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HomeFun FactsHow To Prevent Cancer In Golden Retrievers

How To Prevent Cancer In Golden Retrievers

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Preventing Cancer In Dogs

There are some common signs of cancer pet owners should be on the lookout for.

Cancer is a common cause of death in older dogs but by learning to recognize the signs, pet owners may be able to catch the disease early and increase the chances of treating the problem.

Just like humans, dogs are susceptible to different forms of the illness and taking animals for regular check-ups at the vet is the best way of identifying any issues.


Dr Gregory Ogilvie, a California Veterinary Medical Association member and director of the California Veterinary Specialists Angel Care Cancer Center in Carlsbad, California, told Canine Cancer: It is crucial for pet owners to take their pets to the veterinarian twice a year to monitor them for early signs of the disease.

Routine blood tests also can help identify problems early.


However, there are also signs pet owners should be looking out for themselves, with lumps or swellings something to keep an eye on. If sores do not heal it can also be a sign something is wrong, while dogs that pass blood or have difficulties going to the toilet could be suffering.


They may also find it difficult to eat or drool excessively, while sudden weight loss or changes in attitude could mean something is wrong.


As with most things, prevention is better than cure and Dr Ogilvie explained pets should get plenty of exercise and not be exposed to harmful cigarette smoke to lower the risk of them suffering from cancer.




English Cream Golden Retriever Puppies

English cream puppies are sweet and engaging. One thing that many owners notice is that golden retriever puppies tend to darken in color as they get older; even if you choose a puppy with a particularly light coat, you may find that they are no longer a true English cream when they are full grown. Because of this, you should select a dog with a loving personality, and let genetics decide what color they end up.

Golden Retrievers Dying Of Cancer Due To Lack Of Health Facilities

The health facilities and treatment of  Golden Retrievers cancer need advanced technology. So, every veterinary does not have the essential equipment for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer.

Furthermore, it is tedious and impossible to travel with a pet suffering from cancer. Hence, many Golden Retrievers are dying from cancer because of the lack of required health facilities.

What Is Cancer In The Golden Retriever

Golden Retriever cancer is a disease that involves the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the body that affects the functions in the body of the Golden Retriever. And it is one of the most common causes of death in dogs. Moreover, there are two types of cancer in this dog breed. i.e.:

  • Benign Cancer- It is slow-growing abnormal cells that are removable from the body of Golden Retriever through surgery.
  • Malignant Cancer- In this cancer, the abnormal cells spread throughout the dog that affects multiple organs.
  • Furthermore, since cancer is a fatal disease, it is hard to cure once it occurs. Above all, the unknown causes make the treatment of the disease more difficult.

    Common Types Of Cancer In Dogs

    How to Prevent Cancer in Golden Retrievers  Golden ...

    Unlike many other species of animals, dogs are susceptible to the same types of cancer as humans. Cancer is caused by the uncontrolled growth of cells in the body. These cells can originate in any of the body’s tissues. If not found and arrested in time, cancer can expand and connect with the circulatory or lymph systems, and also can spread and infect other tissues in the body. Canine cancer is the leading cause of death for dogs 10 years of age and older. However, half of all cancer in dogs is treatable if it is arrested in its early stages.

    The most common types of cancer in dogs are:

    #4: European Golden Retrievers Are Less Likely To Die From Cancer Than American Golden Retrievers

    According to this , 40% of golden retrievers from Europe will die from cancer, while 60% of golden retrievers in America will die from cancer.

    Heres a quote in Vet Street about why this is the case:

    When studied in a laboratory, the genes of American and U.K. Goldens are significantly different, suggesting that the risk of hemangiosarcoma is related to a relatively recent genetic alteration.

    If So Experts Are Certain The Key Will Lie In A Healthy Immune System

    What could be better than curing your dogs cancer? Thats easy! How about avoiding the illness in the first place?

    No one has done any clinical trials or statistical studies that prove you can prevent cancer in at-risk dogs. But common sense and clinical experience make a strong case for avoiding anything that exposes an animal to known carcinogens or weakens the immune system, says Stacey Hershman, DVM, a holistic housecall veterinarian in Rockland County, New York.

