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How To Teach A Golden Retriever To Fetch

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The Perfect Place To Swim

Is Your Dog More Golden Than Retriever? Teach Them To Fetch!

Last Sunday we took the day off from boat shopping to have some fun. We took Honey to Fenwick Island State Park in Delaware where dogs are allowed on beaches without life guards.

Conditions were perfect.

Our beach was on the Assawoman Bay, which was very shallow. On a hot summer day, the water was warm. Bath water warm.

And the bottom was a sandy mud.

When Mike and I waded out into the warm water, Honey had no problem following us. And when it got too deep for her to walk, shed swim a few strokes.

No big deal. It was exactly what Ive always wanted to see.

Squashing The Natural Retrieve In Puppies

What if your Labrador doesnt like to retrieve?;While there are several reasons for this, one experience may have happened during their formative years.

Imagine that youre playing with your young Labrador puppy. You throw the toy and they naturally race it down and bring it back to you!

Overjoyed at how smart they are, you continue to throw the toy over and over again. The puppy chases it with less and less enthusiasm each time. Finally, they just look at you when you throw the toy.

Many puppies naturally do some or all of the steps in the retrieve. However, the owners overdo the game so much, they grow bored.

If your puppy naturally retrieves the toy for you, make sure to not engage them in the game until they are sick of it.

Puppies have limited stamina and focus. You can easily ask them to retrieve too many times. Then, they can start to associate the game with work and not play, and may be less inclined to continue as adults.

You always want to end any game or training session with your dog wanting more. This may mean you only ask a young puppy to retrieve a few times per week for one or two tosses until they get older.

If youre lucky enough to have your puppy naturally bring the toy to you, the last thing you want is for them;to get burned out and create a negative association with the game.

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Also Check: Best Golden Retriever Breeders California

Focus On Positive Training Methods

Dog training has come a long way. Trainers in the past used methods like ear pinches and forcing objects into their dogs mouths to bring about the forced retrieve.

I dont subscribe to these methods. While they may get results, I believe its at the cost of breaking down the bond between dogs and owners.

Weve learned so much more about dog behavior and how they learn. Most dogs work very happily for rewards. Therefore, this article will focus on only positive training tactics.

Under Over And Through

How To Train A Golden Retriever To Fetch

Teaching your dog to go under, over, and through objects is not only a good brain game, it is also good exercise for them. Use an item such as a chair and teach them to crawl under the legs of the chair as a response to the command you give them. To ensure that they understand what is expected of them, as well as to make it easier for them to learn, show them how its done so that they can observe and follow you.

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You are also likely to bond better with your dog when they see you joining them. When they do as you expected them to, dont forget to praise them or give them treats. You can set up all sorts of obstacles to climb over, go around, and crawl under using items in your home.

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This Is Exclusive Information

Remember – The cutting edge techniques and methods inside Brain Training for dogs are so simple and so powerful, it can literally eradicate any problem behavior in your dogregardless of your training experience or what kind of problem your dog has.

You cannot get this information online or offline anywhere.

Let’s not forget – this is the same system which thousands of people have used to eradicate problembehaviors in their dogs and skyrocket their intelligence

How To Teach Your Golden Retriever To Fetch

You can start with the two toy method which goes like this

  • Choose two balls or their favorite toys;
  • Throw one of the balls or the toy;
  • Keep the other ball in your hand
  • While they are going after the ball cheer them up and praise them in a happy mouth
  • When they have the ball in their mouth call them back and show them the other ball in your hand
  • After running back to you, they will drop the ball in their mouth in front of you
  • Now throw the other ball;
  • Repeat the whole process three times per day till they master the game.

Or you can try this method;

  • Prepare a ball or their favorite toy
  • Make sure they are comfortable picking up the toy in their mouth
  • Then train them to replace the ball or the toy in your hand
  • Now, throw the ball far but not too far from you
  • After they fetch the ball and replace it in your hand repeat it but this time throw the ball further
  • Repeat the process three times per day till they can do it blindly.

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If Your Lab Doesnt Chase The Toy

Your pup may look at you like youre crazy for tossing that toy away. If they arent motivated at all to even look in the toys direction, you may need to find another way to entice;them.

