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Genetic Testing For Golden Retrievers

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Find A Dog’s Dna Test Results

Genetics in Golden Retrievers : What you need to know (2018)

Our Health Test Results Finder can help you find the results for any dog on our records that has been screened for the DNA tests and screening schemes that we record.

Lists of dogs with clear, carrier or affected status can be found under the health section of each breeds entry on our Breeds A to Z.

Collective results for activity dogs can be found below.

Golden Retrievers At A Glance

One of the most popular dog breeds in America, the Golden Retriever is considered distinctly lovable. Their sweet disposition makes them superb companions. If youre considering bringing a Golden Retriever into your home or youve recently discovered your dog is mixed with Golden Retriever, we have all the information you need to make informed decisions regarding their care. Weve included details about this breeds physical characteristics, playtime needs, grooming tips, nutrition, and more. Youll also find a comprehensive list of all the health conditions we test for here at Embark, as well as recommendations from veterinarians.

Allele Frequencies Of The Chr2: 45893198 Snp In Other Breeds

Allele frequencies for the ABCC4 candidate SNP chr22:45,893,198 were available in five other dog breeds and in a separate pool of American golden retrievers, from a Panel Of Normal dataset. This dataset was collected as part of a cancer study unrelated to the current study and hence the dataset contained both male and female dogs and their disease history and neutering status is unknown. The allele frequency for the chr22:45,893,198 SNP in the population is summarized . In this population of different dog breeds the allele frequency for the risk variant varies between from 0.37 in golden retrievers to 0.98 in Rottweilers. The Rottweiler is one of the breeds with the highest risk of developing pyometra .

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Spontaneous Cancers In Dogsthe Primary Endpoint For The Golden Retriever Lifetime Study

Cancer is considered a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in pet dogs although the extent of the cancer burden on the health and longevity of dogs is not well characterized . A formal cancer registry, no longer in use, was developed 60 years ago in the San Francisco area by the National Cancer Institute but since then there has not been a significantly accurate way to estimate changes in cancer incidence in the USA . Current estimates of cancer frequency do exist from several large national databases such as the Veterinary Medical Database which represents a collection of medical record abstracts from most of the veterinary teaching hospitals associated with colleges of veterinary medicine in the USA. This dataset has been used for comparisons of canine cancer frequency by histological type, dog breed and other demographic characteristics but is inherently biased due to the population of dogs sampled at regional veterinary referral hospitals .

Several areas of current investigation related to cancer aetiology include the role of chronic inflammation, epigenetic modulation of gene expression and metagenomics . Thorough archival collections, such as those generated by the GRLS, will be required to develop appropriate hypotheses as to how these factors may be manifested in clinical syndromes such as cancer.

Progressive Signs Of Ncl In Golden Retrievers

Currently waiting on a wisdom panel for this pup. Everyone ...
  • 15 Months of Age: Early neurological signs include loss of coordination causing dogs to bump into objects, difficulty climbing stairs, anxiety, agitation, and long periods of constant pacing and circling. Affected dogs may lose the ability to recognize or respond to previously learned commands and behaviors, have mild seizure-like activity, such as fly biting, or snapping at flies that are not there, and gum smacking.
  • 18 Months of Age: Seizure activity becomes progressively more severe and begins to involve the whole body with some episodes lasting up to an hour. Visual impairment in bright and dim light becomes profound. In later stages, affected dogs may become aggressive toward people.

Source: Gilliam D, Kolicheski A, Johnson GS, et al. Golden Retriever Dogs with Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis Have a Two-Base-Pair Deletion and Frameshift in CLN5. Molecular Genetics and Metabolism. 2015 115:101-109.

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Variant Calling And Variant Filtering

Variant calling was performed using GATK HaplotypeCaller in gVCF mode as described . To predict the functional effects of the called variants, the SnpEff software , together with NCBI annotation release 105 for the CanFam 3.1 genome reference assembly was used. For filtering of private variants, we used 795 control genomes . Numbering within the canine ABHD5 gene corresponds to the NCBI RefSeq accession numbers XM_542689.5 and XP_542689.2 .