    Just like their human companions, dogs live longer, healthier lives when they eat the right foods, get enough exercise, breathe clean air, drink clean water, and stay away from harmful substances. They may also be helped by immune-boosting herbs, supplements, special foods, and a few things you might not have thought of. Heres a review of recommendations from holistic veterinarians and other experts.

    English Cream Golden Retrievers Have Less Cancer Rates

    The above statement in its literalness is actually true. Multiple studies have proven this fact that golden retrievers in Europe do have less cancer. I discussed this issue on my English verses American Golden Retriever post. However, that does not mean that because you buy a English standard golden retriever, that it wont develop cancer. For one the cancer rate is half, so you still have a chance at getting a golden with cancer. Secondly, and more importantly the studies done never look at practice and nurture. Many countries in Europe do not alter their dogs. In their respective countries it is inhumane to spay/neuter them. Thus resulting in dogs who are less likely to get cancer. That practice alone decreases a dogs chance of getting cancer by a substantial amount. I personally believe if we had this practice in America, our American counterparts would have a similar rate of cancer. However, because of a years old practice we are told to alter our dogs at an early age, and nearly assuring our goldens with a death sentence.

    Factors That Affect Lipomas

    Fatty tumors usually occur in older and more obsess dogs. Hence, a healthier diet and more exercise can help prevent them. Changing your dogs diet to have more proteins and less carbodydrates can work. You can reduce carbs over time and introduce more protein on a rolling basis. This way the dog can feel more comfortable shifting its diet.


    You can also reward good behavior like staying clean with treats. However, make sure that if your dog becomes dirty, the dog isnt rewarded at all. Once the dogs weight is reduced, the Lipomas may also disappear.


    #3: What About The Role Of Obesity In Cancer Development

    This may be the one area of nutrition and health that could impact disease prevalence. In people, obesity has been shown to increase risk of specific cancers, such as uterine, liver, and post-menopausal breast cancer. These same associations havent been seen in dogs or cats, but calorie restriction has been shown to decrease cancer risk in rodent and primate models. The only published prospective study in dogs to date that looked at lifetime intakes and disease prevalence showed an equal number of cancer occurrences in lean and overweight dogs, but the small sample size make this comparison almost meaningless. The results of the Golden Retriever Lifetime Study may give us more insight into this question.

    What do cat and dog owners need to know about obesity and cancer risk: Lack of scientific data doesnt mean that there is not an association between obesity and cancer development in companion dogs and cats, it just means that we dont have a study that could answer this question. Even in the absence of a clear link between obesity and cancer, excess weight is a proven risk factor for other problems in dogs, and cats including joint disease, diabetes, skin disease, breathing difficulties, and at least in dogs has been shown to decrease longevity.

    #8 Fish Oil Or Actual Fish

    Heres that good fat again! Fish has wonderfully healthy levels of good fat for you or your pup. It also contains vitamin D3 making it even stronger force against would-be cancer lurking around your dogs system. Salmon, sardines, cod, and shrimp are great options for dogs. Choose wild over farmed for their higher levels of nutrients.

    #2: What About Specific Foods And Cancer Risk

    If you are reading my posts, you are interested in canine and feline nutrition and have likely read other websites that claim that kibble causes cancer or that there are cancer causing preservatives in pet food, but scientific evidence for these claims is very much lacking. These claims are also almost always made by either a distraught pet owner looking for someone to blame for unexpected cancer diagnosis or by a person or business trying to market their own special line of miracle cure-alls. Our old Labrador, Maggie, lived 14 ½ years eating primarily dry dog food , and ultimately died from a stroke-like event that hit her one morning. My 18-year-old cat Oliver is asleep next to me right now, has eaten dry commercial food his whole life and, other than his arthritis, is the picture of geriatric health; while our 3-year-old cat Cosette had eaten a variety of canned and dry foods over her short life, loved eating cat grass every day, and just died from transitional cell carcinoma in her left kidney . I dont blame Cosettes once-a-day cat grass habit for her developing cancer nor do I attribute Olivers longevity and health to dry food; cancer happens even to good cats and dogs.

