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New Golden Retriever Puppy Tips

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Training Your Golden Retriever Puppy

Golden Retriever Puppy First Week Home – Professional Dog Training Tips

Training your golden retriever puppy is one of the best things you can do both for them and with them.

  • Itll help the two of you bond and communicate
  • It will give them confidence as you challenge them and they overcome those challenges
  • It will mentally wear them out
  • Itll help them learn whats appropriate and whats not, and everyone will be happier for it
  • Itll give them more freedom as you learn they can be trusted

Puppies are surprisingly smart and you can start training them as soon as you bring them home.

They have short attention spans and like to have fun, so short training sessions and training games work best.

Theres a lot that goes into training that we cant cover in this article, but you can read more about training your golden retriever puppy here.

P.S. A lot of people think that training is just obedience training, like sit and stay, but it also includes life skills like crate training, potty training, how to not jump on people or bite them, and how to not pull on the leash.

What Type Of Crate Is Best

You can buy several different types of crates, including:

  • Wire crates
  • Plastic crates
  • Heavy-duty metal crates

All these types of crates have advantages and disadvantages. However, we recommend a high-quality wire crate for your Golden retriever puppy.

Wire crates are affordable, easy to clean, well-ventilated, and collapsible for convenient storage and portability.

Bedtime With Your Puppy

As you remember from earlier, I referred to crate training as being a great option for familiarising a new puppy with their new environment. What I failed to mention was that this can also be a great way to help them to sleep to.

But it may not be as easy as just placing them inside to sleep in the crate. So I have a few tips for you here that will dramatically help you.

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How To Train A Golden Retriever

Training a golden retriever is a multi-step process. Start with the basics, such as potty training, leash training, and socialization skills. The training process continues into adolescence and adulthood as you reinforce and refine the skills your retriever learned.

We have created the complete guide on training golden retrievers at any age. We will take you from puppy training, continued adolescent training, and reinforcement training for adult golden retrievers. Along the way, we will teach you the importance of potty training, crate training, socialization, and corrective behaviors

We hope our step-by-step approach will make you feel confident in training your pup With tender love, care, and vigilance, your golden retriever pup will be a well-behaved best friend in no time!

Normal Dog Behaviors Versus Abnormal Behaviors

Hi people of Reddit meet our new golden retriever puppy! Any tips on ...

Dogs naturally dig, bark, express fear in certain situations, mark territory, chase small animals, and jump.

They may steal food. Or want to be with us all the time.

Goldens were bred to be sociable, high-energy dogs. Theyâre bred to retrieve.

So we shouldnât be surprised when they become pushy for attention or always have to carry something in their mouths.

My rescued golden Spencer almost always had to carry something in his mouth. So I made sure there were safe toys for him to happily tote around.

Unfortunately, many dogs are given up to shelters because of behaviors that can be modified.

Many people get a young golden and arenât aware of all thatâs involved in teaching him our rules.

Goldens are high-energy hunting dogs who donât mature until theyâre three or four years old.

To have a great companion takes a lot of work, patience, and time.

Itâs up to us, as dog owners, to be aware of our dogâs drives, personality, and needs. And to meet those needs.

This article wonât cover in detail abnormal canine behaviors.

These should be dealt with by behavior specialists who can evaluate the individual dog and determine the best behavior modification plan.

And itâs always important to have your dog get a full physical from a vet when dealing with any behavior problem.

These abnormal behaviors include aggression to those around the dog, obsessive-compulsive disorders, shutting down, and severe separation anxiety.

Also Check: How To Bathe A Golden Retriever

How To Potty Train An 8 Week Old Golden Retriever

Your Golden Retriever will definitely leave those little packages around the house if you dont teach him where to potty, and they are not a pleasant sight or smell!

To potty train an 8-week old Golden Retriever, create a separate area where you want your puppy to go, establish a routine, start with hourly potty breaks. Supervise your puppy at all times, learn to spot the signs, and never punish him after an accident. Give lots of reward and praise when he goes.

When housetraining your Golden Retriever, there are certain things that you shouldnt do. Watch this cool video from celebrity dog trainer Zak George on the most common house training mistakes made by dog owners:

  • Dont give your pup too much freedom early on. Keep him on a leash, or when you cant supervise him, in a crate or playpen, or a puppy-proofed room.
  • Dont expect your Golden Retriever to let you know when he needs to go! Many new dog owners fall for this your puppy has to learn to tell you he needs the toilet.
  • Make sure you take your puppy outside often enough. Stick to your schedule!
  • Dont expect your dog to generalize too quickly. He wont automatically know that the whole house is a no-go area. Its is a gradual process for him to grasp this.
  • Dont rely on correcting your puppy too much instead of teaching him. You should learn to anticipate when your Golden Retriever needs to go its not his fault if he has an accident, but yours!
  • When Do Golden Retrievers Mature

    Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. This means if you click on the link & purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. All opinions remain my own.

