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How To Train My Golden Retriever Puppy

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Loud And Incessant Barking

How To Potty Train Your Golden Retriever Puppy (5 Easy Steps)

We do not recommend using bark collars. A dog barks for specific reasons that come naturally for a canine. It is unfair to punish them for an instinct to protect, defend, or inform.

A better way to combat loud, incessant barking, is to be a bit like a detective and track what/when/why your dog barks. Does your dog only bark when the neighbor dog approaches your property line? If so, your dog is likely frightened or feeling defensive. Before you can tackle a change in behavior, you must first understand why the behavior is occurring.

Adult Golden Retriever Training

At about 2.5 – 3 years old, Golden Retriever dogs become adults, or as adult as they get! Things should start to settle, and if you spent the first three years socializing and training your dog, you will now enjoy a social, playful yet obedient canine. If you adopted an older Golden Retriever dog that already has some pesky habits, the following links will help you solve most o them:

Make It A Lifetime Commitment

Even when your dog has very good manners and is a treasured member of the family, there are always new things to learn. Dog training provides excellent brain stimulation, which helps use your Goldens high energy level. It also strengthens the human-animal bond, which enriches the entire household. Explore new sports and activities, like nosework, agility, rally and therapy visits.

Whether you begin with an 8-week-old puppy, an adolescent rescue or a senior dog, these tips can help your new Golden Retriever understand what to do in his new home. It also enables you to help him burn energy, provide stimulation and build a strong bond between you and your dog.

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Ask Friends To Help With Dedicated Training Sessions

Rope in some friends to help with training thats what friends are for!

A ten-minute session every now and then is all thats required and your friends will benefit from your dogs new found manners just as much as you will.

Prep them beforehand so theyre prepared to implement the four methods outlined above. If you are practicing sit for greeting, keep your dog on a long leash and be sure your friend backs away if your dog breaks the sit. You want to avoid any occurrence of your dog successfully jumping up. A long line enables you to do this.

Turn Aside From The Jump

Look at my toyyyy guys #goldenretrievers

When your dog attempts to jump, get out of the way.

Similar to the method above, but with a key difference youre not going about your business. Instead, youre waiting for your dog to recognize their mistake.

When your dog jumps up, turn around, do not make eye contact, and fold your arms across your chest. Some dogs will try to nuzzle your hands and folding your arms removes that possibility.

When they manage to keep four on the floor, you can initiate a calm greeting. This technique works well for dogs who need immediate feedback.

Be sure to treat and praise them as soon as they have all four paws on the ground. Mark and reward the correct behavior. If you say jumping is wrong, telling what not to do isnt enough, you also need to train what they should do instead.

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Teach Your Puppy Their Name

Just like with people, its important that our puppies know their name. Kind of awkward if they dont.

Lucky for you teaching them their name is easy peasy.

  • Say their name in a happy jolly tone and reward with a treat.
  • Repeat five times, 5 and take a break.
  • Practice this 2 or 3 times a day so they get the hang of it.
  • How To Crate Train A Golden Retriever Puppy

    Crate training is an essential element of potty training, but it also comes with benefits for your Golden Retrievers safety and comfort when he is alone.

    To crate train a Golden Retriever puppy, get him used to the crate by letting him explore it. When he is happy to go in and out freely, introduce treats or feeding inside, and close the door, that way, he associates nice things with his crate. Gradually increase the time he spends inside with the door closed.

    Here are seven fundamental principles when crate-training your Golden Retriever:

  • Let your puppy sleep in the crate at night. Dont let him sleep in your bed with you, but you can have the crate near you if he needs to go to the toilet.
  • Initiate crate training on the very first day. It will be harder to succeed if he gets accustomed to other sleeping arrangements! You will no doubt hear your 8-week old Golden Retriever cry during the very first night, but dont worry as this is quite common and to be expected. My puppy cried during the early hours of the first night, but then, she was just fine.
  • Dont over crate your dog. A rough guideline for puppies to be left alone in a crate is one hour for each month of age, up to a maximum of four hours.
  • Keep your puppy in the crate when unsupervised. For example, when leaving him alone and for safety reasons, such as when cooking.
  • Drape a blanket over half of the crate to give it a den-like feel. Dogs are denning animals, which is why they often go underneath tables or desks.
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    Golden Retriever Puppies Sitting On Wooden Bench

    Back up and get them to chase you But golden retrievers are such intelligent dogs that they can learn a whole variety of simple commands and tricks while still very young.

    Golden retriever training breed specific puppy training. 5 your golden pup is also likely to have a short attention span, which can be challenging.

    Golden retriever puppy sitting puppies golden retriever. 6 but raising a well trained.

    How to toilet train golden retriever puppy heads up for. Are golden retriever puppies easy to train?

