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HomePuppyGolden Retriever Puppy Diarrhea Treatment

Golden Retriever Puppy Diarrhea Treatment

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Check Your Dogs Environment

How funny it is that golden retriever dog treat food as poison!!!

If your dog has diarrhea, its best to quickly check his environment for a potential cause. This is especially true if diarrhea occurs out of the blue. Did he get into the garbage? Steal cookies off the table? Eat something from the garden he shouldnt have?

Even ingesting certain common backyard flowers like buttercups can sometimes produce diarrhea. Buttercup flowers contain a gastrointestinal irritant that isnt fatal, but certainly can produce diarrhea or vomiting.

Dogs explore the world with their mouths. Keep them safe by continuously puppy-proofing and constantly checking their environment for hazards. Wall off flower gardens, keep them away from puddles that may contain giardia and other bacteria, and provide them with fresh, clean water at all times.

Causes Of Diarrhea: Diet Changes

This is not just limited to humans dogs too suffer stomach upsets and sudden diarrhea when you suddenly change their diet, say from a high protein to a fat-rich diet.

Avoid sudden, drastic changes to your goldens usual meals to prevent upsetting their stomach with something they arent yet used to. Instead, gradually introduce new foods to their diet in small amounts.

When Should I Be Concerned About My Dogs Diarrhea

If your dog is healthy and has a strong immune system, the diarrhea should resolve in 2 or 3 days. If your dog still has diarrhea and seems sick work with your holistic vet to find out how to treat dog diarrhea. Your vet may want to:

  • Change your dogs diet
  • Run a fecal exam to rule out parasites
  • Check blood work to rule out concerns with organ functions
  • Do X-rays or an abdominal ultrasound to rule out foreign objects, obstruction and cancer
  • Do an endoscopy to view the stomach and intestinal mucosa

Luckily, most cases of diarrhea are self-limiting. With this simple dog diarrhea home remedy, youll be able to help your dog get back to normal quickly.

Herstad HK et al. Effects of a probiotic intervention in acute canine gastroenteritisa controlled clinical trial.

Blaabjerg S et al. Probiotics for the Prevention of Antibiotic-Associated Diarrhea in OutpatientsA Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. J Small Anim Pract. 2010 Jan 51:34-8.

Paap PM et al. Administration of Bacillus subtilis C-3102 may improve feces consistency in dogs with chronic diarrhea. Antibiotics . 2017 Dec 6: 21.

B Mounika et al. Effect of probiotic formulation containing Bacillus spp. on diarrhoea in dogs. The Pharma Journal 2019 8: 81-85


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What You Can Do To Support Your Puppy

If your veterinarian has determined that your puppy does not need to be treated for a viral or bacterial infection, you can focus on helping your puppy feel better. After an episode of diarrhea, it can take up to a week for your puppys gut lining to regenerate and their stool to return to a normal consistency. Fortunately, theres a lot you can do to support your puppys developing digestive and immune systems.

Here are some tips:

Add Probiotics & Prebiotics

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Inside your stomach are two types of bacteria: the healthy, beneficial bacteria and the bad, invasive bacteria. In an ideal situation, those bacteria remain in balance and help both of you to stay healthy and digest your food.

But sometimes gut bacteria becomes unbalanced. Antibiotics are notorious for interfering with gut bacteria, and the most common result is, in fact, diarrhea. Upset bacterial balances can also produce gas and incredibly smelly flatulence.

Supplementation with prebiotics and probiotics is ideal for pups with stomach upset, especially if theyve taken antibiotics in the last three to six months. Exactly which version you should use depends largely on your dogs unique situation your vet can identify the best brand for her needs.

Dont have access to probiotics? A tablespoon of plain probiotic yogurt now and again can help. Just be cautious of dairy allergies and reactions its best to use a lactose-free yogurt if your pups sensitive to dairy.

Whether its your dogs first or 40th time experiencing diarrhea, seeing a vet to rule out more complex conditions is always best. The fixes listed above are remarkably effective, but they shouldnt replace a vets advice or care. Your pup looks to you to keep him safe, healthy, and happy feed him right and address health issues promptly to enjoy a long, healthy life together.

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Causes Of Diarrhea: Infections

Infections in dogs are mostly caused by viruses, with the most common ones being parvovirus, coronavirus, and distemper. Infections could also be parasitic, fungal, or bacterial. In most cases, they develop into diarrhea, alongside other unpleasant and often painful conditions. Most types of infections will need to be treated with medications prescribed by a veterinarian.

Three Common Causes Of Diarrhea In Puppies

One of the reasons diarrhea can be so stressful for puppy owners is the sheer number of potential causes. Loose or watery stool might be a relatively benign response to everyday stressors, a reaction to something your dog ate, or signs of a potentially deadly condition.

Diarrhea on rare occasions is not necessarily alarming, but its important to note that diarrhea should be assessed with the puppys overall general health. Is the puppy alert? Are they eating? Is there vomiting as well? Is there blood in the diarrhea. Diarrhea in combination with lethargy, poor appetite, or vomiting can point to something more alarming and owners in these cases should not wait to contact a veterinarian. When in doubt, contact your veterinarian for guidance on whether your puppys case is routine or if it requires urgent attention.