    A commonly asked question among all-new Golden Retriever puppy owners is When Do Golden Retrievers Mature?

    The struggles and frustrations of owning a puppy are very real for new pet parents. Many of you simply cannot wait until all of the nipping, biting, jumping and craziness subsides and you are blessed with a calm and mature Golden.

    So, when exactly does that happen?

    The truth is it happens in stages. Your Golden will reach physical maturity faster than his or her mental maturity.

    Well discuss the different stages of maturity in detail in this article. Plus, keep reading to the end to discover 7 tips to calm your Golden.

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    Adolescent Golden Retriever Training

    – My Golden Retriever wont respond to my commands anymore!

    You have been training your GR puppy for months, he has become the most well behaved puppy in historythen one day, he just wont do what you say! This is classic adolescence behavior and may start happening when your golden is between 8-10 months. Just like humans, dogs also have an adolescence period, and just like humans, they like to test boundaries. During this time it is very important that you continue training basic obedience commands:

    Take your golden retriever dog to an obedience class that uses positive methods only!

    If your dog wont answer to your command, gently but firmly keep asking until he does. NEVER give up, otherwise they learn that if they ignore you long enough you will stop bothering them. Adolescence is also a period of physiological changes in the dog, you may notice that they will start interacting with other dogs differently. It is important to continue with socialization exercises to keep all interactions positive. Bring treats with you everywhere and treat your dog for having friendly encounters with other dogs. It may seem like free treats to you, but it is not. You are building a strong and positive association with other dogs, so your pooch will keep treating them nicely.

    Golden Retriever Puppy: Finding And Raising Your New Friend

    FIRST 24 HOURS!! First Day Home With Our Golden Retriever Puppy Tips & Tricksð?¾

    November 16, 2020 By Pippa Mattinson

    Bringing home your Golden Retriever puppy is such an exciting moment. But, raising a Golden Retriever puppy can prompt lots of questions.

    Over the next few weeks youll be socializing, potty training, and making a start with puppy obedience training. This guide has top tips for this, and will also be looking at raising a golden retriever puppy while you work.

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    Common Golden Retriever Training Mistakes

    Some of the biggest Golden Retriever training mistakes seen are potty training mishaps. Usually, this just occurs by accident when the owner forgets to take their puppy out or if the puppy got distracted when outside and they did not use the bathroom.

    Another mistake that some Golden Retriever owners make is letting their dog jump up to greet people when they are small puppy. Although this is cute behavior in a tiny puppy, it can quickly become bothersome and even potentially dangerous when an adult dog does this. Plus, it is easier to teach your dog good greeting manners right off the bat when your Golden Retriever is a puppy than it is to correct a bad habit such as jumping when they are an adult.

    Is It Cruel To Crate A Puppy

    Lots of new dog owners worry that confining a puppy to a crate is cruel. However, most vets and animal behaviorists disagree.

    If you use positive reinforcement training methods to crate train your Golden retriever puppy and introduce the crate carefully and thoughtfully, your dog will quickly learn to love his new den. In fact, many dogs seek the restful, quiet environment of their crate when they want some peace and quiet.

    However, you must never use your puppys crate to punish him. Shutting a puppy in a crate and scolding him will make your dog feel frightened, trapped, and frustrated. Also, keeping your puppy crated for long periods of time is not appropriate, as young puppies need frequent bathroom breaks, as well as your company.

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    Guide To Crate Training A Golden Retriever Puppy

    Golden retrievers are friendly, loyal, happy-go-lucky dogs that make wonderful family pets.

    But even adorable puppies can get into mischief when youre not watching them, so crate training can help keep your fur baby safe and out of trouble. A crate is an excellent tool that many dog owners use when potty training their canine companions.

    Read this guide to learn some top tips on successfully crate training your Golden retriever puppy.

    Naming Your Golden Retriever Puppy

    Golden Retriever Puppies

    Whatever you decide to name your puppy, make sure you like it, because you sure are going to be saying it a lot.

    There are no real guidelines, although most people try to at least avoid intense names, like Killer, because golden retrievers are well, golden retrievers.

    Some people go with human names, like Doug, others go with plant names, like Aspen, there are food names, like Cashew, and there are the names of other animals, like Bear.

    If you need some name inspiration, check out our giant list of golden retriever names here.

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    Do Golden Retriever Mixes Shed

    Most if not all Golden Retriever mixes will shed. If your Golden Retriever is mixed with a dog that sheds like a Beagle, Blue Healer, Border Collie, Corgi, Catahoula, Shiba Inu, Husky, German Shepherd, Samoyed it will shed just as much or maybe even more than a full-bred Golden Retriever.

    Even Goldendoodles will most likely still shed. If you are looking for a Golden Retriever mix that doesnt shed keep looking because they likely dont exist. Every dog is different and will have different amounts of shedding, but the genetic part of Golden Retrievers will always be predisposed to shedding.

