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HomeHow To Care For A Golden Retriever

How To Care For A Golden Retriever

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Zak Georges Dog Training Revolution: The Complete Guide To Raising The Perfect Pet With Love

Golden Retriever 101 – Feeding, Grooming, Exercise, Training & Health Care of a Golden Retriever

This book is really great, and if you are looking forward to seeking more knowledge about dogs, dog training, health care essentials, and many more cool tips for you so that you can enjoy with your dog, this is a great book to go.

If you dont know who Zak is, let me tell you that Zak is the worlds most subscribed dog trainer on YouTube.

Even if you are a new pup parent this book is great and will help you!

Raising A Golden Retriever Puppy Finding A Vet

Most of us have our puppies vaccinated. Vaccines are not completely without risk, but the risk of serious disease for unvaccinated puppies is usually considered by experts to be much greater.

Most puppy parents want to know which shots their puppies need, when their puppies can go outside safely, a few want to know what happens if they decide not to vaccinate their puppies.

Youll find information on all those topics in the articles below:

Recommended Reading: Best Dog Food For Golden Retriever Puppy

How To Care For A Golden Retriever Puppy

Your Golden Retriever puppy will have a built-in timer which prompts him for eating on time. You should give him three meals per week for the first three weeks, and then you should feed him twice every day for the rest.

Professional trainers, breeders and professionals prefer to feed their dogs twice daily. Many dogs only eat once a week, but smaller meals provide more satisfaction, better weight control and can prevent bloating. Your dog will also think its big deal that you give him the same food twice a day.

Feed your puppy from 6 to 7 a.m. until noon. Then, feed him again between noon and 5 or 6. For easier house training, do not feed him after 6: p.m.

He can have an ice-cube to keep him hydrated if he becomes thirsty. He will be fine through the night if he takes a trip outside at 10 pm.

He will need three meals per days for the next few months. At around 11 or 12, he will be able to eat twice per day.

While each Golden puppy will have its own unique meal size, an average Golden puppy consumes approximately 1/3 to 1/2 cup of dry foods per meal.

Give it water and let it air dry. The best way to prevent tartar build-up is to dry it out, especially after his adult teeth come in.

Read Also: At What Age Should You Start Training A Golden Retriever Puppy

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After weeks of waiting your new Golden retriever puppy is finally in your home! After the first excitement you realize, this is the first puppy youre taking care of. Maybe you dont even know how to properly take care of this living breathing creature. You start to panic! Wait! Calm down and breathe. Being a first-time dog parent can be nerve-wracking but we have all the tips you need to know to take good care of the new member of your family.

Feeding schedule

How much should you feed your puppy and how often? First, you should definitely check with your vet for the best advice for your puppy.

You also need to know that as a puppy grows up, the nutritional needs also change, as does the feeding schedule.

This is just an estimate on how often and how much you should feed your pup, like weve mentioned your vet will give you the most accurate information.

  • Puppies between;8-12 weeks;of age need;four meals;per day
  • Pups between the ages of;3-6 months;need to be fed;thrice a day
  • Puppies;aged 6 months to 1 year;will need;two meals a day
  • Dogs;older than one;require just;one meal a day

High quality food

Just like you take care of your body and pay attention to what you eat, you should do the same with your dog.

So you should always:

  • Feed your dog high-quality foods that have a good amount of meat in it
  • Try to home cook your dogs food with high-quality ingredients
  • Do not feed too much people food to your furry friend!
  • Monitor your dogs caloric intake
  • A good vet goes a long way

    Let Me See Those White Pearls

    Golden Retrievers  The History and Care  Southern ...

    Taking care of your golden retrievers teeth should be one of your top priorities. Why? Because improper dental care can lead to falling off the teeth, gum disease, lung disease, kidney disease, even shorten your pups life span by one or two years.; It is important to start with dental checkups while the pooch is younger. Take it to the vet for regular cleaning and then consult with your veterinarian about actions you could do at home to prevent teeth decay.;

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    What Does The Weighing Scale Say

    Obesity in dogs is a big problem as in people. It can cause or aggravate heart conditions, back pain, digestive problems, and joint pain. We know those puppy eyes can be very convincing, but giving your golden ball of love more food than it needs may cause serious health issues.;

    Instead of feeding it people food and giving it treats constantly, try spending more time playing with the doggie, petting it, brushing its golden coat, or taking it for a walk.