    How to train a golden retriever to fetch professional. Aug 17, 2017 · your golden retriever should know to sit, lie down, stay, quiet down, ask for permission, follow, and come.

    How to crate train golden retriever at night golden. Back up and get them to chase you

    How to crate train a golden retriever puppy crate. But golden retrievers are such intelligent dogs that they can learn a whole variety of simple commands and tricks while.

    How to crate train a golden retriever puppy golden. Commanding your dog to sit is probably the easiest, yet useful command you can ever teach your lovely golden retriever.

    How to train a golden retriever puppy13 tips tricks. Families tell the breeders they want a calm golden that will sit on the couch with them at night.

    How to potty train your golden retriever golden. Firstly, you will lure your puppy to sit, and then you will present the reward.

    How to train a golden retriever puppy this breed is. Get your golden puppy to sit.

    Begin The Training Process As Soon As Possible

    Golden Retriever Puppy First Week Home – Professional Dog Training Tips

    It’s never too early to start training your puppy. In fact, the earlier you begin, the easier it will be to develop good habits. Most dog owners bring their pups home at around six to eight weeks of age.

    While you may be tempted to let your dog have a few days of worry-free living when you first bring them home, it’s not a good idea.

    Your puppy may start to develop bad habits straight off the bat. If you don’t address these issues, your dog will see that there are no repercussions to their actions. Start building that trust as soon as possible. Golden Retrievers are very intelligent creatures, so they’ll have no problem picking up training techniques at only a few months old.

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    Is Crate Training Ever Over

    After reading all of this you might be wondering, When do I stop crate training my puppy?

    Ill be honest, it was a lot easier when we stopped putting Oliver in his crate every night and every time we left the house.

    We started leaving him alone in the house somewhere around six months old, and then a few months after that we started letting him sleep outside of his crate .

    Two big questions to ask yourself when considering taking this next step are:

    When was the last time my puppy had an accident in the house?

    When was the last time my puppy chewed something up in the house?

    If its been a few weeks since either of those incidents have happened, you might want to consider letting them be in the house for a few minutes by themselves and then working your way up.

    Just like with crate training, you want to take baby steps and set them up for success.

    Now although your dog might not sleep in the crate anymore in your home, its still a valuable tool and skill for them to have in case youre traveling and they need to stay somewhere theyre not used to staying in, or they have to spend the night at the vets office.

    Meeting Another Dog: How To Introduce Your Puppy To A New Dog

    Its important to socialise puppies when theyre still young to really make sure theyre at their friendliest and kindest with other dogs as adults. In humans or dogs worlds, everybody likes a friendly guy.

    A good way to do this is by organising a visit from one of your friends dogs.

    PRO TIP: The other dog should be friendly with puppies, and up to date with their vaccinations!

    How to do it

  • With your friends dog on the lead, bring your puppy into your garden, or a friends garden if you dont have one. .
  • Sit quietly with your friend and their dog.
  • Let your puppy decide when they want to say hello to the other dog. At this stage they might be a bit wary, or they might be partying their heads off. Either is fine!
  • PRO TIP: Just remember theres no need to force your puppy to come say helloletting them take control of how they want the interaction to go will make them feel much more confident.
  • Give your puppy a treat while your friend gives their dog a treat gotta make it a nice experience for both doggies.
  • Repeat giving them treats around 5 times during the visit.

    We know that all you may want is to let loose in some off lead play. But lets not get ahead of ourselves, keep the adult dog on lead for now there will be plenty of time to play later on. Dont worry youre not being a Debbie Downer, youre just making sure your puppy is safe, and is able to go one step at a time!

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    More About This Breed

  • It’s no surprise that the Golden Retriever is one of the top ten most popular dogs in the U.S. It’s all good with the Golden: he’s highly intelligent, sociable, beautiful, and loyal.

    He’s also lively. The Golden is slow to mature and retains the silly, playful personality of a puppy until three to four years of age, which can be both delightful and annoying. Many keep their puppyish traits into old age.

    Originally bred for the physically demanding job of retrieving ducks and other fowl for hunters, the Golden needs daily exercise: a walk or jog, free time in the yard, a run at the beach or lake , or a game of fetch. And like other intelligent breeds who were bred to work, they need to have a job to do, such as retrieving the paper, waking up family members, or competing in dog sports. A tired Golden is a well-behaved Golden.

    As well as giving your Golden Retriever physical and mental exercise, you should also be prepared to include him in your family activities. The Golden Retriever is a family dog, and he needs to be with his “pack.” Don’t consider getting a Golden unless you’re willing to have him in the house with you, underfoot, every day.

