of the same DNA.

“Canine cancer has become a dog owner’s greatest fear,” said Dr. David Haworth, president and CEO of the foundation, which invested $25 million in the study. “You don’t see dogs running loose that much anymore, we don’t see a lot of infectious diseases, and the vaccines we have today are very good, so our concerns are warranted.”

The vets haven’t learned enough yet to improve or prolong the retrievers’ lives, but key factors could lie anywhere, said Dr. Michael Lappin, who has 19 patients from Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts, in the study. When he graduated from veterinary school in 1972, golden retrievers lived 16 or 17 years. Today, it’s nine or 10 years.

Golden retrievers die of bone cancer, lymphoma and a cancer of the blood vessels more than any other breed in the country.

How Do I Prevent My Golden Retriever From Having Liver Or Kidney Disease

Study Seeks To Uncover Why Golden Retrievers Suffer Higher ...

There are no definite means to completely prevent your Golden Retriever from having liver or kidney disease. You should take them to the veterinarian regularly. These regular checkups will allow early diagnosis of the disease, and your veterinarian can start treating the disease before it becomes severe. 

Veterinary Oncology At Northeast Veterinary Referral Hospital In Plaines

At Northeast Veterinary Referral Hospital in Plaines, our veterinary oncologist uses advanced diagnostics and treatments to provide the best possible care to pets with cancer. If your pet has been diagnosed with cancer, ask your primary care veterinarian for a referral to see our veterinary oncologist.

Note:The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet’s condition, please make an appointment with your vet.

Heartbreak For Dog Owners: Popular Breed More Prone Now To Cancer Jim Morelli, Boston 25 News

HUDSON, Mass. — The American Kennel Club lists golden retrievers as the third most popular breed in the United States, just behind Labrador retrievers and German shepherds.

“Golden retrievers naturally love people,” said Pauline Hoegler, owner of Golden Opportunities for Independence in Walpole, which raises the breed to serve as help dogs.

And the feeling is apparently mutual.

“I think what attracts most people to goldens is their sweet personality,” said Alysson MacKenna, executive director of Yankee Golden Retriever Rescue in Hudson. “They just really, really want to make that connection with people. In my opinion, there is no sweeter breed.”

But it appears there is a genetic flip-side to that sweet disposition.

“Goldens are one of the breeds that we see that get a lot of cancer,” said Dr. Cheryl London, a veterinary oncologist and director of the clinical trials office at Tufts University’s Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine in Grafton. “For a period of time, there was a lot of interbreeding to create the golden retriever and all the other breeds. When you do that you create issues in the genes that predispose you to a variety of different things and one of them is cancer.”

In fact, several studies — both in Europe and North America — have shown golden retrievers develop cancer at far higher rates than most other dog breeds.

Cancer in dogs can be treated — sometimes with good results.

Cancer dogs

What Are Some Possible Side Effects Caused By Cancer Treatment

Just as in humans, radiation therapies and chemotherapies can cause side effects in dogs, and a couple of my dogs have had both radiation and chemotherapies. One of them had no symptoms, the other had a lot of side effects, so it depends on the dog. Dogs tend to tolerate chemo better than humans do, and we do have a lot of medications for nausea and things now that are great drugs. But still, some dogs can have side effects. So it’s just dependent on the pet.

If you still have other questions and you’d like to reach out to us, you can call us directly at 456-9556, you can email us, or you can reach out on Facebook. But please do reach out, and we’ll get back to you as fast as we can.

Exposure To Carcinogens Cause Cancer In Your Golden Retriever

Why do Golden Retrievers get cancer? Scientists want to ...

Since the Golden Retriever is a family dog, it has access to various household things that induce cancer. And continuous exposure to such carcinogen items leads to cancer. However, the cancer-causing agents present in the house are:

  • Household cleaners
  • Pesticides
  • Herbicides

Besides this, if you are a smoker, smoking can have a second-hand effect on your pet. Thus, it induces cancer in your Golden Retriever.

However, after you are familiar with the causes of cancer in your pet, I guess it is easier to prevent.

Do you know how to prevent your pet from cancer?

What Are The Treatments For The Golden Retriever With Cancer

The above ways can help to prevent cancer in your Golden Retriever. But do you know what you should if your pet is suffering from cancer?

