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HomeEditor PicksGolden Retriever Common Food Allergies

Golden Retriever Common Food Allergies

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Manage Natural Environmental Allergies


Your golden loves to play outdoors which can be detrimental if environmental allergens or pollen are a trigger.

  • You may need to limit time outside during pollen season.
  • Since your dog will still have to go outside, its important to wipe off his fur or skin with a wet cloth to remove any pollen, dander or dust.
  • Wiping off your golden retrievers paws after being outside is also extremely important. Your dog could lick its paws or touch another area which may trigger an allergic reaction.
  • Regular bathing will help remove allergens from your goldens coat and will give you the chance to monitor your dogs skin condition.
  • Remember do not bathe your dog more than once a week. This may strip off natural oils which could cause other skin problems.

Curing Skin Allergies Best Dog Food For Golden Retrievers With Skin Allergies

Make sure to focus on your Golden retrievers nutrition. Food is the main culprit, and food is also the antidote to this problem.

If youre feeding your Golden retriever food they are allergic to, then eliminating these from their diet can solve your problem.

Make sure to change your dogs diet, and youll start to see a marked difference.

The following are two simple solutions to stop skin allergies on your Golden retriever:

Please make sure they are in an environment that is suitable and clean.

Be vigilant about the food you give to your dog.

Common Food Allergies For Golden Retrievers

Food allergies are the trickiest medical condition that you can encounter in your Golden Retriever. Your dog is shaking its head and crazily itching and your vet might tell you that it is due to an allergic reaction to food. According to veterinary data, nearly 10 percent of all canine allergies are actually food allergies. Besides Golden Retrievers and German Shepherds, Cocker Spaniels and Dachshunds are more vulnerable to food allergies than the rest of the breeds.

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Reducing Exposure To Allergens

  • 1Limit your Golden Retrievers time outside. One way to treat CAD is to reduce exposure to environmental allergens. For some dogs, this will mean avoiding cut grass, or staying indoors during peak pollen season. When your Golden Retriever does need to go outside, wipe it down with a wet cloth afterwards to remove the pollen from its fur and skin. Keeping your Golden Retriever inside all the time may make it get antsy and hyper, though, so this method may not be practical for every dog. XResearch source
  • Pay special attention to wiping off your Golden Retrievers paws.XExpert Source
  • Best Food For Golden Retrievers With Allergies

    The Hidden Cost of Buying a

    January 9, 2021 By Penny Berrigan

    The best food for Golden Retrievers with allergies depends upon what exactly they are reacting too.

    The most common allergic reactions in Golden Retrievers include skin sensitivity, so that is what we are going to focus on today.

    If you have a Golden Retriever with skin issues, you no doubt want to care for them the best you can, and find the best food for Golden Retrievers with skin allergies.

    This article is all about helping you find that allergy-sensitive diet.

    All of these products were carefully and independently selected by The Happy Puppy Site team. If you decide to make a purchase from one of the links marked by an asterisk, we may earn a small commission on that sale. This is at no extra cost to you.

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    Golden Retriever Allergies: Treatment Options For Your Pup

    By Helen T. Redlus

    Allergy problems and Golden Retrievers seem to go hand-in-hand. So if you think your beloved dog is suffering from allergies, you came to the right place.

    First things first, lets talk about what are the symptoms of allergies in dogs. While every dog is different, these may be signs of an allergic reaction:

    • Constant licking of a specific area

    If your dog presents any of these symptoms, he could suffer from allergies. So, what to do? The very first thing you should do is consult with your veterinarian. Determine whether or not your dog would be a good candidate for allergy testing and subsequently, allergy shots.

    Not ready to go to the vet? These tips might help your canine friend:

    1.Changing diet to a hypo-allergenic

    There are several excellent hypo-allergenic diets available. When you change food, do it gradually by incorporating the new food with the old over a week or two.

    Abrupt changes can cause upset tummies and diarrhea. Also, while you are testing for food allergies, do not feed any other food . Give only the hypo-allergenic diet.

    2. Keeping the dog flea free.

    We cant emphasize enough how important it is to keep your allergic dogs environment free of fleas. This includes the interior of your home as well as the yard and the dog.

    3. Frequent baths

    4. Keep an eye on your dog

    5- Go to the vet

    Taking Care Of Your Golden Retriever At Home

    Much of what you can do to keep your dog happy and healthy is common sense, just like it is for people. Watch her diet, make sure she gets plenty of exercise, regularly brush her teeth and coat, and call us or a pet emergency hospital when something seems unusual . Be sure to adhere to the schedule of examinations and vaccinations that we recommend for her. This is when well give her the necessary check-ups and test for diseases and conditions that are common in Goldens. Another very important step in caring for your pet is signing up for pet health insurance. There will certainly be medical tests and procedures she will need throughout her life and pet health insurance will help you cover those costs.

