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How To Take Care Of A Golden Retriever

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Top Tips For Choosing A Healthy Golden Retriever Puppy:

Golden Retriever Puppy First Week Home – Professional Dog Training Tips
Meet the parents Check for obvious health issues, like skin problems or fleas
Make sure the parents have all their health checks Make sure theyre a health weight no ribs showing!
Ask the breeder lots of questions and expect to be asked questions! Look at the environment the puppies are kept in
Interact with the puppy are they friendly and bright? Check theyve had their first set of vaccinations

Entertaining Your Golden Retriever

  • 1Exercise your golden retriever often. Golden retrievers are energetic dogs that require regular exercise. Make sure that you take your golden retriever for a 20 to 30 minute brisk walk twice per day or play some games with him in your backyard for an equivalent amount of time.
  • Keep in mind that younger dogs will need more exercise than older ones.XResearch source
  • 2Play fetch with your golden retriever. Golden retrievers love to play fetch, so this should be a regular part of your playtime together.XTrustworthy SourceAmerican Kennel ClubThe American Kennel Club is a purebred dog pedigree registry in the United States. The AKC advocates for the responsible ownership of dogs and promotes purebred dog events, such as the Westminster Dog Show.Go to source Get some Frisbees or tennis balls to play fetch with your golden retriever.
  • Make sure that you play fetch in a safe, fenced in area so that your golden retriever will not get distracted by a bird or other small animal and run off.
  • 3Take your golden retriever swimming. Golden retrievers are great swimmers, so try to find some opportunities to let your golden retriever go swimming now and then. For example, you could take your golden retriever to a lake or let him swim in your pool if you have one. Just make sure that the water is safe for your golden retriever and watch him at all times.XResearch source
  • How To Take Care Of A Golden Retriever’s Newborn Puppies

    by Jane Tyne / in Family

    There are few things more adorable than newborn Golden Retriever puppies.

    Golden Retrievers are usually excellent mothers, have easy births and take great care of their puppies.

    They are also usually comfortable when their owners handle and care for the puppies.

    So this can be a very enjoyable time; however, there is a lot of work involved and a multitude of things that can go wrong. Preparation is key.

    Wash your hands thoroughly every time before handling the puppies or their mother.

    • There are few things more adorable than newborn Golden Retriever puppies.
    • Wash your hands thoroughly every time before handling the puppies or their mother.

    Remove your street shoes before entering the puppy room. Shoes are a common source of germs or parasites that can infect the puppies. If you have been around other animals or sick people, change your clothing before entering the puppy room.

    Remove the sac from each puppy as it is born, allowing the mother to sniff, clean and chew the umbilical cord. The puppy can’t breathe until the sac is removed. Pull it away quickly and then suction out the nose and mouth with the syringe.

    • Remove the sac from each puppy as it is born, allowing the mother to sniff, clean and chew the umbilical cord.

    Swab the stump of the umbilical cord with the iodine.

    Weigh each puppy twice daily for the first week and record the weights and times.

    Weigh daily after the first week, until about 4 weeks of age.




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    What To Buy For A Golden Retriever Puppy

    Once youve chosen your Golden Retriever puppy, you need to make sure youre prepared for their arrival at home with you.

    Theyll be old enough to come home at 8 weeks. So, you should have plenty of time to prepare.

    We mentioned the key products Golden Retriever puppies need at the start of this article. So, you can scroll up to remind yourself.

    We also have a number of articles that review the best products for Goldens. And you can find more reviews on our main products page

    Here are some you might enjoy:

    Now, once youve got everything you need for your new puppy, youll need to start setting it up in your home.

    Things You Should Know Before Getting A Golden Retriever

    Take Care of Your Golden Retriever

    The Golden Retriever is a dog breed that originated from Scotland, bred to retrieve shot waterfowl, like ducks or other upland game birds. Its a medium to large dog at about 20 to 24 inches tall, weighing between 55 to 75 pounds. The lifespan of the Golden Retriever is around 10 to 12 years.

    Golden Retrievers are some of the most popular dogs both in the US and worldwide, thanks to their beautiful appearance and their nice characters.

    I wrote this article about some of the things you should know about Goldens, because many of them end up in shelters, abandoned as soon as their owners have realized what having a dog really means.

    Contents & Quick Navigation

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    Taking Care Of Your Golden Retriever At Home

    Much of what you can do to keep your dog happy and healthy is common sense, just like it is for people. Watch her diet, make sure she gets plenty of exercise, regularly brush her teeth and coat, and call us or a pet emergency hospital when something seems unusual . Be sure to adhere to the schedule of examinations and vaccinations that we recommend for her. This is when well give her the necessary check-ups and test for diseases and conditions that are common in Goldens. Another very important step in caring for your pet is signing up for pet health insurance. There will certainly be medical tests and procedures she will need throughout her life and pet health insurance will help you cover those costs.