Firstly, you must visit the professional because earlier treatment is proportional to successful treatment. And the Vet may diagnose the disease through various techniques of heath testing. After this, he will analyze the following things:

  • Stage of the cancer
  • Health condition of the Golden Retriever
  • Age of the pet

The Vet thoroughly will examine the stage, type of tumor, age, and health condition of your pet. Finally, he will prescribe appropriate treatment for your Golden Retriever. And the treatments may be either one or more of the following:

  • Surgery
  • Herbal medicines
  • Radiotherapy

Although these treatments do not ensure the complete cure of cancer in your Golden Retriever, they are helpful to increase the lifespan of your pet.

Since a Golden Retriever is naturally susceptible to health issues, you cannot control it. However, you can provide the pet with adequate care and attention to ensure a healthier life.

Which of the above cause do you think leads to more cancer cases?

Do you think all the preventive measures were effective?

Do you have any suggestions about this article?

Please share them in the comment box.

Dont Want Your Golden Retriever To Get Cancer Dont Neuter It Lesley Ciarula Taylortimer

Neutering dogs can double or triple their risk of cancer or joint disorders, a controversial new study reveals.

In fact, the risk of lymphatic cancer was three times more common in early neutered males than non-neutered males. And cancer of the blood vessel walls was quadrupled in late-neutered females than non-neutered.

The study also found neutering male and female golden retrievers produced weak protection against mammary or prostate cancer, contrary to popular belief.

Researchers at the University of California Davis studied 759 golden retrievers registered at their Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital.

Golden retrievers are popular and common but also more vulnerable to certain cancers and joint disorders than other breeds, the study pointed out.

The results can only be extrapolated to other breeds to a certain extent, lead researcher Dr. Benjamin Hart told the Toronto Star.

What’s a dog owner to do?

“Two things. Certainly avoid early neutering, before a year. This takes away the developmental effect of gonal hormones,” said Hart, a veterinary professor and animal behaviourist at UCD.

“A golden retriever is not much of a behaviour dog. Why not just not neuter unless you have to? There is nothing to be gained by neutering a male early.”

“If it’s females, don’t spay too early. Wait until she’s a year or 13 months so you can get past the knee and elbow and hip dysplasia problems. That’s early enough in goldens.”

What Are The Common Types Of Cancer In The Golden Retriever

According to the veterinary clinical trials program at the University of London, the Golden Retriever is more prone to four types of cancer. Further, the cases of cancer rise at the age of 6 and maximize at the age of 10 to 12. But after 12 years of age, these cases decline gradually.

However, there are four types of cancer most common in the Golden Retriever. And they are:

Have There Been Advancements In The Treatment Of Dog Cancer

Why Are Golden Retrievers More Likely to Get Cancer ...

Yes, for sure, there have been. We now have even some injectable chemotherapeutic agents that we did not have before, specifically treating mast cell disease. And we learn more every day. I would say that maybe we’re not quite as advanced as human medicine in treating cancers, but we’re pretty advanced in our information that we have and our abilities to provide longer, higher-quality lives for dogs.

How Does A Veterinarian Know What Kind Of Cancer My Dog Has

It depends on the location of the cancer, so let’s say I find a lump on your dog or your cat. I’m going to either do a punch biopsy or a needle biopsy to hopefully get cells that tell me what type of cancer it is. Depending on what the diagnosis is from a pathologist, it will help me determine what the next plan is going to be.

We’re also going to take X-rays quite often to check the chest and look for Mets and look in the abdomen to make sure nothing is going on there.

So it depends on the cancer. They all have a little bit of different behavior. If we find enlarged lymph nodes, we’re going to see if this is lymphoma. And then we’re going to look for where that is and what type of lymphoma it is to determine what type of chemotherapies we’re going to recommend.

On top of the type of cancer, we want to know that cancer’s general behavior, whether it’s one that metastasizes or it’s just localized cancer, and then we just go from there.

My Golden Retrievers Belly Turned Black: What Is The Cause

One of the causes your Golden Retriever’s belly turned black is the condition called Hyperpigmentation. This is a very common condition in dogs.

Many factors can cause Hyperpigmentation in Golden Retrievers. Here are some of the most common.

