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HomeHow To Help Dog Lose Weight Golden Retriever

How To Help Dog Lose Weight Golden Retriever

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Healthy Weight Management Tips For Your Golden

173-Pound Golden Retriever Loses Over 100 Pounds | The Dodo

TheGolden Retriever is one of the most popular dog breeds in the U.S.Unfortunately, this awesome dog breed is prone to becoming obese. To make surethat your Golden stays healthy, fit and lives a long life, here are some tipson what you can do to prevent your Golden Retriever from becomingoverweight.

Ifyou were to ask your Golden if he wanted a treat, he would answer yes everysingle time! Without a doubt, the friendly Golden Retriever always enjoys hisfood. Today, obesity is one of the biggest problems most dog breeds face. Butlets start with the basics! Pet obesity is our fault as well. As pet parentswe often give in and spoil our dogs with plenty of treats and dinner tidbits.

GoldenRetrievers have it down to pat when it comes to begging! Yet all those tidbitsmay just be contributing to your Golden Retrievers weight gain! Andunfortunately for this dog breed in particular, theres a spectrum of healthissues that are directly caused or made worse by excessive weight gain orobesity. So what should you do if you feel that your Golden is a tad on theheavy side?

Months 6 Months Juvenile

At this juvenile stage, the Golden Retriever is starting to learn about the world around him or her. The rapid growth phase will tend to slow down at this point in time in their development, indicating that they are pretty close to approaching a fully-developed size.

During this juvenile period, the pup will start to lose his baby teeth and will be ready to start training. This is a critical time in development where the dog can learn about fundamental behaviors like potty training and gaining clear and consistent rules for everyday life.

A Golden Retriever at this stage can reach 38 to 52 lbsor even up to 75 lbs at its biggest!

What Are The Signs Your Dog Is Overweight

According to our survey of 550 pet parents, only 10% believed that less than 1 in 4 pets are overweight. Similarly, we found that only 14% of Ollie pet parents think their dog is overweight and in need of weight management plan, when the reality is that 45% of Ollie’s small dog pack is already overweight. These disconnects draw attention to the fact that many pet parents are in the dark about how much their pet should weigh and what signs to look for in their pets.

Some of the signs your pet might be putting on too much weight include lower energy levels and desire to play, difficulty finding and feeling their ribs, and a low-hanging belly particularly in smaller dogs.

Some vets use what is called a body condition score. This scale from 1-5 or 1-9 measures a dog’s body type. In both systems dog who are a “1” are considered malnourished, while dogs who are a “5” or a “9” are considered obese. If your vet does discuss this score with you – make sure you know which scale is being used. A 5/9 is generally considered ideal and a 5/5 is considered an issue.

Also Check: How To Groom A Golden Retriever At Home

How To Help Overweight Dogs: Summary

The number of overweight and obese dogs is going up worldwide. In most cases, obesity affects a dogs quality of life and can lead to a number of serious and potentially life-threatening conditions. Your overall goal should be to help your dog develop healthy habits, ones that avoid potential health problems in the future.

In short, go for long-term solutions, not overnight success. And follow our tips to get your furry friend to an ideal weight!

Need some motivation to help you get your pup in shape? Check out this inspiring story of how one overweight dog got back to his happy, healthy self with the help of loving adoptive parents:

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Comparing An Overweight Golden To A Human: Getting Some Perspective

Healthy Weight

Heres a little fun exercise : Im going to compare a Golden Retrievers ideal weight and one carrying excess weight, to myself and me carrying excess weight.

If you have a Golden whose ideal weight is 70 pounds and they actually weigh 85, this is 21.5% of excess weight.

I weigh about 11 stone or 154 pounds. If I was 21.5% overweight, I would be carrying an extra 33 pounds or 2.4 stone, making me 187 pounds or almost 13.5 stone.

This is the equivalent of me carrying a 3-year-old child around with me all day, every day. And thats whether Id be walking, running, or anything.

To me this is astonishing. Theres no doubt I would be slower, more lethargic, and with all that weight, Im sure jogging or high impact exercise could damage my joints.

But for many people seeing an 85 pound Golden, they rarely give it a second thought or think it at all abnormal.

In fact, most people when they see an ideal weight Golden Retriever actually comment that the dog looks thin and underweight!

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Always Consult Your Vet

Your vet will be able to tell you if your Golden Retriever is at a healthy weight. He or she will weigh your dog as well as examine your dogs body using the sight and feel method and compare it to a body condition score chart.

This short video helps you to understand how to determine if your dog is at a healthy weight and explains the body condition score.

If your Golden Retriever has suddenly gained or lost weight for no apparent reason, it is important to consult your vet to rule out any underlying medical conditions.

Weeks 12 Weeks Socialization

During the socialization process, the Golden Retriever will start to exploreand fill out its body as it finds its place in the world. This particular period in a Golden Retrievers life is essential for its growth.

Although some breeders tend to keep the pup with his or her mother, there is some other speculation of letting them loose and into the wild for exploration .

