Golden Retriever Males: Joint Disorders
presents the incidence of dogs having at least one of the joint disorders. The incidence of at least one joint disorder occurring in intact males was 5 percent. At neuter age < 6 mo., at least one of the joint disorders occurred in 27 percent of the males, or five times the incidence of intact males . At neuter age 6â11 mo., this incidence was 14 percent or almost three times that of intact males . In the 2â8 year neutering period there was a moderate rise in this measure to double that of intact males .
As shown in and in , the main joint disorder related to neutering in males was HD, which was significantly higher than that of intact males for the < 6 mo. and 6â11 mo. neuter periods . The mean age of diagnosis of HD in males was 4 years. The other important joint disorder was CCL, which was never diagnosed in intact males, and was significantly higher than intact males in the < 6 mo. and 6â11 mo. neuter periods . The mean age of diagnosis of this joint disorder in males was 5 years. In this breed the occurrence of ED was relatively minor compared with the other joint disorders and not significantly above that of intact males for any neuter period. When it did occur, mean age of diagnosis of ED was 2.5 years.
Symptoms Of Osteosarcoma In Golden Retrievers
The most common symptoms of osteosarcoma in Golden Retrievers are:
- Lameness
- Seizures
- Bad Breath
If your Golden Retriever suffers from osteosarcoma, you will usually notice lameness or swelling in the affected limb. OSA is a very painful condition, so you may notice your Golden showing signs of pain and restlessness. However, we all know how good our Goldens are when it comes to hiding pain from us. So, most of the time, you wont notice this. As with any cancer, your dog will lose its appetite and in general, lose the will to walk and run. In some cases bone will be weakened by cancer so much that it will fracture in the end, this is known as a pathologic fracture.
If the OSA develops in the mouth area, you will notice your dogs bad breath or blood in the water or food bowl. Osteosarcoma that develops in the bones of the skull can cause visible changes in the symmetry of the face. Also, it can affect the brain and cause seizures.
How Is Osa Treated Appendicular Osa
There is no âbestâ way to treat bone cancer. Every path we choose depends on discussions with you and your family, ie the people who know the patient best. Somewhere below will be an option that is right for you, or it may be a combination of several different options. Our goal at Fitzpatrick Referrals Oncology and Soft Tissue Service is to demystify cancer care and put you back in control. We will be working with you every step of the way.
It is important to realise that by the time we diagnose OSA, cancer cells have almost certainly already left the primary mass and have moved to somewhere else in the body . These cells, in clusters or individually, are too small to find before surgery, even with the highest-definition CT scans. They often remain dormant for many months or years, and we use chemotherapy to try and slow the progression of these metastatic cells into detectable secondary tumours.
In addition to targeting the cells that have spread, the following options tackle the primary bone tumour, and more specifically, the associated bone pain
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How Is Osteosarcoma Diagnosed
Most dogs with osteosarcoma have lameness of a limb. Swelling is usually noted where the tumor has grown, and the area will be warm to the touch due to a tremendous amount of inflammation. Your veterinarian will take X-rays of the region. Osteosarcomas appear lytic or moth-eaten due to the loss of normal bone tissue. Fractures can be present if the bone has weakened enough.
Once a lesion is suspected, a more definitive diagnosis may be obtained by a fine needle aspiration. This involves taking a small needle with a syringe and suctioning a sample of cells directly from the lesion and placing them on a microscope slide. A veterinary pathologist then examines the slide under a microscope. This is performed under sedation. If this procedure is not diagnostic, a bonebiopsy may be warranted. In most cases, lytic bone lesions found on X-rays are indicative of either an infectious or malignant process and further diagnostics are always recommended.
Cancer Treatment Is Expensive So Golden Retrievers Are Dying
The treatment of Golden Retrievers cancer is expensive. Furthermore, there are higher chances of relapse of the disease even after the treatment. Besides this, the lifespan of the Retriever is less.
Thus, the owners think that their pets are sure to die sooner or later. Hence, they do not want to waste their money on surgeries, immune-suppressing medications, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and herbal supplements. So, Golden Retrievers are dying from cancer.
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Golden Retrievers Dying Of Cancer Due To Lack Of Health Facilities
The health facilities and treatment of Golden Retrievers cancer need advanced technology. So, every veterinary does not have the essential equipment for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer.
Furthermore, it is tedious and impossible to travel with a pet suffering from cancer. Hence, many Golden Retrievers are dying from cancer because of the lack of required health facilities.
Signs Of Bone Cancer In Dogs & How It’s Treated
Osteosarcoma is an aggressive bone cancer seen in dogs. This cancer can spread quickly to other parts of the pet’s body, making early detection and treatment essential. Today our Winston-Salem veterinary oncology team explains how to spot the symptoms of bone cancer in your dog, and when to visit your vet.
