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HomeFactsHealth Issues In Golden Retrievers

Health Issues In Golden Retrievers

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Genetic Diseases In Golden Retrievers

9 Most Common Health Problems In Golden Retrievers
  • Just Goldens
  • Genetic Diseases in Golden Retrievers
  • Here at Gaylans, we take the reduction of the rate and severity of genetic diseases in goldens as an important part of our role as breeders. On this rather lengthy page, we lay out our priorities, production rates, and thoughts on the health issues facing goldens. We hope this information will be helpful to golden buyers and owners, regardless of where they get their dogs. However, we want to make it clear that we do not believe it is possible to produce 100% perfectly healthy dogs any more than it is possible to produce 100% healthy human children. Life itself is imperfect and the creation of life is fraught with challenges and hurdles.

    Despite this belief, we do aggressively seek to reduce the number of seriously affected dogs we produce. To do this, we:

    • study the diseases affecting goldens and their underlying genetics,
    • include our dogs in as many valid research programs as possible,
    • are passionate and public supporters of information sharing among golden owners and breeders as well as databases that enable this information to be tracked forever
    • collect and release genetic data on all of our dogs and as many of their relatives and ancestors as possible, and
    • rigorously screen our breeding stock, including DNA testing with reliable and valid tests, when appropriate and as it becomes available
    • moderate and severe elbow and hip dysplasia
    • moderate heart disease
    • severe pigmentary or golden retriever uveitis
    • prcd-PRA
    • PRA1

    Golden Retriever Health Problems: Common Health Issues And Diseases

    Golden Retrievers are known for their beauty and great temperament, but unfortunately they are also known to be at risk for some health issues. Knowing what to look for can help your dog get a leg up on any serious health problems that may come their way.

    Below we will cover many of the common health issues your Golden Retriever may face. At the end we will provide ways you can help ensure your dog stays healthy and happy.

    Ear Infections In Golden Retrievers

    As Golden Retrievers have floppy ears, they tend to be more predisposed to getting ear infections. Its important to regularly check their ears and clean them when necessary with an appropriate, dog-friendly solution. If you spot any discharge from the ear or if it seems hot, red or itchy, go to the vets as soon as possible.

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    Nutritional Tips For A Golden Retriever

    Starting a Golden Retriever on a joint supplement early in life can help slow down or possibly prevent arthritis. Movoflex, Synovi Chews, Dasuquin, Cosequin, and Flexadin are some examples of joint supplements that have gone through clinical trials and are proven to be effective.

    Another supplement to consider for a Golden Retriever is an omega-3 fatty acid supplement . This supplement helps to reduce inflammation in the joints, makes the coat more lustrous, and protects the skin barrier from allergens in the environment. Some good fish oil supplements are Nordic Naturals Omega-3 Pet, Vetoquinol Triglyceride Omega-3 Fatty Acids, and Nutramax Welactin Omega 3.

    Aortic Stenosis And Heart Problems

    The Most Common Golden Retriever Health Issues And Their Remedies ...

    Golden Retrievers are one of the most likely dog breeds to have aortic stenosis, which occurs when the hearts aortic valve narrows, forcing the body to work harder to pump blood through the valve. Aortic Stenosis can lead to extra stress on the heart and heart failure.

    Signs & Symptoms:

    • Weakness

    Prevention & Treatment:

    Regular veterinary care, via physical examinations, blood work, and urinalysis, can catch aortic stenosis early on. Aortic stenosis can be treated with medication or, in severe cases, surgery.

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    Cardiovascular And Respiratory Disorders

    Like other large breeds, Golden Retrievers are susceptible to a number of heart, lung, and circulation problems.

    Subvalvular aortic stenosis , a narrowing of the conduit that transports oxygenated blood from the heart to the body. This is one of the most prevalent and dangerous.

    Aortic narrowing or partial blockage forces the heart to work harder than it should. It can result in significant consequences, including death.

    If your pet exhibits symptoms of lethargy, weakness, or difficulty breathing. Consult your veterinarian right once to rule out SAS.

    Caring For Your Golden Retriever

    Golden Retrievers are usually real big softies and can make a great addition to a home. They are a popular pet for families, but be aware that they are prone to certain health conditions and you will need to make sure your pets been screened where possible to avoid them. Its also really important to keep your Retriever in shape, as they can easily become overweight.

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    Skin Problems In Golden Retrievers

    Skin diseases are also rampant, with 1 of every 2 Goldens developing some type of skin condition, especially allergies, which cause itchy skin and often lead to bacterial skin infections .

    Other skin diseases in Goldens include seborrhea, sebaceous adenitis, and lick granuloma.

    Along with malignant tumors, non-tumorous growths are frequently found on Golden Retrievers.

    Goldens are prone to losing pigment on their nose in the winter this is a harmless condition called “snow nose”.

    Also note that many Goldens turn white around their muzzle at a fairly young age, and this is also normal for the breed.

    Change In Nutritional Needs And Weight Changes

    What Common Health Problems Do Golden Retrievers Have

    As your dog gets older you may notice weight changes. Your dogs metabolism slows down as he ages, and if you are feeding your dog the same amount of food as when he was younger you may notice him gaining weight.

