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HomeFun FactsHow To Buy A Golden Retriever Puppy

How To Buy A Golden Retriever Puppy

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Golden Retriever Puppies Are Smart Puppies

This Golden Retriever was homeless until he learned how to surf

Golden retriever puppy is called a smart puppy because you can train them quickly.

If you have a dog that is not taught very well, it might be your fault, or your dog might have a lower grain quality.

You can enhance the brain capacity of your puppy through having a constant connection in the environment or other people.

Also, be sure that your new puppy has a different type of interactive toys that will also boost his interest in that thing.

Also, take your extra time training your new dog correctly and adequately.

Some puppy kindergartens might be helpful on turning your golden retriever puppy into a well-trained, knowledgeable, and well-behaved one.

However, you should also need toknow that to see better results.

Your puppy is also in need to interact with some training exercises inside or outside of the class.

It will also inspire your puppy to train very well if he feels your presence.

We all know that golden retrieverpuppies will probably enjoy their learning time when they are with their owner.

They are also a type of dog that loves to spend their whole time with their parent because it makes their bond stronger and happier.

Adopting From A Rescue Center

Its a sad fact of life that many puppies are born without a good home to go to, countless others are given up, and more still are abandoned and taken into rescue centers.

However they got into the situation, there are way too many homeless dogs in the world.

Its another sad fact that a large number that find themselves in rescue centers never make it to a new home and family. Lack of space and insufficient funding inevitably means that many dogs each year are euthanized.

Maybe you could give a second chance at life to such a dog?

Most rescue centers are staffed by extremely knowledgeable people and the dogs are accurately tested for temperament and health so you will know exactly what youre getting.

An adopted dog will already be house trained, most likely grown out of the destructive chewing stage, be trained in basic obedience and if an adult dog, inherited disease will already have surfaced so youll know what youre letting yourself in for.

But you should also be aware that some rescued dogs will have behavioral issues, though the center staff will inform you of this.

They may also have suffered some level of abuse and have psychological issues, phobias or anxieties that may not be evident until a certain situation arises.

However, in all but the most extreme cases, a dog thats shown love, given guidance, patience and understanding will become a very loving pet if only given the chance.

How To Train Your Golden Retriever Pup

The first and most important thing to note is the importance of positive reinforcementwhen it comes to training your dog. You should NEVER hit, yell at, or punish your dog.In fact, punishment may actually increase the incidence of problem behaviors in your dog.8,9,10;

Keeping It Positive: Reward-Based Dog Training

Golden Retrievers learn behaviors by understanding the relationship between actions and consequences. When your Golden obeys a command or performs a desirable behavior, make sure to reward them immediately.

Dogs will do anything for a tasty treat, but food isnt the only reward you can dole out. Other kinds of positive reinforcement include:;

  • Pats on the head
  • A walk11

Your dog will perceive almost any form of owner attention as a reward.;

Make sure you keep your reward system consistent. When teaching a new behavior, it can be useful to reward your Golden every time they perform the behavior. But once theyve learned it well, you can reward them intermittently. This can actually strengthen the desired behavior. .12;

The Proofing Method;

If youre training your pup in a calm, quiet home environment, you might start to suspect its a little too easy. And you may be right. For dog behavior to stick, it has to be proofed.;

Remember that a Golden Retriever puppy will likely have a short attention span.13 Theyre easily distracted. And a distracted dog may be a disobedient dog.;

Read Also: How Much Food Should I Feed My Golden Retriever Puppy

What To Buy For Your Golden Retriever Puppy

The food the breeder has been feeding them
Toys Play pens or baby gates
Grooming tools
Puppy pads Poop bags

Most new or prospective puppy owners have lots of questions. Sometimes you just need a quick answer.

You can click the links above to jump straight to any section. But first, were going to look at the research thats needed before you get a puppy.

Reasons To Choose A Reputable Breeder

Portrait of cute Golden Retriever puppy lying on grassy ...

I touched on this in the intro, but here are five reasons to choose a reputable breeder:

  • Health is inherited. If you have two healthy parents , the puppies are likely to be healthy as well.
  • Temperament is inherited. Everything that was said about health also goes for temperament.
  • Inbreeding is a major problem with golden retrievers where dogs that are too closely related can produce unhealthy puppies. Responsible breeders will know and take steps to prevent this.
  • Socialization is important to raising healthy puppies and its the breeders job to socialize them at first.
  • If anything were to go wrong, you would want a breeder with integrity to help navigate the problems, whether that ends up in a refund, a replacement puppy, etc.
  • Also Check: Best Dog Booties For Golden Retrievers

    Getting A Golden Retriever

    Do plenty of research before you get a Golden Retriever. Make sure you have the knowledge and dedication to give to these sweet natured dogs to keep them happy and the time and space to exercise them. While they make great family pets, make sure you are absolutely ready to take on the commitment of getting a dog first.