    How To Feed Your Golden Retriever

  • Choose a high-quality dry dog food. You can ask your veterinarian or the breeder or rescue for a recommendation. Note that if you want to switch her over to a different type of food, you should do so gradually over a period of a few weeks to minimize stomach upset. For a puppy, buy a large breed puppy food; for an adult, you can choose an adult food. Older dogs can benefit from food made for senior dogs.
  • Look on the package to determine how much to feed your dog. Find your dogs age and weight on the chart on the bag and divide that amount of food by the number of times you would like to feed your dog each day. Puppies under 6 months of age should generally eat three times per day and older puppies and adults should eat twice per day.
  • Mix extras into your dogs food if desired. You can mix canned dog food, chopped plain cooked chicken breast, low-salt cottage cheese, canned pumpkin, or plain yogurt into her food. Use only a little of the extras; its just to add taste and interest. If you begin doing this, your dog will probably not want to eat plain food, so make this decision knowing you will have to keep up with it later.
  • Give your dog treats occasionally. It is fun to feed your Golden treats; just dont let them become a large part of her diet! A couple of dog biscuits or some dog jerky each day will make her eager to come to you when you call. Also, you can break up dog cookies into smaller pieces to use for training.
  • Also Check: How Often Groom Golden Retriever

    Golden Retriever Coat Stages

    Golden Retriever puppies are born with fluffy, fuzzy hair coats. This fur is very soft and fine, and it helps to keep puppies warm due to its insulating properties.

    Golden puppies begin to grow adult hairs around three to four months of age, starting at the tail and then gradually moving up the body. These slightly coarser outer hairs are called guard hairs, and they push the puppy fur aside until the puppy fur forms an undercoat, which thickens over time. Guard hairs form the outer coat which gives a Golden Retriever his classic double-coat as an adult. This transition phase of hair growth usually finishes when he is about 18 months old.

    Guard hairs tend to be slightly darker in color compared to the undercoat hairs. The thickness of the undercoat is affected by the changing of the seasons and how often your Golden Retriever spends time outdoors. Most Goldens also develop feathers which are very long, fine hairs that grow in specific locations like the backs of the legs and over the belly.

    Golden Retriever Coat Care Golden Retriever Society

    13 Things You Need For Your New Golden Retriever Puppy

    Golden Retriever Coat Stages. Golden Retriever puppies are born with fluffy, fuzzy hair coats. This fur is very soft and fine, and it helps to keep puppies warm due to its insulating properties. Golden puppies begin to grow adult hairs around three to four months of age, starting at the tail and then gradually moving up the body.These slightly coarser outer hairs are called guard hairs, and

    Also Check: The Best Puppy Food For Golden Retrievers

    Don’t Miss: Is Golden Retriever Considered A Large Breed

    Are Golden Retrievers Good With Other Pets

    Golden retrievers enjoy the company of other pets. Goldens love to have other dogs for companionship. With proper training, they can also get along great with other animals, including rabbits and cats.

    To learn more about this beautiful breed, check out these facts about golden retrievers.

    Sarah is not only a pet owner but loves animals of all shapes and sizes.

    Tending To Your Goldens Ears

    Its important for you to regularly check inside your Goldens ears because being a little floppy, they close over their ear-holes and trap moisture inside which leads to a build up of bacteria and ultimately infections.

    Look inside to make sure they are a healthy looking color, not bright red and inflamed.

    Also check for lots of small little grainy looking brown dots. These are the droppings of ear mites and a sign of a parasitic infection which should be treated ASAP.

    Also Check: How To Bathe A Golden Retriever Puppy

    Know What To Expect During The Different Weeks Of Pregnancy

    There will be about nine weeks of pregnancy, and you can expect different things during different weeks. There will also be multiple ways you will be able to help your golden retriever stay comfortable.;

  • During the first week, the only way to tell if your furry friend will be a mother is if they experience morning sickness. You wont need to worry about changing their diet or exercise during the first week.;
  • During week two, the embryos will still be very small, so no change is necessary for how you care for them yet. This is the stage where the fertilized eggs descend into the uterus and attach to the wall.;
  • Week three is when the embryos will start receiving all of the nutrients they need to survive and grow. This is when you may detect a change in your dogs appetite she may be slightly more hungry than usual, but her normal feeding routine will still be adequate.;
  • This is the week when you should start lowering the amount of daily exercise. On week four, you should consult with your vet to see if your mother-to-be needs any vitamins or extra nutrients. Furthermore, you will be able to do an ultrasound scan to see how big the litter is and if there are any health issues.
  • During week five, the puppies will become much less vulnerable to health issues. Your golden retriever puppies will also be growing substantially, and you will have to feed them more. Make sure to feed the mother a lot throughout the day in small proportions.;
  • Food And Water Requirements

    How To Care For A Golden Retriever

    You are responsible for your dogs diet, and you need to stop giving in to their cravings every time they give you that puppy look that melts your heart. You can let them lick some ice cream as a treat every once in a while, but dont make it a habit, as they are prone to obesity. Because commercially made dog food is commonly given to them, still make sure to purchase thebest dog food for Golden Retrievers as they require a high-quality diet to avoid developing allergies and other skin problems. They are one of the least picky eaters, so you need to control their food intake. Its best to get them used to eating at certain times and in their bowl and avoid giving them food while you eat because you wont be able to calculate their daily caloric intake if you keep feeding them in between their meals.