Endocrine disorders

Certain disorders of the endocrine system and endocrine glands can cause a pigmentation change in the Golden’s skin. These are the most common:

  • The appearance of red areas in the dog’s skin
  • Loss of hair around eyes
  • Red eyes


If your Golden Retriever is allergic to certain ingredients in food or some allergen from the environment, it will experience an allergic reaction if it digests or comes in contact with that allergen. An allergic reaction can be manifested in many ways, but most commonly, it will result in the excessive licking and scratching of the affected areas. This chronic itching can cause a change in skin color. It is important to notice that it will take some time for this change to occur. It will not happen suddenly. 

While excessive licking and scratching are the main symptoms of allergies, there are many others:

  • Sneezing
  • Skin redness

Hormonal disbalance and abnormalities

Hormonal abnormalities and hormonal disbalance in a dog’s body will most often manifest themselves through skin issues. The most common clinical signs of hormonal abnormalities are:

  • Chronic chewing of the coat
  • Excessive scratching
  • Chronic licking


At What Age Do Golden Retrievers Face Starts Turning White

Dogs age faster than humans; it is commonly believed that a human year is equivalent to seven dog years. Although each human year is comparable to several dog years, the exact dog years vary based on your dog’s size.

Specifically for a Golden Retriever, a medium-sized dog, the human year is equivalent to fifteen dog years. Their second year is equal to nine years; from there onwards, each human year is equivalent to five dog years. 

Your Golden Retriever’s face will typically start turning white between the ages of five and seven years old. Golden Retrievers usually have a lifespan of ten to twelve years.

Golden Retrievers Have One Of The Highest Rates Of Cancer

Why do so many golden retrievers get cancer? Omaha dog ...

Cancer is a huge concern among all dog owners because it is the leading cause of death among dogs over the age of 2. Nearly half of all dogs will be diagnosed with some form of cancer over the age of 10.

Unfortunately, the incidence of cancer is slightly higher in Golden Retrievers. About 61% of Golden Retrievers in the US will die from cancer according to a study done by Purdue University along with the Golden Retriever Club of America in 1998.

A survey done by the UK Kennel Club in 2004 indicates that about 38% of European Golden Retrievers die from cancer. European Golden Retrievers develop cancer at a lower rate because their genes are different.

A few decades ago Golden Retrievers did not have such a high rate of cancer. The lifespan of a Golden Retriever was 15-17 years old in the mid-1900s to the early 2000s. Today their lifespan is 10-12 years according to Wikipedia.

What Treatment Options Are Available For Dogs With Cancer

So surgical is certainly an option. Chemotherapies. I tell people, everything that we have available for humans, we almost always have available for dogs. It just depends on the prognosis and how much you’re willing to spend or can spend, as every case is different. I’ve had dogs that are really in rough shape, and I’m not going to recommend they go any further with treatment because I don’t think it’s going to do the dog any favors. But we do have many excellent treatments that can prolong a high quality of life for your dog. We can completely cure mast cell cancers if we get to them early. So it’s vital to start collecting information and help us be your partner as you go through that with your dog.

Do You Know The Status Of Cancer In The Golden Retriever

Since the Golden Retrievers originated from interbreeding, they have a high risk of cancer. And to prove this fact, Europe and the US did several studies on the Golden Retriever and risk for cancer.

Moreover, the Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, published in 2011, stated that out of 82 other dog breeds, the Golden Retriever is more likely to die from cancer. Furthermore, the BMC Veterinary Research in 2018 also confirmed that their puppies are more susceptible to tumor cell development than any other dogs.

Along with this, the Golden Retriever Lifetime Study is a yearly comprehensive health study of dogs in the USA that identifies the effect of nutrition, lifestyle, environment, and genetics in cancer. And according to a recent study, about 60 % of the Golden Retrievers are cancer victims.

And as time passes, the risk of Golden Retriever is also increasing at a high rate. As a result, the lifespan of the Golden Retriever declined to 10-12 years from 15-17 years over one century.

But what might be the reason behind the increasing cases of cancer in the Golden Retriever?

I will give a brief description of all the causes further in the article. Before that, do you know the symptoms of cancer?

Environmental Conditions Induces Golden Retriever Cancer

Due to the recklessness of humans with the increasing access to technology, the environment is deteriorating. As a result, the Golden Retriever gets cancer due to smog and air pollution. Besides this, the Golden Retriever prefers moderate environmental conditions.

When the Golden Retriever is in an extreme environment, it may suffer from various skin disorders. Further, these disorders damage the skin tissue of your pet. And eventually, your pet may get cancer.

The More Serious Signs Of Aging In Your Golden Retriever

Why do so many golden retrievers get cancer? Massive study ...