    If your dog is losing weight it could be related to certain diseases that come along with aging. Any changes in your dogs weight should be closely monitored by your vet.

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    Hip And Elbow Dysplasia

    These are quite common in multiple dog breeds, including the Golden Retriever. It is a type of arthritis that involves abnormal development of the joints in a dogs hips and elbows. In a dog that does not suffer from these conditions, the bones fit well into their sockets and can move smoothly as your dog moves around.

    However, if your dog has elbow or hip dysplasia, that means that the joint is deformed. The bone will not rotate smoothly in its socket, instead involving components that brush together with abrasion and friction. Over time, this can lead to damage to the joint and a significant amount of pain and inflammation for your dog. If you allow this condition to go untreated, your dog may end up unable to walk.

    This condition cannot be prevented or cured. However, there are treatments that can stop the progress of the condition or to help your dog cope with the pain.

    Eyes Issues: Entropion Cataracts Pigmentary Uveitis And Progressive Retinal Atrophy


    Treatment includes antibiotics and monitoring for mild conditions to surgery for more severe cases that involve corneal damage. Often plastic surgery is performed on adult dogs to reshape the eyelids, and the procedure is called a blepharoplasty.

    Costs range from $300 to $1500 depending on whether a general veterinarian or surgeon performs the procedure.


    Treatment options for cataracts often include surgery to dissolve or remove the lens. Recently, sound waves to dissolve the cataract has become the preferred course of treatment. The procedure is called phacoemulsification and is much less evasive.

    An artificial lens can then be placed within the eye after lens removal to ensure the dog can focus properly. Treatment costs for cataracts are about $1500 to $5000 per eye if surgery includes a lens replacement.

    Pigmentary Uveitis

    Treatments for Golden Retriever Uveitis include topical or antiinflammatory medications. Secondary glaucoma is treated with medications to control ocular hypertension.

    If caught early then, daily eye drops may be all that is required. If detected later, then the disease may progress to vision loss, and treatments are more extensive. Ongoing, regular exams by a veterinarian ophthalmologist are required for Golden Retrievers with this condition. Laser surgery may also be required for late-stage or severe glaucoma due to the pain it causes your dog.

    Progressive Retinal Atrophy

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    How To Feed A Golden Retriever

    Golden Retrievers do well with twice-daily feedings, in morning and evening.

    Golden Retrievers love to eat, so a slow feeder bowl can be a great way to help them slow down their eating and prevent digestion issues. If a Golden Retriever eats food too quickly, it can cause vomiting and possibly bloatan emergency situation where the stomach twists on itself.

    Breed History Of Golden Retrievers

    Health Issues: Health Issues With Golden Retrievers

    The Golden Retriever was developed in Scotland in the mid-1800s out of a need for an adequate retriever on both land and in water for wealthy hunters. The breed we see today evolved from crossing the best water spaniels with land retrievers, resulting in an active, powerful dog with a soft mouth-grip for retrieving game. The Scottish businessman and politician Dudley Marjoribanks is credited with creating the breed.

    The Kennel Club of England first registered the breed as Flat Coats in 1903 and it was first seen at a British dog show in 1908. In 1911 it was officially recognised as Retriever . The American Kennel Club recognised the breed 14 years later in 1925, but the its popularity really took off in the 1970s, the era of President Gerald Ford and his beautiful Golden named Liberty.

    Today, the Golden Retriever is one of the worlds favourite dog breeds. Because of their intelligence and work ethic, they make great working dogs and can be utilised in many different roles including as seeing-eye dogs, hearing dogs, hunting & detection dogs, and search and rescue dogs.

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    Bone And Joint Problems

    A number of different musculoskeletal problems have been reported in Golden Retrievers. While it may seem overwhelming, each condition can be diagnosed and treated to prevent undue pain and suffering. With diligent observation at home and knowledge about the diseases that may affect your friend’s bones, joints, or muscles, you will be able to take great care of him throughout his life.

    • Both hips and elbows are at risk for dysplasia, an inherited disease that causes the joints to develop improperly and results in arthritis. Stiffness in your Golden’s elbows or hips may become a problem for him, especially as he matures. You may notice that he begins to show lameness in his legs or has difficulty getting up from lying down. We can treat the arthritisthe sooner the betterto minimize discomfort and pain. Well take X-rays of your dogs bones to identify issues as early as possible. Surgery is also sometimes a good option in severe and life-limiting cases. And keep in mind that overweight dogs may develop arthritis years earlier than those of normal weight, causing undue pain and suffering!

    Understand The Breeds Need For Exercise

    Golden retrievers are built for activity as they are muscular with a large body that can handle the stress of longer runs. While not as sleek and fast as a greyhound, golden retrievers still make excellent running dogs.

    Ideally, a healthy, adult golden retriever will need to be exercised twice a day, for an hour in total. The exact amount of exercise will depend on the dog, so you will want to work with your vet to develop a healthy routine.

    You should also buy a running leash for your golden retriever as well as reflective clothing and a vest. This helps you run comfortably while keeping your dog visible to motorists.