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    Treating Skin Allergies With Cyclosporine

  • 1Discuss cyclosporine treatment with your vet. Your vet may recommend a drug called cyclosporine, which is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. Unlike steroids, long term cyclosporine therapy is generally well tolerated by dogs.XResearch source However, cyclosporine is expensive, especially for large breed dogs.XResearch source
  • Fortunately, as a dog starts to respond to cyclosporine therapy, the required dosage would decrease. Therefore, the cost of cyclosporine therapy would decrease over time.
  • Talk with your vet if you are concerned about the overall cost of cyclosporine.
  • Atopica® is the brand name for cyclosporine that is used in dogs.
  • 2Administer cyclosporine as prescribed. Cyclosporine is an oral drug. Initially, it is usually given daily for 46 weeks. Then, the dosage is gradually decreased to the lowest effective dose. Give the cyclosporine on an empty stomach.XResearch source
  • 3Monitor your Golden Retriever for side effects. Cyclosporine can cause several side effects, including vomiting and diarrhea. Side effects usually occur within the first two weeks of therapy. Contact your vet if you observe these side effects. Your vet may recommend stopping the cyclosporine for a few days, then restarting it by giving it with a small amount of food. If theres no diarrhea and vomiting after a few days, go back to giving cyclosporine on an empty stomach.XResearch source
  • Infections and thickening of the gums are rare side effects of cyclosporine.
  • Your Golden Retriever’s Health

    Golden Retriever Skin Issues

    We know that because you care so much about your dog, you want to take good care of her. That is why we have summarized the health concerns we will be discussing with you over the life of your Golden. By knowing about health concerns specific to Golden Retrievers, we can tailor a preventive health plan to watch for and hopefully prevent some predictable risks.

    Many diseases and health conditions are genetic, meaning they are related to your pets breed. There is a general consensus among canine genetic researchers and veterinary practitioners that the conditions weve described herein have a significant rate of incidence and/or impact in this breed. That does not mean your dog will have these problems it just means that she is more at risk than other dogs. We will describe the most common issues seen in Golden Retrievers to give you an idea of what may come up in her future. Of course, we cant cover every possibility here, so always check with us if you notice any unusual signs or symptoms.

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    Best Dog Foods For Golden Retrievers With Allergies

    Being the parent of a dog with allergies is a challenge. There are so many different things that a dog can be allergic to but some of the more common allergies are to the fillers, artificial colors and flavors, and preservatives that make up a large part of inexpensive dog foods or those that are trying to cut corners for a greater profit margin. Some dogs may also be allergic to poultry and poultry by-products. I did not realize that dogs could be sensitive to some animal-based proteins until recently, but some pet parents definitely claim that chicken especially causes issues with their pooch.

    Grain-free dog foods are a popular choice for those that have dogs suffering from allergies of any kind. If you choose to feed a dog food with grain, choose alternative grains like rice and barley. Corn, soy, and wheat contain higher levels of pesticides and herbicides than rice and barley.

  • Making Changes To Your Dogs Diet
  • The Challenges Of Home Cooking

    But there are challenges to feeding your dog this way.

    While you need to think of quality of the diet, you also need to consider whether you are feeding your dog a diet that is sustainable for you as well.

    For instance, making homemade food palatable to dogs can be difficult, especially for dogs that are fussy eaters.

    Additionally, if you have a busy schedule, you may also find that preparing a homemade diet is time consuming.

    There are several high-quality limited ingredient foods for dogs with skin conditions that are commercially available.

    Lets have a look at some.

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    Environmental Allergies In Dogs

    Very common allergies in dogs are a result of becoming sensitized to environmental allergens such as molds, weeds, house dust mites, and pollens. Depending on the cause, these allergies can be year round or seasonal. Common reactions include constant licking and scratching. Symptoms commonly show up within one to three years after being continually exposed to the allergen. This type of allergy, also known as canine atopy, is considered to be a genetic disorder. Breeds that have a higher likelihood of developing this are Golden Retrievers, Bulldogs, Miniature Schnauzers, Dalmatians, and Chinese Shar-Pei.

    Signs Of Flea Allergy Dermatitis

    Outbackgold, Golden Retrievers, Katherine, Northern Territory, Australia

    The primary cause of flea allergy dermatitis is pretty simple to understand i.e. the bites and saliva of this parasitic pest on the retrievers skin cause inflammatory conditions. However, it is important to be aware of the exact signs and symptoms of dog flea dermatitis to differentiate from other atopic skin conditions.

    • Multiple flea bites can set off severe itching in canines. In medical terms, it is called pruritus and often affect breeds with sensitive skin . Pruritis is a condition that continues to exist even after you have used any flea control treatment on your dog. So, be patient with its results and continue the treatment without panicking.
    • Many owners ignore the initial symptoms of flea allergy dermatitis because they appear in an episodic manner i.e. one day the dog looks distressed and itching, the other day it appears calm and unruffled. When flea dermatitis protracts, it worsens into a condition called neurodermatitis, highlighted by behavioral anomalies in your dog. Immediate veterinary care is required if the allergy has been aggravated into neurodermatitis.
    • Hair loss in patches and scabs are also the telltale signs that your Golden Retriever is suffering from flea allergy dermatitis. However, these signs might not appear in every affected retriever.
    • Generally, the skin rashes, scabs and itching turn out on the back half of the body. However, retrievers with a genetic history of skin sensitivity might experience lesions all over their body.