  • First, try other toys. Maybe your pup is just a bit of a snob when it comes to a toy worthy of employing energy.
  • If your dog doesnt have much toy drive, you may need to use treats and toss them away from you at first.
  • When your dog goes for the treat, mark the behavior and treat them again when they come to you.
  • Once your pup has this treat retrieval mastered, add the Get it command when you throw the treat.
  • When your Lab understands the command corresponds to the action, you can replace the treat with the toy and use the same Get it command.
  • They should now show interest in the toy. You can now mark and reward, while upping the challenge a little each session.
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    Labrador Retriever Teach Your Puppy To Fetch – Gun Dog Training

    Dogs are a mans best friend. ;Granted that you may think that because a retriever is bred for fetching things that he would automatically take to water but thats not the case every time. Some retrievers are scared of water and that can make it hard to teach him to swim.

    How to introduce puppy to water

    The first thing that you must remember is that your dog must be trained or must be obedient enough or at least, possess the basic obedient skills before you take him to the waterfront. He needs to know that there is nothing to be afraid of, so take him to the waterfront and make him stand in shallow water. It is a good idea to introduce him to water from a young age. And as he grows up, he becomes more comfortable with getting into water and even diving into the same to fetch items.

    You need to train your dog to come to you when you call out to him, so that when he is in water, he can come towards you once he hears your summons. Rather than pull the leash, it is safer this way. You can introduce your pup to water when he is just eight weeks old. And once you get him used to water, transitioning from a walk along the shores to a fully fledged swim should not take that long.

    Granted that your golden retriever may be afraid of water on the first try, and thats why you need him to get used to the sensation of water and swimming in the same. Once he starts to feel comfortable, he is more likely to jump into the water and swim to his hearts desire.

    Safety Tips:

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    They May Not Like The Thing Youre Trying To Get Them To Fetch

    Some dogs might have specific preferences as to the types of items they enjoy picking up and retrieving back to their person, including the texture, shape, and even weight of an item, explains White.

    If thats the case, try mixing it up with other types of items, such as balls, stuffed toys, and dumbbells.

    If Your Dog Plays Keep

    Some dogs who know how to fetch still think part of the game is to run off with the toyjust out of your reach.

    Its really frustrating!

    If you work on the take-give, take it-drop it training exercises, that should solve this problem. The dog should learn to come right up to you when giving up the toy. This should solve the problem for most dogs.

    If the dog still keeps out of range, you can take a step away from him as hes coming towards you, then stop. This should bring him right up to you.

    If your dog loves playing keep-away, the game ends. Walk away as described in #3 above.

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    Develop A Bond Drive And Engagement

    Your dog will not want to work with you if they don’t like and trust you. This is why your bond with your dog is so important, not just for disc dog training but for all training. To develop a strong bond it is best to implement positive reinforcement training strategies and to try to understand your dog as much as possible

    Before starting a training session have a plan in mind so you don’t waste time. Set your dog up for success, don’t push them too hard too fast. It is a good idea to always stop a training session on a positive note and to stop when your dog is still having fun before he is exhausted. Keep the sessions short and very positive, go wild with praise when the pup does something right.

    It can be helpful to know a few calming signals so that you can read your dog’s body language. If you note him yawning, licking his lips, or looking away from you he might be stressed and need a break.

    To keep your dog engaged you need to be the most interesting around, not the other dogs, smells, or that butterfly going by. Being spontaneous can be hugely important for keeping your dogs interest.; Another way to be interesting is to reward your dog for looking at you when you aren’t even asking them too. This can help teach your dog to check in with you and give you his attention.;

    How To Introduce Puppy To Water

    How to Teach Your Labrador to Fetch and Retrieve ...

    The first thing that you must remember is that your dog must be trained or must be obedient enough or at least, possess the basic obedient skills before you take him to the waterfront. He needs to know that there is nothing to be afraid of, so take him to the waterfront and make him stand in shallow water. It is a good idea to introduce him to water from a young age. And as he grows up, he becomes more comfortable with getting into water and even diving into the same to fetch items.

    You need to train your dog to come to you when you call out to him, so that when he is in water, he can come towards you once he hears your summons. Rather than pull the leash, it is safer this way. You can introduce your pup to water when he is just eight weeks old. And once you get him used to water, transitioning from a walk along the shores to a fully fledged swim should not take that long.