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    Anxiety About Being Apart

    Golden Retrievers are brave and devoted. Theyd leap at the chance to play with you, and theyre always up for meeting new people. And because leaving the house crushes their hearts, they express their anguish by barking.

    Your golden retriever needs a lot of exercise and affection. As well as, dont get agitated or thrilled when you leave or return home.

    This will exacerbate your dogs uneasiness. Instead, spread your joy throughout the day, listen to your dog. Reach out to them when they least expect it.

    Every dog breed has its own set of health challenges. Also despite the issues listed above, Golden Retrievers provide us joy and comfort.

    We must assist them in remaining healthy and happy. Do you want to adopt one as well? We recognize how much responsibility comes with having a dog.

    Being by their side all of the time makes a big difference in developing a happy and healthy pup.

    You wont have to worry about separation anxiety with Furbo! You can chat with your dog at any time to comfort him or her and ensure that everything is well.

    Being absent does not preclude you from being available in an emergency. In fact, you can also give your dog their favorite goodies if they are obedient and considerate.

    Common Golden Retriever Health Issues To Know About

    12 Things Golden Retrievers Hate That Humans Do

    Golden Retrievers are known for their intelligence and friendly demeanor.

    The breed is a long-standing favorite in US households.

    While generally healthy and hearty dogs, Goldens are susceptible to various health issues that, if allowed to progress, can cause severe suffering in the long run.

    Common Golden Retriever health issues include cancer, von Willebrand Disease, bloat, hypothyroidism, cataracts, and hip and elbow dysplasia. In addition, Goldens are prone to various skin conditions, chest problems, and ear infections.

    Using my experience as a veterinary doctor, Ive compiled the following list of common Golden Retriever health issues, their symptoms, how theyre diagnosed, and the best course of action.

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    Golden Retriever Feeding And Nutrition

    Choose a high-quality dog food appropriate for the dogs age that will provide all the nutrients the breed needs.

    Some Goldens can become overweight, so regularly monitor your dogs calorie consumption and weight. If you choose to give your dog treats, do so in moderation. Give table scraps sparingly, if at all, especially avoiding cooked bones and foods with high fat content. Check with your vet if you have any concerns about your dogs weight or diet.

    Golden Retrievers And Other Pets

    Well-socialised Golden Retrievers are very easy-going, which usually means they can be great around other dogs and pets, too. Any introductions should be done carefully and following the right advice for your other pet, too.

    Always supervise your dog with other pets, even if they have known them for a long time.

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    Most Common Health Issues With English Golden Retrievers

    We believe part of our job as breeders is not only to train and raise wonderful pups but also to prepare you for any possible issues that could come up. Part of that process is to prepare you in case a health problem arises. We have an incredibly detailed Nursery

    Schedule where we have a strict schedule where our employees care for each puppy. Every puppy is also examined multiple times by veterinarian technicians and veterinarians to make sure there are no problems we can see with the pups.

    On the other hand, there are many issues that can come up after the pup has arrived home. No honest breeder can tell you they can guarantee their puppy will have, for example, no diarrhea. Our puppies are not machines but animals and there is no way to predict what mother nature will throw at us. We do have a very good warranty to cover anything major like death, dysplasia, severe heart murmurs, etc Our warranty is the best of any breeder I know of. It covers more than just death and if you use TLC, NuVet and NuJoint with autoshipping, then your warranty extends to 4 years.

    I do want to stress that we stand by our warranty. However, we cant guarantee against every possible health problem that comes up. The job of a good breeder is to breed health tested adults and sell to the best of their knowledge healthy pups. Each of our English Golden puppies are health tested before they go home, but as you know, no vet can see everything. There is always a chance something is missed.

    Common Golden Retriever Health Issues

    Golden Retriever Health Problems &  Issues

    What are some common golden retriever health issues? There are many common health issues among golden retrievers, including cancer, hip and elbow dysplasia, luxating patella, chest and skin problems, eye problems, ear infections, bloat, epilepsy, hypothyroidism, and Von Willebrand disease.

    Every breed comes with its own set of health issues, due to its unique genetic makeup. Even though Golden Retrievers are generally healthy dogs, there are some medical conditions to which they are prone. If you have a Golden Retriever, you should look out for symptoms of these conditions in your dog.

    This is by no means an exhaustive list of all the possible health problems that could affect your golden retriever. However, these are some of the most common health issues that you will have to look out for if you have this kind of dog.

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    What To Watch For

    Any abnormal symptom could be a sign of serious disease or it could just be a minor or temporary problem. The important thing is to be able to tell when to seek veterinary help and how urgently. Many diseases cause dogs to have a characteristic combination of symptoms, which together can be a clear signal that your Golden Retriever needs help.

    How Fast Is A Golden Retriever

    If youre considering adding a golden retriever puppy to your family, its important to know whether this breed is the right match for your lifestyle. Runners and athletes can be good fits for high-energy golden retrievers because these dogs enjoy runs. However, how fast a golden retriever can run will depend on several factors, including the dogs health, age and fitness level. These dogs can run faster in short bursts but are also good long-distance runners.

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