Older dogs are defined as being senior as well as geriatric, and often times people think of these terms as meaning the same. This is not the case.

Golden Retrievers are considered seniors at the age of 7.5 to 10 years old, right about the time when age-related issues start to become noticeable. Geriatric dogs are at the older age of the spectrum and they experience more health issues. A Golden Retriever is considered geriatric at the age of 10 and up.

Some more serious health problems that can affect your golden include:


Golden Retrievers are more likely to develop certain types of cancer than any other breed. Unfortunately, cancer is the number one cause of death in goldens, studies show that 60% of goldens will die from cancer. Males have a higher rate of 66% and females slightly lower at 57%.

The 2 most common cancers found in Goldens are hemangiosarcoma and lymphosarcoma. We’ll briefly discuss them below as well as other cancers goldens may get.

Why do Golden Retrievers get cancer?  To find out,


As goldens age, they may develop arthritis in their bones. Walking will become difficult and painful for them, as well as getting up and moving around. It is best to keep the walks short and more frequent to prevent your golden from getting stiff joints.


Hypothyroidism can occur in any breed, but it is most common in medium to large breed dogs like Golden Retrievers. It usually occurs when a dog is middle-aged between 4-10 years.



Study To Tackle Why So Many Golden Retrievers Get Cancer

At not quite 9 months of age, Cali has accomplished a lot. She knows her basic commands — that includes offering a soft yellow paw in both the standard shake, and an enthusiastic high five. She turns any occasion into a party, as I discovered Monday when we met at Partridge Animal Hospital in St. Petersburg.

And she may help unlock a mystery that has baffled many a veterinarian and grief-stricken family: Why do so many golden retrievers get cancer?

Cali is a healthy participant in the Morris Animal Foundation’s Golden Retriever Lifetime Study. It aims to recruit at least 3,000 dogs between ages 6 months and 2 years for an observational study planned to go on for 10 years at a cost of $25 million. Goldens all over the United States are needed for the project, which requires owners to bring their dogs to their own vet every year for a thorough exam and complete detailed questionnaires about diet and lifestyle.

Once she saw how happy Cali was to visit her vet, Dr. David Landers, Pamela Hogle felt comfortable committing to the study. Landers will be doing a lot of the work — and is happy to, being a big fan of the breed himself.

Hogle’s inspiration was another beloved golden, Oriel, who died of cancer two years ago at age 13.

Canine cancer is the leading disease cause of death in dogs over age 10. Goldens appear to be among the most susceptible, but no breed is immune. The study aims to establish whether cancer disproportionately afflicts certain dogs — and why.

What Are The Symptoms Of Cancer In The Golden Retriever

Since the Golden Retrievers cannot speak, they give several signs to indicate their illness. Though most symptoms of cancer may contradict the other diseases. Yet, the most common signs that indicate your pet is having health issues are.:

  • Change in bowel habits

Thus, you should be cautious and seek help from professionals immediately.

Due To Health Or Premature Graying In Golden Retrievers

If your Golden Retriever starts going gray before the age of six, then you should monitor their health. You should ensure that your dog has a healthy diet and is eating sufficiently. Observe your dog’s behavior, and if anything seems off, likely, your dog is not well. 

A possible cause of premature graying is malnourishment. The discoloring of your Golden Retriever’s fur could be a side effect of not having enough or the correct nutrients. This often occurs when your Golden Retriever does not consume enough proteins.

If you notice that your dog is shedding more than usual and has had a massive decline in appetite, your Golden Retriever likely has parasites. This is a severe health issue; if these parasites are not treated, they could spread to various parts of your dog’s body.

These parasites are painful to your dog and could lead to death in the worst case. These are some symptoms of parasites:

  • Vomiting
  • Inactivity
  • Whitening of fur

 If you suspect that your Golden Retriever has parasites, you should visit your veterinarian as soon as you can. 

What Happens When A Dog Suffers Splenic Hemangiosarcoma

Pin by Hartz on Pets in the News

Dogs most likely to suffer dog spleen cancer are:

  • Labrador retrievers
  • Golden retrievers
  • Large mixed breeds

Unless you are proactive in your approach to your dog’s health, then the following is the most likely scenario of a splenic hemangiosarcoma.

You have an older large breed dog that apparently appears very healthy.

For some unknown reason, your dog quits eating and/or becomes extremely lethargic.