    Golden Retrievers Are Great Dogs To Have

    If you are planning on buying a Golden Retriever puppy, I feel you will be happy with your choice.; Take a look at how to prepare for a new puppy, so you are ready when the day comes.

    A Golden Retriever can have some health issues, but many can be researched ahead of choosing your dog, so your chances are better for having a healthy Golden.

    They make great dogs in so many areas. Being a Golden Retriever owner for so many years has only made me love them more. They are great family members, and want to be accepted by all in the house. Each will have a different personality, but all of them are friendly, loving, loyal, and a great friend to have.

    Recommended Reading: How Often To Groom Golden Retriever

    Puppy Advice And Puppy List

    ;Puppy News



    Criminals continue to take advantage of the coronavirus pandemic to commit fraud, as a scam involving the purchase of pets, such as puppies and kittens, continues to be reported to Action Fraud.

    So far, 669 people have lost a combined total of £282,686 in March and April 2020, after putting down deposits for pets they have seen advertised online. The adverts that victims have responded to were posted on social media, general online selling platforms and also specific pet selling platforms.

    The criminals posting these ads never have any animals to sell and will ask victims to put down a deposit for the pet to secure the purchase. They use the outbreak of COVID-19 and the current lockdown restrictions as a reason why the victim cannot come and see the animal first, or pick it up. After the initial payment more and more funds will be requested to cover insurance, vaccinations and even delivery of the pet.

    To help protect yourself from scams like this:

    Do your research Before purchasing anything online, including pets, look up reviews for the site, or person, you are buying from. If youre still not sure, ask a trusted friend or family member for their advice.


    Buying a Puppy

    Caring for your new puppy.

    The First Night.

    Top Tips For Choosing A Healthy Golden Retriever Puppy:

    Should I get a Labrador Retriever?
    Meet the parents Check for obvious health issues, like skin problems or fleas
    Make sure the parents have all their health checks Make sure theyre a health weight no ribs showing!
    Ask the breeder lots of questions and expect to be asked questions! Look at the environment the puppies are kept in
    Interact with the puppy are they friendly and bright? Check theyve had their first set of vaccinations

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    Raising A Golden Retriever Puppy The Fun Extras

    We have wonderful puppy naming resources on this site. In 2016 the Happy Puppy site launched the International Dog Names Survey.

    Each year we update our puppy names lists with the latest data on dog name popularity for different breeds and in different parts of the world. So youll find heaps of inspiration.

    We even have a puppy names list devoted entirely to Golden Retrievers. Dont forget to add your puppy name to the survey once you have made your final choice!

    Another fun part of raising a Golden puppy is the toys and games you can play with them. Here are some guides that will show you our favorite dog toys. We bet your puppy will love them too!

    Now, were fully prepared for our new Golden puppy. What happens after they come home?

    Choosing The Sex Of The Golden Retriever Puppy

    You might think that the gender of your puppy wont matter, but there are a few things to keep in mind when considering a new puppy. When it comes to temperament and size, there are differences between females and males.

    The most significant difference is going to be their size. A male dog will get slightly longer and taller than females, but they will also weigh more. There are also small differences in their faces. For instance, a females snout is going to be narrower than a males. A females fur can also be just a bit shorter than their male counterpart.

    There isnt much of a difference in the temperament, but males can be slightly more stubborn than females. They can also come across as more territorial, but this is a very slight difference as well. While the females will still love you unconditionally, the males will be twice as doting and loving.

    When considering a female, dont forget to consider their reproductive cycles and menstruation. If you arent looking to breed your puppy, youll need to make an appointment to get her spayed after experiencing her first heat.

    Also Check: What Is The Lifespan Of A Golden Retriever

    Things You Need To Know About Golden Retrievers

  • They have energy- They were originally bred as a sporting dog and because of this, they are naturally energetic. They need proper exercise and if unexercised, Goldens, with pent-up energy may develop behavioral problems or bad habits. They love long walks, jogging, hiking, fetch or chase games, and swimming. They are slow to mature and might act like pups into their senior years.
  • They shed In spring and fall there will be heavy shedding and light to moderate shedding all year long. Expect to have dog fur in your house at all times.
  • Born to Fetch They have a natural instinct to carry things in their mouth. You might notice when they get excited, they will run and get a toy, glove or any other item they can find to carry around.
  • They Love Water They will find any water hole available and lay in it or go swimming. It is great exercise for them and will help them stay cool in the warm months. They are even happy to lay in a kiddie pool.
  • They Love Mud If they cant find water, they are equally happy to lay in a mud hole to cool off in and roll around.
  • They Love Food Goldens tend to overeat and can become overweight. You need to practice self-control and not always give into their cute sad eyes.
  • Not Aware of Their Size They seem to think they are lap dogs, and their enthusiasm and desire to always be close to their owners leaves them crowding your space often.
  • Make Sure The Golden Retriever Puppy Is The Correct Age