    Lymphoma In Golden Retrievers

    Using Diet To Help Beat and Prevent Cancer

    Lymphoma or lymphosarcoma affects the lymph node of  Golden Retrievers and damages the lymphocytes. As a result, the immune system of the dogs becomes weak and vulnerable to various diseases.

    Apart from this, lymph cancer can affect the bone marrow and spleen. So, these breeds are dying from cancer due to multiple organ damage. Moreover, there are 30 types of lymph cancer. And few of them are:

  • Alimentary lymph cancer- affects the gastrointestinal organs like stomach, intestine, pancreas, liver, etc., and leads to Golden Retrievers death.
  • Extranodal lymph cancer- a rare type of cancer that occurs in the eyes, kidneys, lungs, and nervous system of dogs and disturb their bodys functions.
  • Multicentric lymph cancer- about 80-85% of cases of lymph cancer are due to multicentric lymphoma that affects the lymph nodes of  Golden Retrievers.
  • Mediastinal lymph cancer- affects the respiratory tract. Thus, results in breathing problem and chest lesions in the Retrievers.
  • Do Spayed And Neutered Dogs Get Cancer More Often

    Where I live, in America, its taken for granted that responsible owners spay or neuter their dogs. The population of homeless animals is still large enough that risking an unwanted litter is, to many owners, unthinkable.

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    Where I live, in America, it’s taken for granted that responsible owners spay or neuter their dogs. The population of homeless animals is still large enough that risking an unwanted litter is, to many owners, unthinkable. And spay/neuter is just what people do. But two papers were published, in 2013 and 2014, suggesting that these widely accepted surgical procedures may lead to increased long-term risk of certain kinds of cancers. These studies ignited a debate which had been smouldering for years: are there unwanted health consequences associated with altering a dog’s levels of estrogen or testosterone?

    The 2013 paper looked at Golden Retrievers. The authors reviewed data from veterinary hospitals, comparing Goldens who were diagnosed with various diseases, those who were not, and the spay/neuter status of each group; they found a correlation between spaying or neutering and cancers such as osteosarcoma, hemangiosarcoma, and mast cell cancer. The 2014 paper used a voluntary Internet-based survey to perform a similar investigation in the Vizsla breed. They also found correlations between spay/neuter status and mast cell cancer, hemangiosarcoma, and lymphoma.

    This is a guest post by Jessica Perry Hekman, DVM, MS.

    ~ ~ ~


    How Long Does X Type Of Goldendoodle Live

    You can infer the lifespan and how long different types of Goldendoodles live by looking to the genetic percentages.

    The general expectation of life expectancy needs to be framed around the data that shows 10-15 years is the life expectancy of how long a Goldendoodle lives.

  • Poodles live longer, so the greater the Poodle % of genetics the higher end of the range
  • Smaller dogs tend to live longer
  • Multigenerational dogs do not experience a change in how long a Goldendoodles will live. This is provided that the base genetic percentage does not change.
  • Type of Goldendoodle
  • Teeth
  • Signs And Symptoms Of Lymphoma:

    Often the dog with lymphoma will present with swollen lymph glands somewhere. Early warning signs to look for are: weight loss, disinterest in food, vomiting, fever, and depression. In some cases, there will be additional signs of increased thirst and urination, and an erratic pulse.

    There is also a blood test that can be performed that is highly accurate in detecting lymphoma. This test needs just 1ml of blood and involves multiple bio-marker technology, which is used for detecting cancers in humans. This blood test has been developed by Pet Screen, and does not involve sedating your pooch. Your local vet should be able to provide you with more information.

    Older Golden Retriever Are More Prone To Cancer

    Like humans, the functioning of the Golden Retriever also declines with age. Therefore, the immunity of the older Golden Retriever is comparatively less than the young puppies. And there is a higher risk of mutant gene development in older dogs.

    As a result, the cells of the older Golden Retriever proliferate uncontrollably. So, dogs over the age of 10 have a higher risk of cancer.