    Short Crate Training Sessions

    Short crate training sessions are one of the most sure-fire ways to get your pup comfortable with its crate. Your golden retriever should feel as though the crate is a home, not a jail.

    Small sessions in the crate help to establish this concept with puppies. Let your new puppy explore their crate. Leave the door open while they sniff around. Place their food inside and let them eat in the comfort of this new domain. Then shut the door for 10 minutes. When they are let out, sit with them, play with them, and snuggle with them.

    You can reward your golden pup with treats while they are inside the crate, to further establish the crate as a comforting space. No need to reward them after theyre out of the crate as the reward upon leaving is the joy of your company! This also helps to establish your authority and dominance.

    For more info on crate training, check out our article How to Crate Train a Golden Retriever.

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    How To Train Your Golden Retriever Pup

    The first and most important thing to note is the importance of positive reinforcementwhen it comes to training your dog. You should NEVER hit, yell at, or punish your dog.In fact, punishment may actually increase the incidence of problem behaviors in your dog.8,9,10

    Keeping It Positive: Reward-Based Dog Training

    Golden Retrievers learn behaviors by understanding the relationship between actions and consequences. When your Golden obeys a command or performs a desirable behavior, make sure to reward them immediately.

    Dogs will do anything for a tasty treat, but food isnt the only reward you can dole out. Other kinds of positive reinforcement include:

    • Pats on the head
    • A walk11

    Your dog will perceive almost any form of owner attention as a reward.

    Make sure you keep your reward system consistent. When teaching a new behavior, it can be useful to reward your Golden every time they perform the behavior. But once theyve learned it well, you can reward them intermittently. This can actually strengthen the desired behavior. .12

    The Proofing Method

    If youre training your pup in a calm, quiet home environment, you might start to suspect its a little too easy. And you may be right. For dog behavior to stick, it has to be proofed.

    Remember that a Golden Retriever puppy will likely have a short attention span.13 Theyre easily distracted. And a distracted dog may be a disobedient dog.

    Include Training In Your Daily Routine

    Tips and Tricks to raising a well mannered puppy

    We can’t perfect skills without frequent practice, and your canine companion is no exception. Start with something basic, like potty training your golden retriever puppy.

    Is it dinner time yet? Then, before you set the bowl in front of your dog, practice “sit.” Are you going for a walk? Just before you pick up the leash, call your dog’s name . After your dog’s stroll, practice “down” and “stay” when he is more likely to respond to your command. Take advantage of the numerous opportunities to practice commands in everyday circumstances.

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    Can You Contact The Breeder After Adoption

    If youve ever bought a pet from the store or adopted from a shelter, its normal to walk out with your new pet and never be in contact with the store or shelter owners again. It can be difficult for these organizations to keep up with every adopted-out animal.

    But breeders, on the other hand, are in the business of preserving bloodlines and creating healthy dogs, so they should treat their puppies like family long after theyve been brought home.

    A good breeder should always be happy to provide advice or answer questions or concerns in the weeks to months, or even years, after bringing your new puppy home.

    Snowy Pines stays in contact with all families after their puppies have been brought home. In fact, our customer communications specialist, Julia, routinely reaches out to new customers 2 days, 1 week, 2 weeks, and 1 month after taking home their new family member to offer support and answers to any questions or concerns!

    Whether its a question about their routine a week later or a holiday card sent around Christmastime, Snowy Pines is more than happy to see how their puppies are doing years later.

    Learn more about how breeders take care of their puppies by researching the facility and reading customer reviews. The more you know, the more confident you can feel about the breeder you choose to adopt your new puppy from.

    How To Crate Train A Golden Retriever Puppy

    Crate training is an essential element of potty training, but it also comes with benefits for your Golden Retrievers safety and comfort when he is alone.

    To crate train a Golden Retriever puppy, get him used to the crate by letting him explore it. When he is happy to go in and out freely, introduce treats or feeding inside, and close the door, that way, he associates nice things with his crate. Gradually increase the time he spends inside with the door closed.

    Here are seven fundamental principles when crate-training your Golden Retriever:

  • Let your puppy sleep in the crate at night. Dont let him sleep in your bed with you, but you can have the crate near you if he needs to go to the toilet.
  • Initiate crate training on the very first day. It will be harder to succeed if he gets accustomed to other sleeping arrangements! You will no doubt hear your 8-week old Golden Retriever cry during the very first night, but dont worry as this is quite common and to be expected. My puppy cried during the early hours of the first night, but then, she was just fine.
  • Dont over crate your dog. A rough guideline for puppies to be left alone in a crate is one hour for each month of age, up to a maximum of four hours.
  • Keep your puppy in the crate when unsupervised. For example, when leaving him alone and for safety reasons, such as when cooking.
  • Drape a blanket over half of the crate to give it a den-like feel. Dogs are denning animals, which is why they often go underneath tables or desks.
  • Also Check: How Many Cups Of Food Should A Golden Retriever Eat

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