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Why Have Our Dear American Golden Retrievers Become Cancer Time Bombs
It’s not hard to see why Golden Retrievers are among the most popular breeds in the U.S. year in and year out. They’re cuddly cute as puppies and beautiful as adults. They’re great around kids, energetic, intelligent, intensely loyal and easy to train. In fact, they often train their owners.
But American golden retrievers are also are ticking time bombs. An extraordinary six of every 10 Goldens succumb to cancer well before living to the once typical 12- to 16-year life expectancy. The mortality rate for other dog breeds, as well as for humans, is three in 10.
While any dog that has lived beyond its normal reproductive years is at increased risk for cancer and Goldens are not alone compared to other breeds in this regard, anecdotal evidence suggests that an inordinate number of Goldens are dying before they reach middle age
This post has become somewhat of a Wailing Wall for people who have lost their Goldens. Some 73 of them have shared stories of their losses as of this date. The average age of these dogs is 8.4 years.* * * * *The outlines of the Golden epidemic have been clear for over 10 years, but organizations like the Golden Retriever Club of America , while on the one hand funding studies on and supporting research into the cancers, have done little or nothing to rein in greedy member breeders who play God in knowingly selling interbred, cancer-prone puppies to unsuspecting buyers who end up heartbroken.
Managing Expectations When You Hear Survival Times
Most dog lovers dont really get just how short-lived dogs are. We just cant even contemplate the fact of their death. Its too painful, so we kind of forget its going to happen. This is REALLY common, even for those of us in the veterinary profession.
The average lifespan for my dog might be ten but MY dog is going to live at least a decade longer. Right?
Unfortunately, no, its probably not. Although there are outliers, most dogs live about as long as their average lifespan would predict.
So when you hear your veterinarian tell you that your dog has X amount of time, its really useful to put that time into perspective for YOUR dog.
If your dog is 8, and the average lifespan for his weight and breed is 10 years, and your veterinarian tells you that his survival time for his cancer is about 18 months to two years, and calls that a long time, hes right from a medical perspective. From a medical perspective, having a dog live the average lifespan is a good result.
But to you, the dog lover who wasnt contemplating your dogs eventual death, it might sound dismissive, or even like you are being lied to. But I promise you, no veterinarian is actually motivated to lie to you about outcomes.
You just might have different perspectives on them.
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The Word Amputation Sounds Scary And I Do Not Think I Want To Go Down This Path What Now
Although most dog owners initially do not like the idea of amputation, dogs respond to the surgery exceptionally well. Dogs can function well on three legs: they can go on long walks, play with family members and other dogs, swim and go up and downstairs. Most dog owners are pleasantly surprised to see how well their dogs adjust to the surgery. The pain associated with the procedure is minimal, and most dogs are up and walking the next day. Because dogs have no concept of their appearance, amputation is not associated with emotional or psychological difficulties for dogs. It is one of the most common and rewarding surgeries performed by veterinarians.
There is a website created by pet owners that have had amputation performed in their pets. This website may assist pet owners in deciding on whether amputation is an option for their pet. . However, there are also other non-useful information on this website that veterinarians do not advocate. The videos and blogs on pet amputees may be helpful.
If you do not wish to proceed with amputation in your dog to treat cancer in the leg, other options include limb-sparing surgery , radiation therapy, Samarium radioactive iodine, bisphosphonates, and pain relief medications.
Common Types Of Cancers Among Golden Retrievers
The 2 most common types of cancers that affect Golden Retrievers are Hemangiosarcoma and Lymphoma. Two other types that affect this breed are Mast Cell Tumours and Osteosarcoma.
For those of us who are not medical professionals, lets give a brief overview of what these cancers are in plain English:
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Staging And Prognosis For Canine Osteosarcoma
Staging uses the “TNMG” system. Stage I includes low-grade tumors without evidence of metastasis stage II includes high-grade tumors without metastasis and stage III includes dogs with metastatic disease. Substages “a” and “b” reflect intramedullary lesions and local extramedullary spread , respectively. Most dogs with osteosarcoma are diagnosed in Stage IIb.
In children, the site of primary disease is prognostic with tumors in the distal extremity carrying the best prognosis, tumors in the distal femur carrying intermediate prognosis, and tumors in the axial skeleton carrying the worst prognosis. In dogs, tumors of the mandible and scapula carry the best prognosis with a median survival of ~18 months, appendicular tumors have intermediate prognosis with a median survival of ~11 months, tumors of the spine and skull carry a worse prognosis with a median survival of ~6 months, and extraskeletal tumors carry the worst prognosis with a median survival of ~2 months.
Tumor size is prognostic , as is age . Serum ALP levels also are predictive. Dogs with pre-operative levels of ALP> 110 U/L carry a worse prognosis than dogs with ALP
How Is Osa Treated Axial Osa
The treatment for axial OSA usually depends on the location of the tumour. Some of the same options exist as above for axial OSA, for instance home care, bisphosphonates, radiation, and surgery.