During this period, the Golden Retriever will also start eating some solid foods and be able to play and start to house train! This is a very developmental period indeed!

From three to twelve weeks, a Golden Retriever can reach up to 22 or 23 lbs in size !

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Over 60% Of Golden Retrievers In The Us Overweight In 2012

A study by in 2012 showed 52.5% of pet dogs in the US were overweight.

Sadly, the survey also revealed: Veterinary healthcare providers classified62.7 percent of golden retrievers surveyed as overweight or obese.

So in fact there were 20% more overweight or obese Golden Retrievers than the US national average. And thats 20% more than a national average that is already shockingly high.

In the most recent figures available, gathered in 2013, the survey shows 52.6% of US dogs are overweight or obese. So things havent improved.

But why is this such a problem?

Birth 3 Weeks Neonatal

Meet the golden retriever who lost 100 pounds l GMA

From birth to the first three weeks of their lives, your Golden Retriever will be in the neonatal stage, which will be quite a developmental stage in their lives. During this fragile period, the Golden Retriever is actually quite helpless in nature and should be kept with their mother.

No matter if your Golden Retriever is a female or male, your pup will typically be measuring under five pounds.

During this earlier stage of life, the pup will encounter various milestones, including learning how to open their ears and eyes, having their first baby teeth come through, and even learning how to crawl or walk awkwardly.

In every litter, there also tends to be the runt of the litter, which is the smallest one. This specific pup needs to be handled with care!

Also Check: How Much Exercise Does A Golden Retriever Puppy Need

How To Treat Obesity In Labrador Retrievers

This article was co-authored by Pippa Elliott, MRCVS. Dr. Elliott, BVMS, MRCVS is a veterinarian with over 30 years of experience in veterinary surgery and companion animal practice. She graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1987 with a degree in veterinary medicine and surgery. She has worked at the same animal clinic in her hometown for over 20 years. This article has been viewed 30,651 times.

Excess weight in dogs is a very common problem, affecting nearly 60% of dogs in the United States.XResearch source It can lead to many health complications, such as skin problems, orthopedic problems, and cancer.XResearch source Labrador retrievers are, unfortunately, genetically prone to obesity.XResearch source If your vet diagnosed obesity in your Lab, it will be very important for it to lose weight. You can treat your Labs obesity by changing its diet and increasing its physical activity.

How Should I Begin A Weight Loss Program For My Dog

Theoretically, weight loss seems simple enough: fewer calories in plus more calories out equals weight loss. Unfortunately, it is not as simple as that.

You should never put your dog on a diet without the assistance of your veterinary healthcare team. There may be an underlying medical condition that is causing or contributing to your dog’s excess weight. Some common diseases associated with weight gain include hypothyroidism and hyperadrenocorticism . These diseases, along with others, should be eliminated as possible causes or contributors to your dog’s weight problem prior to beginning a diet. Too many dogs start on a diet and fail to lose weight simply because the diet was not the problem – a disease was. Your veterinarian will perform a physical examination and recommend blood tests to ensure that there are no obstacles to weight loss for your pet.

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Overweight And Dog Weight Loss Plan

Obesity is one of the most common medical conditions in canines: Up to 60 percent of dogs are overweight, and about half of those are obese, which is defined as more than 30 percent above their ideal weight. As in humans, excess body fat in dogs can lead to a host of problems, from joint disease to a predisposition to metabolic disorders to a state of chronic inflammation. Not to mention that obese animals are less energetic than their trim counterpartsand tend to live shorter lives too.

“You CAN spoil a dog too much, and that’s what we see in many cases of dog obesity,” says Dr. Justin Shmalberg, one of Nom Nom’s Board Certified Veterinary Nutritionists. Dr. Shmalberg considers obesity in dogs akin to “preventable malnutrition.” Thankfully, while it can be tough to get an overweight dog to lose weight, it’s a challenge that’s within reach for most owners if they follow simple guidelines. And it’s importantdog weight loss has been associated with improvement in the quality of life, increased energy, and a reduction in some of the side effects of excess weight, like disease and chronic inflammation.

The most important thing to remember is, having an overweight dog and doing everything else right is likely more detrimental than having a lean dogno matter what you feed him. That in mind, we’ve put together a full guide to doggy weight loss, covering what you need to know to keep your best friend healthy:

An Obese Puppy Grows Up to Be an Obese Dog

How To Identify An Overweight Golden Retriever

Golden retriever that weighed 173 pounds looks like a new ...

Use your eyes and hands. If you can see her ribs, shes too skinny. But if you cant feel them, shes too fat!

A survey in 2012 showed that 62.7% of Golden Retrievers in America are either obese or overweight.

While it might look cute or funny, overweight dogs actually have shorter lifespans. Being excessively chubby shaves off two years and causes health issues.

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Add Fresh Vegetables And Fruit

To help your pup feel full longer, add some fresh fruit and vegetables to your pups meals. You may have to try a few to see what your pup likes, but you can try green beans, carrots, broccoli, spinach, peas, cucumbers, cantaloupe, berries, and apples.