    What Are The Quick Tips To Protect Golden Retrievers From Cancer

    After you know about the cancer treatments in Golden Retrievers, you probably want some tips to prevent this disease from affecting your pet. Hence, here are some helpful tips to protect the Retrievers from cancer and prevent them from dying.:

  • Provide your Golden Retriever all the essential nutrition according to its age and activities. Consult with the Vet and use food supplements and herbal supplements when needed.
  • Include behavioral training like potty trainingbite inhibition trainingtraining to calm thembarking control training, etc., in their training routine to discipline your pet.
  • Clean the ears, eyes, teeth, and paws of your pet regularly. Also, brush and bathe your pet to maintain a hygienic lifestyle.
  • If there are diabetic, cancer, and hypertension patient in your house, give your pet service training .
  • Look for a good and reliable breeder while buying a Golden Retriever.
  • Spend an adequate amount of time with your pet to build a strong bond with them.
  • Despite punishing or mistreating your pet, ignore their mistakes. Also, try to stop the pet from repeating the same mistake by training.
  • Consult with the professionals as soon as you suspect health issues in your pet.
  • How often do you visit the Vet?

    Moreover, if you want to know more about cancer in the Retrievers, read the article- Why Does Golden Retriever Get Cancer?

    Why Do Golden Retrievers Get Cancer

    Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. This means if you click on the link & purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. All opinions remain my own.

    Ahh, the ever-loving, loyal, friendly and beautiful Golden Retriever! These dogs are hard to resist and so easy to fall in love with. If you are fortunate enough to own one of these beautiful dogs, you know exactly what I am talking about. Goldens are simply wonderful! But, there is one downfall to this breed. The fact that they are extremely prone to cancer. Why do Golden Retrievers get cancer?

    In this article, we will address that question as well as discuss the most common types of cancer that affect Golden Retrievers. Cancer is one of the many health problems that can affect your Golden, and we will learn of the warning signs that you need to look for and ways that you can reduce your Goldens risk of cancer.

    Table of Contents

  • Latest posts by Jenny
  • Most Common Types Of Canine Cancer

    There are a handful of cancers that afflict canines most frequently. Those include:

    • Lymphoma: Affects the dogs immune system, occurring in the lymph nodes and bone marrow. Progresses in five stages, rapidly if untreated.
    • Hemangiosarcoma: More common in dogs than any other species, this cancer starts in the blood vessels but spreads without warning to the liver, spleen, heart, or other organs. Remains undetected until it is very advanced.
    • Mast Cell Tumors: Very common in older and mixed breed dogs, this form of cancer affects areas of the body with high levels of enzymes and histamines, such as the skin, intestines, and respiratory system.
    • Melanoma: This type of skin cancer usually starts in the dogs mouth and around the lips but is also seen in the eyes, nail beds, and footpads. It spreads through the deep tissue of the skin to other organs.
    • Osteosarcoma: This bone cancer is most common in large breeds, is very aggressive, and spreads rapidly. It can present in any bone, but is most common in the limbs.


    Resist Those Puppy Eyes

    Golden retriever dog lying amongst pumpkins and autumn ...

    There is no tendency to getting fat in the breed as many people mistakenly believe. There is only a tendency to eat a lot and be very good at persuading people to provide food. You have the keys to the food cupboard and you need to resist your dogs charms.

    Keeping your dog slim can help him live a long and comfortable life. It can defer the onset of, and reduce the impact of, conditions like arthritis in older dogs. Elderly dogs that retain their youthful waistline have a more active and happy retirement.

    Being firm about the quantity of food that your dog eats each day will also help to ensure you have the benefits of his company for the longest time.

    The Best Cure For Canine Cancer Is Prevention

    Cancer begins when carcinogens damage DNA, then wait for just the right opportunity to create cancerous cells.

    The good news is your dogs body has a built-in mechanism to kill cancer cells; a gene called p53. However, exposure to toxins and viruses can damage that gene and limit its ability to protect the body from the spread of cancerous cells.

    We all know that treatment options for cancer arent all that effective. And that they can weaken your dogs immune system and do other types of damage to the body.

    The best cure for cancer is to just not get it in the first place. Happily, there are easy, actionable steps you can take to prevent cancer in your furry family members. Here is a list that every pet owner should be aware of.