Surgery for axial OSA might involve removing the affected rib, or part of the jaw, or even part of the pelvis. These are procedures our surgical oncologists are very familiar with and will be able to show you many photos and videos of previous cases to familiarise you with how pets function after these surgeries, and what cosmetic changes you might expect to see, if any.
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Development Of Bone Cancer In Limbs
Osteosarcoma and other bone cancers can develop in any bone in the body of your golden retriever however, 75 to 85 percent of the bones affected are limbs. This type of bone cancer is called appendicular osteosarcoma. An animal with this disease will begin to have intermittent lameness due to the affected limb. Within 3 months the lameness is constant.
Golden Retrievers Are Dying Due To Adverse Effect Of Treatment
Golden Retrievers cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells and tumors. Thus, the cancer treatment of the Retrievers includes immune system suppressing medications.
And due to this, the immune system of the dog cannot produce the necessary antibodies to fight against the antigen. Hence, the dogs suffer from other different types of health issues while controlling cancer. As a result, Golden Retrievers will end up dying due to other diseases while preventing cancer.
I guess now you know the reasons why a number of Golden Retrievers are dying from cancer. So, if you also have a Golden Retriever, it has a great possibility of suffering from cancer.
Dont you want to know how to manage cancer to prevent your pet from dying?
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Golden Retrievers Dying Of Cancer Due To Lack Of Nutrition
Golden Retrievers suffering from cancer require nutritional meals and several food supplements to prevent further damage to cells. But some owners fail in providing their pets all the essential nutrition. As a result, the number of healthy and normal cells reduces in the body of the pets.
So, the immune system of the dogs declines, and they suffer from different secondary health issues like constipation, ear infection, heart diseases, joint disorders, thyroid diseases, etc. As a consequence, Golden Retrievers are dying from cancer.
Treating Bone Cancer In Dogs
Due to the aggressive nature of osteosarcomas tumors, the most common treatment is amputation of the affected limb followed by chemotherapy to treat metastasis.
Radiation treatment can be effective for providing pain relief if surgery is not an option. As few as two treatments could help to relieve your dog’s cancer related pain for as long as several months.
If your dog is diagnosed with osteosarcoma your vet will develop a specialized treatment plan to coordinate cancer treatments and help your pet achieve the best possible outcome. New therapies and procedures are always being studied and alternative options may be available to help your dog.
At Animal Hospital of Clemmons our veterinarians take the time to discuss recent bone cancer treatment developments with you so that you are able to understand your dog’s treatment options.
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Diagnosing Bone Cancer In Dogs
If you have any suspicions that your dog has bone cancer, visit your veterinarian as soon as possible. Bone cancer is very aggressive, and early diagnosis and treatment can help extend your dogs life.
Your veterinarian will examine your dog and typically order X-rays to check for bone cancer, which has a moth-eaten look in an X-ray film. Other diagnostic tests, such as blood work, an examination of the tissues in the area , and a fine-needle aspiration or bone biopsy may also be needed.
Unfortunately, by the time bone cancer is detected, it has often metastasized to the lungs already. X-rays, CT scans, or an MRI of the lungs and other areas may be ordered to find out if and how far its spread.
What If I Have Financial Limitations
If you have limited funds, it is still important to discuss all the available treatment options and associated costs with your veterinarian or a pet cancer specialist. At The Pet Oncologist, I work directly with your veterinarian to provide individualised treatment recommendations for each pet. I will review all the medical information submitted via the online submission form, and provide your veterinarian with a comprehensive written report within one to two business days. I will provide an interpretation of results, specific details about the cancer’s biologic behaviour, prognosis, and multiple treatment options to cater to the individual needs of each pet and pet owner. I will also comment on whether further testing is required and address any specific questions or concerns. I can also provide chemotherapy protocols and client handouts to pet owners about the specific cancer and chemotherapy medications, to help pet owners make an informed decision. Unfortunately, due to legal reasons, I cannot provide online pet cancer advice directly to pet owners. However, your veterinarian will be able to discuss all these options with you before you consider treatment and can contact The Pet Oncologist with any questions or concerns.
Aggressive bone cancer in the left proximal humerus
Multiple nodules within the lung
Resolution of lung nodules
First image: X-ray of bone cancer before treatment, showing an aggressive bone cancer in the left proximal humerus
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How Will I Know How The Cancer Will Behave
“Your veterinarian will use the information obtained from the biopsy and subsequent histopathology report to predict how this cancer is likely to behave.”
Your veterinarian will use the information obtained from the biopsy and subsequent histopathology report to predict how this cancer is likely to behave. The veterinary pathologist usually adds a prognosis that describes the probability of local recurrence or metastasis .
A blood test can predict the behavior of some limb osteosarcomas in dogs. High blood levels of bone-specific alkaline phosphatase before surgery are associated with significantly shorter survival and disease-free intervals following surgery.