What To Watch For

Any abnormal symptom could be a sign of serious disease, or it could just be a minor or temporary problem. The important thing is to be able to tell when to seek veterinary help, and how urgently. Many diseases cause dogs to have a characteristic combination of symptoms, which together can be a clear signal that your Golden Retriever needs help.

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Ichthyosis Of Golden Retriever Breed

A skin disease prevented thanks to a DNA test

Ichthyosis results in a profusion of dandruffs. A majority of the Golden Retriever are carriers of the gene responsible for the disease. A reliable DNA test can screen stud dogs and brood bitches, in order to adapt matings and avoid birth of affected puppies and spread of the disease in the breed.

An incapacitating hereditary disease

Ichthyosis leads to a skin disease. The first symptoms appear between 1 and 18 months by multiplying large dandruff visible on the back and belly. The skin looks dirty and scaly, and becomes dry, rough and with a hyper-pigmentation. Increased hygiene measures should be considered to prevent infectious complications. The breeder or veterinarian can confuse Ichthyosis with the presence of parasites on the skin that may also be responsible for dandruff.

A very frequent disease

More than 50% of Golden Retrievers in Europe are carriers of the genetic mutation responsible of Ichthyosis. A breeder can mate without noticing a male « carrier » and a female « carrier » and produce a litter containing affected puppies.

A dog « carrier » of the mutation will not develop the disease but transmits it to 50% of the puppies. A stallion « carrier » of the mutation which is used a lot for reproduction, spreads the disease through the breed and helps to increase the frequency of the mutation and multiply the number of affected dogs.

A preventable disease

Avoid the birth of affected puppies

A DNA test easy to perform

Introducing New Litter And Breeding Packages

Vets study golden retrievers DNA in search for cancer treatments

Testing prospective breeding pairs and testing puppies in your litters is crucial to managing the genetic health and diversity of your breeding program. Our new breeding and litter packages are designed to make DNA testing for these two important occasions more affordable and impactful for your breeding program.

Send each puppy home with full Genetic Testing and use the results to determine which puppy best suits your breeding program. Each package customized consultations to review the results of multiple dogs holistically. Learn more about each package below:

Only $99 Per Puppy when you purchase 4 or more kits for your litter!

The Litter Package Contains:

  • 4+ DNA Test Kits, Maximum 11 DNA Test Kits per Order
  • Guaranteed turnaround time of 3 weeks from swabs received at Embarks lab.
  • Kits must be used on puppies within the same litter

Each DNA Test included in the litter package includes:

  • Risk of genetic health conditions relevant to Golden Retrievers
  • Genetic COI
  • Expert consultation

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How To Understand Dna Tests

For some, understanding DNA tests can be confusing. So Ill offer a simple unscientific explanation. DNA test results will be given as Clear, Carrier ,or Affected . A clear dog does not have the disease. A carrier does not have the disease, or symptoms, but carries a recessive genetic sequence of the disease. The carrier dog can pass the disease if mated with another carrier or affected. An affected dog has the disease, and generally will exhibit symptoms.

It is possible to breed carrier and affected dogs, but should only be bred to a clear so that the disease is not past on.

Genetic Testing For Prcd

A healthy, active Golden Retriever who recently retired from agility competition, “Daphne,” at age 8 ½, has earned many titles, including Master Agility Champion, to prove her success: MACH Pine Run A L’il Daph’ll DoYa, WC, AAD, OD, ADHF, OF.

Likewise, “Trevor” is a healthy, active Golden Retriever. This 3-year-old, who is working toward becoming a Master Agility Champion, has also earned many noteworthy titles: Emberain Trevolution, PD2, CL3 , SPD.