    Granted that your golden retriever may be afraid of water on the first try, and thats why you need him to get used to the sensation of water and swimming in the same. Once he starts to feel comfortable, he is more likely to jump into the water and swim to his hearts desire.

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    This Is Not The Trained Retrieve

    Before we get into the training portion of the article, I wanted to clarify that our purpose is to help you train your Lab to have a fun game of fetch.

    There is also a trained retrieval method that is used in various dog sports and obedience competitions. In this retrieve, your dog gives you an object in a very specific way.

    Once your Lab enjoys the fun retrieval process, you can certainly fine-tune it to comply with regulation retrievals, but that is beyond the scope of this article.

    Fun And Unusual Tricks You Should Teach Your Golden Retriever

    So you went out and got yourself a Golden Retriever. And who can blame you? Smart, friendly, loyal, beautiful and as common as a minivan at a kids soccer game.

    According to the American Kennel Club, Golden Retrievers were the 3rdmost common breed in the U.S. in 2015.

    But thats ok! Im about to share with you 18 ways you can turn your Golden into the talk of the neighborhood!

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    How To Teach Your Retriever Puppy To Fetch

    • Start by taking your well-rested puppy to the fetching location you have chosen. If you dont have a long narrow area to use, attach a long, light weight lead to the puppys collar.

    • Knee down with the puppy at the open side of the hallway.

    • Tease your puppy with the retrieving item a little bit then toss it down the hall. See video above for example.

    • If the puppy runs out to get the item, encourage him or her with a GOOD BOY or GOOD GIRL and say HERE as the pup runs back toward you. If you dont have a narrow area and are using a lead, gently pull the puppy toward you saying HERE.

    • As the puppy reaches you, grab his or her collar and pet the puppy. DO NOT be in a hurry to take the item away from him. Let him hold it while you pet and praise him. Then gently take the item away and throw it again. You should only throw the item two or three times per session maximum!

    Best Exercise For A Happy Relaxed Golden Retriever Puppy

    Golden Retriever Dog teaches a Rottweiler/Lab mix to swim & fetch sticks

    May 6, 2020 by Karen Summers

    Exercise is a very important part of a puppys life. Without adequate exercise, few puppies will be able to control their energy. Families see an out-of-control puppy and immediately think exercise is the answer to their problem. Often it is, but exercise can also be overdone. There is a balance. Most people dont know exactly what is an appropriate level of exercise for a Golden Retriever puppy. The information below has exercise guidelines for large breed puppies along with a broad range of various ways for your puppy to get that exercise.

    *Disclosure Some of the links on this page are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a small commission if you click through and make a purchase.

    Recommended Reading: How To Potty Train A Golden Retriever In An Apartment

    Fetch As A Form Of Exercise For A Golden Retriever Puppy

    Another popular form of exercise for dogs is the game of fetch. We recommend teaching your puppy the game of fetch at a young age. Going and getting a toy, bringing it back, and giving it to you is easier to teach when they are young. However, fetch shouldnt be a form of exercise unless several guidelines are followed.

    Start With a Toy

    When puppies are young, dont throw balls. Chasing balls causes puppies to twist, roll, jump, and tumble while trying to grab a moving ball. These actions are not good for puppies developing joints. Instead, use toys. Then, combine your game of fetch with a game of tug. Tug is discussed in detail in another section. Once your puppy has learned to tug, teach your puppy a release command.

    Dont throw a toy more than 10-15 feet for puppies under 12 weeks of age. Save longer throws for your dog until after he is over 2 years of age.

    Teach The Wait Command

    Once your puppy has learned to bring a toy back to you reliably, you can begin teaching your puppy to safely retrieve a ball. Before moving from a toy to a ball, teach a wait command. Playing fetch with a dog with a wait command is a tremendous exercise. It not only provides physical exercise, but it also provides a super opportunity for a puppy to learn self-control.Here is how to teach it.

    Use a Pull Tab

    Fetch is a great exercise for an adult. Once a dog is over 2, you can begin throwing balls and even add a Chuck-it ball thrower to your game.

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