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    Common Golden Retriever Allergies That May Affect Your Dog

    LindsayMy-Golden earns commissions from qualifying purchases.

    Whats not likable about Golden Retrievers, right? They are large, athletic canines draped in gold fur and fond of wagging their tails cheerfully. They are good with everyone children, strangers, other pets and can adapt to every lifestyle. Their growling is welcoming and not frightening. Whether its a fetch game or a brisk walk or run, a Golden Retriever can accompany you in any outdoor activity.

    Despite all their endearing characteristics, Golden Retrievers exhibit one weakness i.e. they are vulnerable to allergies. Pups are pretty similar to infants. They communicate their inconvenience through their physical reactions and behavioral changes. Its the job of owners to remain diligent about the wellbeing of their retrievers.

  • Our Final Thoughts
  • The Connection Between Food And Skin Allergies

    If you see your Golden frequently or excessively biting, scratching, rubbing or itching, a food allergy may be the cause. Self-trauma and chronic allergies can lead to yeast or bacterial infections that may take the form of lesions, seborrhea and crusting.

    In many cases, the cause of food allergies in dogs is an animal protein such as chicken or beef, although some dogs also develop allergies to other sources like corn, eggs and milk. Your Golden Retrievers reactions to a food allergy may manifest itself in areas aside from the skin often, dogs with food allergies will also experience gastrointestinal distress.

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    Common Allergies In Dogs

    Allergies in dogs have become more common in recent years, and as a dog owner it is important to recognize allergy symptoms and their causes so that you can take care of them the best way possible. While allergies can be inherited, other common causes include fleas, environmental allergens, and food.

    What Are Symptoms Of Allergies In Golden Retrievers

    7 Most Common Things Golden Retrievers are Scared of and How to Deal with them!

    The symptoms of Golden Retriever allergies can vary, depending on which bodily system or organ is affected. Keep in mind that some allergens can affect more than one part of the body, such as food allergens that affect the skin and digestive system.

    Being familiar with common signs and symptoms of different allergies in Golden Retrievers is important, so that pet owners can have their dogs diagnosed and treated.

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    Common Golden Retriever Skin Allergies

    1. Atopic Dermatitis

    Among the common skin allergies that are affecting every canine breed is atopic dermatitis. But it is more likely to develop in breeds such as Poodles, Cocker Spaniels, Bulldogs, and Golden Retrievers/ This condition is often due to pollens and other inhaled protein particles. As a result, this leads to hypersensitivity.

    Sometimes it is induced from an indoor or an environmental allergen. When golden retrievers have this, they may experience intense itching which affects the face, abdomen, and feet. As well as rhinitis, asthma, conjunctivitis. There are also few cases that some dog breeds experienced discoloration of the coat due to atopy or atopic dermatitis.

    Unfortunately, atopic dermatitis is incurable but it has readily treatment to alleviate its worsening condition. If this condition becomes worse, your goldie might affect its behavior leading to aggressive behavior and even shy away from people.

    2. Flea allergies

    Another everyday struggle and most debilitating to the golden retrievers are fleas. They are the usual suspect why some goldies are itching excessively to the point that they feel very irritated. Flea allergies are rampant especially when its midsummer to fall, and in warmer climates, it can be year-round.

    Common treatments for flea allergies

    Flea collars

    Anti flea powders and sprays


    Manage Home Environment Allergies

    Just like foods, if you are not sure what your golden is allergic to you may have to use the process of elimination in the home. Go from one thing to another and seeing if it affects your dog.

    • Thoroughly clean your home and the areas that your dog favors. Vacuum and mop frequently to keep areas clear of dust.
    • Use air conditioning to keep the home temperature cool and comfortable.
    • If your golden is affected by mold, dust and dust-mites, you may need to use dehumidifiers to reduce the amount of humidity in the air. Make sure to clean your dehumidifier, following the instructions provided so that it will continue to work efficiently.
    • Wash your dogs bedding and any other items they may like, such as, rugs and blankets. Also, you can cover your dogs bedding with plastic to prevent dust-mites.
    • You can reduce mold exposure by not having houseplants. If you do have houseplants, add charcoal to the soil of these plants to prevent the development of mold.

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    How To Tell If It Is A Skin Allergy Best Dog Food For Golden Retrievers With Skin Allergies

    The following is a list of symptoms to look for if you are concerned that your retriever has a skin allergy:

    • Itchy and red scabby skin
    • Frequent scratching

    Your dog may exhibit signs different from above. In this case, you may want to investigate further. Make sure to consult with experts if you are unsure, give your vet a call.

    Identifying And Dealing With Golden Retriever Allergies

    Golden Retriever Breed Info: Best Food, Facts &  More

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    Anyone who has ever tried to self-diagnose a medical condition using the internet has discovered how many conditions show the same symptoms. Figuring out why your dog is scratching incessantly can be just as frustrating.

    Is it dry skin? Is it fleas? Or is it a sign that your Golden retriever has developed an allergy to something?

    Some studies suggest that Golden Retrievers are more allergy-prone than other breeds. In this article, Ill look at how you can determine if yours has an allergy, and look at ways to deal with it.

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