If you look closely at the gums, they are pale.

Your dog seems very non-responsive and lethargic.

You rush to the veterinarian.

The vet tells you that your dog has cancer of the spleen and the spleen has ruptured.

The rupture has led to substantial blood loss, the cause of your dog’s weak, tired, and non-responsive demeanor.

Can Golden Retriever Have White Markings On Their Face

Yes, it is common for purebred Golden Retrievers to have white markings on their faces. If it occurred over time, it is likely another manifestation of the aging process. However, if your Golden Retriever’s entire face is white, then it could be a result of some genetic mutation. Unless your Golden shows other symptoms, then this is nothing to worry about. If your Golden Retriever has a few unusual symptoms, it would be wise to contact your veterinarian.

Unhealthy Food Habits Induces Golden Retriever Cancer

Since Golden Retrievers are fond of food, they love eating. Any and every meal enlightens their moods. Therefore, this dog breed has a higher chance of being obese.

And with obesity, the dogs are prone to various other diseases like diabetes, heart disease, thyroid disorder, hip dysplasia, joint disorders, etc. Furthermore, an overweight female Golden Retriever has a higher risk of mammary cancer.

What Are Some Of The Signs And Symptoms Of Dog Cancer

People often have no idea that they have a tumor growing inside them, and dogs are no different. Many of them don’t have any symptoms, so veterinarians must do annual exams on your dog. Doctors pick up things quite often. When we palpate your dog, or when we feel your dog’s abdomen as part of the exam, we’ll often find a large spleen or a tumor. We sometimes find things during rectal exams as well. We’ll see lumps and bumps on the body, many of them are benign, but some are not. And so the only way to know if those tumors are not benign is to put a needle in them and do a needle aspirate or a biopsy of them.

We palpate the lymph nodes when we do exams. We feel the lymph nodes for signs of enlargement. You have lymph nodes all over your body. Some are easy to palpate, meaning we can feel them on the exam. During oral exams, we find cancers in the mouth and the extremities, or sometimes in the eye.

As the dog owner, you want to look for weight loss and breathing difficulty, but unfortunately, these symptoms are when cancers are far gone. Otherwise, if you see lumps or bumps or something else you haven’t seen on your dog before, bring them in. Annual exams are essential, but you should also be looking for anything out of the ordinary.

At What Age Is A Golden Retriever Considered A Senior

Your Dog Doesn

Golden Retrievers are larger dogs so that automatically shortens their lifespan. Larger dogs age faster than smaller dogs, the reason why is still a mystery but scientists believe that it’s simply because large dogs grow faster. Growing faster can lead to an earlier incidence of tumours and other abnormal tissue developments including cancer.

The lifespan of a Golden Retriever is 10-12 years on average. Decades ago Golden Retrievers lived to be 16-17 years old. The reason for their reduced lifespan now is believed to be because this breed is more prone to certain types of cancer than any other breed.

A Golden Retriever is considered a senior at the age of 7.5-10 years old.

Many people believe that 1 human year is equivalent to 7 dog years, but this is not the case and it all depends on the size of the dog. Scientists have come to the conclusion that for every 4.4 pounds of body mass a dog has, their life expectancy is reduced by one month.

To find out how old your dog is in human years you can check out this chart.

Breed Specific Cancers: The Beloved Golden Retriever

The golden retriever is one of the most popular breeds in the world. In the United States the golden’s popularity is evident; it seems that they are everywhere from the local dog parks to your neighbor’s backyard and even in several television commercials. If you’re lucky you have one in your own family. Golden retrievers are nearly the perfect family member with their desire to please personality, their high intelligence and obedient nature, and their friendly and playful ways. They tend to get along well with all other dogs, people, and even cats.

The golden retriever was originally developed in Scotland as a gundog, with its soft mouth it was the perfect dog for carrying waterfowl. Although this breed is still an excellent hunting companion most goldens are primarily devoted family dogs and because of their trainability they are used as service dogs and search and rescue dogs.

Lymphoma is also a cancer that affects approximately one in eight golden retrievers during their middle age or old age, but can strike younger dogs as well. If left untreated a dogs survival rate may be as low as just a couple of months left in life, but with chemotherapy a dog with lymphoma may live another year. Research has shown that goldens that receive regular flea and tick preventative have reduced incidences of this cancer due to the thought that lymphoma in dogs may be triggered by bacteria carried by fleas and ticks.

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