    There’s one other potential drawback to the breed: He’s definitely not a watchdog. He might bark when strangers come around, but don’t count on it. Most likely, he’ll wag his tail and flash that characteristic Golden smile.

  • How To Train Your Golden Retriever: Tips And Tricks


    Every new pet parent hopes for the day when they can take their furry friend out on a walk. While some dogs might take to leash training right away, others need more time to adjust. Like most things in life, the earlier you learn how to do something the better. With this in mind, here are useful tips that will help you on how to train your Golden Retriever.

    1. Start training before your puppy is even a week old. The first few weeks of your puppys life are extremely important. The first few weeks are the time when your puppys brain is forming and their nervous system is developing. Learning will be more successful and they will develop a better sense of confidence if the puppy has had time to get used to their surroundings and become accustomed to being held.

    2. When teaching your puppy a new trick, teach it as often as possible. Every time you take your dog for a walk, try teaching them a new trick. You can teach your dog to sit, to lay down, to shake, to high-five, and so on. You can use treats or handouts to encourage your dog to perform a behavior you want to see more of. Depending on the trick, it might take weeks or months to develop it into a usable skill. Dont give up if it doesnt happen immediately.

    Training your puppy should be something you enjoy and look forward to doing. Start small with a few simple commands and as your puppy grows, move on to more complex skills. Never use harsh training methods or punishment with your puppy.

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    Why Teaching Your Golden Retriever To Come Is Important

    Imagine youre coming home from the grocery store

    You hate making two trips, so you grab all the bags in the trunk.

    You waddle to the front door, somehow open it up, then rush to drop off all the bags in the kitchen because your arms are about to fall off.

    While you were so concerned about your arms falling off, you forgot to close the door, and as you look back, you just barely get a glimpse of your goldens fluffy tail as they go out to freely explore the world.

    If you live on a busy street and your golden is now off leash in the front yard, having them come to you when you call them could save them from getting hit by a car.

    See how important this command is?

    Now, lets talk about how to teach it.

    Potty Breaks In Specific Areas

    Youll probably finds the job to be a whole lot easier if you can get your dog to go in the same place every time. To give you an idea of where to choose for your puppy to take potty breaks, I recommend you look for a spot that is away from doors, windows, pathways, and play areas.

    It also needs to be a place thats easy to clean, get to and away from the center of a room . Just make sure that you dont forget to clean it up, as theres nothing worse than leftovers getting leftover!

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    What Should I Do If My Golden Retriever Puppy Goes Potty Outside

    If your Golden Retriever puppy goes potty outside, it is a good idea to offer praise in the form of words and affection as well as some treats at that moment since they may forget what they did right. These are all positive reinforcement for the correct behavior.

    With time the Golden Retriever puppy will associate the reward with the behavior. This can increase the likelihood that they will succeed because they want the reward for their efforts. The important thing to remember is to reward and praise immediately so they understand what they did right.

    Coat Color And Grooming

    GOLDEN RETRIEVER TRAINING! How To Train Your Golden Retriever Puppy To Walk To Heel!

    Golden Retrievers have a dense, water-repellent outer coat with a thick undercoat. Some coats are wavy, some are straight. The fur feathers on the back of the front legs and underbody, with heavier feathering on the chest, back of the thighs, and tail.

    Golden Retrievers come in all shades of gold, from light to dark gold. Some breeders have begun selling “rare white Goldens,” but the American Kennel Club does not recognize white as a coat color for the breed.

    Golden Retrievers shed moderately in the winter and summer, and heavily in the spring and fall. If you live with a Golden, you’ll need to adapt to a certain amount of dog hair in your house and on your clothes.

    The Golden’s thick coat means lots of grooming. Daily brushing is recommended to prevent tangling, and once a week is the bare minimum. Your Golden will also need a bath at least once a month, often more frequently, to keep him looking and smelling clean.

    Brush your Golden’s teeth at least two or three times a week to remove tartar buildup and the bacteria that lurk inside it. Daily brushing is even better if you want to prevent gum disease and bad breath.

    Begin accustoming your Golden to being brushed and examined when he’s a puppy. Handle his paws frequently dogs are touchy about their feet and look inside his mouth. Make grooming a positive experience filled with praise and rewards, and you’ll lay the groundwork for easy veterinary exams and other handling when he’s an adult.

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    How Can I Teach My Golden Retriever Puppy To Be Ok On Their Own

    Theres a lot of pressure to put puppies through puppy school right from the start, so many dog owners try and rush their pup through it. But this can be difficult on dogs who have yet to master manners like house training and laying down when theyre told to. This can lead to problems later on in life.

    However, it doesnt have to be like that. The best way to start building a happy, well-trained dog is by doing it step by step, over time. Introduce your dog to new places, people and animals gradually, and make sure you always have a way of keeping tabs on them.

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