    Buy Golden Retriever Puppy

    Golden retriever puppies should stay with their mothers for eight weeks before being adopted and taken home. As mentioned earlier, the mothers produce vital nutrients that a new puppy needs to survive. If the puppy is taken away too soon, it puts them at greater risk of infections and other complications. It can also increase their anxiety, aggression and make them over-protective of their toys and food.

    Before seeing the litter, research what a golden retriever puppy of eight weeks looks like. It will vary depending on the dog, but this will help you establish a clear idea of what the puppies will look like when you see the litter. If the puppies look too small to be eight weeks old, youll want to question the breeder about their health and age. Its better to be on the safe side.

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    They Are Family Members

    As a family pet, especially with children, the breed has few equals, but Golden Retrievers are more than just a family pet; they are loyal best friends and loving family members.

    Although the breed is capable of living outdoors, Golden Retrievers were bred to work closely with humans and do best living indoors as part of a family. At times, the breed’s desire to be with their family may even come across as needy. There are days my Golden does not leave my side: She will follow me from room to room and stay within arm’s reach regardless of what I am doing. In my experience, if you’re looking for your Golden, they are probably at your feet. Be careful; they are a tripping hazard.

    If you’ve ever seen the heart-breaking stare of a Golden Retriever watching its family leave on an outing, you’ll likely agree that this is not an independent breed who is happy to be left alone all the time.

    Finding A Golden Retriever Breeder

    The first step is to do your research. Sadly, there are many puppy mills posing as reputable breeders along with plenty of;online scams. Be aware, and reach out to different online forums for conversations about getting your future furry family member.

    Be sure to ask questions, make arrangements to meet the parent dogs or mother, and follow your gut. If something seems wrong at a breeder you visit, or the golden retriever;puppy seems too good to be true, theres likely something sketchy going on. The AKC also offers resources for finding a breeder, with fairly strict guidelines on who they let participate.

    Also Check: How Do You Trim A Golden Retriever Rear

    They Were Born To Fetch

    I remember sitting on a footbridge one summer with my first Golden, Duke. I was dangling my feet over the side, and not surprisingly, my sandal fell off and dropped into the creek below. Before I even realized what had happened, Duke stood up, trotted down the stone steps, waded into the creek, collected my sandal, and brought it back to me. When our eyes met, it was clear that Duke and I were equally surprised by his actions. It’s just one of those moments where you realize, as a retriever, these dogs were born to fetch.

    This natural retriever instinct is linked to the breed’s tendency to carry items in its mouth. This may be a harmless habit, such as picking up a toy and prancing about when they are excited, but it can also be a problematic chewing issue. In addition to mental and physical stimulation, proper obedience and plenty of toys should help combat chewing.

    Few things make a Golden happier than a game of fetch.

    Cost Of Adopting A Golden Retriever

    First Time Puppy Training with Rosie!

    Buying a golden retriever versus adopting one is a common debate for aspiring dog owners. Adopting a dog usually means finding your future pet at a rescue or shelter. Conversely, when you choose to buy a golden retriever you typically purchase the dog directly from their owner or breeder.

    Adoption is typically cheaper than buying a golden retriever since starting adoption fees tend to be around $250 to $500. Please note that depending on the shelter, you may have to pay additional golden retriever costs for certain shots and procedures.

    Unfortunately, at shelters and rescues, you may not have a wide selection of dogs to choose from especially if youre looking for a specific gender, breed, age, or health level.

    Its also important to remember that, sometimes, adopted golden retrievers have behavior or health issues, which could make things harder for you in the future. You simply dont know as much about your new dogs history as you would if you purchased directly from a trusted breeder.

    On the other hand, when you buy from a reputable breeder, youll have a higher chance of bringing home a happy and healthy golden retriever that will cost you less in the long run.

    Recommended Reading: How To Convince Your Parents To Get A Golden Retriever

    Potty Training A Golden Retriever Puppy

    At eight weeks old, your Golden puppy will just pee whenever their little bladder is full. No matter where they happen to be.

    So its important to think about how you are going to protect any carpeted areas in your home for the first few weeks.

    TIP: Baby gates help keep small puppies in areas with washable floors.

    The tricky part is getting there, and you may need a little help and support.

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