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The Last Word About Golden Retriever Diarrhea

Diarrhea in goldies isnt uncommon. So rather than sit obliviously, hoping your dog never suffers such a condition, it would be better to arm yourself with all the essential information about it. Thankfully, this guide has you covered!

Take note of the causes of diarrhea in golden retrievers and do whatever you can to make sure your pup doesnt suffer this condition. At the same time, watch out for the symptoms so the condition doesnt catch you by surprise. And above all, remember to consult your vet on what to do when the diarrhea is severe.

To recap, some of the most common causes of diarrhea in golden retrievers are:

  • Overeating/overfeeding
  • Sudden dietary changes
  • Allergies and food sensitivities

Like with any illness that could affect your dog, you will always be happy that you did prepare early. You will save your dog from unnecessary pain and discomfort and at the same time avoid the costs and other inconveniences you would have faced in case you didnt act on time and properly.

Help Your Dog Feel Better

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Patrick Mahaney VMD, CVA, CVJ suggests some ways to soothe your puppys insides:

  • Keep your puppy hydrated with water or ice cubes to lick.
  • Fast for 8, 12 or 24 hours while monitoring your puppy closely.
  • Introduce bland foods like white rice, boiled chicken, vegetable broth.
  • Try fiber-rich foods like cooked sweet potato or canned pumpkin to get stool back to normal.
  • Give probiotics to replenish your puppys gut health. They come in a variety of forms like powders, capsules, chews, and yogurt or kefir.
  • Prebiotic foods nourish and promote growth of good bacteria living in the colon. Finely ground psyllium husk is also a prebiotic.
  • Ask your veterinarian about Rx Clay, which calms down and detoxifies the gastrointestinal tract.

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Common Reasons And Tips For Puppy Diarrhea

Below is a video of us going through the most common reasons for diarrhea:

The one issue with Goldens is that they do have very sensitive stomachs. So many things can cause diarrhea, loss of appetite, vomiting, etc We are always struggling to figure out what is causing what for each puppy. You definitely want to and need to stay on top of it. It can get bad very quick especially if he doesnt eat or drink and/or vomits. The most common causes recently are:

  • Stress This is the most common reason why pups that go home get diarrhea. We never truly believed stress caused diarrhea until experience taught us the hard way. We learned by experience that when a pup travels long distances that about 50% of them got diarrhea. We found that younger pups especially were prone to getting diarrhea in the first week of going home. Nothing was changed with food and water, yet they still would get diarrhea. Stress causes diarrhea more than any other reason in pups going home. We try to prevent stress diarrhea by giving our pups anti-diarrhea medicine before going home and providing you with Pro-pectalin, metronidazole and Forti-flora. This is mainly to keep your pups stool firm when traveling and adjusting to their new home.
  • Getting Rid of Diarrhea

    Here are our suggestions:

  • Unsweeten Pumpkin Add a scoop of canned unsweetened pumpkin. Its high in fiber, good tasting and great in helping diarrhea. OR you can buy Pumpkin supplement like this:
  • Warning!

    What Your Veterinarian Is Likely To Do

    It is important to regularly monitor your dogs bathroom habits even if they are shy about it! This helps you know what is normal and abnormal for them. It will alert you to problems sooner which may avoid a vet visit. These key pieces of information change in pooping habits, changes in poop color, firmness, amount, etc. are very valuable when providing information to your dogs veterinarian. It may save you a lot of time and possibly eliminate a lot of extra testing.

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    Kidney Or Liver Disease

    Diarrhea is a common symptom of dogs with kidney or liver disease. Causes of kidney disease include age, trauma, toxic ingestion, cancer, parasites, amyloidosis , congenital disorders and bacterial infections. Other signs of a serious health issue include a hunched over posture, not wanting to move, weight loss, vomiting, blood present in urine, lack of appetite and an increase or decrease in urine.

    A visit with your veterinarian will help determine the exact cause of your dogâs diarrhea. Donât wait to schedule an exam if the problem persists for more than a couple of days.

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    How You Can Treat Diarrhea In Dogs

    best food for golden retriever puppy with diarrhea

    If you have a young dog, an older dog, or a dog who has a preexisting condition then, you should probably call the vet for the best advice.

    Dogs can get severely dehydrated when they have diarrhea—-even if it is mild so, you need to make sure that your dog is getting enough water. Call your vet if the dogs stool is too frequent or too runny.

    Another thing is that if your dogs stool has even a little streak of blood, you must call your vet.

    Other serious things include dark and tarry stool, excessive vomiting, lethargy, depression, and pain. These things could indicate other serious health conditions that need immediate care.


    If your dog is pink of health then, you can do the following:

    • Ensure that your dog has access to a lot of clean water
    • Try to give your dog a small meal
    • If the symptoms of diarrhea continue for more than 24 hours, or if the condition of your dog worsens, then, call your vet and book an appointment immediately.