    Train Your Pup To Respond To Cues The First Time

    As you teach your Golden pup verbal cues like come, sit, stay, and the like only give the verbal cue once. If you give the same cue twice, you may inadvertently be teaching your pup to ignore you the first time. If theyre being stubborn, use your body language to create urgency. For example, try raising your hand in a closed fist as you give your cue firmly and gently. – Richard Lovejoy, Professional Remote Dog Trainer

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    Chapter 5: Grooming Not To Be Undervalued

    As we know the golden retriever is especially famous for his flowing, golden thick coat and soft fur.

    But you should take proper care of golden retrievers while grooming. Cutting their nails is really a crucial part, and during that, your pup needs to be calm. Also, cutting the hairs around the neck, body, and legs. Then, giving a bath with good quality dog shampoo. Cleaning his ears and apply flea and tick preventatives.

    Lets break it down and let me explain to you each of these terms.

    Finding A Golden Retriever Breeder

    How to take care of a golden retriever puppy(introducing our golden retriever puppy)

    The first step is to do your research. Sadly, there are many puppy mills posing as reputable breeders along with plenty of;online scams. Be aware, and reach out to different online forums for conversations about getting your future furry family member.

    Be sure to ask questions, make arrangements to meet the parent dogs or mother, and follow your gut. If something seems wrong at a breeder you visit, or the golden retriever;puppy seems too good to be true, theres likely something sketchy going on. The AKC also offers resources for finding a breeder, with fairly strict guidelines on who they let participate.

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    How To Take Care Of A Golden Retriever : Basic Tips

    Although there are certain rules for walking your golden retriever dog in various cities, there are not any guideline requirements on;”How To Take Care Of a Golden Retriever”.;With a plethora of canine health articles on the market, few report the basics or no brainers that you will learn along the way.

    But as a refresher in living and raising a golden retriever review these important tips to learn How To Take Care Of a Golden Retriever:

  • — To promote your golden retrievers health, do not overfeed him or her. It will ensure a lower risk of joint problems and heart conditions.
  • — Wait a minimum of two days after your golden retriever has recovered from an illness before you expose it to other DOGS.
  • — If your canine consistently acts out of control, enroll him or her in an obedience training class before you take it in the company of others.
  • — To avoid the unknown , never allow your golden retriever dog to loiter, play or roam in an unsecured or restricted area.
  • — In the company of your canine and others, try to anticipate their excitement from accidentally slamming into you by slightly bending your knees to prevent hyperextension.
  • — At the park, you should not be surprised when you call your golden retriever dog and other canines respond.
  • — During extreme temperatures, protect your canine from developing, hypothermia, heat stroke as well as frostbite. Do not take your pet to the park during harsh weather conditions.
  • Chapter 3: Training Way To Obedient Dog Personality

    So this is really an important &interesting part if you are a new pup parent then this is a really helpful piece of knowledge.


    Just think that if your dog is not well trained he will just be inactive, always pulling on the leash while on the walks, locked in a room when a guest comes and creating a nuisance all around in your house

    You dont want your dog to behave like this, right?

    So, thats the reason I always try to say: Please train your dog at the early stages, so that by the time they grow up they are fully well trained.

    Lets start from the basics of training, excited?

    Well, before starting let me clear one of your doubt and that is,

    Hey, Lily when should I start training my golden retriever?

    Heres your answer: If you are totally new and want to become a golden retriever parent make sure that if you are adopting a pup, the pup is 7-8 weeks old because studies have shown that separating the pup from their mom may lead to behavior problems later on.

    When to start training?

    Well, you can train him as soon as you get him. Train him to the finest until the next 6 months!

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    Golden Retrievers And Children

    If you have a young family then Golden Retrievers can be fantastic with children. If socialised properly from a young age, Retrievers can be quite calm and tolerant. While they usually have a great temperament, its best to always supervise your dog with children.

    As puppies, its normal for Retrievers to be mouthy, which means they have a tendency to nip and play bite. This is especially true when theyre teething. Although they dont mean this in an aggressive way, its best to use positive training techniques to let them know that biting you can be sore and isnt a fun game. That way, when theyre adults theyll know this isnt a good way to play with humans or other dogs.

    Always supervise children and vulnerable adults with your Golden Retriever and make sure you can recognise the signs of unhappiness or anxiety in your dog to help avoid any conflicts. As with every breed, you should always teach children how to approach and play with dogs with care and kindness, to prevent any issues.

    They Are A Garden’s Enemy

    How To Take Care of A Golden Retriever Puppy

    If you’re working on an award-winning garden, a Golden Retriever may not be the right breed for you. While the likelihood of digging increases with boredom, Golden Retrievers seem to be attracted to gardens.

    As I mentioned, Golden Retrievers love mud, so in addition to digging, Golden Retrievers also tend to play, sleep, or roll in flower beds.

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    They Are Not Watchdogs

    While there are certainly exceptions, as a general rule, Golden Retrievers are not watchdogs.