Trevor and Daphne share more than agility titles. They also share a future in which progressive retinal atrophy , an eye disease that usually leads to blindness, is predicted by their DNA.

PRA has several different forms, but progressive rod cone degeneration is the most widespread

in terms of the number of breeds it affects. This is the type of PRA that Daphne and Trevor have. The same recessive gene also causes prcd-PRA in Labrador Retrievers and more than 20 other breeds.

The age at which signs of prcd-PRA become noticeable varies. Since Daphne and Trevor are among the first Goldens to be positively identified with prcd-PRA through DNA testing, nobody knows when signs typically appear.

“Experts so far believe that signs of PRA in Goldens are visible by physical eye examination between 3 and 6 years of age,” says Daphne’s co-breeder, Gerry Clinchy of Coopersburg, Pa.

If Daphne is any indication, behavioral signs in Goldens are late compared to other breeds. At 8 ½ years old, Daphne is only now exhibiting subtle signs.

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Golden Retriever Genetic Diseases That We Currently Test For

We have all of our Goldens tested for the following Golden Retriever genetic diseases, so that we can avoid breeding two carriers together, resulting in genetically affected or at risk progeny. We generally use Embark for Breeders for the majority of our genetic testing:

1. Ichthyosis is a skin disease that can cause varying degrees of skin flaking for those that are genetically “at risk”.

3. Progressive Retinal Atrophy is characterized by bilateral degeneration of the retina resulting in progressive vision loss leading to total blindness. Clinical signs of PRA1 appear around 6 years of age.


4. Progressive Retinal Atrophy is characterized by bilateral degeneration of the retina resulting in progressive vision loss leading to total blindness. Clinical symptoms of PRA2 appear around 4 years of age.


5. Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis is a progressive degenerative disease of the central nervous system. Signs of disease in affected dogs begin between one and two years of age and often result in euthanasia by 3 years of age.



7. Muscular Dystrophy is an inherited disease affecting Golden Retrievers. Affected dogs are unable to produce adequate amounts of a protein important for muscle contraction and relaxation.


Health Screenings For The Parents Of A Litter

The Importance of DNA Testing  Regency Ranch Golden ...

All prospective puppy buyers want their new puppy to have the best possible chance for a long and healthy life, and regular veterinary care is important toward achieving that goal. But in addition, the risks for many significant health issues can be greatly reduced through careful breeding practices, beginning with certain screening examinations of the parents of a litter. Each breed has its own particular hereditary problems, and Golden Retrievers are no exception. Failure to screen for these conditions before breeding results in taking unnecessary risks for genetic disease, and frequently leads to distress for the buyer and dog alike. Below is a discussion of important diseases for which the GRCA Code of Ethics recommends pre-breeding health testing. Reputable breeders are expected to conduct screening examinations for these diseases on the parents of a litter, and to disclose the results to prospective puppy buyers.

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Structure Of The Golden Retriever Lifetime Study

Following a purebred cohort of Golden Retrievers that includes the three-generation pedigrees and collection of DNA samples from study dogs will permit detailed genetic studies with a goal of identifying specific genes that may be correlated with certain forms of cancer. Given 500 expected tumours at 10 years, hazard ratios as small as 1.3 can be detected with 90% power, at the 0.05 alpha level , and only 375 tumours would be required to achieve 80% power. Larger HR, say 2% , obtain 90% power with approximately 100 cancer events. Similarly, less common cancers also lead to larger HR, so fewer cancer events are required.

Because both dog owners and veterinarians are required participants in the GRLS, separate recruitment efforts were directed toward each group. Dog owners were recruited through the Morris Animal Foundation website. The Golden Retriever Club of America offered a link to the study on their website and advertising space in their magazine. GRCA also provided a booth at national and regional Golden Retriever specialty competitions where Morris Animal Foundation staff could meet and speak with prospective study participants. The American Kennel Club and the United Kennel Club both provided outreach to their members. Additional advertising was also done in other magazines directed to pet owners.