    Animal Fat And Protein

    Tumors take a lot of protein from other areas of the body, leaving less protein available for muscle growth, disease immunity, and wound healing. To make sure your dogs body has enough protein, theyll need a high-protein diet. Some dogs with cancer also have a reduced appetite, which means that their body will start using up stores of fat. A more fatty diet is needed to replace those stores. Animal fats and proteins should make up the majority of the diet for a dog with cancer.

    #1 Reduce The Use Of Flea And Tick P Roducts

    Dr. Dobozy of the Environmental Protection Agencys  pesticide division states that one of the laboratory effects of fipronil in the popular flea and tick product Frontline, is thyroid cancer and altered thyroid hormones.

    The company creates the impression that their product doesnt migrate into the body but radiolabeled fibronil was found in several organs and in the fat of tested dogs. It was also excreted in their urine and feces.

    But it isnt just Frontline thats a problem.

    Bio Spot Flea and Tick Control, Defend Exspot Treatment and Zodiac FleaTrol Spot On all contain one or both of the active ingredients and/or Pyriproxyfen. Permethrin has been implicated as a carcinogenic insecticide causing lung cancer and liver tumors in laboratory animals. Exposure to a carcinogen typically occurs many years before the cancer  appears. Often times it never escalates into a cancerous growth. Imagine how potent the carcinogens are that create cancer within several months in a laboratory setting.

    Dont think that the numerous products not mentioned here are safe. According to the Center for Public Integrity, who collected information through the Freedom of Information Act, the natural pyrethrins and pyrethroids caused double the fatalities from 2002 to 2007 than the non-pyrethroid compounds.

    How To Care For A Golden Retriever Puppy

    Your Golden Retriever puppy will have a built-in timer which prompts him for eating on time. You should give him three meals per week for the first three weeks, and then you should feed him twice every day for the rest.

    Professional trainers, breeders and professionals prefer to feed their dogs twice daily. Many dogs only eat once a week, but smaller meals provide more satisfaction, better weight control and can prevent bloating. Your dog will also think its big deal that you give him the same food twice a day.

    Feed your puppy from 6 to 7 a.m. until noon. Then, feed him again between noon and 5 or 6. For easier house training, do not feed him after 6: p.m.

    He can have an ice-cube to keep him hydrated if he becomes thirsty. He will be fine through the night if he takes a trip outside at 10 pm.

    He will need three meals per days for the next few months. At around 11 or 12, he will be able to eat twice per day.

    While each Golden puppy will have its own unique meal size, an average Golden puppy consumes approximately 1/3 to 1/2 cup of dry foods per meal.

    Give it water and let it air dry. The best way to prevent tartar build-up is to dry it out, especially after his adult teeth come in.

    #4: What About The Role Of Carbohydrates And Cancer

    A quick Google search on carbohydrates and cancer will give pages of websites claiming to prevent or cure cancer by avoiding carbohydrates, and especially carbohydrates that include GMOs and gluten . And there is big money in making these kinds of diet claims. Just look at the recent Belle Gibson story. Her fake cancer and food cure story garnered her hundreds of thousands of followers , spawned a book, an app, and stories in international magazines, until she was recently exposed as a fraud and a thief.

    What do cat and dog owners need to know about carbohydrates and cancer risk: At this time there is no evidence that a diet with a low , moderate , or high carbohydrate content has any bearing on cancer development in dogs and cats. There may be other reasons to feed a reduced carbohydrate diet, like management of feline diabetes, and animals with insulin secreting tumors will often benefit from a reduction in overall carb intake, but like for all conditions the specific diet selected for your dog or cat should encompass their whole health needs.

    Your Golden Retriever Can Help Stop Cancer: The Golden Retriever Lifetime Study

    Katie Friedson of Morris Animal Foundation

    This is a guest post by Katie F. on behalf of Morris Animal Foundation. I am happy to be able to help provide useful information about animal healthcare to animal-lovers. Visit Morris Animal Foundation to learn more about the animal health research that Morris Animal Foundation participates in.


    Attention Golden Retriever moms and dads: Help us understand cancer better by enrolling in this important research study by the Morris Animal Foundation. All you do is fill out questionnaires and get regular vet checkups!

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