    You should learn from your vet the healthy amount of food to give your dog according to their age as active puppies can eat more than senior dogs with a slow metabolic rate. You can weigh your dog every month or so to make sure they stay within a healthy range or else you need to cut back on their food intake, which can be a tough process. Overweight Golden Retrievers are susceptible to joint and bone problems and other diseases that may shorten their lifespan.

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    How To Care For Your Senior Golden Retriever

    This post may contain affiliate links. We may earn money or products from the companies mentioned in this post.

    It seems like just yesterday that your golden Max was a bouncing puppy.;

    But 10 years have passed and you see him slowing down. He still loves to play. But he isnât so driven any more.

    Not just slowing down, but the Golden face is turning white, his eyes are cloudy, and you now call him lumpy. Yep, these are sure signs that Max is now a senior golden retriever.

    Modern advances in veterinary care and canine nutrition have led to many dogs living longer, healthier lives. But itâs still up to us to provide the best golden years for our beloved geriatric dogs.

    In this article, Iâll discuss some things to look for to determine whether your dog is slowing down. And what you can do to properly care for your golden and make his senior years happy and healthy.

    Dont Give Your Pregnant Retriever Any Vaccinations

    Other than a few heartworm treatments and Frontline Plus topical flea treatments, make sure not to give any treatments or vaccines to your pregnant dog unless you speak to your vet about it first.

    • Make sure to check with your vet before giving them any sort of medication.;
    • If your golden retriever is due for vaccinations while they are pregnant, make sure to wait until after theyve given birth.
    • Its generally safe to give your golden retriever vaccinations while they are nursing.;
    • If the mother is not up to date on her heartworm and flea treatments, talk to your vet. The mother can pass heartworms and fleas to her unborn puppies.Make sure to consult with your vet if she is due for treatment while she is pregnant.;

    Read Also: Healthy Weight For Golden Retriever

    How To Wash Your Golden Retriever

  • Only bathe your Golden Retriever when she needs it. That is, when she gets into a mud puddle or smells quite doggy. Goldens dont need to be bathed every month; washing them too often can cause skin problems. Their outer coat is waterproof and their undercoat generally should stay dry, so dont wash your dog if she isnt dirty.
  • Gather your supplies. Your Golden Retriever might like a bath or she might not. Either way, you should have everything you need in one place so you dont have to leave a wet or soapy dog unattended. Youll want to have dog shampoo, a brush, and towels in the bathroom or in the outdoor area you will be using to bathe her.
  • Use lukewarm water. If it is cold out, you will need to wash your Golden in the tub or shower. If its warm, however, you can use the garden hose.
  • Lather up your dog with dog shampoo. Do not use human shampoo. Lather everything except for her head and face.
  • Rinse her very well. Her outer coat is waterproof, so you will need to really work her fur to be sure to rinse the undercoat. Leaving soap residue on her fur or skin will make her very itchy and irritated, so take your time and get all of the shampoo off.
  • Dry her with towels. It is important that the undercoat dries thoroughly, so dry as much as you can with towels. If she will tolerate it, you could blow-dry her on a low setting. If not, keep her in a warm, dry place until she is fully dry.
  • Brush her fur. Avoid tangling by brushing her when she is a little damp.
  • Bedding And A Place To Call Their Own

    How to Train your Golden Retriever Puppy to Stop Biting

    Golden Retrievers just about sneak into the bracket of being described as a large dog breed and as such they should never be left to lay upon a bare hard floor.

    If they arent given a soft comfortable surface to lay upon they can form calluses on their elbows from such weight resting on a small surface area. So you should provide your Golden with a and a nice comfortable lining for their crate if you use one. And I do recommend you use a crate as explained in my article The Benefits of Crate Training.

    If you have a yard and your Golden will be expected to spend any length of time outside you should provide a form of shelter so they can keep off the cold wet floor in winter and get out of the sun in summer. There are many options for suitable kennels and many of them are reasonably priced.

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    How To Feed Your Puppy

    Feeding is one of the most essential things you need to know once you bring the puppy home, and its not just about giving food to your dog. There are many important rules that you need to follow, in order to make the eating as easy as possible for your little Golden.

    The location where you place the food matters. The location should be the same every meal so that your dog feels familiarized and comfortably eats his food. It should also be a quiet place with minimal distractions.

    Do not forget to pay attention to the amount of food given. Remember that the amount of food consumed varies from dog to dog, so if there is leftover, try to cut down the food amount next time.

    Choose proper food for your puppy. There is a difference between puppies food and adult dogs food. Therefore, when you shop for dog food, pay close attention to the label and make sure it is food for puppies.

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