Want To Share Your Expertise With Embark

Embark and the Golden Retriever Diversity Project are organizing a Focus Group of Golden Retriever Breeders interested in working with Embark to identify health concerns for Golden Retrievers and talk about features they would like to see in the product. Embark wants to hear ideas directly from Breeders about what we need to do to improve Golden Retriever Health! Join us and be part of the conversation. Please send an email to with your name, phone, email and a brief resume of your career in Goldens.

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Which Embark Kit Do I Need

Embark offers 3 DNA testing options. Everyone wants to get the best deal and it is tempting to order from an appealing price link. However, the ONLY Product that offers ALL the features available from the Golden Retriever Diversity Project is the BREEDER KIT available from the links on this website for $129 ALL THE TIME. Please be sure to use the links on this website to order!

If you choose to call Embark to order the BREEDER KIT, you MUST identify that you want to be a part of the Golden Retriever Diversity Project to receive the $129 pricing to have your dog included in the DNA Research Database and be eligible for the Breeder Tools and consulting. If you do not identify yourself, you will be charged the rate in effect at the time of your order for the Standard Breeder Kit, but will not be able to use the benefits of the Golden Retriever Diversity Project and contribute to Golden Retriever Health Research through our projects. If you wish to participate later, there will be an additional charge for non-GRDP tests. The codes in Embark promotional emails to share with a friend will not allow that dog to participate in the Golden Retriever Diversity Project either. Be sure to make a difference by ordering your tests ONLY through the Golden Retriever Diversity Project!

Golden Retriever Lifetime Study Request For Proposals

Golden Retriever Took a DNA Test So happppppy. #fyp #foryuopage #goldenretriever #dog #puppy

Qualified individuals may gain access to Golden Retriever Lifetime Study data and/or samples including but not limited to whole blood, urine, hair and toenails. These projects will contribute to the understanding of nutritional, environmental, lifestyle and genetic risk factors for cancer and other diseases in dogs.

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Making Balanced Breeding Decisions

As well as considering the implications of a dogs DNA test results, there are other equally important factors to consider when deciding whether two dogs should be mated together, such as temperament, genetic diversity, conformation, other available health test results, the general health of the dogs etc. Your breeding decisions should always be well balanced and take into consideration the qualities and compatibility of both the sire and dam that you are considering.

Increased Risk X Minimal Risk

Each puppy born has a:

  • 0% chance of having a minimal risk status
  • 100% chance of having a minimal risk status
  • 0% chance of having an increased risk status

This means that each puppy born will have the lowest chance of developing the condition, but will carry a copy of the gene variant and could pass this gene variant on to any possible future puppies they have.

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What Are The Golden Retriever Specific Hereditary Diseases You Test For

Currently there are ten DNA tests available for Golden Retrievers. We use Paw Print Genetics and OFA for our breeding dogs. Puppies will NOT be AFFECTED by any of the ten diseases. Click on this link for a detailed explanation of each disease.

We use this DNA information as one of the critical factors in determining which dogs we chose for a mating.

We breed as follows:

Clear bred to Clear / Clear bred to Carrier / Clear Bred to Affected

Paw Print Genetics explains the results as follows:

For each test, you have the possibility of receiving the following results: normal, carrier, or at-risk . Normal means that your dog has two copies of the “wildtype” or normal DNA sequence for the gene being tested. Carrier means that your dog carries one copy of the “wildtype” sequence and one copy of the mutation. For most diseases, your dog will not be affected with the disease, but simply a carrier. Carriers can pass this mutated copy of the gene to half of their offspring and depending on the genetics of their mate, may produce at-risk or affected puppies. An at-risk result means that your dog has two copies of the mutation and is at-risk for developing the disease. In this case, these dogs carry two copies of the mutation so that all offspring will inherit at least one copy of the mutation and depending on its mate, is at high-risk of producing affected puppies.

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