    Following are the steps you should follow for dogs that have diarrhea and have vomited once or twice:

  • Make sure that you remove all food from your dogs access for 12 hours
  • Make sure that you offer your dog some small amounts of water throughout the day to avoid dehydration. You may also dilute chicken broth or beef broth as well.
  • If your doggy friend has not vomited for six hours, then, offer your dog a small amount of boneless and skinless white meat chicken with some white rice
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    Does Overfeeding Cause Diarrhea In Golden Retrievers

    One of the many triggers associated with diarrhea in retrievers is dietary indiscretion . Eating too much falls under this category, and it often causes diarrhea in addition to abdominal discomfort, loose stools, and swelling.

    Essentially, overfeeding puts unnecessary stress on your dogs digestive system. This negatively affects its efficiency, leading to the conditions mentioned above.

    These Are The Ingredients And Techniques You’ll Want To Know If Your Dog Has Diarrhea

    Whether or not your pup suffers from chronic stomach upset, diarrhea is never fun to deal with. Theres never a good time for it, but unfortunately, it happens to us all every now and again your dog included. You may notice your pup eating grass or other non-food items, but theres a good chance youll notice the loose and irregular bowel movements before anything else.

    If youve been wondering, What can I give my dog for diarrhea? this one is for you. Read on for all the answers you wish youd found earlier, from DIY remedies to helpful foods you may already have in your cabinet. Heres how to treat canine diarrhea at home.

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    What Is Diarrhea In Golden Retrievers

    Let us first talk about what diarrhea is just to get a glimpse of an idea of what it really is just to avoid any misconceptions.

    Diarrhea can be an unsettling experience for humans and this is the same case for every dog out there. Its a common affliction for the canine. When a dog is experiencing diarrhea, its stool is usually loose or unformed, sometimes it comes in large amounts and sometimes small. Although diarrhea is not a disease per se, it can be linked to or a sign of various types of diseases. In addition, this simple illness can become serious to life-threatening.

    Although you might not be able to prevent diarrhea. So, this cannot be taken lightly instead, do something about it if your golden retriever is experiencing diarrhea.

    When Do I Need To See My Vet

    Golden retriever puppies experience their first car wash. come see their reaction.

    Many times, these common at home remedies for treating diarrhea at home will help stop your dogs diarrhea. There are certain signs that would indicate that your dog needs to see your vet right away such as:

    • Vomiting: Many dogs that are having diarrhea will also be vomiting. This could be a sign of many other issues in dog that usually require a vet visit.
    • Lethargic: If your dog is ever lethargic, you should take them to your vet. This is especially true if they are also having diarrhea. Lethargy is a sign that your dog is not feeling well and could be
    • Blood in stool: If your dog has blood in their diarrhea this would beam that there is bleeding inside the intestines. This is something that should see your vet right away. Things like parasites can cause bleeding but so can ulcers and masses that need to be addressed as soon as possible.
    • Black tarry diarrhea: If your dog is having black tarry diarrhea, this usually indicates and upper GI bleed. This can also be a simple fix, but many times may need medications from your vet.

    If you think that there is ever anything off with your Golden Retriever, it is never wrong to see your vet.

    Your vet can make sure that your dog is okay and help you treat their diarrhea either with medication or with dietary changes to stop your Golden Retrievers diarrhea.

    Final Thoughts

    If your dog is having diarrhea, try to figure out why they are having diarrhea. Once your figure out the cause you can start changing things to stop this diarrhea.

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    Is Your Dogs Poop Normal

    From bloody poop to diarrhea, all your dogâs poop problems explained.

    Occasional diarrhea is to be expected in dogs. Mild bouts of diarrhea will often resolve within two to four days on their own or with simple home remedies . Most of the time, diarrhea is caused by dietary indiscretion or stressful circumstances and is self-resolving. But other common causes of diarrhea in dogs may include allergies, viral infections, inflammatory bowel disease, ingestion of toxins, parasites, pancreatitis, colitis, or other illnesses.

    What Will My Veterinarian Do For My Dogs Diarrhea

    If your dog has a mild case of diarrhea, most of the time, they may just send you home with a change in diet and anti-vomiting medication. But again, cases of diarrhea may be more severe or chronic and warrant more of a medical workup to rule out the other medical causes listed above. If the diarrhea is acute, and goes away with a temporary prescription high-fiber diet, then voila, you may be all set! But if it re-develops, or if your dog gets sicker, then a more thorough work up will need to be done to rule out medical problems. This typically includes:

    • A complete blood count to evaluate the red and white blood cell count, along with the platelet count
    • A biochemistry panel to evaluate the protein, electrolytes, kidney function and liver enzymes
    • Your dogs stool sample to rule out parasitic infections or abnormal bacterial overgrowth
    • A urinalysis to evaluate kidney function
    • Abdominal x-rays to rule out a foreign body, obstruction, or abnormal fluid in the intestines or abdomen

    Depending on the results of the initial tests, more advanced diagnostics may be necessary to rule out other underlying problems. These tests may include:




    Thankfully, the prognosis for diarrhea in dogs is generally excellent! That said, dont wait until your dog is very dehydrated from profuse vomiting before seeking assistance. The sooner you seek veterinary attention and treat your dogs diarrhea, the less costly it may be.

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