    Golden Retrievers are friendly by nature and tend to be more suited towards the ‘welcoming committee’ than ‘neighborhood watch.’ However, they may bruise a new guest with their powerful, rapidly wagging tail.

    But again, there are exceptions. A Golden Retriever’s intelligence and loyalty should never be underestimated.

    If Youre A Couch Potato Then This Dog Is Not For You

    Golden Retrievers have high energy levels and they need to burn this energy off. Give your dog one or two hours of exercise every day otherwise shell mess up your home. Theres plenty of activities you can do, as Goldens are great companions for walking, running, playing in the park, swimming, and even hiking.

    Besides running, Golden Retrievers need mental stimulation to thrive. You can teach her obedience training by yourself, as these dogs are known to be among the most obedient breeds. Other stimulating activities where Golden Retrievers register great results are canine freestyle and agility training.

    Golden Retrievers were bred to work, so they need to be active to stay happy. Furthermore, the lack of exercise will generate a series of medical problems, including obesity and other related issues, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, or problems with ligaments and tendons.

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    Provide Your Golden Retriever With A Proper Diet

    The diet for golden retrievers needs to be complete and balanced. Their meals need to consist of all the vital nutrients your dog needs.

    Experts advise on buying foods that have meat as the top ingredient. It is the most recommended nutrition for dogs. You should also consider a feeding schedule to provide proper care for golden retrievers. An adult dog should feed at least two times a day. If its a puppy, you need to feed it four times in a single day. Just like a normal human being, your dog needs to stay hydrated. Make sure you provide access to a bowl of clean and fresh water. Below are other nutritional requirements for golden retrievers:

    • Ensure to provide your dog with a diet thats rich in calcium to help strengthen its bones
    • There are selected herbs and fruits as might include apricots, cranberries, cucumber, and satsuma, to mention but a few. These will supply your canine friend with vital nutrients.
    • You might also consider providing your dog with dog supplements that are enriched with key ingredients based on your dogs specific needs. But before you consider any dog supplements, ensure to consult a qualified veterinarian as not all dod supplements will work on a golden retriever.
    • Its of the utmost importance that you stick on a regular feeding pattern, especially when training a golden retriever. This is key to ensuring that they are well mannered when it comes to feeding.

    Are You Raising A Golden Retriever Puppy

    Golden Retriever 101 – Feeding, Grooming, Exercise, Training & Health Care of a Golden Retriever

    At times, when your puppy is small, you may question whether or not you have made a mistake in bringing a Golden Retriever into your home.

    There is a period of adjustment, often known as the puppy blues when raising a puppy can all seem a bit much.

    Rest assured that Golden Retriever puppies do grow up into great family dogs. They have one of the best temperaments of any dog breed and are ideally suited to a young and active family.

    Are you expecting a Golden Retriever puppy? Do tell us all about them in the comments below and dont forget to join our forum community!

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    Raising A Golden Retriever Puppy Settling In Time

    It could take a while for your puppy to settle in properly to your home. It can be stressful for puppies.

    After all, theyre leaving their mother, siblings, and the only home theyve known to come and live somewhere completely new and unknown.

    You can help your puppy settle in faster by keeping them by your side so they arent ever alone and scared, and showing them how great their new life is.

    It can also help to follow a routine for a while. This will include feeding your Golden puppy, training them, and socializing them.

    Some common problems that new puppy owners face in those first few weeks include: biting, potty training accidents, waking at night, and over-excitement.

    So, lets take a look at each of these issues next, and the best ways to establish a routine.

    Golden Retrievers And Other Pets

    Well-socialised Golden Retrievers are very easy-going, which usually means they can be great around other dogs and pets, too. Any introductions should be done carefully and following the right advice for your other pet, too.

    Always supervise your dog with other pets, even if they have known them for a long time.

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    Touch Your Golden Retrievers Ears As A Puppy

    If your golden is a puppy, you should do a training exercise with him called touch-desensitization. This is when you touch your dog in sensitive locations on his body to get him used to it so that, later in life, he wont react negatively when you, a veterinarian, or anyone else touches him in these areas.;

    Most dogs are sensitive when their ears, paws, hind end, or tail are touched.;

    The ears are an especially sensitive location for most dogs. Youll need to touch your puppys ears on a regular basis to make him feel comfortable with the sensation. Start off by gently touching your puppys ears. After you do so, praise your pup. Make sure to start slow and do these exercises a couple of times per week for the best results.;

    Dont touch all of your pups sensitive locations at once. Work on one area first then slowly integrate other areas when he becomes more comfortable.;

    For example, start by desensitizing his ears. After that, desensitize his paws. Once he is fairly comfortable with you touching both locations, you can work on touching his ears and his paws at the same time.;

    You can also practice touch-desensitization if you have an older dog but be aware that they might not always react well if they didnt experience this kind of touching when they were puppies. Over time, they will learn to trust you and begin to feel more comfortable being touched this way.

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