You may consider steaming vegetables before offering them . Check with your vet before adding them to the mix, but generally speaking, fruit and vegetables will add both fiber and flavor to your dogs meals!

Is Your Dog Overweight

Overweight dogs are at risk for lung disorders, osteoarthritis, diabetes, hypothyroidism, lameness and oral disease, among others. Those extra pounds can shorten your pets life by up to two years. And older dogs are at the greatest risk as they tend to have less active lives. A dog just 15% over optimum weight is considered obese.

So how can you tell if your dog is overweight?

Stand above your dog and look down on her. Is there a waist between that rib cage and hips? It should make an hourglass figure. Now run your hands lightly over their frame. Can you feel the back bone and ribs? Can you feel the pelvic bone? When you look at them from the side, can you see a visible waist? Is their tummy tucked in? If so, then you are probably feeding your dog a healthy diet. But if not, perhaps a little weight loss program is in order.

Where to start?

Next, get that couch potato moving!

If youve determined that your dog needs to drop a few pounds, remember that its a gradual process. Losing a pound or two a month is a good target to start with. You and your pet will be healthier and have more years together.

The above information is not meant to replace professional advice from a licensed veterinarian. Please consult with your veterinarian concerning your dogs medical condition.


Are you looking for an interesting way to support GRRMF? How about using the time you walk your dog to assist us??

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The Head Comes Last In Dog Bathing Tips

Last but not least, wash his head. Put cotton balls in his ears to keep out excess water, then carefully wet down his head. Put some shampoo on your fingers and apply gently to his skull, ears and muzzle. Keep soap away from his eyes.

Another dog bathing tip is to apply a bit of shampoo to a washcloth and use that to gently wash his head, ears and face.

Golden Retriever Genetics And Common Health Problems

Watch This Chunky Golden Lose 100 Pounds | The Dodo

The Golden Retriever is most known for having an average issue of the elbow and hip dysplasiawhich is commonly seen in medium to larger breeds. This is where the femoral head partially dislocates and sometimes requires surgery.

Another common health problem is cancer,with the most common kinds as hemangiosarcoma, lymphosarcoma, mast cell tumors, and osteosarcoma.

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Vets Preferred Advanced Anti

If your pet has not had a physical exam from a veterinarian at any point in their life, its recommended to make an appointment with any changes in their stool. Without knowing their medical history, its best to make an appointment with a vet before going any further.

Dogs can experience minor gastrointestinal upset throughout their lives. Its important to educate yourself on healthy bland diet options if they ever experience loose stool, and know when to seek further help when at-home care is not resolving the issue.

Look At Your Dog From The Side

Golden retriever with healthy curves.

Healthy, average weight golden retrievers should have curves. There should be a tucked up area from the ribs and legs. The curve doesn’t have to be extreme, but should at least be visible.

Overweight dogs will have round or rectangular body.

Overweight dogs will have a straight rectangular body or rounded body. Overweight dogs will have a tummy that goes straight from front to back

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Safely Altering Your Dogs Diet

The first step in helping an overweight Golden Retriever to lose weight is to assess their diet. While many pet foods have suggested serving sizes listed on the labels, most are targeted to a very average pet size versus every single dog. Talk to your vet about your dogs ideal caloric intake per day to maintain or even lose a bit of weight. Determine how much food will satisfy that calorie requirement and be sure to accurately measure your dogs meals, splitting the daily calorie count into morning and evening portions.

Dont forget to take treats into consideration, as they contain calories as well. Look at the calorie count in each of your dogs favorite treats and determine how many per day your dog will have as a part of your normal routine. Subtract that number of calories from the regular food youll be serving your dog at meal time.

Remember, no two pet foods or treat brands are alike. Quality counts when it comes to your Golden Retrievers health. Talk to your vet about which type of food may be healthier for your dog, whether its a special diet food or something with limited ingredients. Many vets recommend foods higher in protein and lower in carbs. You may even find your dog likes baby carrots or another dog-friendly vegetable as a treat, helping you to avoid high-sugar processed junk treats in the process.

Calculate Daily Calorie Intake

Overweight Golden Retriever

Its generally recommended that a daily calorie intake of between 989 and 1,272 is ideal for an older, more sedentary golden retriever who may already have some joint conditions, and a daily calorie intake of between 1,353 and 1,740 for golden retrievers who are younger and generally more active on a daily basis.

Talk to your veterinarian to double-check which range your golden retriever fits into, and for advice on which food is best to feed your dog.

Most dog food comes with calorie counts on their bag or website so you can use this as a general guideline. It should also tell you their recommendations for how often to feed. If the bag of food you have bought invest in a measuring cup or small scale to make sure youre not overfeeding your golden retriever.

Remember to take into consideration the calorie counts all food sources dry food, wet food, and any treats given. And always remember to offer your golden retriever plenty of fresh, clean water.

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